Paris / France Join Date: 2003-12-26 Member: 24767Members

<div class="IPBDescription"> english please :)</div>Hi,
After making a <a href='' target='_blank'>french commandmenu</a>, I traduced it in english.
Unfortunately, I got bad english skill, so, be nice to me :)
To use this commandmenu, its very simple :
-Copy the quote in a text file
-Name-it "commandmenu.txt" and place it in you NS folder (/ns_/ ou /ns_country/)
-Bind a key, like bind "F3" "+commandmenu"
Example (This is french-version :)
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
"1" "Server configuration"
"1" "tournamentmode & FF"
"1" "Tournament ON" "rcon mp_tournamentmode 1"
"2" "Tournament OFF" "rcon mp_tournamentmode 0"
"3" "FF ON" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 1"
"4" "FF OFF" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 0"
"2" "Consistency"
"1" "Consistency ON" "rcon mp_consistency 1"
"2" "Consistency OFF" "rcon mp_consistency 0"
"3" "Blockscript"
"1" "Blockscript ON" "rcon mp_blockscript 1"
"2" "Blockscript OFF" "rcon mp_blockscript 0"
"4" "Timelimit"
"1" "Timelimit 1337" "rcon mp_timelimit 1337"
"2" "Timelimit 999" "rcon mp_timelimit 999"
"3" "Timelimit 40" "rcon mp_timelimit 40"
"4" "Timelimit 30" "rcon mp_timelimit 30"
"5" "Timelimit 20" "rcon mp_timelimit 20"
"5" "Pausable"
"1" "Pausable ON" "rcon pausable 1"
"2" "Pausable OFF" "rcon pausable 0"
"2" "Server messages"
"1" "Message NSL" "echo enter here what you want"
"3" "Change-map"
"1" "Maps ns_ _a=>l_"
"1" "ns_agora" "rcon changelevel ns_agora"
"2" "ns_altair" "rcon changelevel ns_altair"
"3" "ns_ayumi" "rcon changelevel ns_ayumi"
"4" "ns_bast" "rcon changelevel ns_bast"
"5" "ns_caged" "rcon changelevel ns_caged"
"6" "ns_eclipse" "rcon changelevel ns_eclipse"
"7" "ns_hera" "rcon changelevel ns_hera"
"8" "ns_lost" "rcon changelevel ns_lost"
"2" "Maps ns_ _m=>z_"
"1" "ns_metal" "rcon changelevel ns_metal"
"2" "ns_mineshaft" "rcon changelevel ns_mineshaft"
"3" "ns_nancy" "rcon changelevel ns_nancy"
"4" "ns_nothing" "rcon changelevel ns_nothing"
"5" "ns_origin" "rcon changelevel ns_origin"
"6" "ns_tanith" "rcon changelevel ns_tanith"
"7" "ns_veil" "rcon changelevel ns_veil"
"3" "Maps combat"
"1" "co_angst" "rcon changelevel co_angst"
"2" "co_core" "rcon changelevel co_core"
"3" "co_daimos" "rcon changelevel co_daimos"
"4" "co_faceoff" "rcon changelevel co_faceoff"
"5" "co_kestrel" "rcon changelevel co_kestrel"
"6" "co_pulse" "rcon changelevel co_pulse"
"7" "co_rebirth" "rcon changelevel co_rebirth"
"8" "co_sava" "rcon changelevel co_sava"
"9" "co_ulysses" "rcon changelevel co_ulysses"
MAP ns_altair "4" "ns_altair"
"1" "Hive : Life support" "say_team Hive Life support"
"2" "Hive : Omega site" "say_team Hive Omega site"
"3" "Hive : Consistency monitoring" "say_team Hive Consistency monitoring"
MAP ns_agora "4" "ns_agora"
"1" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive cargo Storage"
"2" "Hive : Tunnel" "say_team Hive Tunnel"
"3" "Hive : Sewers" "say_team Hive Sewers"
MAP ns_ayumi "4" "ns_ayumi"
