Turret balance

PulsePulse To create, to create and escape. Join Date: 2002-08-29 Member: 1248Members, Constellation
Aside from the lack of auto-team-balancing I could find only one balance issue.  The turrets, Offence Chambers are pathetic, I can run and jump over 5 of them without getting hit once, on the other hand, Marine turrets are rapid fire and fairly hard to dodge (what offence chambers should be)which would be ok, except for the fact that they have WAY too much health, it took me 2 mins (I timed it) to take one out with direct hits from acid rockets while strafing back and forth from the protection of a wall (almost as fast as you can shoot them), this, combined with the fact that one turret is only 14 rps make the marine defence practically invincible.  This really needs to be fixed.  Soon.


  • StalkerStalker Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2275Members
    Agreed. What can also help this is the aliens getting some heavier firepower. The Fade's acid rocket seems to do nothing against structures and the Onos are very expensive.
  • Malice_101Malice_101 Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3389Members
    I find positioning and judicious use of web eliminates any cries about the "weakness" of the offensive chambers.
  • BananBanan Join Date: 2002-02-22 Member: 235Members
    Yeah but the thing is, if someone with a heavy armor and a heavy machine gun walks into a room with like 10 offence chambers he totally owns them.
    If an Onos walks into a room with 5 turrets he gets owned.
    and Onos are alot harder to get then sollies with heavy armor and heavy machine gun
  • Malice_101Malice_101 Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3389Members
    I will reiterate....

    <b>Judicious use of web</b>

    What is that heavily armed marine going to do to those offensive chambers when he can't move or shoot? Die! Thats what he'll do....
  • MooMoo_the_SnowCowMooMoo_the_SnowCow Join Date: 2002-08-03 Member: 1057Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Banan+Nov. 01 2002,15:36--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Banan @ Nov. 01 2002,15:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Yeah but the thing is, if someone with a heavy armor and a heavy machine gun walks into a room with like 10 offence chambers he totally owns them.
    If an Onos walks into a room with 5 turrets he gets owned.
    and Onos are alot harder to get then sollies with heavy armor and heavy machine gun<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I cant really agree with that because i walked into a room, as onos, with more then 5 turrents and still killed them all.
  • DreadDread Join Date: 2002-07-24 Member: 993Members
    Yep, less hitpoints for turrets and make acid rockets do more damage(on buildings at least). Also xenocide could do more damage(I havent been able to kill a single turret or marine with it, atleast it didnt show it, as I was standing right next to them when exploding.)
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Join Date: 2002-09-26 Member: 1333Members
    Xenocide takes a minimum of two hits to kill a turret. If you xenocide right next to a marine, on the other hand, it should kill them instantly... no marine has enough armor and health to soak up 400 damage points.
  • ShadoweShadowe Join Date: 2002-10-30 Member: 1732Members
    youd be amazed.

    ive also ahd times where xenocide for some reason didnt go off.
  • ShadoweShadowe Join Date: 2002-10-30 Member: 1732Members
    sorry to double post but i thought this would help you think about just how lame marines are.

    this is a pic i took in a recent game of the smallest grouping of turrets we had.

    off screen theres 2 ammo machines and a shitload of health ammo and grenade launchers, and jetpacks and heavy armors,

    also, it seams lame that aliens cant attack while underwater.
  • GWARGWAR Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2297Members, Contributor
    When the server is laggin,  ive ran past groups like that easily as skulk,  but its a different story tryin to kill them...  you cant... <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->

    I think to fix this issue there should be a limit to how many turrets you can have,  and as for the alien turrets give the acid a speed boost and it should be pretty even in terms of defense
  • JonnehJonneh Join Date: 2002-09-10 Member: 1308Members
    How about changing the game so that should the turret factory be destroyed, all the turrets it's powering go down?
  • CaptFalloutCaptFallout Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4588Members
    I agree about the turret balance.

    Out of all the things that could be unbalanced, I was surprised that it ended up only being this one area.  Good job developers!

    Marine turrets end up getting placed by the handful (usually in the final hive room) which means all you'll have are some of those two-legged aliens and a whole lot of dead aliens.

    Aliens need something that takes out turrets better than the Onos or the Acid Bomb (which is much weaker than I expected), as most games end up having the aliens kick ### for twenty or so minutes, then it takes another hour or more as the marines just completely dominate the game but take their sweet time doing it.
  • Go7Go7 Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2553Members
    Using webs to trap marines into Offense Chamber firing fields
    doesn't work usually, because Welders are apparently cheap, and it is not much of a hassle to equip all Marines with one before they leave base. After all, it replaces the pistol (not used anyway), so no one feels troubled by picking up one. Webs are not that difficult to spot, either.  Also, only so many webs can be placed before the max limit is reached.

