Joev Interviewed
One Script To Rule Them All...Trondheim, Norway Join Date: 2002-11-14 Member: 8641Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue

joev got interviewed by ampednews -- check it out.
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
<span style='color:gray'>(fixed your link for you -Bob)</span>
Thanks! Hm, weird -- was sure I posted the right link. Oh well.
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
<span style='color:gray'>(fixed your link for you -Bob)</span>
Thanks! Hm, weird -- was sure I posted the right link. Oh well.
Next, Flayra should be interviewed ^^
Unlike PHL..<!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Next, Flayra should be interviewed ^^ <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Flayra ist extremly busy. :/
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Hellabean: Any comments on the speculation that Natural-Selection will be ported to the source engine Joev?
Joev: There is a lot of speculation on this. The simple answer is that *we* don't know. Let alone anyone else knowing. Source is an unknown quantity. Sure, we see the potential, and are told by VALVe that porting is "easy", but at this point there is no SDK. Before we can even consider the idea, we need to see what is in the SDK. At that point we will determine if it's possible/feasible to do. Simply that without the SDK we can't determine the work involved or what benefits it will give us. Of course the engine is graphically better, but there's a high price in terms of client performance/ min requirements to pay for that. We can't say, now, if it's worth it until the SDK comes out. "
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Very interesing.
P.S: News up @ <a href='' target='_blank'>NS Pexgames</a>
god i hope you guys havent hyped up the BUS, because if it isnt that great there will be a lot of not-so-happy people. like me. <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
anyways good work joev, we all love you too... <3
Developer Interview: Joev
Player name: Joev
Real name: Joe Vaughan
Age: 36
Background information: Joev joined the PT team for 1.0 back in July of 2002, pimped in by Grendel who told Flayra "I've got a Linux Guy". Shortly after that he started working on two things, fixing the website (I don't know if you remember but the forums used to crash constantly back then) and the database and then, after the 1.0 release, Joev started working on setting up the Linux NS build.
<b>Hellabean: Welcome Joev, I'd like to thank you for the chance to interview such an important member of the Natural-Selection development team.</b>
<i>Joev: It's my pleasure.</i>
<b>Hellabean: Can you please explain your role in the NS team for those who may not know who you are?</b>
<i>Joev: My current role for the NS team is as "Development Manager". What that means is I am responsible for the "process" of NS development i.e. making sure that the work gets done, deciding schedules with the designer (Flayra) and the producer (Nemesis Zero) things like that, basically a software development manager’s job. I'm also "hands on" in that I am a coder in the team as well as running it.</i>
<b>Hellabean: There have been many comments recently on the forums about introducing more competitive NS players into the playtester group, what are your thoughts on this?</b>
<i>Joev: Grendel's post on PT requirements in the NS forums recently mirrors my thoughts on what makes a good playtester. Basically, a good player and a good play *tester* are very different things. Too many people believe that the former = the latter and our experience has shown that this is not necessarily the case. But from my point of view, I don't get headaches about it... that's why we have PT Leads <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> They're the ones who have to worry about that. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--></i>
<b>Hellabean: Many people might not understand the actual role of playtesters for the mod, can you please clear up this ambiguity for us?</b>
<i>Joev: Basically their job is to test the game in its "complete" state at various stages. By that, I mean: When we're developing a bug fix, or a feature, for sure we test it to make sure that it works as we think, but as anyone who knows anything about software development will tell you, the worst tester in the world, is the person who coded it. Therefore playtesters test not only feature/bug fix Z but also how Z interacts with all the other elements in the game. They also provide feedback on what, simple works and doesn't... including "broad" balancing, i.e. if something is *obviously* overpowered.</i>
<b>Hellabean: I’m sure many of the developers are bombarded by requests by players to be come playtesters, can you tell them the specific qualities that the PT leads look for when selecting potential playtesters?</b>
<i>Joev: First and foremost, reliability and trustworthiness. The playtesters get to see the next version of NS at it's "worst" with all it's dirty laundry hung out to dry (big glaring bugs, 1/2 finished features, placeholder artwork etc). The also, of course, know what's "coming next". We invest a great deal of our trust in them to not report what they know. That's vital for us because we want to give the public something "fresh" each release so that it's interesting and exciting. Secondly, communication skills. You could be the best NS player in the world but if you're unable to communicate effectively and objectively, then you're no use to us. Finally, skill. You have to have some skill in playing the game, there's no doubt. It would be pointless having complete new players on the PTs to whom everything has to be explained (although, of course, it would be a good idea perhaps to have a "newbie" focus group prior to release to see how the game works for newcomers). These are the sorts of things that Grendel has mentioned in his posts on this question and I think is pretty universal in the team.</i>
<b>Hellabean: How important do you feel playtesters are for the future development of the game?</b>
<i>Joev: They're as important as any other part of the team. I keep harping on "team this, team that." but I feel quite strongly that NS is a team effort and all the "cogs" are important.</i>
<b>Hellabean: Any comments on the speculation that Natural-Selection will be ported to the source engine Joev?</b>
<i>Joev: There is a lot of speculation on this. The simple answer is that *we* don't know. Let alone anyone else knowing. Source is an unknown quantity. Sure, we see the potential, and are told by VALVe that porting is "easy", but at this point there is no SDK. Before we can even consider the idea, we need to see what is in the SDK. At that point we will determine if it's possible/feasible to do. Simply that without the SDK we can't determine the work involved or what benefits it will give us. Of course the engine is graphically better, but there's a high price in terms of client performance/ min requirements to pay for that. We can't say, now, if it's worth it until the SDK comes out.</i>
<b>Hellabean: Many of us can recall that Beta 5 was released primarily as a bug fix version, will Beta 6 be the same way?</b>