"1" "Hive : Pressure" "say_team Hive Pressure Control"
"2" "Hive : Hamasaki" "say_team Hive Hamasaki System"
"3" "Hive : AE 35" "say_team Hive AE 35 System Control"
MAP ns_bast "4" "ns_bast"
"1" "Hive : FeedWater" "say_team Hive FeedWater Control"
"2" "Hive : Refinery" "say_team Hive Refinery"
"3" "Hive : Engine" "say_team Hive Engine"
MAP ns_caged "4" "ns_caged"
"1" "Hive : Generator" "say_team Hive Generator"
"2" "Hive : Ventilation" "say_team Hive Ventilation"
"3" "Hive : Sewers" "say_team Hive Sewers"
MAP ns_eclipse "4" "ns_eclipse"
"1" "Hive : Eclipse" "say_team Hive Eclipse Command"
"2" "Hive : Computer Core" "say_team Hive Computer Core"
"3" "Hive : Maintenance" "say_team Hive Maintenance access"
MAP ns_hera "4" "ns_hera"
"1" "Hive : Archiving" "say_team Hive Archiving"
"2" "Hive : Data Core Delta" "say_team Hive Data Core Delta"
"3" "Hive : Ventilation" "say_team Hive Ventilation 3-C"
MAP ns_lost "4" "ns_lost"
"1" "Hive : Equilibrium" "say_team Hive Equilibrium Regulation"
"2" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive Cargo Bay Delta"
"3" "Hive : Alpha" "say_team Hive Alpha Continuum"
MAP ns_metal "4" "ns_metal"
"1" "Hive : Surface" "say_team Hive Surface Access"
"2" "Hive : Smelter" "say_team Hive Smelter"
"3" "Hive : Cooling" "say_team Hive Cooling Processing"
MAP ns_mineshaft "4" "ns_mineshaft"
"1" "Hive : Tram" "say_team Hive Tram tunnel"
"2" "Hive : Drill" "say_team Hive Drill access"
"3" "Hive : Sewer" "say_team Hive Sewer"
MAP ns_nancy "4" "ns_nancy"
"1" "Hive : Subspace" "say_team Hive Subspace Array Interface"
"2" "Hive : Port Engine" "say_team Hive Port Engine Room"
"3" "Hive : Mother" "say_team Hive Mother"
MAP ns_nothing "4" "ns_nothing"
"1" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive Cargo Bay Foyer"
"2" "Hive : Viaduct" "say_team Hive The Great Viaduct"
"3" "Hive : Power Silo" "say_team Hive Power Silo"
MAP ns_origin "4" "ns_origin"
"1" "Hive : Biodome" "say_team Hive Biodome"
"2" "Hive : Ventilation" "say_team Hive Ventilation"
"3" "Hive : Furnace" "say_team Hive Furnace"
MAP ns_tanith "4" "ns_tanith"
"1" "Hive : Waste" "say_team Hive Waste Handling"
"2" "Hive : Fusion" "say_team Hive Fusion Reactor"
"3" "Hive : Satelite" "say_team Hive Satelite Communications"
MAP ns_veil "4" "ns_veil"
"1" "Hive : Sub-Sector" "say_team Hive Sub-Sector 5B Access"
"2" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive Cargo Transfer South (milieu)"
"3" "Hive : Pipeline" "say_team Hive Pipeline"
"5" "Options"
"1" "Player"
"1" "Going in ready-room" "readyroom"
"2" "Join marines" "jointeamone"
"3" "Join aliens" "jointeamtwo"
"4" "Spectate" "spectate"
"5" "Suicide" "kill"
"2" "net_graph & cl_showfps"
"1" "net_graph 1" "net_graph 1"
"2" "net_graph 2" "net_graph 2"
"3" "net_graph 3" "net_graph 3"
"4" "net_graph 0" "net_graph 0"
"5" "cl_showfps 1" "cl_showfps 1"
"6" "cl_showfps 0" "cl_showfps 0"
"3" "Display changes"
"1" "Brightness"
"1" "0.5" "Brightness 0.5"
"2" "1" "Brightness 1"
"3" "1.5" "Brightness 1.5"
