Lmg Sputtering
Join Date: 2004-04-25 Member: 28187Members

<div class="IPBDescription">(pretty it's a mouse issue)</div> for some reason (yet to be determined, but most likely the mouse) when I fire the LMG it isn't continious, instead it shoots random (while I have the mouse button down)
for example:
bam,bam,bam,bam ... bam,bam,bam.......bam,bam... etc
is that a feature of the LMG (I'm pretty sure it isn't). my mouse is a logictech Click! optical mouse and it isn't all that old (I got it in July)
does it just need a good cleaning (on teh inside) and if so how would I go about doing it and should I bother doing it or get a more experienced person to do it?
thanks in advance
I don't know if it happens with the HMG or not since i usually don't use it, and I'm 99% sure it doesn't happen in other games but I could be wrong.
I'm going to check both out now
ok after test a few mods out I know NS isn't the only with this happening.
for example:
bam,bam,bam,bam ... bam,bam,bam.......bam,bam... etc
is that a feature of the LMG (I'm pretty sure it isn't). my mouse is a logictech Click! optical mouse and it isn't all that old (I got it in July)
does it just need a good cleaning (on teh inside) and if so how would I go about doing it and should I bother doing it or get a more experienced person to do it?
thanks in advance
I don't know if it happens with the HMG or not since i usually don't use it, and I'm 99% sure it doesn't happen in other games but I could be wrong.
I'm going to check both out now
ok after test a few mods out I know NS isn't the only with this happening.
To see how your system is performing during gameplay, type net_graph 3 in console. A little thing will appear in the bottom right of your HUD which shows your ping, fps, packet transfer, and choke. It's useful when you're trying to see why you're lagging.
It might also be your graphics card (which one do you have?). Maybe NS is just too high end for it? Try making your graphics settings low in the options menu, if that doesn't work, I'd either reinstall NS or buy a new mouse or graphics card.
and 768, I'll try net graph 3 in the morning , but when I put in net graph 1 it says I'm getting 20 FPS, now I know without a doubt I'm getting higher than that.
I don't believe it's my ping, I have ADSL since I believe I get a ping around 60-80 on most servers ( don't hold me to that)
if none of the other things help I'll reinstall NS, if that doesn't help then I guess I'm gunna have to gritt my teeth and bear it (besides I'm good with the shottie <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/biggrin-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> )
I'd rather not get a new mouse since I got this one about 2 months ago.
thanks for the help.
FPS 20 will have sputters in the LMG. My video card sucks, so I know from first hand experience.
thanks Masterxearo, those two commands seemed to got rid of the problem , I can kill with teh LMG once more!
and thank you everyone else for your help aswell.
Ball-Mouses with a roller in middle and wire are elite! Not as high tech but i would rather Snipe with my crosshairs STILL and not juddering on the spot like with those anoying laser mouses. (cant hit anything with lasermouse. Literally! *shake*)
Its not a lag issue - have dsl and low pings
Its not a rate issue - I have tried changing them and it makes no difference
Its not an fps issue - i have 84 fps constant
Its not a mouse issue - happens with various mice - and have no trouble in other games
And btw, the weapon is NOT firing - its not just an animation thingy
Quite frankly, I'm out of ideas and dunno what to do about it - has any1 got any suggestions?
but my video card jumps on fps more
i can get it hung up in fire when i get high fps :/