Help With Almost Completely Black Command Console

Acid06Acid06 Join Date: 2004-06-16 Member: 29348Members
<div class="IPBDescription">...and other stuff.</div> Every other mod works just fine and I already tried reinstalling NS and a bunch of different video drivers (very old to the newest).

Here's exactly what's happening:
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Here you can see the blacked out experience bar and also you can barely see the server name since it's also in black.
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
The commander interface is unusable. Everything is almost black.

I'd be thankfull if anyone can help me in any way regarding this issue.


  • OmegadonOmegadon Join Date: 2003-09-20 Member: 21028Members
    type retry in consol, if it dosent clear up then go play on another server
  • GeorgebGeorgeb Join Date: 2004-06-14 Member: 29302Members
    Ormageedon, that wont help him. I dont think.

    Try birghtening up your screen - is your screen always dark?

    Adobe photoshop come with this Gamma thing, you may or may not want to try this pice of kit.
  • GeorgebGeorgeb Join Date: 2004-06-14 Member: 29302Members
    and welcome to the boards Acid06
  • Acid06Acid06 Join Date: 2004-06-16 Member: 29348Members
    the game is not dark
    only the command console and other interface elements, as shown on the pictures
    as far as i remember, it didn't happen when i played ns2.0 but then i stopped playing... i think it's something related with steam because back then there was no steam (at least, i didn't use it)
  • JaspJasp Join Date: 2003-02-04 Member: 13076Members
    The green text issue was put down to dual monitor support on a GFX card.

    Would be helpful if you told us your system specs?
  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    ALL of these problems (black command interface, black alien hud, green text) were originaly discovered (and fixed) with dual moniters.
    If you have a card that suports dual moniters makesure the second out put is disabled (even if it isn't in use)

    There is atleast one other thing that causes this, and no one has been able to find a soloution to it yet. (or if they have they are bast'ds and haven't posted it)
  • Acid06Acid06 Join Date: 2004-06-16 Member: 29348Members
    The alien and marine popup menus are working perfectly, they're not dark.
    My graphics card is a GeForce4 MX440se, it supports dual monitors (well, actually, a monitor and a tv, or something that uses that svideo out) and I already checked this before posting and it is disabled.
    Also, I'm using Windows 2003 Standard (someone on other board said this might be the issue)
  • Acid06Acid06 Join Date: 2004-06-16 Member: 29348Members
  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    not the popupmenu

    the alien Hud (hives etc) and the comander menu.

    we don't have a soloution aside from making sure that the second moniter is diabled.
  • GeorgebGeorgeb Join Date: 2004-06-14 Member: 29302Members
    well try going into the game settings and have a fix in there (play around for a bit)Nearly ever card has an svideo out!

    Er.... Maybe you have set it to run on a low system spec in the settings. Like 1024x with only 16bit colur.? This might help but im not really good with this stuff.

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