"4" "2" "Brightness 2"
"5" "2.5" "Brightness 2.5"
"6" "3" "Brightness 3"
"7" "3.5" "Brightness 3.5"
"8" "4" "Brightness 4"
"9" "5" "Brightness 5"
"2" "Gamma"
"1" "0.5" "Gamma 0.5"
"2" "1" "Gamma 1"
"3" "1.5" "Gamma 1.5"
"4" "2" "Gamma 2"
"5" "2.5" "Gamma 2.5"
"6" "3" "Gamma 3"
"7" "3.5" "Gamma 3.5"
"8" "4" "Gamma 4"
"9" "5" "Gamma 5"
TOGGLE "3" "cl_dynamiclights" "cl_dynamiclights"
TOGGLE "4" "cl_forcedefaultfov" "cl_forcedefaultfov"
TOGGLE "5" "cl_highdetail" "cl_highdetail"
TOGGLE "6" "Textures détaillées" "r_detailtextures"
"4" "Sound changes"
"1" "Volume"
"1" "volume 0" "volume 0"
"2" "volume 0.2" "volume 0.2"
"3" "volume 0.4" "volume 0.4"
"4" "volume 0.6" "volume 0.6"
"3" "volume 0.8" "volume 0.8"
"3" "volume 1" "volume 1"
TOGGLE "2" "Music" "cl_musicenabled"
"3" "Music level"
"1" "10" "cl_musicvolume 10.000000"
"2" "20" "cl_musicvolume 20.000000"
"3" "30" "cl_musicvolume 30.000000"
"4" "50" "cl_musicvolume 50.000000"
"5" "70" "cl_musicvolume 70.000000"
"6" "100" "cl_musicvolume 90.000000"
"7" "130" "cl_musicvolume 130.000000"
"8" "150" "cl_musicvolume 150.000000"
"4" "MP3Volume"
"1" "0.00" "MP3Volume 0.000000"
"2" "0.08" "MP3Volume 0.080000"
"3" "0.13" "MP3Volume 0.130000"
"4" "0.20" "MP3Volume 0.200000"
"5" "0.30" "MP3Volume 0.300000"
"6" "0.45" "MP3Volume 0.450000"
"7" "0.60" "MP3Volume 0.600000"
"8" "0.80" "MP3Volume 0.800000"
"9" "1.00" "MP3Volume 1.000000"
TOGGLE "5" "Hisound" "hisound"
TOGGLE "6" "Sound on/off" "nosound"
TOGGLE "7" "HLVOICE" "voice_enable"
TOGGLE "5" "Fastswitch" "hud_fastswitch"
TOGGLE "6" "Autohelp" "cl_autohelp"
"6" "Pause ON/OFF"
"1" "Pausable 1" "rcon pausable 1"
"2" "Pauser/depauser" "pause"
"3" "Pausable 0" "rcon pausable 0"
"4" "Local host"
"1" "pausable 0" "pausable 0"
"2" "pausable 1" "pausable 1"
"7" "Stratégys"
"1" "DC 1 (classic)" "say_team DC1 - Gorge () rt/lerk () dc () hive () fades (:)"
"2" "DC 2 (3 fades)" "say_team DC2 - Gorges () hive () fade (::)"
"3" "DC 3 (no hive)" "say_team DC3 - rt/lerk () rt/hive () Gorges (:) fades (:)"
"4" "MC 1 (classic)" "say_team MC1 - Gorge () rt/??? (::) mcs () hive ()"
"5" "MC 2 (Silence)" "say_team MC2 - Gorge () mc/silent_skulk (:) mc/rt () hive () fade ()"
"6" "SC 1 (classic)" "say_team SC1 - Gorge () rt (::) SC () hive ()"
"7" "SC 2 (Separées)" "say_team SC2 - rt/skulk (:) SC/rt (:) SC/skulk () hive ()"
"8" "SC 3 (+ fade)" "say_team SC3 - rt/skulk (:) SC/rt (:) 2SC () fade () hive ()"
"8" "Help to beginners"
"1" "Basics (marines)"
"1" "Goal marine" "say_team the goal in marine-team is to kill the hive(s)"
"2" "In details..." "say_team For this, you have to goign tactily, you have to make
ress-nodes and attack with your team"
"3" "The commander" "say_team The commander has an RTS view. His role it to place
building and guide marines"
"4" "Build" "say_team To build the buildings is of primary importance, for it, place in
front of it, and press ''use''"
"5" "Les armes" "say_team Weapons are given by the commander, they cost A LOT, so don't
ask him some only for pleasure..."
