Selective Breeding
Custom member title Join Date: 2003-12-20 Member: 24581Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow

in Discussions
selective breeding, for those of you who dont know, would be where only certain people would be able to have children. im sure its been thought of before, but the thought occured to me one day when i realized how crappy this world is becoming.
let me explain what i mean by crappy.
everyone is getting more ignorant apathetic and irrational. about 30 people in the junior class at my high school wigged out at me for something that only 8 juniors were there to see, and what i did (which was effin hilarious to all the seniors, and probably everyone else also) was fixed before the juniors came in. out of those 8 people, about 3 people were mad. they took it upon themselves to tell everyone and now they are all angry at me, and planning to "get" my house tonight
one of my girlfriends friends is grounded, had to quit her job, an forbidden to see this girl. her parents also got a restraining order on the girl. reason for such harsh punishment you may ask? the girl was a lesbian. but i know this girl, and she happens to be one of the nicest, funniest people i know. she goes to church, does good in school, doesnt do drugs or anything. she just never developed an attraction to boys, and likes girls instead.
also its a proven fact that the male chromosome is weakening, if something isnt done, there might be a time when women outnumber men 100-1.
now if selective breeding actually happened, the ignorant would not have children, the apathetic would not have children, and neithe would the irrational. the people with genetical problems would also not be allowed to breed.
now every smart person i know, has smart parents. everyone rational person i know, has rational parents, and every active person i know has active parents. same goes for all the ignorant, irrational, and lazy people. i know there are some people who have crazy idiot parents, and become a good person, but the chances are slim.
population might drop drastically, but people who could breed would be encouraged to have many children.
let me explain what i mean by crappy.
everyone is getting more ignorant apathetic and irrational. about 30 people in the junior class at my high school wigged out at me for something that only 8 juniors were there to see, and what i did (which was effin hilarious to all the seniors, and probably everyone else also) was fixed before the juniors came in. out of those 8 people, about 3 people were mad. they took it upon themselves to tell everyone and now they are all angry at me, and planning to "get" my house tonight
one of my girlfriends friends is grounded, had to quit her job, an forbidden to see this girl. her parents also got a restraining order on the girl. reason for such harsh punishment you may ask? the girl was a lesbian. but i know this girl, and she happens to be one of the nicest, funniest people i know. she goes to church, does good in school, doesnt do drugs or anything. she just never developed an attraction to boys, and likes girls instead.
also its a proven fact that the male chromosome is weakening, if something isnt done, there might be a time when women outnumber men 100-1.
now if selective breeding actually happened, the ignorant would not have children, the apathetic would not have children, and neithe would the irrational. the people with genetical problems would also not be allowed to breed.
now every smart person i know, has smart parents. everyone rational person i know, has rational parents, and every active person i know has active parents. same goes for all the ignorant, irrational, and lazy people. i know there are some people who have crazy idiot parents, and become a good person, but the chances are slim.
population might drop drastically, but people who could breed would be encouraged to have many children.
Let me go further. You are in high school I gather. The thought of kids for you is nothing but a distant ‘maybe’. Fast forward another ten years, to when you are married, have a full time job, and instinctively desire to have children. Now assume somebody tells you that you could not because you or your partner had undesirable characteristics. How devastated would you be?
Another point, fertility (both male and female) is a big issue. Lots of people seek fertility treatment so that they can create families of their own. I take it from your post that you disagree with that practice. That if a person cannot ‘naturally’ conceive a child, they should not procreate. Now that is an assumption, but it enrages me to think that people believe that way.
My grandma had fertility issues, as did my mother, should they have stopped trying? Do you think that I am not meant to be? Should I be disallowed to rear children because I carry some undesirable genes?
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...and this would be <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Also, as GrayDuck hinted at, the main flaw of eugenics is that the criteria of a "favorable characteristic" vs. an "unfavorable characteristic" will be biased in some way, not to mention that most people would be unwilling to surrender such a fundamental right as the one to reproduce.
in a sense i am not weeding out the idiots, just the bad parents. but my main reasoning is to get rid of the idiots.
no grayduck, i am absolutely for the use of fertility treatmen. if God didnt want us using our minds to our advantage, he would not of given them too us.
also i might be a senior in high school but i love children and plan on having at least 2 in my lifetime. if i were denied the right to father children, then i would do all that is in my power to be able to father children. the only people who wont be able to have children, are the ones who dont want children or are not willing to work for them.
i do not wish to be the next hitler, i do not wish to rid the world of ignorant apethic and irrational people, i only wish to rid the world of ignorance apathy and irrationality.
Yes I have extremist views too.
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...and this would be <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
A world where attractive lesbians are rampant, and women literally fight over men.
Sounds like Heaven to me. Where do I sign up? <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I hate to spoil your fun, but until we mass produce intelligent robots (who won't try to take over the world), the world needs garbage men too.
There probably won't be any people around 5 million years from now, anyways.
in my second post i stated i was aiming less at a genetic point of view, and more at the bad parenting point of view.
There probably won't be any people around 5 million years from now, anyways. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I blame the metrosexuals.
