Ns Locks Up A Lot

furnace562furnace562 Join Date: 2004-11-04 Member: 32634Members
i dunno whats going on....i used to run NS on win2k and it was fine...but when i went xp it locks up every like 10secs and when im around a lot of people it goes crazy almsot non stop.........i tried every video mode ... and i have all the latest drivers...........some help plz...oh my fps is like 60 and my ping is 20 or 30 but when it freezes it shoots to the thousands


  • theclamtheclam Join Date: 2004-08-01 Member: 30290Members
    Wait, are you sure it freezes? Your description makes me think that it isn't freezing at all, but your ping is shooting up and causing you to disconnect. Your ping is almost entire dependent on your network connection (along with the server's network connection and processing load, but there's nothing you can do about that). Barring something wrong with your interent connection, I'd say that if you have Windows XP SP2, the firewall that comes built in has something to do with it. I don't have Windows XP (2000SP4, which is what you probably should have stuck with), so I don't know how to fix the firewall. If you play around with it, there is probably an option for allowing hl.exe to have unhindered access to the internet. Or, if you can't do that, you should be able to easily disable the firewall.
  • furnace562furnace562 Join Date: 2004-11-04 Member: 32634Members
    ummi dont use the xp fire wall ....buti do use zonealarm...........but i had zonealarm before with win2k and it worked fine............anyother suggestions? or ways to test if my internet connection is the problem?
  • exileSoulexileSoul Join Date: 2004-07-04 Member: 29716Members
    there has been quite a few threads relating this. search them and see if any of them help
  • furnace562furnace562 Join Date: 2004-11-04 Member: 32634Members
    hmmm none of them helped.....i tried changing my cl_cmd rates and updaterates...but still i have the same problem...........
  • TomCerulTomCerul Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9614Members
    This is a silly question, but are you the only one using your bandwidth? Is HL the only application eating up you bandwidth? Got any filesharing going on? Can you get zone alarm to log your port traffic so you can look for trojan file shares? Virus checked recently?
  • pip1pip1 Join Date: 2004-09-06 Member: 31430Members
    with b5 I got major chokes (fps dropping to 1-4 for ~5 sec) in-game at random places.. It stopped when I turned anti-virus off.
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