Aliens Shud Be Able To Recycle Buildings
Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6017Members

<div class="IPBDescription">To finally work optimized</div> Marines can, so why not aliens?
Often i see ppl build towers just here and there, often single chambers which do not serve a purpose on their own. As we all know <b>concentrated</b> chamber piles consisting of maxed out offense and defense chambers are the only way to stop marines. They shud normally be build at the entrances of the hive. Because if the marines have entered the hive already its lost anyway. And lonely chambers suffer a quick death.
Now there is a certain limit per chamber type per certain radius. So if some gorges already build chambers at stupid positions i cannot optimize my entrance defense, which really sucks! If there was the ability to recycle some chambers i cud extend the amount on the entrance. And maybe regain a certain percentage of resources as well.
I think most of the time aliens lose because its too many gorges that dont know what each other does and building ineffective defenses. And the only way to be able to improve the defense is when some marines have killed chambers in the radius...but then its usually too late to start optimizing the defenses.
It sucks to have wasted chamber capacities all over the map.
So maybe give the alien gorges a new funciton bound to a key that when you hold that key down aiming at a building u slowly subtract its health, regain resources till the building is gone.
Often i see ppl build towers just here and there, often single chambers which do not serve a purpose on their own. As we all know <b>concentrated</b> chamber piles consisting of maxed out offense and defense chambers are the only way to stop marines. They shud normally be build at the entrances of the hive. Because if the marines have entered the hive already its lost anyway. And lonely chambers suffer a quick death.
Now there is a certain limit per chamber type per certain radius. So if some gorges already build chambers at stupid positions i cannot optimize my entrance defense, which really sucks! If there was the ability to recycle some chambers i cud extend the amount on the entrance. And maybe regain a certain percentage of resources as well.
I think most of the time aliens lose because its too many gorges that dont know what each other does and building ineffective defenses. And the only way to be able to improve the defense is when some marines have killed chambers in the radius...but then its usually too late to start optimizing the defenses.
It sucks to have wasted chamber capacities all over the map.
So maybe give the alien gorges a new funciton bound to a key that when you hold that key down aiming at a building u slowly subtract its health, regain resources till the building is gone.
oh and to that the comments about people recycling others chambers. maybe you should make it so you could only recycle your own in case you need the resources or by mistake you built a def chamber in stead of an offense chamber (ive done this before, it sucks). or to recycle someone elses stuff, it takes resources on your part to recycle them and maybe you dont gain any. something to balance it out to keep people from going insane with recycling. it would slow them down considerably.
Compare the great <b>advantage</b> of total reorganization to the slight <b>disadvantage</b>of potential jerking around. Im more than willing to risk that. As i have more GOOD rounds than BAD rounds (means no lamers in my team) and this recycling feature wud really come in handy!
The fact is you NEED optimized defenses against marine <!--emo&::siege::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='siege.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> and grenader launchers or they just clean it out without problems.
Also if you consider marine turret outposts, those are REALLY hard to take out.
Another thing: Being able to recycle and optimize defenses wud give aliens with only <b>one hive</b> left the chance of keeping the marines back till they have arrange more offensive powers to take out the last hive. In the meantime the aliens cud move out and bug some outpost to keep the commander busy. Else it wud just be the usual cleaning time after hive 2 has been lost.
And to those lamers again potentially recycling everything: Build in a kick vote system and were sorted.
and WWM, your sorta missing one of the points, if you cant recycle other's buildings noobs will spam them in crappy places and you hit the limit of them.
i thought of being able to recycle ( eat ;] ) your own chambers if you misplaced them. but its not that important.
and about taking the risk of lamers who would recycle all towers and stuff .. read the marine ff bug threads.
if there is the sligtest opportunity for lamers to be lame, it will be exploited to no end.
1. Gorges can destroy their own chambers.
2. You can destroy the chambers of people who have left the game.
3. Destroying a chamber takes as much as resources as making one.
4. You can't destroy hives or resource chambers.
5. An alien team can unanimously vote to prevent a player from being a gorge.
6. Server operator can turn destroying abilities on/off via config.
Hey, thats a valid counter point <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
You just cant stop lamers and asholes.
1. & 2.