    Until the NS team changes this (if ever), i suggest all Aliens stop building Offense Chambers altogether. It's a waste of time and money. Focus on the other chambers, and attacking like crazy (aka being killed by turrets).
  • danshyudanshyu Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2105Members
    Or... make em like in Tribes 2 where each turrets interfere each other and can't be placed too close together.  <!--emo&:0--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wow.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'><!--endemo-->
  • SuperSammoSuperSammo Join Date: 2002-02-21 Member: 231Members
    The biggest problem with turrets is the aliens have no effective means of destroying them unless they have all three hive (which any half-decent commander can prevent with enough turrets). If we look at the current game its seems aliens have 1.5 hives on average. This means occasionally acid rocket (the first half decent alien ranged attack) and fades are available to destroy turrets, however it takes way to much time to destroy 1, and if there is 6... well you get the picture.

    It would also be useful if acid rocket did more damage to marines. (I find 1 dude in heavy armour is very difficult to destroy as aliens). However if the boost is to total damage or a special building damage it needs to be there.

    Marines just pull out a gren launcher and fire a couple of rounds to destroy a group of turrets (of which often seem ineffective), whereas aliens have to target a single turret with about 20 acid rockets.
  • WindelkronWindelkron Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members
    There was some weird stuff going on with a seige turret on a game of Bast that I played today.  The aliens, after a long, long fight, took over the Atmosphere Control room.  We planted a collector on one of the nodes, and then we all died from splash damage.  Wtf?  We searched the room high and low... let me assure we SCOURED the place... there wasn't a turret to be found.  The marines DID have a huge base elsewhere, though.

    Anyway that place turned into No mans land for us, because if we ventured to build any building it immediately got nuked.

    Another thing I noticed that ###### me off was that as a Gorge sometimes my buildings blew up for no reason.  I remember me + a Fade were trading fire with a HA marine.  The Fade closed a door between us, so I took the opportunity to start building an offense tower (this was before I realized that Offense towers do nothing).  Anyway, as soon as I started building... wham.  it vanished in a cloud of smoke.  The thing is, I didn't take any damage at all.  It happened time and time again, too.
  • Dan_ForeverDan_Forever Join Date: 2002-08-02 Member: 1054Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Go7+Nov. 02 2002,02:05--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Go7 @ Nov. 02 2002,02:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Using webs to trap marines into Offense Chamber firing fields
    doesn't work usually, because Welders are apparently cheap, and it is not much of a hassle to equip all Marines with one before they leave base. After all, it replaces the pistol (not used anyway), so no one feels troubled by picking up one. Webs are not that difficult to spot, either.  Also, only so many webs can be placed before the max limit is reached.

    Until the NS team changes this (if ever), i suggest all Aliens stop building Offense Chambers altogether. It's a waste of time and money. Focus on the other chambers, and attacking like crazy (aka being killed by turrets).<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I pretty much entirely agree with this. Web works wonders, crap towers become deadly, but if they're smart marines they'll have welders <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->

    Plus the web limit is hit all to easily, AND you need 2 hives to get web.

    Getting the all important 2nd hive takes too long, due to the seperate resource system the aliens have, we take half an hour to become a gorge and build resource towers and hives, whereas the marines, with their shared resources, can get their towers up very quickly
  • ChaosShadowChaosShadow Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4749Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Windelkron+Nov. 01 2002,22:08--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (Windelkron @ Nov. 01 2002,22:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->There was some weird stuff going on with a seige turret on a game of Bast that I played today.  The aliens, after a long, long fight, took over the Atmosphere Control room.  We planted a collector on one of the nodes, and then we all died from splash damage.  Wtf?  We searched the room high and low... let me assure we SCOURED the place... there wasn't a turret to be found.  The marines DID have a huge base elsewhere, though.

    Anyway that place turned into No mans land for us, because if we ventured to build any building it immediately got nuked.

    Another thing I noticed that ###### me off was that as a Gorge sometimes my buildings blew up for no reason.  I remember me + a Fade were trading fire with a HA marine.  The Fade closed a door between us, so I took the opportunity to start building an offense tower (this was before I realized that Offense towers do nothing).  Anyway, as soon as I started building... wham.  it vanished in a cloud of smoke.  The thing is, I didn't take any damage at all.  It happened time and time again, too.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    maybe you havent read the manual or something, but that was one of  <!--emo&::siege::--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/siege.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='::siege::'><!--endemo--> <--- or siege turret, which can fire through walls at buildings
  • DaxxDaxx Join Date: 2002-04-16 Member: 460Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah windkeldon, sounds like they had a seige in a room nearby.  I know I've nuked many aliens that way <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/biggrin.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo-->
  • WindelkronWindelkron Join Date: 2002-04-11 Member: 419Members
    Yeah, but the turret couldn't SEE us.

