W40k Skins

Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
edited June 2004 in Concepts and Requests
<div class="IPBDescription">SM and Tyranids</div> Okay, first off I know NSArmslab has some Warhammer 40,000 skins. Second its only for the light marine and (i think) the jet pack. What I want is this:

- Terminator Armor for Heavy Armor
- Boltgun for the LMG
- Shotgun for the Shotgun (the W40K one)
- Storm Bolter for the HMG
- Grenade Launcher for the Grenade Launcher (the W40K one; it isnt for Space Marines but for Imperial Gaurd. However it would fit best for a GL replacement.)
- Bolt Pistol for the Pistol
- Chainsword for the Knife

There is already a Jet Pack replacement I belive. If not I would like one of those too.

For the Kharaa I would like the following:
- Hormogaunt for the Skulk
- Biovore for the Gorge (it fits best out of all the Tyranid creatures)
- Gargoyle for the Lerk
- Lictor for the Fade
- Carnifex for the Onos (with 2 sets of "Scything Talons" OR "Scythign Talons" and "Rending Claws").

In time maybe even some building replacements (there are W40K equivilants for almost everything). I can provide pictures if necessary.

NOTE: Rival Species is a w40k HL mod. It is NOT Steamed, but is it possible to port over some skins (with permission of course)?

Lemme know.


EDIT: For the HA (Terminator) the Knife should be replaced with the "Power Fist"."


  • Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
    edited June 2004
    you are dillusional, you *did* post it in the right forum

    <sneaks off>
  • MalambisBZMalambisBZ Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9559Members
    If you had pictures of the things on that list, then modellers would be more likely to help.
  • sheena_yanaisheena_yanai Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11426Members
    have you tried a forum-search for warhammer 40k??

    theres already stuff like that around.

    and the stuf f you requested there was requested many times before, even the pictures are already around here.
    <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • Billy_SilverfishBilly_Silverfish Join Date: 2003-04-20 Member: 15688Members
    Bolters aren't really suitable - they have a rather slow refire rate if memory serves (and if Fire Warrior is to be believed). Autoguns would be more appropriate.
  • Mr_JeburtOMr_JeburtO Join Date: 2003-08-29 Member: 20340Members
    space marines dont work in ns their guns dont work the same and there to strong. ive said this so many times now >_<.

    lets have an overview shall we.

    terminator for HA- NOOOOOO sry but i hate this idea, i mean having a 9ft rine in huge armour that is used for a tank would be near enough unkillable, even an onos couldnt eat in let alone smack it to death, id say it would have like 500 armour.

    botlgun for lmg - an lmg has 50 rounds, a botl gun has 16 and fires explosive tipped rounds with the area affect of a nade round,

    shotgun for shotgun - yeah that works but space marines dont use them so.....

    storm bolter for hmg - just a 24 round botlter, doesnt really work does it.

    grenade launcher for grenade launcher - again space marines dont use them, the closest thing you've got is a cyclone missle launcher with frag grenades,

    bolt pistol for pstol - could work but it fires the same rounds as the boltgun,

    chainsword for knife - meh its a bite big but would work,

    Oh course this only works if u want total realism to the 40k universe, which i do <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
    edited June 2004
    <!--QuoteBegin-MR.JEBURTO+Jun 6 2004, 03:21 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (MR.JEBURTO @ Jun 6 2004, 03:21 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> space marines dont work in ns their guns dont work the same and there to strong. ive said this so many times now >_<.

    lets have an overview shall we.

    terminator for HA- NOOOOOO sry but i hate this idea, i  mean having a 9ft rine in huge armour that is used for a tank would be near enough unkillable, even an onos couldnt eat in let alone smack it to death, id say it would have like 500 armour.

    botlgun for lmg - an lmg has 50 rounds, a botl gun has 16 and fires explosive tipped rounds with the area affect of a nade round,

    shotgun for shotgun - yeah that works but space marines dont use them so.....

    storm bolter for hmg - just a 24 round botlter, doesnt really work does it.

    grenade launcher for grenade launcher - again space marines dont use them, the closest thing you've got is a cyclone missle launcher with frag grenades,

    bolt pistol for pstol - could work but it fires the same rounds as the boltgun,

    chainsword for knife - meh its a bite big but would work,

    Oh course this only works if u want total realism to the 40k universe, which i do  <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/wink.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Normally I prefer the weapons to function exactly the same as well for reskins, but it isnt entirley necessary. Lemme rip apart some of your explanations/complaints/excuses:


    Terminator is not out of the question for Heavy Armor. For one it fits as it IS the Space Marine's Heavy Armor. Space Marines are geneticaly enhanced super soldiers. The shortest of which is 6-7 feet tall. The tallest is 9. Average heighth for a SM is about 7 feet. Terminator adds about 8" to their height if your going W40K scale. I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty certain that HA is taller than Light Marines anyways in NS.