"6" "Stratégys..." "say_team Phase-gates are very pratictal. You have to place them in
important places and protect them"
"7" "Surprise PG" "say_team One of the most efficient technique is to make a light-attack
by dropping a surprise Phase-gate"
"8" "Siege" "say_team To get down a hive, it is possible to attack it with sieges
"2" "Buildings (marines)"
"1" "Infantry portal" "say_team infantry portal (IP) make marine spawn"
"2" "Armory" "say_team Armory give you ammo (press ''use'' forward it). It also permiss
the commander to drop weapons in his area"
"3" "Arms Lab" "say_team armslab permiss commander to make upgrade, so marine will be
more powerfull"
"4" "radar" "say_team Radar is multifunction. Allow allows amongst other things to drop
"5" "phase-gate" "say_team The phase-gate (PG) is a teleportor. Cover them !!"
"6" "Prototype lab" "say_team The prototype lab (proto) allows evolution of ''Jet-pack''
and ''High-armor'' modules"
"7" "turret factory" "say_team The turret-Factory (TF) allow to trop turrets. He allows
also electrification"
"8" "turrets" "say_team Turrets are ideal to defend bases, but can win without them"
"3" "Equipements (marines)"
"1" "Mines" "say_team Mines are very well. Place it near important buildings like
Phase-gate or armory"
"2" "Shootgun" "say_team The shootgun (SG) is very offensive versus enemis and alien
buildings. Cost : 10"
"3" "HMG" "say_team The Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) is very offensice versus the enemis, but
not very much versus alien buildings. Cost : 15"
"4" "Grenade launcher" "say_team The Grenade launcher (GL) is quite effective versus
alien building spam. Cost : 15"
"5" "Grenades" "say_team Grenades aren't very effective. Use it when you got a skulk
behind a ress-node"
"6" "Welder" "say_team The Welder allows to repear building/armor and to weld the yellow
"7" "Jet-pack" "say_team The Jet-pack (JP) allow you to fly. Learn how to use it
"8" "High-armor" "say_team The High-Armor (HA) give you 200 armor, but it slows you a
"4" "Basics (aliens)"
"1" "Goal alien" "say_team The goal in alien is to destroy the marine base"
"2" "In details" "say_team Ownig ress-nodes is essential, but using them well too"
"3" "The hive" "say_team The hive is the most important alien building. More hive you
get, more powerfull you are"
"4" "Evolutions" "say_team skulk can gestate into new life-form. The gorge is the
"5" "but..." "say_team Other life-form are unity attack, but you don't have to use them
in some cases."
"6" "Saving for..." "say_team Saving for ress to spend them after is important"
"7" "But..." "say_team but hasardous evolution and thinking you will all destroy is
useless (example : onos with 1 hive)"
"5" "aliens evolution"
"1" "Skulk (1)" "say_team The skulk is the basic unity, he's fast and weak"
"2" "skulk (2)" "say_team SKULK (1) Bite, (2) Parasite = tracking, (3) leap (4) Xenocide
= kamikaze"
"3" "Gorge (1)" "say_team The gorge is the builder, his rôle is essential. He must not
"4" "Gorge (2)" "say_team GORGE (1) Spit, (2) heal = heal friends/buildings, (3)
billbombe = attack buildings only, (4) web"
"5" "lerk (1)" "say_team The lerk is the flying unity. He must preferably remain has
"6" "lerk (2)" "say_team LERK (1) Bite, (2) Spore = gaz, (3) Umbra = proctection, (4)
Primal-scream = boost"
"7" "Fade (1)" "say_team The fade is a powerfull warior. Its principal occupation:
buttocks of the marines !"
