Best "oh No!" Moment As Marines?

IcculusIcculus Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 26Members
<div class="IPBDescription">here's mine</div> We're on Eclipse, desperately trying to fend off a 3 hive attack from a pretty good alien team. I've been holding my own and the comm and I have developed a good repoir so when I ask for a Grenade Launcher to clear a turret nest just outside the right hand door coming out of the base he immediately drops it on me. I fill her up with ammo and head out the door, ready to blow the turrets back into the bacteria they spawned from! I lob maybe 4 or 5, and just then a fade blinks in from behind the turrets and starts charging me. I turn and run (never back up as a slow...) back into base, rushing for the comfort of our in-base turrets. Feeling better, I turn around and watch the door, figuring the fade might show himself. Sure enough, he opens the door. Now, the fades have this animation(i believe triggered when firing a bile bomb) where they throw their "arms" out to the sides, it makes them very imposing looking. Well he did this, filling the whole doorway. At this point I unload a clip at him, my grenades bouncing just behind him. THe door slides shut and I say a silent prayer to TSA command that my grenades will do their jobs. Sure enough a kill message shows up..."thefittest*grenadekill*somealien". My heart soars and I head back through the door to finish my work on the turret nest. I step through the door and turn the corner to head down the hall. AT this point I freeze, the realization of the full scene coming clear. At my feet lies a dead gorge, its body rapidly decomposing and the blood already thickly congealed on the metal flooring. Everything made sense to me then, and I had exactly enough time to comprehend my fate beore I met it. I heard the chuckle thickly, as if through a wad of cotton shoved into my ear; and I had just barely enough time left in this universe to say "oh no" and turn around. AS I did the perfectly healthy Fade uncloaked from the corner, his dual spikes raising high above for the killing blow. At least it was quick, one downstroke....right into my face.

It's moments like this that make me play online games, and moments like this that show why NS is one of the best I've ever played. That scene will stick with me always as the pinacle of perfect atmosphere in any Half Life mod <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.

Thanks FLay and company, you bring me no small amount of joy <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->.

<!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> *chomp* <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> Happy Hunting.


  • BridgerBridger Join Date: 2002-10-30 Member: 1761Members
    omg, i'm SO binding my chuckle key...
  • DukatDukat Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7748Members
    My fav moment is from the classic-ness of ns_bast. I was playing on my clan's server against some other clan members, I had just respawned so I only had the stock amount of ammo when I see the telltale blip of motion dection picking up a moving alien in the airlock chamber. I had no time to try and rearm and I didn't know the third hive had been built, thinking I was only up against a fade or lerk, maybe a couple of skullks I charge down to greet them with my awsome LMG of uber-l33tness. When the chamber finished turning I'm sitting there all alone facing a Raging Onos. Of course it's a friend of mine from down the hall and I let loose with everything my LMG was worth. I back up into the wall hoping for some protection from somewhere. Lady Luck was with me that day and I had time to reload and pump a second, and last, clip into the beast, point blank of course. With my last LMG round I see the kill symbol and not because the mysterious turrets from no where (they weren't there when I charged down there). But either way, the Onos was dead and by some miracle I was still alive, and the rest of my team had time to take out that pesky third hive, that is until later in the game, but that's a story for later. Like after I get back from classes.
  • lljk_pointylljk_pointy Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7350Members
    Last night, our only command pod was destoyed, and we fought for an hour with only LMGs and what we had left from before the aliens got it. We fortunately held all hives but the main one, so we tried to shut it down over and over, but finally it just got stupid and we all F4ed
  • Kung_FoolKung_Fool Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4092Members
    That was in the first couple of days since NS came out. I was a marine in with a LMG and saw an alien evolving. Thinking "U r mine, sucker!" I fired a few shots at it, and suddenly it wasn´t there anymore. I was totally surprised, scratched my head and thought. "WTF??? Where could it be?", advancing the place where the alien was. Just as I got there, slowly relaxing, A BIG FAT COW UNCLOAKED RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME, LETTING OUT AN ENORMOUS ROAR!!! I screamed, jumped up farting seven colors in my pants and fell off my chair... lol! Then it killed me... I had to recover from that shock for about five minutes. <!--emo&:0--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wow.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • HobbesHobbes Join Date: 2002-03-17 Member: 328Members
    I remember taking point on some dark hallway in some map (they blur together after a while) with two other teammates, and I advanced into an antechamber, turned around to look at them, and had enough time to say "All right, it looks safe to-" before a skulk jumped down on my head and took me out. One bite in the air, and one bite as soon as he hit the ground, and the last thing I heard was LMG fire as my squadmates tried to avoid my fate.