    You mention it is nearly unkillable. Remembering I wanted Tyranid Replacments for the Kharaa lets look at the Facts:
    Terminators in W40K can slaughter Hormogaunts, Biovores (if they get close enough) and Gargoyles (if they catch them). Lictors (my Fade suggestion) and Carnifexes/The Red Terror/Hive Tyrant (the 3 suggestions to replace with the Onos) however can easily massacre squads of Terminators (maybe not full squads of 10, but the typical squads of 5 most definatley; I've had this happen to me often enough to find irritating). And thats in one off battles. They fit the strength of the HA vs Kharaa Creature Types I-V easily enough. Not far fetched at all.

    I do realise part of your problem with this however. I would have prefferd Space Marine Scouts and then "Full" SM as Heavy Armor, but unfortuantley NS has Jet Packs which means that the base model must be a "Full" SM. Unless I'm mistaken and there isnt a seperate model for JPers....


    Boltgun Magazines Types:
    "Sickle" (banana clip) has 20-30 staggered Standard Rounds.
    "Drum" has 40-60 rounds but tends to cause ammo jams.
    "Straight" holds 12-20 and is easier to load.

    Bolt Pistol Magazine Types:
    "BP Clip" has 6-10 rounds.

    Boltgun / Bolt Pistol ammo types:
    I realise that they are "explosive." Keep in mind it is low charge. A special ammo type (Kraken Rounds) shoots like what you think. The standard boltgun round is only slightly larger than the explosion radius from the Aliens movies Pulse Rifle (which shoots 10mm Casless Explosive Tip Ammo according to Lt. Goreman in the movie Aliens). The explosion radius is maybe 1/4 the size of a Grenade in NS at the most so this is nopt tottaly infeasable.

    Also the "force of the explosion can destroy even armoured vehicles" quote you might throw at me is negligible considering that in game it the HARDEST possible difficulty route to do this (for the uninitiated W40K uses 6 Sided Dice. Armor 10 is the lowest armor for vehilcles in the game. Boltguns are Strength 4. Which means they need STR+D6 to get a "Glancing Hit" on the Weakest Vehicle in the game. On a "Glancing Hit" they need a second D6 roll of 6 to barley destroy the vehicle. Considering the size of Onos, this is not unrealistic as there are creatures as big and bigger in W40K).

    Boltgun / Bolt Pistol Fire Rates:
    Standard Bolters are set on "Rapid Fire" (ie Burst Fire; remember these guys are Elite in the extreme). However Bolters can go Full Auto and Single Round.


    Space Marines DO use Shotguns. Infact its in the Space Marine Codex and they sell models equiped with them. Normally taken by Space Marine Scouts as they are the most mobile infantry unit and get in close enough for it to be used without actually going into "Close Combat" the most out of all Space Marine units. However there are other SM Armylists that have "Full" Space Marines using Shotguns, and Veteran Sgts and other "Characters" in any SM armylist can purchase a Shotgun in the Armory. So here too you are mistaken.


    Storm Bolters are NOT 24 round Bolters. A more accuracte discritption would be 2 boltguns welded together with a single trigger. It has twice as big of a clip and 2 barrels. The HMG in NS I belive has 3 barrels. Can't remember for some reason but of that I am pretty sure.


    You are correct about the Grenade Launcher. As I said though it would be a decent enough representation. Both IG and SM fight on the same side and are a part of the same Empire (Humanity = united in W40K) so they would have access to the Grenade Launcher, they just dont NEED them in W40K..

    Also Characters are able to purchase "Combi-Bolters" that have a single shot Grenade Launcher on it so it isn't entirley out of the question to skin one from the Imperial Gaurd.


    Yes Chainswords are big. However if necessary this can be replaced with a smaller weapon as the Space Marines do have single blade knives. I just thought it would be nice to have a chainsword so you feel better when your fighting an Onos. =)


    W40K realism is a tender thing. It only works because it was designed to be exactly how it is, any changes and the whole thing nearly crumbles. While I detest the fact that you probably pretty much destroyed my request by saying these slightly misinformed things, I can understand where your coming from. Keep in mind that "Firewarrior" was a terrible game and not entirley true to the "fluff" in W40K.

    You've mentioned problems with scale. There are no other humans in NS so this is not an issue. Since all doorways and halls are made for Onoses to go through they are big enough for the SM, which do not have to be any taller than the current marine models.

