Worst Mistake A Comm Can Make
Join Date: 2004-04-25 Member: 28195Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Think about it...</div> What are the worst mistakes a comm can make while he is commanding? I know that one mistake is letting a lone marine run your game for you by telling you what to do. I know some people on here are excellent comms and I need to know how to learn so, any mistakes that you DONT want to make are what?
Expand, harrass, kill. That is the order of things.
Get res, keep res, win is another way to put it, but only if you realize that the most cost effective way to keep your res alive is to keep the kharaa busy fighting your marines or else lose a hive.
"Brb guys im just gonna kill this alien in base"
Little did he know the base was being attacked by an organized rush of 2 fades, 2 gorges, a skulk, and an onos....
Sending shotgun rush to wrong hives isnt really smart either
that has to be the worest
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tbh worst mistake for a commander is getting into comm chair and spamming cc's <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
One of my strats is to know who regular decent players are on servers and handing them a SG when i have 10 res free. If i know the guy and he knows me he will be an RT that can build.
Honestly if you can give a decent weap to a good player he can pay for his own SG, he will love you for looking after him with occasional med and ammo, he will take care of constant skulks and wont be silly with the gun.
Giving that weapon to the wrong guy can sometimes be sooooo painful... especially when he builds and the lmg covers for some stupid reason.
This is basically for my own comm tactic and it works until I get on a server with players who think they are gods.
Try it out just watch where you drop the gun, and avoid the rest of the team knowing he has it until they know he's racking up kills.
- RD
It's not the biggest mistake, and you usually save res by refraining from medspamming.
>spam meds//ammo for 1 marine against 1 skulk :/
>not teching
>electrifying base resource nozzle
>electrifying tf beside an rt (rt has more hit points and has jus the same range as tf is placed right)
>not giving wps (sometimes mic//txt isn't enough on pubs)*best thing to do is make squads give wps say what and wher you want which squad in mic.
>having no base defence
all i can think of atm <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/marine.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Not giving meds. There's more to the game than winning, it's about having fun too, it's not fun to die because you're comm thought his 2 res could be better spent somewhere else despite having 100+ in the piggy. Keep your troops alive, make it enjoyable for them to play. You're half way to being a good comm if people enjoy playing when you're comm. I don't care how many matches you win, it's not fun to win whilst being in the spawn queue.
Ability to adapt and not become so bogged down in an unimportant part of the game like locking down double to the point where it becomes an obession and nothing else matters. Don't become stupidly obessed, it doesn't matter that inside 30 seconds there are 3 ocs and 5 skulks in mess hall, nancy is winnable without mess hall, just go back there and siege them out of it later. Have a few marines open the door and shoot there and meanwhile send a few round the back via aux gen to get a pg up near port engine hive. Suddenly mess hall isn't very important at all and infact having all the aliens there will win you the game if you make the most of the opportunity. Too often comms become so set in their ways that they forget there are alternatives.
Not having a mic, makes it really hard to co-ordinate and get marines attention without a microphone.
Not lissening to marines, okay don't let them run the entire outfit but lissen to these guys, just because they're in the chair doesn't mean they're a retard and know nothing of the game. They tell you important things, they have sc, aliens movements, type of aliens they're fighting. They give you valuable information that shouldn't be ignored and if you're a new comm, in some cases they will know better too.
Scond.) Upgrades ( usually armor 1 first )
Third.) having you team cap res nodes
Fourth.) Possibly securing a hive by or just scouting for hives
Fith.) Don’t let a second hive go up, if ones going up have someone Rambo whileothers keep pressure on main hive then shotgun the building hive down.
Sixth.) Take down their main hive if possible siege it down or if their all dead have people spawn camp and shoot down the hive ( mainly sieges because of the fact of the dc’ and the constant heal on the aliens would get you owned )
Seventh.) Keep in mind in between these the upgrades must be going, Phase Tech, Weapons 3 Armor 2, upgrading armory, motion etc etc.
As a good comm. You should know what to do in certain situations such as maybe movement chambers, silence is killer and is countered by mt – so Is sensory but not as well – armor 1 and weapon 1 helps because 2 focus bites even with lvl 2 armor is a 2 bite death so it’s pointless. Go with what you think is right in that situation. What I gave you here is a way to comm, reverse them you will get exactly what you need to do to lose, not getting hive downs - not medding etc etc.
Also - keep in mind recycling nodes is lovable by aliens seeing they can plop from node to node and get all ur rt's down with no effort, let them take their time to destroy your rt's they are going down anyway and it will buy you quite some time.
Destroying the last hive means that you have destroyed the alien's ability to spawn, and the remaining ones die soon after, no matter what lifeform they are. It doesn't matter how many RTs the aliens have, it doesn't matter what lifeforms they are, it doesn't matter what upgrades they have, because without a hive, the aliens lose, period. Killing the last hive means you win. This should be your goal at all times. Everything you do should be helping you to get in position to achieve this goal with sieges, shotguns, grenades, or whatever. When the hive goes down, it's over.