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...and this would be <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
One big mean PMS fest.
Sorry, I couldn't bring myself to reply seriously. I'll try again later.
You will find that intelligent, caring, well adjusted people "generally" have well adjusted, caring, intelligent parents. Usually 2 - because parenting is a tough job, and having both rolemodels can only be a plus. Social problems are derived from immaturity and irresponsibility. We had a whole generation that became the ultimate definition of both - the flower children. I'm just interested to see if our society will survive their impact.
Also, as GrayDuck hinted at, the main flaw of eugenics is that the criteria of a "favorable characteristic" vs. an "unfavorable characteristic" will be biased in some way, not to mention that most people would be unwilling to surrender such a fundamental right as the one to reproduce. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Violent behaviour has a great deal to do with genetics, and I'll bet a dumb kid over a smart kid will become a criminal any day.. Selective is kinda needed, I dont mean restricting people have children, just encourage those with desirable traits to get more children..
P:S marien, where does the intelligent caring parents come from? <!--emo&::marine::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='marine.gif' /><!--endemo-->
They come from people who also had caring parents, or they start with less than perfect circumstances and reform themselves. Being in the church, I see a lot of both. Having a mother that got knocked up at 16 and the dad skipped town is a less than perfect start. Unfortunately, it seems to be a vicious circle, kids whose parents have divorced are more likely to divorce themselves etc
The problem is that while intelligent people are an abundant resource, caring and well adjusted are not. Many families that seem to be very normal on the surface have actually an alarming amount of issues. The current trend of working to achieve material success makes things worse since work usually takes precedence over having time for your children. For some parents, work is also the place where they escape their families, some spending long hours just so they don't have to go home. While lower class families in Finland usually produce problem children as a result of rampant alcoholism and uncaring attitude, the higher class children suffering from the same problems are usually those who were left to their own devices too often because the parents had no time for them from their careers. The ratio of problem children among different social classes still remains the same.
Most social problems derive from the structure of the society. Those with less resources have less solutions available than those with more. It is truly exceptional for someone to rise above their origins. For every ghetto-born CEO the graveyards are littered with those who died of exposure on the streets or were shot by their neighbours. Immaturity as a reason for these problems has some basis. This is the immaturity of a person to see past what he wants. We are fed the ideals of monetary gain and notoriety, while the truth is that by eliminating the immature ideology of economic hedonism would reflect favourably on every layer of the society.
The flower children of the sixties were actually quite far from irresponsibility and immaturity. While the views of the hippies were often radical (compared to the norm of the times), their basic beliefs had one thing that should be the very basic tenet of a functional society: Don't **** others over for your own gain. Sadly the followers are never as good as their teachers, and the ideas of intellectual deviants like Timothy Leary and Terrence McKenna were forgotten by many who just sought an easy way to have fun. This phenomenon is not unique to the hippie movement, however. Every mass movement always attracts people who only wish to exploit others. Your reference to the hippie culture is almost demeaning, quite like if I said that all upper class parents are corporate criminals who replace being there for their children with abundant weekly allowances.
Bad parents come from all social and cultural backgrounds, and criminals are not always of low intellect. Some people simply choose to disregard the "normal" rules of society for their own monetary gain (be they street thugs or white-collar criminals), and some do not see the rules at all.
I do believe that having a parent or parents that truly care for their offspring is a gift of unsurpassable value for a child. Unfortunately no test of any kind can reveal beforehand what kind of parents will some people become. If someone could develop a way to screen the bad future parents from the good, I would be all for it, since I have a soft spot for traumatized children, having worked in a special school for children with ADHD and other personality disorders.
And Frankenstein...
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->to be able to go to the super market, movies, or mall...<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Based on that list, you ought to be in the truck when the herd is culled, not the slobbering guys.
let me explain what i mean by crappy.
everyone is getting more ignorant apathetic and irrational. about 30 people in the junior class at my high school wigged out at me for something that only 8 juniors were there to see, and what i did (which was effin hilarious to all the seniors, and probably everyone else also) was fixed before the juniors came in. out of those 8 people, about 3 people were mad. they took it upon themselves to tell everyone and now they are all angry at me, and planning to "get" my house tonight
one of my girlfriends friends is grounded, had to quit her job, an forbidden to see this girl. her parents also got a restraining order on the girl. reason for such harsh punishment you may ask? the girl was a lesbian. but i know this girl, and she happens to be one of the nicest, funniest people i know. she goes to church, does good in school, doesnt do drugs or anything. she just never developed an attraction to boys, and likes girls instead.
also its a proven fact that the male chromosome is weakening, if something isnt done, there might be a time when women outnumber men 100-1.
now if selective breeding actually happened, the ignorant would not have children, the apathetic would not have children, and neithe would the irrational. the people with genetical problems would also not be allowed to breed.
now every smart person i know, has smart parents. everyone rational person i know, has rational parents, and every active person i know has active parents. same goes for all the ignorant, irrational, and lazy people. i know there are some people who have crazy idiot parents, and become a good person, but the chances are slim.
population might drop drastically, but people who could breed would be encouraged to have many children. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I agree with you totally. In that case im first to go and other unsavoury characters
No, I agree with the general idea but the execution would be inhumanly cruel. We have to wait for genetic engineering to be perfected, then perhaps we can live in a world where everyone has an optimal set of genes, and no one except religious nut jobs will <i>not</i> want their children to be modified.
