The movie you have to see
Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 62Members

in Off-Topic
Only reason people watch those are for all that nude stuff they put in there <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->
..actually, scratch that. There was a pr0n scene. Hot diggedy!
well i'm french, but i'm sure you don't know that Leon is a french movie ? like the 5th element ? jane darc all made by the same who made Nikita > Luc Besson. And did you saw "Amelie in Montmartre" ? (le fabuleu destin d'amelie poulin, in french)
And who was the director of "enemy at the gates" ? Jean jacque Anneau. He made 7 years in Tibet.
Really French movie are cool =)
There is also lotta cool stuff, if you want i can tell you what french movie you should watch.
Ok, don't mind that, I'm just teasing. :P
Yes, please tell us what movies we should see, Creed. (yup, I enjoyed both the fifth element and enemy at the gates)
Anyway that one's the worst of all the alien movies, I like aliens,alien3 and alien, in that order.
I think nto that many people like alien3 better then 1, but the movie has thsi really depressing atmosphere, just look at the colours they used in that movie, brilliant!
Oh, and Jean Reno is one of the coolest actors ever.
but I don't remember what it was, but that was what it meant.....
Is it where the production crew comes from?
Is it where the director comes from?
Is it where it is filmed?
Is it where the story is based?
Is it where the actors come from?
Is it based on what language they are speaking?
You get the point. <!--emo&:)--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--> I don't look at any of these as a single correct answer, but if the film is made mostly or entirely in a country by the native population it's safe to call it a <insert country here> film. Though it can be correct to say it's a <country> film in a <b>lot</b> of situations, it's much more informative to say what's so french, british, american etc about it. You're not saying anything wrong, but it'll be more precise and intresting to hear what makes the film belong to the country you are naming.
Thank you. :>
Well, so what about French-German corporations?
Really folks, this whole discussion is just pointless IMAO. I'm watching movies because they are good, not because they're from a special country. OK, there are different styles in some countries - but if you start thinking like that, Shrek would have been a British movie.
Let's simply go into the theatres and have fun, no matter which native language the film crews janitor had.
<!--EDIT|Nemesis Zero|Mar. 19 2002,14:32-->