Why only your own and those of leavers? I want to recycle chambers by players that dont <b>lame</b> but are just a little <b>unexperienced</b> too. Maybe just tell him that he has made a mistake and then be able to correct it instead of saying "oops...well then were boned... :/"
I find this interesting, because it prevents MASS recycling of chambers by lamers. And usually there arent that many chambers that need to be removed, so this amount of resources is fine.
But then again, it doesnt prevent mass removing. When gorges can hold 100 res they can go and recycle the next right after theyve finished the first. And theyre still at 100 res again. So they never run in resource trouble. Maybe make recycling cost alot more. like 3 times as much or 5 times. 70 res to remove a bugging offense chamber hmm...why not?
Agreed, why shud you <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
Hmm, id just say kick vote lamers is enuff. But then again there might be players that dont INTEND to do shiet but counterproductive for the team, so they might serve better as skulks or fades. Might be an idea. Its analogue to the commander ban feature.
Yes it shud be optional. So if it proves to not work like it shud and ruins gameplay, server admins shudnt have to wait for the next patch to remove it again.
Say you can only recycle your own. As you arent making them wrong you have no need.
What are the chances getting some noob whos probaly already gotten himself killed to remorph a gorge, cross the map, and then kill his own chambers (likly a work of art in his eyes). VERY DAMN LOW im certain.
No chance if its a lamer doing in on purpose. Hell after this thread they might even place them in bad spots on PURPOSE just to **obscenity** you off and wreak defense.
If you can recycle anything, you will get lamers going spastic all over the place.
OOH i just had a nice idea <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> Say if you use the unbuild function on anothers tower it sends some kind of a vote to that player only, asking their permission to recycle the tower (and perhaps returning them 50% cash, or 25% to them, 25% to you). That way someone who is cooperative but inexperianced will let you get the problem solved after you explain it to them. (I have no idea how the commander vote works, never havign called or seen one, but ild say it will work simalarly)
<!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> plants a Tower.
The tower is "flagged" with ownership by that <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->.
The <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> that owns the tower can be the only one to recycle/delete it.
If another player who has built a tower as a <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo--> leaves the game, the tower is "flagged" as neutral and can be recycled by anyone!
<!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo-->
oh cmon, dont tell me u havent done that once since the game came out ;p
Anyway, not adding a good feature just because it might be exploited by jerks isn't the best idea either. We should consider good features first and then consider what to do with jerks instead of the other way.
If you have jerks in your team they can basically do alot of stuff to spoil your gameplay.
If they cant recycle all buildings they want, they just PLACE build whereever they the most stupid and wasteful places. So it doesnt matter if you include the recycling feature or not from that point of view.
Also, the simpliest way to deal with jerks is a <b>kick vote system</b>! Why shud we not get such a nice feature because they dont build in a kick vote system. Every other mod other such a feature and if they have it NS MUST have it! Come on, its not really that difficult...
<b>To the restriction to only recycle personal or neutral chambers</b>
Why shud i recycle my own chambers when i follow a certain strategy and dont place them wrong?
Why does a gorge who misplaces chambers (maybe because he doesnt know better) have to <b>leave</b> the server before i can recycle his misplaced chambers? Telling him to move to that and that point and remove his towers, explaining him why and stuff takes too long and generally isnt worth the effort.
If the aliens work as a hive they shud be able to influence each other and thus each others buildings. If i see a chamber thats misplaced i just go and remove it. No harm done, exept i am a jerk/lamer. But for that case see <b>kick vote system</b>.
Why must it always be so hard to bring a new feature which is obviously useful when the realization is SO SIMPLE!? Instead of getting this idea thru it disappears in the huge pile of old threads and is never to be read again. Im not arrogant or something. I just havent heard any valid argument that cannot be countered with another argument. Bring them!
Bam! genius.
This way jerks cannot just randomly remove chambers without permission.
If some jerk misplaced buildings on purpose, he wont accept the vote. But for such cases there is the <b>kick vote system</b> (hopefully!)
It slightly makes the game a little more complex due to the procedure of the vote. But seeing the goal that all gorges shud perfectly harmonize as a hive, having a chance against the monarchy like commander on the marine side, i think these slightly more complex features have a right to exist.
Like nano-bots or something
It wont work like that. Aliens and marine ARE to be different and to have different abilities to perform different approaches to win the game.
The recycle building function however is nothing that gives the marines a disadvantage. I shud be a plain MUST on both sides. Handling buildings is important as its 50% of the game (RTS genre).