Beta5 Release -- Your Thoughts



  • MrGunnerMrGunner Join Date: 2003-01-03 Member: 11757Members, Constellation
    Aliens win, marines win, recoup's team always loses. Balanced indeed.
  • Headbanger_666Headbanger_666 Join Date: 2003-11-03 Member: 22273Members
    edited September 2004
    cant say something about beta 5 yet because

    a) there are at this time like 6 or 7 servers running beta5, all others are at beta 4 (i use the ingame browser with no filters applied.)

    b) i have the lines "ati_npatch "0.0" ati_subdiv "0.0"" in my config. beta 5 dropped my fps from constant 99 fps to 23-25, running at 1152*864

    sys specs:
    ati 9800 pro 128 mb sapphire atlantis
    amd 2600 xp
    2x512 mb ram (both infineon)
    sb audigy 2
  • xtcmenxtcmen Join Date: 2004-04-20 Member: 28040Members, Squad Five Blue
    I dont like how hard it is to bhop with the mousewheel. Im not even sure it can be done anymore...
  • OlljOllj our themepark-stalking nightmare Fade Join Date: 2002-12-12 Member: 10696Members
    The new bast proudly introduces the first "double hive location" and the "longest straight vents ever" in an official ns map.

    The maps character changed, still a good playable map.
  • SpurtySpurty Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8944Members, Constellation
    You need a better video card <!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wow.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    I have difficulty with 8 onos rushing into marine spawn and eating everyone and recking it while we twiddle thumbs and leave the server in droves ..

    Is there a way to enable knifing the onos or reducing its speed while it eats someone? Or can Marines get a one shot kill item (nuke = 4 res) for extreme circumstances ?

    Being removed from the game for longer than 20 seconds in an FPS (regardless of the bigger picture) is painful to watch. Not cause you are sat there thinking "OMG, this guy just ate me, he is awesome" but cause you are thinking "well, I saved up for a heavy and now I got eaten. Hmmm I can't do anything? Why am I laying back and being eaten. I have guns on me!" <EXIT server, try another>

    I don't want to force everyone to suffer, I'm happy if there is a mod that will let me renable the knife while being eaten that I can put on the server. I can't see knifing an onos from inside unfair.

    A single knifing marine isn't likely to kill it, but at least you are doing something rather than waiting upwards of 10 seconds to die and respawn. If there isn't such a mod, I'll come back to NS when being eaten is not possible. (yes, i know it may never happen. If thats the case, NS just isn't for me).
  • Headbanger_666Headbanger_666 Join Date: 2003-11-03 Member: 22273Members

    got it all running now, renamed my nsp folder to "ns", now i can see loads of servers + my fps problem is gone -> strange. im back at 99 fps.
  • ShadowSlayShadowSlay Join Date: 2003-09-19 Member: 21009Members
    I didnt read all the pages so if someone said this already dont flip! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    I noticed when i get knifed as a fade...i fly across the room. No, not just a few inches, actually ACROSS THE ROOM. I got knifed from one end of the glass hallway on ns_hera to more then half way down it. Insane knife knockback...just insane. Fades shouldnt even move IMO. BTW I luv the new hera.

    Another thing ive noticed now...gorges might be to strong. I was playing in a server today and a few people were "gorge training" around the map. Everytime a lone marine would run into the 2 of them he would They would just hurl spit at him like there was no tomorrow while jumping all over and they managed to kill just about everyone that came after them. They even killed hmgers...and not n00bs either, people that can aim. For example #cri.lorn was in our server and kept saying "why wont these gorges die?" after getting spit killed multi times. I know they're 10 res but...come on, they're builders.

    ~That is all~
  • Raistlin6Raistlin6 Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4420Members
    edited September 2004
    <!--QuoteBegin-Spurty+Sep 8 2004, 04:12 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Spurty @ Sep 8 2004, 04:12 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> You need a better video card  <!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wow.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    I have difficulty with 8 onos rushing into marine spawn and eating everyone and recking it while we twiddle thumbs and leave the server in droves ..

    Is there a way to enable knifing the onos or reducing its speed while it eats someone? Or can Marines get a one shot kill item (nuke = 4 res) for extreme circumstances ?

    Being removed from the game for longer than 20 seconds in an FPS (regardless of the bigger picture) is painful to watch. Not cause you are sat there thinking "OMG, this guy just ate me, he is awesome" but cause you are thinking "well, I saved up for a heavy and now I got eaten. Hmmm I can't do anything? Why am I laying back and being eaten. I have guns on me!" <EXIT server, try another>

    I don't want to force everyone to suffer, I'm happy if there is a mod that will let me renable the knife while being eaten that I can put on the server. I can't see knifing an onos from inside unfair.

