Very Unfair Commander Tactic

DeadDead Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7975Members
Lately I played on a 20player server with a team of Aliens that I know are generally very good and smart gamers.

W played 2 maps and creamed the Marines quickly.

I said I'll go commander and take control of the noob team and beat those guys.
"hahah yeah sure"

I beat them in 20minutes twice.


Build 2 spawns sentry base ammo dump comm station and sentrys

when all that is up, i scanned the hives and sent 6 of my 10 marines to the Hive. They Cleaned up the 2 slulks there and I got a resource up.

Then I built a Command Centre there as well,

Now this is where it gets lame,

I then built 2 spawn points and recycled the one spawn. I move to the Hive and used that command centre. Now we just built up that base, by now the aliens had both hives up and nearlly all resource points, our team was under attack from fades. Using the one resource point at the hive i *slowly* built up the base and research making it so the aliens didnt have a chance to get through.

Then they where outside build offences around us, seiges went up, my team staying in the base, then heavy armour came then grenades and HMG's.

Basically I just had the hive, built up the team in a massively defended base (the aliens really knew how attack) and we blew the hell out of everything on our way to second hive with all 9 marines outfitted to the max.

They had no chance, the aliens only had fades and level 2 abilities and level 3 attack weapons.

We have full level everything.

I've played about 3 more games using this tactic, and apart from stupid alien rushes winning first off, i've never lost.


  • VisserVisser Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6613Members
    Its pure lame. I started my own thread on more or less this a while ago.

    I was more or less carrying the alien team (towards the end they did ok under my leadership and instructions) and we pushed the marines back to their main base on 2 hives (there was minor def at the 3rd hive and there was a gorge saving to take it) . We CRUSHED the main base, but meanwhile the 3rd hive got spanked by one ha/hmg marine and they setup FULL BASE there befor we finished the last of their main. Soon they had full tech back and were massivly spamming grens/na off ONE resourse node. We had them locked in but there was no way we could get in. The only two entrys were a ladder (obviously pure suicide especially vs grens) and a big long hallway, the perfect shooting gallery for gunning down aliens. Acid rocket is easy to dodge at long range.
  • DeadDead Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7975Members
    yeah, excalty.

    My point though is we got hammer by aliens all as fades etc using everything.

    And we won.

    Not just made it hard, but push them back and captured resources points along way.

    Once you get jetpacking heavy armoured Grenaders and HMGer's with full tech 400 resources points behind them, you can crush and turn any alien force.
  • DeadDead Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7975Members
    Ah yes but thats a dense commander

    I was a good commander

    I had 15 odd sentries a 3 seige guns.

    I also had my team rush to the Hive to setup, I didn't waste anything on resources points etc.

    I've seen bases that rushing Ono's and xenociding aliens couldnt bring down for more then 45minutes
  • ReignReign Join Date: 2002-10-27 Member: 1652Members
    Actually, aliens should have done fine.

    In one game recently on ns_eclipse, I was on the aliens side. We lost our only hive early in the game but managed to come back with two hives. Although the marines began to get nade launchers and HA, they couldn't get through our defenses. We would evolve into fades and fire away with acid and eventually I set up a mini base with at least 4-6 defensive towers. This kept all my offensive towers going under some very heavy fire.

    Needless to say, we won the match when I'm sure we all expected to lose.
  • AhnteisAhnteis teh Bob Join Date: 2002-10-02 Member: 1405Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
    [whispers] Onos + fade + umbra + gorge + teamwork = dead marines
  • DeadDead Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7975Members
    I think some people are missing the point

    We didnt have the spawn base.

    Our marines spawn at the hive.

    THe command centre was at the hive.

    I am a good/decent commander.