    You forget I also asked for Kharaa replacements. The "Terminator would be tough to swallow" schtick doesnt fly with Onos probably either, but it definatley doesnt with Tyranids. A Carnifex or Red Terror re-skin would be adequate.


    If indeed this has all been tried and done before (I myself only found 1 other W40K post on these forums and it just mentioned that they were available for Download at NSArmslab.com. Furthermore it was only the soldier.mdl not a full reskin of the Marine Team) I DO have a diffrent W40K suggestion as a replacement.

    Since you questioned the validity of using SM I suggest instead using Imperial Gaurd.

    I have given it much thought while writing this reply and have arrived at the following:

    - Cadian Imperial Gaurd - replaces the Light Marine
    - Storm Trooper - replaces Heavy Armor
    - Autogun (Lasgun; Autoguns are firearm versions of Lasguns) - replaces the LMG
    - Autopistol (Laspistol; Autopistols are firearm versions of Laspistols) - replaces the Pistol
    - Hellgun - replaces the HMG (NOTE: Hellguns are more powerful versions of Autoguns/Lasguns. While probably not QUITE at the same scale as from LMG to HMG it is close enough that it is not a problem at all).
    - Grenade Launcher - replaces the GL
    - Shotgun - replaces the Shotgun
    - Chainsword/Combat Knife - replaces the Knife

    The only issue is Jet Packs. And thats a slight issue. While they do not exsist in the game, there are descriptions (like how certain units "Deep Strike") of IG using JPs. They don't have much fuel and there are no pictures but it IS there.

    My problem with using IG stems not from the JPs but from the simple fact that they are more suited to European styled warfare (eg WWII) while the Space Marines are squad based (eg NS).


    Someone said something about picures. Read my original post again. I belive I did say that I would provide pictures if necessary. I can also provide schematics of the weapons with the data. Im just glad that Games-Workshop is into as much the STORY of W40K as the game rules itself.

    So now that I apparently have totally decimated your illinformed and petty excuses can anyone do this or can anyone help ME do this?


    (EDIT: Oh and that 1 W40K post was NOT in the Requests forum_
  • harbichidianharbichidian Join Date: 2004-06-06 Member: 29153Members
    I would also very much like to see fellow Space Marines locked in combat with the Tyranid menace (Sacrilege to the Devourer! (I play 'nids)), but the developers spent lots of time balancing things, and changing everything around to get a "real Boltgun" would be a really bad idea.

    SnapperJo wasn't asking to make NS into 40k, he was just asking for a reskin.
  • CaptainPanakaCaptainPanaka Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4718Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-Snapper Jo+Jun 6 2004, 09:18 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Snapper Jo @ Jun 6 2004, 09:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> [...]

    NOTE: Rival Species is a w40k HL mod. It is NOT Steamed, but is it possible to port over some skins (with permission of course)?

    [...] <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    they don't want their stuff converted so... <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
    Damn. Wonder what they have against it. It isnt that bad.

  • sheena_yanaisheena_yanai Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11426Members
    edited June 2004
    nah.. the rival species models are crap.. they can keep them for themself.
    they got only 2 or 3 models worth of porting,(no..not the marines,or the other regular playermodels,they suck..only the cybot is nice.just nice) but i would say it can be done better and much more detailed from scratch.
  • VenmochVenmoch Join Date: 2002-08-07 Member: 1093Members
    To be honest I'd rather see the Imperial Guard. They just seem to fit NS a little more than the Space Marines and the be honest I'm more likely to use Imperial Guard.
  • Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
    Well, Jet Packs would have to be a little bit creative (maybe just a recoloring like the SpecOp skins from nsarmslab) but some would prefer it.

    I would prefer Space Marines myself (the TSA Chapter from NS Armslab would be good for coloring and what not; must contact the maker) but seeing as some people want IG maybe both would be in order?

    Guess Its time for me to learn how to make HL Models. Least I won't be a total nub at it (go 3D Modeling classes!) but I'd REALLY like it if someone with skill could help out with it at the very least....