    A single knifing marine isn't likely to kill it, but at least you are doing something rather than waiting upwards of 10 seconds to die and respawn. If there isn't such a mod, I'll come back to NS when being eaten is not possible. (yes, i know it may never happen. If thats the case, NS just isn't for me). <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    dumbest Idea i?ve ever heard.
    When you dont manage to stick in a team of rines you deserve it to be eaten.
    Aliens are already nerfed engough and Marines are strong engough dont add a feature that the Game unbalances even more.

    Its real Easy to kill an Onos with 3 or 4 Marines but when you Rambo around in HA you are just food.
  • eKoeKo Join Date: 2004-09-07 Member: 31470Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-ShadowSlay+Sep 7 2004, 11:38 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (ShadowSlay @ Sep 7 2004, 11:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Another thing ive noticed now...gorges might be to strong. I was playing in a server today and a few people were "gorge training" around the map. Everytime a lone marine would run into the 2 of them he would They would just hurl spit at him like there was no tomorrow while jumping all over and they managed to kill just about everyone that came after them. They even killed hmgers...and not n00bs either, people that can aim. For example #cri.lorn was in our server and kept saying "why wont these gorges die?" after getting spit killed multi times. I know they're 10 res but...come on, they're builders.

    ~That is all~ <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Ive noticed this too in beta 5.
    Gorges seem so much stronger and they also seem to take more bullets.
    Anyone know why?
  • DragonMechDragonMech Join Date: 2003-09-19 Member: 21023Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--QuoteBegin-eKo+Sep 8 2004, 02:07 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (eKo @ Sep 8 2004, 02:07 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> <!--QuoteBegin-ShadowSlay+Sep 7 2004, 11:38 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (ShadowSlay @ Sep 7 2004, 11:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Another thing ive noticed now...gorges might be to strong. I was playing in a server today and a few people were "gorge training" around the map. Everytime a lone marine would run into the 2 of them he would They would just hurl spit at him like there was no tomorrow while jumping all over and they managed to kill just about everyone that came after them. They even killed hmgers...and not n00bs either, people that can aim. For example #cri.lorn was in our server and kept saying "why wont these gorges die?" after getting spit killed multi times. I know they're 10 res but...come on, they're builders.

    ~That is all~ <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Ive noticed this too in beta 5.
    Gorges seem so much stronger and they also seem to take more bullets.
    Anyone know why? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    The devs gave it more HP, AP and spit does 5 more damage. Read the changelog.
  • pSyk0mAnpSyk0mAn Nerdish by Nature Germany Join Date: 2003-08-07 Member: 19166Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Silver, NS2 Community Developer a rambo need (more) commander support while fighting a rt building gorge. Good change, imho.
  • kltower4kltower4 Join Date: 2003-08-17 Member: 19855Members
    Don't know if anyone notice this, celerity does not work on lerks or onos anymore. Lerks can't fully use their bites without celerity. <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • cortexcortex Join Date: 2003-11-28 Member: 23707Members
    it does work, i dont see any reason as to why you would think otherwise. <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • LittleToeLittleToe Join Date: 2003-08-07 Member: 19163Members
    edited September 2004
    "???" celearity works on onos... (have not learked yet).

    good stuff. Co = a joy to play now (though all i hear is complaning on the 30 player servers. come on 30 player server is a bit much).

    though one map bug remanes... the new vent in cargo is still too small (cannt think of the map name. hives pipeline cargo sub-sector, "nothing" i think).

    bast is odd, though i have only played it once so far. the new Co map (cannt think of the name atm), not enough vents or cover (though i like the looks).

    lost, glad to have this one back. like the changes though MS seems so small (its just it was so large before).

    core, is playable now that the marines have to enter the hive area to shoot the hive.

    spit = 30dam, +10ap to the gorge, <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> much love. its not much but its enough, ty.
  • Thats_EnoughThats_Enough USA Join Date: 2004-03-04 Member: 27141Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow

    I've played enough B5 to come up with two opinions that I feel strongly about:

    1) ns_lost was my favorite map... then B4a killed it. I LOVE YOU DEV TEAM FOR RESSURECTING IT!!!! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    2) ns_bast was another favorite. Definitely isn't anymore <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> I know you guys meant well, and Mendasp is certainly not stupid, but I miss the old school bast the most.
  • niaccurshiniaccurshi Join Date: 2002-12-30 Member: 11629Members, Constellation
    edited September 2004
    Not played Combat properly since it was ruined when the version got changed to 3.0, so I won't comment on that as I haven't played it at all.'s great that somewhere along the line Valve have obviously illiminated the prblem whereby I was getting kicked all the time for bad characters and **** like that, so can play without fear of losing res as a Kharra, howeveron the flip side, I never get to use this res any more as the game is always over in under 10 minutes.

