The "midnight Manuveur"

FiNEFiNE Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7170Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Con. "Most annoying acts of stupidity.."</div>
Well, just to let you guys know...
The acts which have been described in other posts are known as the "MidNighT Manuveur."

It was first originated and done on October 31st, 2002 (to the best of my knowledge). Purpose you ask? Well it was all part of -MP- MidNighT's rebellion against the players who continuosly and purposely selected marine every round, causing teams to be ridiculously uneven.

Series of events which lead to the "MidNighT Manuveur":
- A player on the alien team decides he wants to go through with it.
- He switches teams (Sometimes being sworn at by the old team).
- He then proceeds to ask the commander if he can command.
- If the commander refuses then he begins a commander ejection vote.
- Once he is the commander he will sell every single builing the marines have (starting with the Infantry Portals).
- Once he has done this he memorizes the bets he can where the remaining marines are.
- And finally he returns to his old team, lets them know where the enemies are, and proceeds to win.

Early warning signs of the "MidNighT Manuveur":
- If a player from the other team suddenly decides he wants to join your team (the vote way)
- If a player from the other team suddenly decides he wants to join your team AND immediately asks to be commander.

If someone is doing this calmly say "NO" to their asking. For the rest of the round do not leave the chair (unless they switch back).

-MP- MidNighT did this, and a few other things (including camping the vents for large amounts of time), to try to **obscenity** off the marines who would never switch to the alien team.

And finally, yes I am -MP- MidNighT. I developed the "MidNighT Manuveur" that night because the teams were 10v4 against the aliens. In addition some of the Marines called me a "n00b" and a "**obscenity**" when I asked some to switch. I can assure however, that what has been described in the other posts IS NOT MY WORK. I did not proceed to build anything, and I would never work that sloppily (I prefer to do my recycling "away from prying eyes").

I do hope I am not dispised for this, and I have not done it for the last little while. The game is now becoming fun as more and more people are learning how to play as an alien.

I GUARANTEE THAT I WILL NOT DO THIS AGAIN (as long as things proceed the way they're going).

<!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> Can we all be friends again?

<!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->


  • MindmeldmeMindmeldme The Evil One Join Date: 2002-10-27 Member: 1637Members
    Yea I've been hearing about that one. Posted about it a bit ago. Seems that with the patches coming out nice and fast and a team balance option set up it's been going well. Haven't seen much of that except bad commanders jumping into the command chair as fast as they can and not doing anything or building redunt buildings. It's the beginning of the game that is always the most critical...first 5 minutes or so. And to have a poor commander waste all the funds on junk never helps.

    What I now notice though is about 5 people sitting in the marine spawn point in the ready room waiting for someone to join the alien side so they can be a marine. Very sad.
  • TabrisTabris Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4273Members
    Meh.. I think some people had it coming.

    When its 10v3 and Youve yelled teams 8 times over... i think they deserve that sort of punishment.

    At least it will make them think twice about ignoring a teams message.

    and if you havent guessed i play alien constantly
  • smokedbaconsmokedbacon Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6006Members
    I play alien constantly. It is more fun, and there really isn't any risk of losing because of a bad or newbie commander. I have control over my resource usage, and can pretty much build everything that the team needs without support from good players. I enjoy being the lifeline for the alien team. Building, supporting, and then after my job is pretty much done and the marines are in retreat, I go Onos with my insane ammount of credits, with cloaking, adrenalin, and redemption. I then lead the attacks to finish off the marines for good!
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