<i>Joev: Yes and no. We're trying to "feature freeze" the code so that we can get further into balancing the game and releasing 3.0 so as each beta comes and goes there is less "new stuff". There are a few "features" for the next release but mostly it's cleaning up on problems in the previous release and moving towards final 3.0 release status. I know it makes the release less "exciting" but we hope it makes them "better".</i>
<b>Hellabean: Are there any specifics you can release about the upcoming version of NS Joev?</b>
<i>Joev: The only things I can really talk about are things that are known. For example we have new "hitbox code". I think that will make a big difference to the game, apart from that, Zunni is the man to ask to give the lowdown on the cool stuff.</i>
<b>Hellabean: What do you believe the future holds for the game and what can we expect from the team?</b>
<i>Joev: Certainly I think that a "Source" port will be thought about and discussed long and hard once we get the SDK. Other than that, we all want to continue to evolve the game. It's at a certain "point" now, but there are a huge amount of possibilities for the future direction and scope of the game. It's hard to say where it will go. I do know that we have a great game, built by, I believe, a great team for a community that is basically the best I've ever had the experience of being a member of. Surely whatever comes out of that has to be great!</i>
<b>Hellabean: How do you respond to the comments by many that the mod is dying?</b>
<i>Joev: It's not. I've heard that sort of rubbish since even before 1.0 was released. The past predictions of doom have not been held up. I don't think the current ones will either. There is a small "vocal" minority shouting very loudly, but in fact, new people are taking up NS, some "old" people are leaving. This is natural, and normal, despite what the naysayers might want people to believe.</i>
<b>Hellabean: It is common knowledge that Charlie Cleveland (Flayra) is in San Francisco starting up his new game company Unknown Worlds, do you have any updates involving the progress of the new business?</b>
<i>Joev: You would have to ask him yourself. I know he's very busy, apart from that, I can't say.</i>
<b>Hellabean: Are there any ideas and/or developments for better incorporating the competitive players back into the mod like it once did?</b>
<i>Joev: I'm not really the person to answer such questions as its Nemesis Zero's area.</i>
<b>Hellabean: So, what can you tell us about the BUS Joev?</b>
<i>Joev: I can answer that by referring to the previous question. I think that the BUS will help invigorate competitive players again and generally "gee up" the community.</i>
<b>Hellabean: Thanks for taking the time to talk to me today, any final words and/or shoutouts for us Joev?</b>
<i>Joev: What can I say? I love NS, I love the community... even when parts of it are baying for blood <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> Big love to you all.... Man, someone slipped me some hippy juice.</i><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Very nice interview, but he didnt reveal much that hasnt been mentioned already <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<3 joev
(offtopic) btw, is voogru still a NS-programmer?
Also upon what experience does he have of the competetive community or it's status? Strange he should comment on it so wisely...
According to the new NS-site (that currently is suffering from a DB crash) he's a retired team-member. But ill just take your word for it <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Also upon what experience does he have of the competetive community or it's status? Strange he should comment on it so wisely... <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
As I commented on amped,
What "wise comments about competitive NS"?
He made no such comments wise or otherwise (pardon the pun)
It's starting to get pathetic the way you're jumping on every thread trying to make yourself seem like a big man or important to the community.
If you were really a big man, or anyone cared anything about you, you wouldn't have to shout so loud.
(I know I'm gonna get banned for saying all that, but *someone* has to say it. You're just a sad little child climbing on the shoulders of giants and shouting about how tall you are.)
Also upon what experience does he have of the competetive community or it's status? Strange he should comment on it so wisely... <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
As I commented on amped,
What "wise comments about competitive NS"?
He made no such comments wise or otherwise (pardon the pun)
It's starting to get pathetic the way you're jumping on every thread trying to make yourself seem like a big man or important to the community.
If you were really a big man, or anyone cared anything about you, you wouldn't have to shout so loud.
(I know I'm gonna get banned for saying all that, but *someone* has to say it. You're just a sad little child climbing on the shoulders of giants and shouting about how tall you are.)
soon-to-be-ex-Doby. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Complain about a valid point more while pretending to be real cool plz, I'm sure you're a real philisophical man yourself buddy.
You don't even realize who Forlorn was refering to, do you? Try reading him again, and the interview again, and useing some of those impressive comprehension skills an intelligent person such as yourself must possess.
Notice how you have yet to answer his question? Why are you commenting on something you've got no authority over?
I'm getting real tired real fast of the self rightious vigilantes prowling all over the place trying to prove how big their internet P's are in very sad attempts to look intelligent. If people would stop looking at things from emotional standpoints, stopped looking for some "hidden meaning" in others words and read the words as they are posted on a forum, then one might post something not quite as worthless as this garbage.
Joev's pretty right on that dying garbage as well. I've heard it with every release, and it's always wrong.
It's kind've funny though, FA used to be quite popular, and now a mod with about a total 6 deticated up-to-date servers (ESF) is more popular than it <!--emo&???--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='confused-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Well at least he didn't send a death-wish to all of them for doing such terrible things as requesting a medpack
Except the competetive scene is dying.
Counter-Strike Condition Zero 9,345 6,549 577.695 million
Counter-Strike: Source 7,213 3,693 348.814 million
Day of Defeat 5,099 2,199 196.754 million
Natural Selection 1,397 516 55.670 million<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--> Ns 5th =/
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> Except the competetive scene is dying.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--> So true, something needs to be done... maybe a balance of the game to try and increase competitiveness....
I would like to see a dev answer this.
its human nature to dedicate to a certain game, and start playing it in a group others like you.
i see online games with their clans and ladders no different than some football or hockey league.
You heard the man, stop playing competitively and start raping pubs. It'll be fun for everyone.
I do hope the B.U.S. is all it is cracked up to be.