
RPGreg2600RPGreg2600 Join Date: 2003-03-16 Member: 14578Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Where the hell can I get it?</div> I just read the mapping forum FAQ and it says to get the FDG fromt he downloads page. When I went to the downloads page the FDG wasn't there. Where can I download it?


  • DarkhoundDarkhound Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8794Members
    Much of the information in the FAQs dates from before release and is outdated. The FGD file is included in the NS client install. It should be in the ns directory.
  • masterswordmanmasterswordman Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11303Members
    <a href='http://masterswordman.home.attbi.com/ns.html' target='_blank'>http://masterswordman.home.attbi.com/ns.html</a>

    Special tutourial on where stuff is, and how to set it up
  • RPGreg2600RPGreg2600 Join Date: 2003-03-16 Member: 14578Members
    Thanks. had no idea I already had the FDG <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Also, that tutorial is nice for extreme newbies (as in no mapping experience at all), but is there a tutorial that just has a short description of the what NS specific entitys do? If there isn't I'm sure I can manage on my own.
  • masterswordmanmasterswordman Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11303Members
    I thought chromeangel wrote one, but you can read through my article and make them out
  • masterswordmanmasterswordman Join Date: 2002-12-21 Member: 11303Members
    NS Specific Entities are:
    team_command - Command Chair
    team_hive - Hive
    info_player_start - Ready Room spawn
    info_team_join - Makes you join a team
    info_gameplay - Take a guess
    info_team_start - Where the team first starts when the game starts
    func_seethrough - Take a guess
    info_mapinfo - VERY IMPORTANT, sets teams and stuff
    info_spectate - Allows you to spectate the map
    info_team_autoassign - Auto Team
    info_location - Kinda like a name you see
    env_custom_particles - Kinda complex
    env_gamma - Kinda complex
    trigger_random - also complex
    target_mp3audio - Makes the scary music

    Description: A human team's commander console. When used by a member of it's team that player becomes the teams commander. The marines 'base' entity.

    When the console is used by a team member it fires a trigger called 'commandstationusen' where n is the number of the team. Their are 2 other triggers 'commandstationlogoutn' and 'commandstationdestroyedn' which work in a similar way when logging out and destroying the console. All three triggers toggle the status of entities with those names.

    Configuration: Select which team the console belongs to. Defaults to team one

    Note: In earlier versions this was a bursh based entity.

    Description: An alien team's hive spawn point. The aliens 'base' entity.

    Configuration: Select which team the hive belongs to. Defaults to team one. Set the hives model, health & armor. If your want triggers to be fired when the hive activates or dies they can be specified here.

    By default when spawning at a hive it could use any alien team info_player start within 2000 units of the hive, if you have spawn points intened for another hibve within this radius players could end up there. You can configure the 2000 unit radius by setting aproperty of the hive.

    Description: A RR start point. When you join a map you start here.

    Description: An invisible brush entity that joins the player to a specified team and re-spawns them at an info_team_start that is part of that team when touched.

    Configuration: Select which team the player should join. Defaults to team one

    Description: A point entity that tells NS what species the teams are playing and controls the supply of resource points.

    Configuration: Set the teams, (team one defaults to humans, team two defaults to aliens), there are other properties to set the starting RPs, RP 'injections' and resource harvesting.

    Note: It is recommend that you do NOT use this entity in your maps for version 1 of NS as many configurations are not supported. Can be used for testing the positioning of your hives.

    Description: Player start point for a team member.

    Configuration: Select which team the start point belongs to. Defaults to team one.

    Notes: Leave a 128 unit gap around it to prevent telefragging.

    Description: A brush entity with variable transparency. Can be made invisible to players or commander. Useful for decorations you want the players to see but not the commander.

    Configuration: Set the alpha transparency for commander and players between 0 to 255, defaults to 0 for commander, 255 for players.

    Description: Like a combination of func_door and func_seethough.

    Description: A point entity that defines the dimensions of the playing area, primarily for commander mode.

    Configuration: Set the view height for the commander. Minimum map Z (the lowest point in the map). Maximum X and Y, Minimum X and Y to limit the horizontal movement of the commander to the playing area.

    Description: An invisible brush entity that joins the player to the spectator team when touched.

    Description: An invisible brush entity that automatically assigns the player to a team one and re-spawns them at an info_team_start that is part of their team when touched.

