Combat Helper
Join Date: 2003-08-07 Member: 19178Members

<div class="IPBDescription">something new to think about</div> i was thinking about the long spawn times (or ques) in combat, how about making it if the hive or cc is under attack that team respawns at a faster rate till the hive or cc is no long under attack. This would introduce more team work to wait till you get back up to attack the hive/cc and make it so the team whose hive/cc is under attack can come back easier due to the faster respawn rate. The increase in speed would have to be tested but i think it would help the fun some
Right now if the marine team makes it to the hive or alien team makes it to the cc there is barely anyway to fight it off (especially for the aliens to fight it off due to the slower spawn rate) it should be hard but not almost impossible.
(when the hive/cc recognizes its not under attack anymore the spawn rate goes to normal).
Let me know what you think devs, newbs, vets and const.
real criticism please
Right now if the marine team makes it to the hive or alien team makes it to the cc there is barely anyway to fight it off (especially for the aliens to fight it off due to the slower spawn rate) it should be hard but not almost impossible.
(when the hive/cc recognizes its not under attack anymore the spawn rate goes to normal).
Let me know what you think devs, newbs, vets and const.
real criticism please
And that for the final attack, the chances for the defending team should be improved to ensure longer game rounds.
Interesting, albeit slightly sadistic, suggestion.
At the moment the team spawn camps anyway, and usually once it begins its over. With this implemented it would help break the spawn camp. There is a timer on the game so there is no way to make the game last longer (see using my brain). This would help out the fun issue for new players and give them a chance to actually play. And i believe help the overall fun for everyone
I remember saying that it would need testing and it surely will need tweaking, but if you sit and think about it and run some senarios through your head a few times you will see how after the tweaks and tests it could do good.
Also, rines spawn in faster, therefore when they reach the alien hive they can get a rine there before (or by the same time, it feels like never really timed it)as an alien can spawn. Using this would allow the team being attacked the ability to out number the attackers from their spawn point.(if the whole team isnt attacking them)
Now im not saying the the defending team should always come back, but they should always have a fighting chance.
Why should 3-4 peeps be able to hold down a whole spawn point.
I know some of you are looking at my post count and thinking, what does this newbie think hes doing suggesting something. I have been playing this since day one that it came out, and was co-leader of Evil clan that started at the very beginning so i have been around a long time. Im not just trying to blow smoke outta my @$4.
So lets try to have a decent discussion and please if you want to be a smart @#$, do it on the battlenet forums not here
thank you
not wave spawn just spawn at faster speeds.
Instead if you would want to stop spawncamping either speed up spawnrates or decrease hive and cc health by 50%.
Nonononono. Nononono. No.
The problem isn't that the sides are not balanced. The problem is that one pro player can pretty much win the game for either side. Or just with just some luck any NSPlayer can kill most of the other team with a gl or sg. And even if the spawncamp is broken, the campers are 3-4 levels ahead of the others. So this idea wouldn't help at all. Maybe make it worse. The aliens would just camp untill they all have fade/onos and them kill the cc in a few seconds., or the marines lmg the skulks to death and then blow up the hive with a couple of g's. Atm there is a change that the campers might actually bite the cc/shoot the hive once in a while. In fear of faster spawnrates there would be no point in that.
But of course, I didn't really play the early betas a whole lot, and cannot tell from experience any experiences with this wave spawning. Nonetheless, I think this is a small (and rather easy to code) way to make combat more fun for all players.
Another possible suggestion would be to have spawn times (singular marines, we're talking - something like the current system) be based on remaining cc health. The chair has one red bar left? Ramp up the rate of spawning to compensate. This would add a last ditch effort sort of feel and would help detract from the futile observing that the losing team is forced to endure as their teammates are picked off one by one as they spawn.
At least at the moment there is no downside to attacking the hive.
See thats the problem you are giving a downside to trying to end the game there shouldnt be a consequence like that.
I'd like the idea more as a novelty as just before the hive or cc dies the whole team spawns and a massive fight goes on just before the round ends. eg: mass aliens respawn or a beacon goes off for the rines.
IMHO i'd prefer to see the wave spawn again but with a 7 second respawn +2 secs for each person in the queue. And then after that time all those people would spawn at once. It is in a current plug in and seems to get alot of positive feedback.
The other suggestion i liked to discourage spawn camping was the OCs/turrets in the spawn rooms.
And no evilTurtle I am not having a go at you and not trying to outright dis your idea and your postcount means squat to me.
- RD
No offense to you Wolv, just started off on the wrong foot
Little offence taken. I guess we all sometimes get a little overprotective of our own ideas and don't like seeing them attacked in what we perceive as a smartarse manner. Just be a little more prepared for critique when you explicitly ask for it in your post next time.
I think there's little doubt that the change you suggested promotes the two facts I just mentioned: more spawncamping (while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive) and longer game rounds.
You seem to have no problem with the timer taking care of the game round time aspect, but for me it's always an unsatisfying win/loss method.
Promoting spawncamping by forcing the wait for numerical and experience superiority however is an aspect I don't see you mention a countermethod for.
The advantage of this system, giving a chance to fight back in a lost round to keep such rounds exciting, is a nice goal, but IMO neither well served nor worth the disadvantages.