  • sheena_yanaisheena_yanai Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11426Members
    edited June 2004
    theres already a space marine jetpack.
    its the jumppack from wh40k

    ive done the jet turbine and pickup sounds for it <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • CaptainPanakaCaptainPanaka Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4718Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-Venmoch+Jun 7 2004, 10:58 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Venmoch @ Jun 7 2004, 10:58 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> To be honest I'd rather see the Imperial Guard. They just seem to fit NS a little more than the Space Marines and the be honest I'm more likely to use Imperial Guard. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    mhm... If I'd know how, I'd try to convert something over from Firewarrior <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • Ashaman_JoeAshaman_Joe Join Date: 2003-11-11 Member: 22559Members, Constellation
    I personally would go with IG. I agree with most of your suggestions for them, but make the HMG an auto cannon or heavy bolter (they do use heavy weapons, you know <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->). If you must go with Space Marines, make lights Scouts and Heavy Armors normal marines. Scouts lack enclosing suits, making them vulnerable to spores, while normal Space Marines could walk right through a spore cloud fine.
  • Mr_JeburtOMr_JeburtO Join Date: 2003-08-29 Member: 20340Members
    oh sorry snapper jo i was working from my 2 year old memory from the last time i did anything 40k related, no need to go off on 1,

    although what you did say interested me alot and ive gone back to reading my old gw codexes
  • MintmanMintman Join Date: 2003-05-30 Member: 16866Members
    Maybe you should not try and shoot someone's idea down with facts that you are trying to recall from 2 years ago then.
  • Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-Ashaman Joe+Jun 7 2004, 08:45 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Ashaman Joe @ Jun 7 2004, 08:45 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I personally would go with IG. I agree with most of your suggestions for them, but make the HMG an auto cannon or heavy bolter (they do use heavy weapons, you know <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->). If you must go with Space Marines, make lights Scouts and Heavy Armors normal marines. Scouts lack enclosing suits, making them vulnerable to spores, while normal Space Marines could walk right through a spore cloud fine.

    <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    1) Imperial Gaurd are normal humans.
    2) Imperial Gaurd use a primary weapon of aproximatley the same size and configuration (minus the magazine location) to that of the TSA Marines.
    3) Some Imperial Gaurd units actually look similiar to the TSA Marines.
    4) Imperial Gaurd have a Grenade Launcher weapon.

    1) Imperial Gaurd use WWII era tactics. (e.g. Lots of Tanks, Lots of Infantry, move enmasse to the objective, and outnumber the enemy at least 2:1 before attacking their base.) They do NOT do squad based tactics. That is Space Marine territory.
    2) Imperial Gaurd do not have documented Jet Packs. One obscure fragment of a sentence isnt enough for modelers to go off of when designing a JP.
    3) Imperial Gaurd don't have any true "Heavy Armor" equivilent. The closest is Carapace Armor. Which basically is Level 3 Armor in NS compared to Level 1 Armor.
    4) Imperial Gaurd to not do "Cleansing Missions." That is they do not go onto a derilect ship (a "Space Hulk" in W40K) and take the ship back. Rather if the Space Marines don't do it, the "Space Hulk" is obliterated.
    5) Imperial Gaurd do not really have an appropriate Heavy Machine Gun equivilent.
    (The autocannons you mentioned and what not require 2 people to move and fire. They are big. Space Marines only need 1 person to move the same gear, but a Storm Bolter is a 2 handed weapon and is a lot like the Heavy Machine Gun is in NS. The HMG is simply a big machine gun. The weapons the IG employ are more like gun emplacements that they can pick up and move.)
    6) Imperial Gaurd dont have catpacks. (Not sure how many people use this but hey its another excuse for those of you arguing over them "fitting"; Space Marines have them built in their suits.)

    Those are the reasons off the top of my head. There are probably more. Here's one thing you guys who are arguing that it should be IG over SM need to realise, cause I've said it in previous posts and no one seems to be taking the hint.

    Has anyone seen Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan, or any other World War II movie? Im sure you have. The IG are almost exactly like futuristic versions of WWII armies. They don't deal in small numbers. They are weak. They do not fight Tyranids (the Kharaa W40K equivlent) unless the Tyrnaids attack them. They usually get slaughtered by the Tyranids.

    Space Marines however, are 1/3 the size of a IG army. Their tactics are based on 10 man squads. They fight Tyranid insurgencies frequently. They go clear out derilect space ships for salvage. They rescue the Imperial Gaurd from Tyranids. In fact they are the ONLY army in the backstory of W40K to drive off a Tyranid invasion!

    The only thing I've seen brought up against using SM models is that they don't fit the NS theme very well, which is incorrect as they are the guys in W40K that go into a dark ship or abandoned station and fight in close quarters a superior number of foes and rescue Imperial ships and crew and Imperial intrests. The Imperial Gaurd & Navy however act as a police force, granted with Artillery and many many tanks.

    The Space Marines have only 1 weapon missing from the NS arsenal, which is easily implimented, rather than the 1 weapon and both special equipment pieces (JP and HA) that the IG are missing. (NOTE: This is if you are doing a straight equivilent conversion).