    Description: A point entity that defines the rules for a complex particle system. A particle system is basically an animated collection of additive sprites. Mainly used for providing atmospheric effects like smoke or rain.

    Configuration: See appendix one and the Natural Selection Particle System Guide

    Note: There is so much you can do with this entity it needs it's own article.

    Description: A point entity that changes your monitor's gamma ramp for your map. The higher the better, however some monitors will struggle at higher values and switch to a lower one.

    Configuration: Set the required gamma value, between 1.6 and 2.0 is recommended.

    Note: Quake III does this to great effect (John Carmack calls it "over-brightening"). For a detailed technical paper on this, check the here.

    Description: A point entity that lets a map trigger one of many targets at random intervals. Use this like a multi-manager.


    Shortest fire time The minimum amount of time that will pass before the target fires.
    Longest fire time The maximum amount of time that will pass before the target fires.
    Delay before reset (-1 stay) - Like any other trigger.
    Target for tournament play When using trigger_randoms for events that have a significant effect on game play (falling beams that close off passages, etc.), it may be desirable to have a map exhibit the exact behavior every time it's played. This could be especially useful for matches where the teams switch and play the opposite sides. If a target name is typed into this field, this target will always fire when this map is played in "tournament mode", or when the server has decided to switch off random play. This isn't necessary for random triggers that are mostly cosmetic, only for triggers that impact game play significantly. It's left up to the mapper to decide what effects are significant.
    Any other properties Turn off SmartEdit (in Worldcraft) and type the name of a trigger you want to randomly fire. Also type in a dummy value as well, or Worldcraft will delete this property. Just type '0'. The target chosen when this entity triggers is chosen randomly from this list, with each target having equal probability. For instance, if target1, target2 and target3 were specified, they would each have a 33% chance of firing when the trigger_random was activated. Dummy targets and chained trigger_randoms can be used here to get any probability desired.
    * Flags *
    Start on The trigger fires at the start of the game.
    Toggle Once fired, the trigger stays on until activated again (toggled off). The trigger will fire between the shortest and longest fire time, then keep picking random times and targets to fire until turned off.
    Remove On fire Makes the trigger a one shot deal.

    Description: A point entity that plays MP3 sound files.

    Configuration: Sound name as the relative path to the file, Volume as 0 to 255. Fade out distance in world units. Flags for don't fade and Looping.

    Description: A brush entity that toggles a named trigger when a player enters it and toggles another trigger when the entity is empty. If you want to have some entity active while a least one player is in a particular area this is the tool for the job.

    Configuration: Target enter & Target leave are self-explanatory. Also has properties to link to control a momentary_door and to be controlled by a master entity.

    Note: Can be made team specific, this is the only NS entity that can do this.

    Description: A brush entity that prevents a commander building in a given volume.

    Configuration: None.

    Description: A point entity that locates a resource nozzle in the map

    Configuration: The amount of resources provided by this nozzle, a trigger to fire on build and another to trigger when the building is destroyed.

    Note: The default model expects to be resting on the floor and requires a lot of space around it for resource gathering machinery.

    Description: A brush entity that can be 'welded' into or out of existence by marines. This could be used to allow marines to block up doorways or vents or to cut holes in walls.

    Configuration: Health, welding time, trigger in break, trigger on finish. The 'welds open not closed' flag is most important as it controls the basic behavior of the weld.

    Note: Needs to be triggered or have it's start enabled flag set. This is so marine can't start welding until another event has occurred.

    Description: An invisible brush entity that displays the name of the area while the player is in that area. Hives listed on the top-right of the alien HUD get there names from the info_location they are positioned in.

    Configuration: Set the location name, try to keep it short and snappy

    From chromeangels guide
  • RPGreg2600RPGreg2600 Join Date: 2003-03-16 Member: 14578Members
    Thanks man! I'll bookmark this and get started as soon as I finish my DoD map! <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • VyvnVyvn Join Date: 2002-08-24 Member: 1226Members
    Just so you know, it's FGD, not FDG <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> .
  • ChromeAngelChromeAngel Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 14Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    You couldn't just link to it masterswoardman?

    <a href='http://nsworld.ns-central.co.uk/mappingguide/MappingGuide.php' target='_blank'>Quick Start Guide to Mapping for Natural Selection</a>
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