    The alien side was a team of Ex-clan mates they knew each other

    They didnt have a chance of touching the 3rd Hive. As they couldnt get onos, had no xenocide and no third level abilities (full cloak etc)
  • voodoosporkvoodoospork Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7981Members
    edited November 2002
    i's not a cheese tactic, competent aliens will keep you contained enough that you wouldn't be able to pull that off nearly as easily...also you were playing with too many people for it to be balanced for marines anyway. 6v6 is the official number i think

    They don't need 3 hives for full cloak...have you ever played aliens?
  • MbOoGiEMbOoGiE Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2030Members
    some maps it's really hard to defend against nade spam. i've asked advice on how to counter it... but i've heard the stupidest answers from "you use skulks to kill the grenade launcher" to a bit more smart ones like "use fade blink" to "you're not good enough". the problem comes down to two things basically. lag, which, although better now... is still the worst thing when it comes to nades (one time, i was a lerk just raping mass marine **obscenity**, when i saw a nade clink, i flew out the vent, into a hallway, and next to a defense chamber in less than 2 seconds... the nade exploded, and server registered me as still being "there". the other, comes in that sometimes... choke points of hives are really too good at using the nade spam tactic. like someone said, the ladder almost nullifies any chance at a fade blink... twisty hallways suck too.

    though the lag part is the worst i think... and maybe it's just on my end.. i've also played marines where nade spamming didn't work as good as i thought, and it seemed to take forever to explode, while as an alien it seems to explode almost instantly... anyone ever get the "i ran 50 miles from the nade at 200 miles an hour and still died" effect?
  • TwexTwex Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4999Members
    you don't need 3 hives to be able to destroy marine bases

    a group of fades with lvl3 carapace can easily destroy each and every base by hurling suicide attacks against the turret factories, even more so when they have Umbra support

    problem is, most fades lack the courage to just run into the base and cause havoc, die and repeat

    if all you have is one resource node, there is no chance to win this war of attrition
  • DeadDead Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7975Members
    edited November 2002
    Cloak 1 = Shadowed/Transparent
    Cloak 2 = Faint Outline
    Cloak 3 = completely Transparent

    Its in the manual. [edit] (I forgot that its three sensory towers needed and not actually 3 hives, sorry my mistake <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    9marines + comm
    6 marines constantly spamming Grenades while 2 on HMG's all with full armour while last is building, is how I pushed forward.

    I am usually an alien, with them we had setup 5 Defence tower stations for massive assualt, I didn't ask them if they had that but I assume thats what we pushed through.

    I've never seen a 12 player server? <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> (22player servers are common)

    [edit] When they attacked the base they ran into 15 odd turrents 9 marines and large amounts of mines.

    Aliens could win but they need to catch onto something like this *very* quick

    Also I think the best solution to alot of problems is needing 1 sentry base for every 4/5 turrents. that would fix ALOT of problems
  • ianskiianski Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7707Members
    no matter how many sentries you have, umbra would bring it down. Also, even with your hmg, umbra will bring it down. The only draw back to this is the gren launchers. I'm sure 3rd level cloaking and charging the base and camping in the rafters would guarantee some nice gren-launcher-dude killing.
  • DeadDead Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7975Members
    yeah, but the poor umbra dudes got blown to crap way before the got close to the sentrys by gren spam.

    Basically the marines walked forward with permant 4 gren explosions around them. A fade doesnt have a chance to run and redemption almost doesnt work quick enough alot. Not enough time to even do a blind out of battle, they couldnt attack, they couldnt do umbra.

    Also once they did all rush as fades/(i forget the flying ones name) and they all died which let my team press right upto second hive and setup.

    I think a good thing to fix this also would be a few alien only enties into all hives. from a roof etc, that a jetpack cant reach?
  • MoleculorMoleculor Namer-of-Bob Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 9Members
    The tactic of taking over a hive room and using it as the main marine base was a common one in Playtests. Glad to see someone has figured it out.
  • HaydukeHayduke Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5048Members
    Yeah I don't think this is unbalanced, and it's definately not new. A smart alien team using teamwork can win in this situation, but if they let you pull it off completely they could lose.
  • devilblocksdevilblocks Join Date: 2002-02-04 Member: 162Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Mole you dont understand, us PTers were never smart enough to ever try and use that tactic and the aliens PTers were never able to counter it <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • TacticianTactician Join Date: 2002-02-19 Member: 228Members
    Any tactic that wins and is not taking advantage of a coding bug or exploit is a winning tactic, no more and no less. This is a smart tactic, not an unfair one. Like any other drastic tactic, it is a gamble. You depend on the aliens not being able to attack you with much coordination at all.
  • DeadDead Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7975Members

    The aliens attacked us with excellent and very structured tactics.

    They lost too noob marines with a very quick and decend commander.

    The alien team had 8 people that had being playing clan games as a very top level clan for 2 years together (mostly cs), they all have mics. They just couldnt get close enough.