    People have mentioned how they are implacable and ridiculously strong. You forget this is a model conversion. If anything it just means that apparently the Kharaa are really strong. The spores from a Lerk powerful enough for standard Power Armor filters to have no affect on stopping it, and their jaws strong enough to penetrate powerful armor. This is actually not that ridiculous as there are many things, most of them Tyranids, that can rip Space Marines apart like nothing. And thats saying something.

    There is no valid way to get Imperial Gaurd to work in Natural-Selection 100%, but there is with Space Marines. So I'll ask one last time:

    Is there anyone interested in modeling the following from W40K for the TSA (and possible some for the Kharaa if your up for a challenge) ? Pictures will be provided.

    - Terminator Armor (to replace Heavy Armor)
    - Boltgun (aka Bolter, to replace the LMG)
    - Storm Bolter (to replace the HMG)
    - Grenade Launcher (from the IG, to replace the GL)
    - Chainsword (to replace the knife; this is just for grins, a regular knife can be used instead)
    - Frag Grenade (to replace the Hand Grenade)

    The Jet Pack and light marine apparently have already been modeled. With the permission of the maker(s) if the models above are made, could they be added into a Skin Pack for the TSA?

    I can provide pictures. I'd rather someone good at modeling would make these vs me trying to figure it all out as I go. And again, if your interested post here or e-mail me and I'll get pictures posted/sent right away.



    As mintman stated there was reason to "go off' on one such as yourself. By a few misinformed statments made in a reply to a request for skins based off of a game that few play you nearly managed to kill my thread. That is reason enough. Oh and "2 years ago" the rules were the same. They have been pretty much exactly the same since 1998.

    There have been additional addons to the rules in the game's official magazine, but those are optional. The rules were diffrent for some time before then, as I talk of the 3rd eddition of the game. However the story behind the game has remained the same. Only the combat and movement systems has changed. Bolters have always been like they are, as have Space Marines. Some armies like Tyranids and Imperial Gaurd have gone through major revision as of late but the Space Marines remain largley unchanged.

    The point is, quiet frankly, you have no idea of which you speak and your ignorance nearly or has cost me the aid of a good HL modeler. Chances are you haven't even played the game, or if you do very rarley. Until you go read up on the backstory behind the game I suggest you don't argue anymore over whether or not they are feasible to be used as a reskin. You don't, after all, have to use them. It is something I and a few others would like.

  • Ashaman_JoeAshaman_Joe Join Date: 2003-11-11 Member: 22559Members, Constellation
    edited June 2004
    Inquisitorial Imperial Gaurd? Catachans? Gaunt's Ghosts? If I remember correctly, all of those do not use WWII tactics, but rather tactics similar to either Vietnam or modern warfare. But I'm probably wrong. <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    All I said was that I would like Imperial Gaurd better than Space Marines. You are free to disagree, but I had noted your arguments for Space Marines already- no need to repeat them. I would be perfectly happy with either, but <b>I</b> would prefer Imperial Gaurd. To each his own, I guess.

    I do hope you would at least consider using Scouts as Light Armors. But it's your choice, in the end.

    Edit: You could alos have a Stormtrooper army, and make Heavy Armors Stormtroopers in Power Armor, similar to the Sisters of Battle. Again, not an exact conversion.
  • sheena_yanaisheena_yanai Join Date: 2002-12-23 Member: 11426Members
    yay..adeptus sororitas <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • CaptainPanakaCaptainPanaka Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4718Members
    oh yes... I remember that one <span style='color:red'><3</span> <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • ChantyChanty Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8950Members
    thats from WH40k???
    i want it XD~
  • Snapper_JoSnapper_Jo Join Date: 2003-10-21 Member: 21858Members
    Myapologies AshamanJoe, usually on these forums there are just thick headed people that tend not to read. Sorry I slotted you in that category.

    Catachans are Guerialla Fighters. Vietnam is a more accurate depiction of their tactics, they are also considered Special Forces and the Vietnam movie Platoon is a perfect example of Catachans. They ARE exactly that, american troops from the Vietnam conflict. Everyone has seen those video game and movie sterotypes.

    Gaunts Ghosts and Schaefer's Last Chancers are also Special Forces.

    The Inquisition is just a whole nother ball game so I wont even bother with it.

    As I've said before with Scout Armor you'd need a diffrent skin for Jet Packers to be consistant as Scout Armor doesnt have the plugs for the Jet Pack.

    But yes, as you said, to each his own. As this is my request I'm saddend that I still have only gotten replies debating over the validity of my request. Time to learn how to make HL skins I guess.

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