    Unless the turret doesn't need to see the enemy buildings in order to kill them.

    Which sucks.

    Oh, and it still doesn't explain the structures simply disappearing when I tried to build them (I didn't take damage remember)
  • The_ScapegoatThe_Scapegoat Join Date: 2002-10-06 Member: 1454Members

    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Judicious use of web<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Yeah haha haha haha, tired that.  Marines just decided that they would have fund lobbing nades around cornors and threw my  webbing. Funny webs ont stop nades, by by defense.
  • SonnyG007SonnyG007 Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1092Members
    The problem is that the offensive turrents rate of fire is to slow and the projectile fly slowly. The damage is ok but its extremly easy to dodge. Even crouching at a certain distance will make the shots go over your head everytime.

    Also the only thing that could take out turrents is the onos. A fade will die to 3 turrents. And it take like 15 min. to evolve to fade while maybe 2 min to make 3 turrents. So if the marines put 6-8 turrents in one of the hive rooms then the game is over. Period. No 3rd hive means no onos. No onos means that there will be nothing to stop the hmgs and heavy armors. A fade will die easily to a regular marine with a HMG. What the alien team needs is a turrent killer. The marines have it...its called a grenade launcher and siege cannon and lmg and hmg and every single other weapon.  Lets see how the aliens stand up to it. Skulk...riped apart, Gorge...riped apart, Lerk...riped apart, Fade...can take up to 2 at a time only, Onos...can take 5 if there is noone gaurding.

    Also it takes too long to get resources because only a couple people from the aliens can make them. Say 4 marines take over a resource node....all 4 marines can help make the resource tower, turrents, armory..they all can help. Now say 4 aliens take over a resource node. Since pretty much none of them is a gorge...noone can make ANYTHING unless they waste the rps they used to evolve to change to a gorge. Example. Joe uses 44 rps to go to fade. He captures a resource node and uses 13 rps to change to gorge...uses 22 on tower...uses 44 to go back to fade. So for an alien to make a resource tower he spends 123 rps. Now for a marine. Spends 23 for a hmg...captures a resource node and makes a tower for 22 rps...still keeps his gun so the marine only spends 45 to make the tower.

    What should be done to balance.

    Turrent Killer: The fade should be given back his umbra ability and it should be a 2 hive ability. Give the bile bomb back to the lerk so he's not useless anymore.

    Deevolve Payback: Stop hurting the aliens for helping out there team...if a fade used 44 points to become one he should get BACK 31 points if he deevolves into a gorge. That way there is no rps lost for helping the team.

    Everyone helps: Make it so that a gorge drops down a building but ANYONE can build it up. That way a strike team only needs one gorge to make a base.

    Bring down hive cost: By the time a gorge gets 80 rps to make the 2nd hive the marines already have hmgs. Maybe even heavy armor if the commanders good. It shouldn't cost more the 50 to make the hive.

    Make the hmg and heavy armor cost more: They are too cheap. When I'm commanding I'm dropping them down like they were nothing. I don't even have to look at my resource count to make sure I have enough. I just drop down a dozen each and I"m set for a couple min.

    Fix the turrents. Make the alien O tower fire faster and bring down the marine turrent damage.

    I think this should help out even the teams up a bit. It's really getting ridiculous how hard it is for the aliens to win.
  • MooMoo_the_SnowCowMooMoo_the_SnowCow Join Date: 2002-08-03 Member: 1057Members
    I don't really agree with the bring the hive cost down because when the aliens get 3 hives and there onos even fields of turrents will fall.
  • GnuGnu Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2110Members
    Webs would be nice except they can be taken out from around a corner by a GL wielding marine with no danger.
  • SuperMunchkinSuperMunchkin Join Date: 2002-09-28 Member: 1364Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--ChaosShadow+Nov. 01 2002,22:23--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (ChaosShadow @ Nov. 01 2002,22:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->maybe you havent read the manual or something, but that was one of  <!--emo&::siege::--><img src="http://www.natural-selection.org/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/siege.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='::siege::'><!--endemo--> <--- or siege turret, which can fire through walls at buildings<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    What? Don't you listen?  He said, as a gorge, he didn't take any damage.  And since the siege would have nailed the building as soon as it was up, he would have died.  

    And aside from that, I had a guy in one of my games complain about the same thing.
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