    Personally now I think it was just the map, and the hive position we capture (the one with the nice hallways and blue lighting wall/room)

    6 marines making constant explosions by timing fire with grens and have HMG backup with unlimited ammo from commander is devastating, can you beat it without say an onos charge?

    (dont forget im talking about spamming ONTOP of the marines and down the passage, so 5 blinking fades up to point blank suddenly blow up)
  • TurtleTurtle Join Date: 2002-10-18 Member: 1540Members
    This tactic has a serious drawback. If the alien team is competant, they'll take out your resource base before you can get a firm hold on the hive area. Then, the aliens will get two hives, evolve into fades and will procede to wipe the floor with your marines who have no upgrades and no special equipment.

    As Flay put it in his strategy post, if you do this, capture a few resource towers along the way, but leave them undefended so you don't waste points.

    One of my recent games had a good commander who used this tactic, but the aliens were organized and hit a few of us along the way. Then by time we got the base settled, they had fades with level 3 adrenaline and were acid rocketing our upgradeless butts into oblivion. Sure we had turrets, but that didn't last long at all.
  • ctxctx Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4592Members
    The game is balanced, it just depends on certain factors, and many games will be different depending on them.

    There aren't that many people competent enough to play the Commander position well.

    It's really all about the Commander, and his marines following orders.

    The aliens seem to almost always stomp the marines if they have a newbie Commander or an alright but slow moving Commander.

    This game is still only what, 2-3 weeks old? Once the majority of the starting out NS players have gotten the hang of things and begin developing good tactics, we can legitimately debate these types of things.
  • JA1numJA1num Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7261Members
    but this is uber llama,if the aliens are good they should have scouted down all the hive locations and secure those area (like wat i always do and my frens does it too) so the humans wont have a single chance of stepping in (with no heavy armors of coz) alive
  • Lt_WarhoundLt_Warhound Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7654Members
    If the aliens are smart, they will be setting up on the resource nodes in the hives first, both to serve as an early start on the hive, and to have an early warning when the marines try to move in. This tactic will have problems if the aliens _aggressively move to counter it when you start setting up.

    And even if you can keep the marines from attacking the RT, the first turret with a line of sight to it will open fire on it, warning the aliens.

    This assumes two things: the builders were smart enough to run to the hives, evolve to gorge and build there rather than some random corridor resource node. And that the aliens will move in fast enough with enough strength to make a difference. Both things aren't likely, currently, on the pubs, sigh.

    Splitting your focus while under constant attack by competant skulks sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

    Lame marine tactic? Nope, _smart, and the aliens that let you do this deserve to lose. Next game, please.
  • RotA_PlagueRotA_Plague Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6768Members
    Well marines are moble and I have used that tatic of building multiple bases, but never built CC and spawns in a alien hive. I didn't, because the cost is a little to much for something that will be rushed forever. I rather just build a portal and build turrets everywhere that would be a good place.. And a few siege, cannot forget about siege.
  • HobbesHobbes Join Date: 2002-03-17 Member: 328Members
    I concur with the dissenters.

    This is not an unfair commander tactic. It is priority one for the aliens to secure both hive locations immediately. That's why it's on Hive Sight - it's important.

    If the aliens allow the marines to set up a resource tower/turret/forward base/main base in a hive location, then they have made a major tactical error, and will obviously have a hard time recovering.
  • NecroNecro &lt;insert non-birthday-related title here&gt; Join Date: 2002-08-09 Member: 1118Members
    yea, and if they got 2 hives and can't take you out, they need more teamwork, it takes time but definetly is not impossible!

    oh and to see lev 3 cloaked, use ur flashlight!
  • SamWSamW Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2515Members
    My tactics:

    as mariens i my team tries to secure and defend as many resources as possible (forget the armoury) just build the resources. the resources start coming in at a fast rate AND THEN we upgrade for the assualt (BOOM) HA/HMG +Welding support. aliens are dead

    as aliens i suggest to rush the marine base as fast as possible. there are no resources to do much with and dying does not penalize your resources so just go and kill some time as well as marines. this rushing will also keep the mariens from spreading in the begining and will keep them on thier toes. and on some maps (tanith...) the alien rushing can destroy the mariens before the game is even underway.
  • NubiNubi Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8026Members
    know what pisses me off about the aliens? They can run in first thing and just attack with their skulks that they all start off with, the buggers are so quick and small that u can hardly hit them (if the skulk is any good) and then u lose right off the bat

    So what's wrong with marines having a leg up once in a while?