Destroying the second hive means that you have gained the momentum, and you MUST PUSH THE REMAINING HIVE IMMEDIATELY because the aliens are at their weakest now. This is a huge mistake I see some coms make. They will spend time securing the hive room, as though it was necesary. THINK: You just killed 40 res worth of hive, and god knows how many surrounding aliens and structures, costing the aliens massive resources which none of them is likely to be able to achieve any time soon. Even if they do push you back out of the room or you choose to leave it, it takes several minutes for the hive to go up again, during which point it does not heal surrounding enemies, in addition to being marginally weaker. The aliens are only spawning one by one now. This is the time to break out the shotguns and HMGs and start pressing their positions while ignoring the other stuff. Make sure you have cleared both of the hive rooms, then go kill their stuff. If they have double, take it. If they have RTs, kill them. Attack attack attack, and make sure your marines survive. Medpack them despite the cost. Map control and resources for kills will balance the cost out. They must be able to hold against waves of skulks at this point, or you will lose momentum.
Don't actually hold rooms unless they have lots of tech in them, but make sure your team can get places by foot if they need to. Walls of OCs that are blocking your team need to be either bypassed or destroyed to regain map control. Generally, a concentrated push with ammo and a few meds will slice through the obstructions and let your marines get back to the front lines.
Try to organize squads.
Always cap resource nodes if they are clear, and you can spare two seconds of your time to jump to the marine, hit Q, then A, then Mouse1 (I think this is it.. is it?). They pay back 15 res in 60 seconds, and then they are pure profit. You NEED resources to expand. So the more of these you have, the easier a time you'll have. Drop these the earliest you possibly can. Every four seconds you wait to drop a resource node, you miss out on a resource point. EVERY PENNY MATTERS.
Don't hop out of the chair. Just don't. Call your marines back to base if you can, because if you screw this up and you die after getting out of the chair, that alien is just going to camp the IP while killing it and your team will be screwed.
The marine team is much more forgiving locationally. Because you can drop a command chair and IPs anywhere on the map, if the aliens rush your base with three onos and there's no way you're going to save it, but your team of heavy armor guys is waiting outside their hive, drop them a CC, an Armory, and an arms lab. This will let them continue the fight long enough to kill the last hive (hopefully) while all the aliens are off killing your base, or at the very least, guarantee that the game will last another minute or so. This can be highly amusing to watch. Keep in mind, the aliens can't relocate. If you kill their last remaining hive but they kill your base, it doesn't matter because the marines still win. Sure, a fourth of the team is dead and can't respawn, but the other guys are busy dancing with their flashlights in the green goo that used to be a hive listening to the pretty pinging death noise.
others say that rush is best and lissen to you little guys they help they know wuts going on and mabe things you might miss up there so dont be big headded and lissed but by all means ignore teh bloke asking for a jp all teh time <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
also i have not put any of my opinions down aside from lisening, only facts any how there you go <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
im keeping my skills for the warzone!
This comm is a crossbreed of your regular joe comm and your run of the mill Self-serve comm.
This comm sits back in that comfy heated, armored Command Console and just lets the marines do the work. Sure, he puts down all the right things: usually 2 ips, an armory, the odd pack of mines, and an arms lab.
Then...nothing...Not a single bloody waypoint.
The marines, restless, rambo off to get res nodes. The marine calls for orders at a res node, and the comm gives it to him/her. While this is happening, the comm gets the odd upgrade every now and then.
This is a competent comm, but a very very VERY bad comm.
If all that was needed of a comm was to drop res nodes and get upgrades, Flayra wouldn't have needed to program the command console. Flayra would program an Autocomm. need a res node? push the "Need res node" button. upgrades would come at predetermined times, depending on the res flow. We don't need Lazy Comms in the chair, because frankly thats not your job.
You HAVE to give waypoints. That is why you're called the 'Commander': you command your troops. Starve your marine of orders, and they will rambo off. Give them that shiny blue circle to chase after, and your marines will move as one, shoot as one (and die as one, if it comes to that <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo--> ), and play as one unit.
Its nice to have a comm that knows what he's doing in terms of game mechanics, but frankly, if you have no strategy, and let your marines do all the work you arn't going to win.
-Failing to take any advice or criticism (especially when it's warranted) from his teammates. Gues why they're called <b>team</b>mates...
-And of course, my favorite: the comm who hands out Heavy Armor and says "lvl 3 LMGs are good enough."
- Random med spam. Learn to be accurate and when to drop the meds and save yourself a fortune. For instance, your marines have a1, they get bitten once. Whether you give them a med or not it will take 2 bites to kill them. Med them after the 2nd bite and it will take a further 2 bites to kill them. Medpack armour really is such an accurate phrase.
-Dropping arms labs instead of medpacks, or obs instead of ammo =)
-Siegeing an unbuilt, unguarded hive when sg's would be cheaper and kill it quicker.
...bed time
1. Wasting res (weapons to wrong players, etc)
2. Not being specific
3. Being too lazy and relying on mic only
4. Waiting for everyone to leave base before dropping the first IP
1) the comm kills the alien in base or builds the obs and is a hero
2) the comm dies and marines have to rush back to save base. rts die
3) the comm dies, base gets wasted, marines sit down, light up a cig and wait to die