The problems of ignorance, apathy, and idiocy seem to have no solution. Better education? Rebuild the family unit after society has tried so hard to break it up?
After that, move on to the yuppies and rabid republicans, who somehow still are voting for Bush. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> And anyone who owns an SUV and does not offroad at least 10% of the time.
Hey.. if you're going to be a mindless drone, you might as well not make any more, after all.
No, I agree with the general idea but the execution would be inhumanly cruel. We have to wait for genetic engineering to be perfected, then perhaps we can live in a world where everyone has an optimal set of genes, and no one except religious nut jobs will <i>not</i> want their children to be modified.
The problems of ignorance, apathy, and idiocy seem to have no solution. Better education? Rebuild the family unit after society has tried so hard to break it up? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
if selective breeding were to happen it would have to be much more efficient than just telling people not to breed, perhaps a way of sterilizing everyone at birth, then unsterilizing them when they have proven that they wouldbe a good parent.
Oh, I would strongly recommend people that are taking interest in this thread to see the movie 'Gattica'.
No, I agree with the general idea but the execution would be inhumanly cruel. We have to wait for genetic engineering to be perfected, then perhaps we can live in a world where everyone has an optimal set of genes, and no one except religious nut jobs will <i>not</i> want their children to be modified.
The problems of ignorance, apathy, and idiocy seem to have no solution. Better education? Rebuild the family unit after society has tried so hard to break it up? <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
if selective breeding were to happen it would have to be much more efficient than just telling people not to breed, perhaps a way of sterilizing everyone at birth, then unsterilizing them when they have proven that they wouldbe a good parent. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
I disagree with that entire notion on so many levels... either bring them to glory through genetic engineering or leave them alone is my view, and you're going to be hard-pressed to change that. Just because society isn't perfect doesn't mean those who believe they are superior can just tell the <u>average</u> person that they can no longer fulfill their most basic instinct and, in my opinion, right.
I'm all for tinkering with genes to remove disease and such - but selective breeding just has far, FAR too many problems with it to even remotely be considered.
Especially since most of the people advocating such action would in that scenario most likely be on their way to the sterilization center...
If this **** were to fly, so to speak, then in a couple of dozen generations, you could control human thought and behavior down to the point where you have a near utopia, a perfect civilization, even though you wouldn't have true happiness or the overcompensations of misery.
You didn't read this post. This post never existed. We have always been at war with Eurasia.
Anyway, let's start with repeating criminals.. 3 strikes and if they get a child they will rattle bars again.. Of course the decision can be revoked later if neccesary..
The point is that if you tell certain people they can't have children, then what's to stop you from say....phasing out an entire group of people? Or that we have to impose the final solution to the Jewish-err I mean degenerate question?
Who decides who gets punished?
Implementing a fixed code such as repeat criminal offenders would be safer, though still dangerous, or take a look at China's 1 child policy. Stuff like that works because it's universal except in freak exceptions (twins, deformities, death after birth).
I don't want the government to put an arbitrary law in that's meant to "weed out the morons" rather than a solid law that's meant to control the population count because we're overextended on resources.
its pretty easy to spot bad parenting, i dont know who would be encharge of creating the standards, but in my eyes they are already there and people just refuse to follow them
rapier: what i am suggesting is getting rid of ignorance, what you are suggesting is increasing it.
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Bad parenting can be easy or near-impossible to spot. It's relatively easy to see that things aren't right if mom constantly downs massive amounts of antidepressants and dad practically lives on vodka. It gets harder when the form of bad parenting is not being there when needed. A friend of mine had already nearly reached adulthood when she realized that her parents really didn't spend that much time with her and the entire family seemed to have problems communicating with eachother. This is the kind of stuff that affects the kids but nobody on the outside can see. Saying it's easy to spot bad parents is like saying it's easy to spot drug abusers. Only the certain kind of both are very visible.
its pretty easy to spot bad parenting, i dont know who would be encharge of creating the standards, but in my eyes they are already there and people just refuse to follow them
rapier: what i am suggesting is getting rid of ignorance, what you are suggesting is increasing it. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
And therein lies the problem.
Whose 'idea' of an irresponsible moron gets used? I would consider any homophobe, any racist an imbecile. Tally doesn't want Republicans to reproduce. So... whose ideas get used?
As for spotting bad parenting, I'd have to agree with Scinet. There are obviously bad parents... and then there are parents that are borderline, or perhaps not so visible. My own parents try very hard to support me financially and always have, yet have never been there to raise me or basically 'be around' as parents. Good or bad parenting? What about parents that are always around, even if they're not that supportive of their kids?
And how exactly do you propose we get rid of ignorance? We have mandatory schooling, but that's not good enough. Also, you haven't bothered to really define what 'ignorance' is (for the sake of this discussion).