    I tell was fantastic. =)
  • True_BelieverTrue_Believer Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8074Members
    one of the best moments probably as near the end of the game (it was obvious when there were 4 Onos in our base) and me and 1 other person were fighting for out lives at the command pod up on some elevated platform with a ramp to it. we were sitting there unloading our HMGs and eventually out pistols until i was out of ammo and i turned around and then there was this nice big Onos right behind me next to the command pod who apparently skipped over my partner and went straight to me (since he had another onos behind him anyway). it was at that point i just said "ahhh, **obscenity**." and i was dead.
  • th15th15 Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6992Members
    Well i was on that map with the deep hole in the marine spawn (i think its ns_nothing). Us marines were losing so i asked for a jetpack and got it, hid until the rest of my buddies died and the aliens cleaned out all out buildings. Then i flew into that hole and started hovering just within, i figured that if i tapped the spacebarrigth i could stay there forever. Unfortunately an onos saw/heard me and came looking for me. It jumpd on the railing and looked down, i didnt have any ammo left so it was just me and my knife. Then i realised what it was gonna do. He jumped on me. Jumped on me and gored me. Then promptly fell to his death.
  • ChromeAngelChromeAngel Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 14Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Playtesting on Tanith, me an 4 marines vs 5 aliens. A few minutes into the game 3 of us marines were building a base in the satellite hive room, one marine gets skulked as we get the first turret on line. So there's me and Grendal in this hive room waiting for the commander to place turrets. The RPs keep counting up and no turrets appear, no sign of reinforcements either. Grendal decides to go check on base, while I babysit the turret. A few momments later Grendal is on the voice comm "OMG! The got the IP! ". Damn! I think 25 RPs. I've barely finshed the thought when Grendal speaks again "And the the Comm". It wasn't like he'd finished speaking, more like he was cut off mid-word. I hit tab to view the score board. 4 dead marines and 5 very alive aliens.


    I check my ammo. 2 LMG rounds left. Switch to Pistol

    Zero pistol rounds left. Oh *$%!!!##!!!....
  • GhostBomberGhostBomber Join Date: 2002-11-04 Member: 6910Members
    GREAT story, Icculus! Unfortunately, I havn't had such an experience, and thus my best times are but okay times.
  • DukatDukat Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7748Members
    Yay! Classes all done, I can finish my Onos hunting tale now. Anyways, same game as before only later, much later. Marines had managed to take and lose 2 different hive locations, twice so we knew the end was near. I was still psyched after the previous Onos kill so I went hunting more when I realized we were getting bio-bombed by a fade. Of course I have only my trusty LMG to protect me, 2 Onos come charging out of one of the lost hives (which one I can't recall). "Oh crap" I'm thinking, "We're done for." So after respawning I warn the rest of the team and ask NOT to be reequiped, I didn't want to waste the resources. So the next thing I know I'm holding an HMG. I drop it hoping to get my trusty LMG back, no dice. So I'm stuck with only a fully loaded pistol and my knife. I make for the base elevator where I see 5 Onos's climbing on. "Crap" I start emptying my pistol clips from a ladder when the Onos's figure out they can climb (as awkward as it looked) the ladder to get to the marines firing onto them. One climbs past me dealing only minimal damage, the second goes past to the base, and I'm thinking "phew i just might make it." Nope! a Third Onos comes up and nails me just as I'm about to switch to my knife and attempt to take an Onos out that way. Needless to say Marines lost that game. But it was all in the fun of it. After all NS is the only game I know of where losing can still be fun.
  • CrazedMonkOnaMissionCrazedMonkOnaMission Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7429Members
    Last night, when we got pushed all the way back to the start on ns_eclipse. So we turtled inside, then we heard a lot of "screams" outside one door, cause the entire alien team evolved into Onos at the same time. One of my teammates said over voicecom "does anyone else not like the sound of that" then 5 onos come barreling in. Luckily, becuase their so fat they got stuck, and we took a few before they could run <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
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    <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • BlackWolfBlackWolf Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8258Members
    Alright, you guys made me have to sign up to this finally, so that I could share my story too : P