    Honestly I don't see any unbalancing issues here, I play as both aliens and marines and have never had an easier time doing this instead of this or that in the place of this

    It all depends on who you're fighting <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • FantasmoFantasmo Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7369Members
    I don't think the strategy you employed was lame at all... it's a good strategy but not as perfect as you think.

    A common Alien strategy is to rush the Marine Spawn until they have turrets up and then hover in packs outside their spawn to restrict movement and expansion.

    Aliens communicate and work as a team as well, 2 Packs of 4 Skulks can easily become a large Pack of 8 Skulks. I have never seen a Marine Group with LA/LMG last very long against a concentrated attack from 8 Skulks (especially if they have Carapace).

    A wise Alien team (maybe it's just luck but I've played on many wise alien teams) would NEVER alllow a Marine Group outside of the turret reinforced spawn (At 6 Marines that is a significant Assault Group) to go unharassed for long. A good Alien team forces the Marines to fight for every step, every corridor, every room, every node, and every Hive.

    On the Alien teams I've played on Recon and Intelligence is very important for the Skulk Packs patroling outside the Marine Spawn, if there were reports of a 6 Marine Group every available Skulk will be on them in no time flat.

    A Marine Group that big usually means you are making a push for either a Nozzle or a Hive. If you are successful at making it all the way to a Hive and reinforce it chances are nothing is wrong with your strategy, something is wrong with the Aliens.

    PS: 2nd Hive Evolution is enough to take out even the strongest Marine Base. The Fade+Umbra+Healing Spray combination can be very effective if the Marine Team isn't working together very well.

    A past thread accused the Umbra+Fade combo of being too strong, I disagree. I'm not gonna tell you the counter (Lerks are one of my Favorite Aliens) but if you work together you can make short work of the group, you do need a high degree of coordination but that's suppose to be all in a days work.

    You'll find less Alien "Ownage" Strategies once the Marines get ther act together. I've played on wise Marine Teams that made the Marines seem unbeatable too, it's all about teamwork and communication.
  • xioutlawixxioutlawix Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7118Members, Constellation
    Only thing that made me say "bleh" right at the beginning of the thread was when this kid said he had 15 turrets in main base. This is the type who even if its the end of the game, aliens have control of every hive, and every other node in the map except the one that starts in marine's base, they'll still just put a giant forest of sentries in base that no one can get through.
    lol, the same garbage happened to me the other night on hera. The Pu$$y **obscenity** marines just camped in their base with a million turrets indefinitely, until I noticed that they only had the one CC above in the elevator shaft. As a skulk i flew up there when they were distracted by the other aliens, and slowly munched away on the command center without the commander even knowing what was going on, suddenly he was auto-ejected, and we just whittled away at their turret mess indefinitely until like a whole hour later they were done for.
    My point is, WHY OH WHY does it take so damned long to destroy a group of turtling marines in their base when its so obvious they've lost.
    Heh, I think that for both races, the initial resource tower you're given has a very limited number of resource points in it, meaning that it'll run out within the first half an hour of the game. And it should be made so that if marines don't have any more stocks of resource points, they stop respawning <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
    Thus, GG marines, give it up already and stop wasting our time.
  • n00b101n00b101 Join Date: 2002-10-29 Member: 1706Members
    I dont consider that as a lame tactic. I've been playing RTS since a loooooooooooooong time and the main thing to do is «do what the enemy thinks you'll never do». This is the way to win the game. Sure, it was a very risky strategy, but your hard work was rewarded.
  • ManosManos Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 1956Members
    If they where truly good aliens.

    they builded an defense room forest around the corner of the marine base. (the defense forest has to be covered by an other defense forest for the siege cannons)
    they storm in with fades (carpace+celerity) for the bashing and lerks (carpace+adreline) for the umbra

    if the umbra has worked out the aliens return back to the defense room: getting healed in a few seconds. and attacking again.

    the marine base will fall in just +- 3 minutes.

    probably without an single fade killed.

    this taktic is the most powerfull move the aliens can make. use this @ threre main base and wil end in just a few minutes
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