Hl2 Source Ati V Nvidia Dx8/8.1/9 Comparison Shots
To rule in hell... Join Date: 2002-11-20 Member: 9466Members
in Off-Topic
Yes, I purposely put all the possible related buzzwords in the title so that this thread would be easy to search for by anyone looking up video card info. We've all seen our resident ATi and nVidia fanboys go at it talking about shaders and image quality and digging for artifacts and tasty tempura...err, I mean temporal anti-aliasing.
<a href='http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/half_life_2_fx/default.asp' target='_blank'>this article</a> has dozens of comparison screenshots in DirectX 7, 8, 8.1, and 9 for you to make your own decisions about what each card is "capable" of. Credit goes to
<a href='http://www.planetHalfLife.com' target='_blank'>planet half-life</a> for being the 1st place I found out about it.
My summary (may be more biased than article itself)
The screenshots rather blatantly show nVidia's cards can't do DirectX 9 in the current Source engine, instead reverting to DirectX 8.1. Their image quality doesn't necessarily suffer tremendously from it at all times, <i>but</i> if this is more a virtue of Valve's engine programmers than nVidia's hardware/driver engineers, then you should be aware that the nVidia card you intend on buying soon may not look good in <i>other</i> games coming out in the near future.
<a href='http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/half_life_2_fx/default.asp' target='_blank'>this article</a> has dozens of comparison screenshots in DirectX 7, 8, 8.1, and 9 for you to make your own decisions about what each card is "capable" of. Credit goes to
<a href='http://www.planetHalfLife.com' target='_blank'>planet half-life</a> for being the 1st place I found out about it.
My summary (may be more biased than article itself)
The screenshots rather blatantly show nVidia's cards can't do DirectX 9 in the current Source engine, instead reverting to DirectX 8.1. Their image quality doesn't necessarily suffer tremendously from it at all times, <i>but</i> if this is more a virtue of Valve's engine programmers than nVidia's hardware/driver engineers, then you should be aware that the nVidia card you intend on buying soon may not look good in <i>other</i> games coming out in the near future.
<a href='http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/half_life_2_fx/default.asp' target='_blank'>this article</a> has dozens of comparison screenshots in DirectX 7, 8, 8.1, and 9 for you to make your own decisions about what each card is "capable" of. Credit goes to
<a href='http://www.planetHalfLife.com' target='_blank'>planet half-life</a> for being the 1st place I found out about it.
My summary (may be more biased than article itself)
The screenshots rather blatantly show nVidia's cards can't do DirectX 9 in the current Source engine, instead reverting to DirectX 8.1. Their image quality doesn't necessarily suffer tremendously from it at all times, <i>but</i> if this is more a virtue of Valve's engine programmers than nVidia's hardware/driver engineers, then you should be aware that the nVidia card you intend on buying soon may not look good in <i>other</i> games coming out in the near future. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Oh puh-LEEZE.
At least one of those tests are fake. I have the EXACT same machine- and a bit better- than one of their tests, and their FPS was DOUBLE mine.
Though, thats giving NVidia props it doesn't deserve....hmm. Wow.
<a href='http://www.firingsquad.com/hardware/half_life_2_fx/default.asp' target='_blank'>this article</a> has dozens of comparison screenshots in DirectX 7, 8, 8.1, and 9 for you to make your own decisions about what each card is "capable" of. Credit goes to
<a href='http://www.planetHalfLife.com' target='_blank'>planet half-life</a> for being the 1st place I found out about it.
My summary (may be more biased than article itself)
The screenshots rather blatantly show nVidia's cards can't do DirectX 9 in the current Source engine, instead reverting to DirectX 8.1. Their image quality doesn't necessarily suffer tremendously from it at all times, <i>but</i> if this is more a virtue of Valve's engine programmers than nVidia's hardware/driver engineers, then you should be aware that the nVidia card you intend on buying soon may not look good in <i>other</i> games coming out in the near future. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Oh puh-LEEZE.
At least one of those tests are fake. I have the EXACT same machine- and a bit better- than one of their tests, and their FPS was DOUBLE mine.
Though, thats giving NVidia props it doesn't deserve....hmm. Wow. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Maybe they're doing something without telling?
So if you're in the market for a top of the line card, don't pay attention to the image comparrison section of the article. The benchmarks should be okay though as they did include x800's and 6800GT's in it.
No wait, they didn't test the x800. So nevermind, this article isn't any good if you're looking to get a high end card. Should be okay if you're going for a budget card though.