    What happened guys? Was having fun games of 20 to 30 minutes not enjoyable for you? Now we have hive rushing (no doubt caused in a large part by not allowing commander to hear, and therefore move away from, the starting hives) that just has never been fun.

    I've played so many games now, and I can only remember one fun one...and that was because it was a newbie comm with a crap marine team against competant aliens. Every other game as an alien has been just as infurating as it always has been since 1.04 (bar a short stint before 3.0 in the constie beta's), and every game as a marine has been simply monotinous, mundane and boring. The same tasks over and over. Shooting the aliens either have much more res than us because the comm wanted to do something really stupid and so win, or are completely over powered by us because there is no way they can keep up with our res. Eitherway the life of a marine is a boring one. Knowing how completely unfun it is to be an alien and be shot before you can even close the range on that little siege base that's being put up outside your first hive, guarded by HMGers with fully upgaded armour at about 6 minutes, I'd have thought it'd be fun to be a marine and do the shooting and killing. As it is (and as it was in 1.04) being a marine isn't fun, it's just easy (unless you're a comm I guess, so why not make the marine team completely AI and have only one person as the comm and make it a one man team <!--emo&:angry:--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='mad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> ).

    And that's unfortunately exactly what it feels like. I quit NS because 1.04 ruined everything with its **** marine rushes. Either because the comm had the specific and repeatable tactic down to a "T", or because the comm was a noob, the games were super short and completely lacked fun and intensity. I shall probably now quit NS again because 3.0b5 is back at that quandry. Unfortunately there seems to be enough saps around that enjoy the one sidedness of this all, that for some reason completely argue against the fun that was around in 2.1, that this won't matter in the very slightest. The only thing that is therefore sad is that a game I loved with so much fun, and potential, has for me fallen in to mediocrity.

    What was so wrong with the games that had power struggles, where the games that looked like being won by marines would suddenly be turned around by aliens, only to be turned around from a three hive mauling in to a marine victory?! How we all cheered and whooped and patted each other on the back for being art of such amazing games...but now what do we do. We sign on, we kick **** or get our **** kicked for 10 minutes a map, then silently move on to the next map to regurgitate the same actions in a different environment. The strategy has gone out of the Real Time Strategy-FPS hybrid you created. Perhaps you ought to re-name it as a Real Time Routine - First Person Shooter, and make sure that you advertise to all those without the attention span nor patience to play a game over 20 minutes long without needing to go and stuff their face with fast food or **** that the games will be about 10 minutes long in general, great!

    It's all so very very sad, but I guess it was always going to happen, no-one was really listening to those that were trying to promote the fun over balance side of the game, even if the lack of balance appeared more balanced! Still, jp rushes and siege rushes ahoy...while you play against competant marines and therefore can't get anywhere near them before getting killed by something as simple as LMG fire so early in the game while they build their siege bases, what real fun is to be had?

    Edit: if you can't guess what I'm saying, it's go back to the gameplay we had in the 2.1 versions before 3.0 in the constie beta's, but with the bug fixes. Fun > balance etc.
  • OrganoXOrganoX Join Date: 2004-03-21 Member: 27473Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-NGE+Sep 7 2004, 03:17 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (NGE @ Sep 7 2004, 03:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->beta 5 = best beta by far<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Tell us why you think so.
    Is it because you love marines and jetpacks?
    Beta 5 is little marine-overpowered.
    Still not much, but when i played few times, mariens win more often then aliens, or maybe way to often.
  • ThaldarinThaldarin Alonzi&#33; Join Date: 2003-07-15 Member: 18173Members, Constellation
    <!--QuoteBegin-Hobojoe+Sep 4 2004, 04:52 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Hobojoe @ Sep 4 2004, 04:52 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> bad fps drops on an ati card <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I got a Radeon 9200 and I have got no FPS drops, use catalyst 4.9.

    Sava is not really s unbalanced as people say, its a great combat map in which aliens CAN win.
  • kolokolkolokol Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9166Members
    Having seen the current state of ns i would say that things are a touch too fast. Ok clan games will always be played at hyper speed, but i remember the days when pubs took life a bit slower and there was time to get organized and get some creative tactics going. OK so clanners can do this in no time at all but in pubs that aint going to happen. This results in the marines setting up and devastating the aliens before they can pull toghether. I think ns should slow down so pub play can have the time needed to organize itself.
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