    I was on Bast, I think, I'm not quite sure..I had joined the server partway through the mission. This was, perhaps, my second time playing the game, and would soon establish my equipment preference. In the marine spawn, there was an enormous cargo elevator, and when I joined, it was having problems with an alien infestation causing it to raise and lower constantly, as we tried to close the gap, and they tried to open it. I, having no orders, just ran around semi-randomly, and I just picked up a jetpack and an HMG and a welder. (My preference for secondary later became mines.)
    I happily walked to the edge of the elevator shaft, where the fight had ended, and things had been quiet. A second marine joined me, and he climbed down. After a moment, I jetted down to join him. As I touched ground, he began forward. And then it happened.
    Directly in front of us, an Onos de-cloaked with a roar, and charged. It squashed the lead marine (in light armor) and grazed me, slamming into the wall just behind me. I, being on voice comm, yelled something to the effect of "ONOS!!!!" However, I forgot to let go of ctrl (my comm-key) and seem to have been screaming like a little girl as I flew up out of the shaft, slammed into the ceiling, and went flying into the corner of the room, splatting against the wall.
    Quite shaken, I ask for a bit of health, and the commander, ever gracious, granted me the medpack of life. I raised the elevator, took out a pair of fades sitting on the ladders, and then decided I'd follow a heavy out the back door to check out beyond the airlock behind our base.
    Fully armed and armored, I trot out of the airlock with my heavy friend, and we set up a couple buildings. I then radio that I'm going to scout around a little, see what I can find, and go off a side hallway. About this point, I start getting the eerie feeling that I'm in the movie "Alien" and I look all over this huge shaft that entered, scanning the walls, knowing that a skulk could be clinging anywhere, and I wont know it. I creep into the observation bridge, and after reporting all clear, I crawl down the ladder, into the vent. Ahead, I heard a gurgling noise, and I grew a bit more frightened...I hadnt yet known that this was a resource tower of theirs--I was afraid I was about to come across a hive or something.
    I walked through the crawlspace, and lo-and-behold, there was the resource tower, in a perfectly protected position. I happily mowed it down with a clip from my HMG, and then built the tower the commander dropped.
    By this time, I had gotten pretty much over my fear, but when I turned around, a cold hand gripped my stomach. There were blips moving, very large ones. Very close. And moving in my direction. I crouched as I walked the crawlspace, trying to be as quiet as possible. About fifteen feet from the ladder, my worst fears were confirmed about the blips.
    An Onos, in all its lumbering hulk and viciousness, dropped into the crawlspace, and aimed its head at me. And roared. I screamed something to the effect of "An onos is comin for me!" (Along with a few other AHHHHHHHHH!!!s), and began racing backwards, emtpying my clip into the charging behemoth. It was slowed to just barely faster than me by the walls, but it was still able to close the gap considerably. Its tusks were nearly milimeters from goring me, when it exploded in a splush of blood, gore, and entrails.
    Very much frightened, I returned to base, and reloaded. I had survived my first scouting mission, and the two first onos I had ever met, with only a few scratches.
    <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::onos::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tiny.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • DukatDukat Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7748Members
    You havn't met an Onos until you get run over by one using charge, or an Onos rush to end a game. Then again a light marine with a trusty LMG against an Onos rush is pretty fun...especially if they forget to take out the spawn portals.
  • NubiNubi Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8026Members
    Well this isn't that "great" but I found it funny

    Anyways my friend and I were playing, we were on the phone an dmy friend was spectating me so he could see what to do and what not

    then he started laughing and I"m like "What?" and he tells me to look behind me, so I do,

    Nothing there

    I accuse him of being insane

    So I'm walking around some more looking for a lone skulk/gorge/lerk to kill

    Then he laughs again and again 'What???"

    "Behind you"


    This goes on for a while, and I started ignoring him

    All of a sudden an acid rocket hit sthe wall just in front of me

    I turn around and there was a Fade, right in front of me

    Turns out he had been following me, and when he saw me turning he'd stand still and cloak, then stalk me some more

    Eventually he did win because, let's face it, with the new server patch, it's almost impossible to 1 vs 1 a fade and it was extremely hard even before it

    So anyways that's my story with a mini-rant in it
  • FuzzyBunnyFeetFuzzyBunnyFeet Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8264Members
    My favourite "oh no" moment as a marine was the day after the mod came out. I was running by myself(stupid me) and I ran through a hall, and a heard a noise. I looked around, nothing, than I looked above and sitting above me was 6(yes 6) skulks attached to the roof. **obscenity**!... than i promptly got castrated several dozen times.
  • ErpErp Join Date: 2002-01-25 Member: 90Members
    My favourite Marine moment was last night, we were all holed up in the Main Base in NS_eclipse, the commander had built about 50 turrets and the Aliens had 3 Hives.

    Anyway, I was getting bored, so I started running around attacking Fades with a knife (I never won though <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->). At one stage I actually ran right around to the Eclipse Command Hive (without encountering any Aliens) and started knifing the crap out of it, unfortunatly a Fade decided to walk around the corner...

    When I respawned I ran out of the base again cutting with the knife, right past an Onos that was waiting by the door, so I screamed around the corner and jumped into the gap (at the resourse point right outside the base), and started jumping up and down while knifing the air to mock the Onos "Nyah Nyah you can't get me!"... and he bloody well jumped right over the rail on my head!!!!

    I was freaking out and crouched, knifed and jumped like a madman while an angry looking onos was jumping around on my head goring me to death. I was down to 30 health, about to finally die when the Onos disappeared!!

    OMG!!!! I had taken on an Onos by myself with a knife and he had to redemption back to the hive!!!
    I didn't stop laughing for 5 minutes, god it was funny.
  • ZZZZZZ Join Date: 2002-11-12 Member: 8270Members
    Very first game i entered, i walked out of spawn down a hallway to a point just before where it turned left 90 degrees. there were 3 of my marine buddies standing in the turn, and all of a sudden there is this funny roar and an onos comes flying from down the hall across the screen and slams into the wall, and all 3 marines died from the charge. Keep in mind this is the first 5 or so minutes ive ever played of the game...i didnt even fire, i just turned and ran, thinking WTF IS THAT???
  • TabayashiTabayashi Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8130Members
    My best oh no moment is this. The marines were actually running around together on tanith. there were like 6 of us together. We turn a corner, ready to take out the hive we were going to. it looked unprotected, so we all start knifing the hive. (it was just built) unfortunately, there were 2 skulks, a fade, and a lerk sitting there behind us cloaked. suffice it to say that we were raped. <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->
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