"8" "Fade (2)" "say_team FADE (1) Swipe, (2) blink = displacement, (3) Metabolize =
regeneration, (4) Acid rocket = bawl"
"9" "Onos (1)" "say_team A war machine, but very weak in fact :["
"10" "Onos (2)" "say_team ONOS (1) Gore, (2) devour, (3) Stomp = immobilised, (4) Charge
"6" "Buildings (aliens)"
"1" "Hive" "say_team Hive allows you to spawn. He his necessary to build some chambers
and dislock some attacks"
"2" "Ressource tower" "say_team Ressource Tower (RT) is essential. Cost : 15"
"3" "Offence chamber" "say_team Offence Chamber (OC) is like a turret. Its not very
"4" "Defence chamber" "say_team Defence-Chambers (DCs) are well-used. Droping 3 og them
is necessary."
"5" "Evolutions DCs" "say_team DCs -regeneration- -redemption = teleportation when low
hp- -carapace = more armor-"
"6" "Mouvements chamber" "say_team les Mouvement-chambers (MCs) allow teleportation
between hives."
"7" "Evolutions MCs" "say_team MCs -celerity = speed- -adrenaline = Yellow barre boost-
"8" "Sensorys" "say_team The sensorys-chambers (SC) cloak all things around"
"9" "Evolutions SCs" "say_team SCs -Cloaking = invisibility- -Sent of fear = Tracking-
-Focus = Attack 1 more powerfull-"
"9" "Credits" "say ''commandmenu'' by Xale. More infos @ #naturalselection @ Quakenet"
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If you have any critics on it, on the translation or other, please write it here, and I will edit the message :).
After making a <a href='' target='_blank'>french commandmenu</a>, I traduced it in english.
Unfortunately, I got bad english skill, so, be nice to me :)
To use this commandmenu, its very simple :
-Copy the quote in a text file
-Name-it "commandmenu.txt" and place it in you NS folder (/ns_/ ou /ns_country/)
-Bind a key, like bind "F3" "+commandmenu"
Example (This is french-version :)
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->
"1" "Server configuration"
"1" "tournamentmode & FF"
"1" "Tournament ON" "rcon mp_tournamentmode 1"
"2" "Tournament OFF" "rcon mp_tournamentmode 0"
"3" "FF ON" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 1"
"4" "FF OFF" "rcon mp_friendlyfire 0"
"2" "Consistency"
"1" "Consistency ON" "rcon mp_consistency 1"
"2" "Consistency OFF" "rcon mp_consistency 0"
"3" "Blockscript"
"1" "Blockscript ON" "rcon mp_blockscript 1"
"2" "Blockscript OFF" "rcon mp_blockscript 0"
"4" "Timelimit"
"1" "Timelimit 1337" "rcon mp_timelimit 1337"
"2" "Timelimit 999" "rcon mp_timelimit 999"
"3" "Timelimit 40" "rcon mp_timelimit 40"
"4" "Timelimit 30" "rcon mp_timelimit 30"
"5" "Timelimit 20" "rcon mp_timelimit 20"
"5" "Pausable"
"1" "Pausable ON" "rcon pausable 1"
"2" "Pausable OFF" "rcon pausable 0"
"2" "Server messages"
"1" "Message NSL" "echo enter here what you want"
"3" "Change-map"
"1" "Maps ns_ _a=>l_"
"1" "ns_agora" "rcon changelevel ns_agora"
"2" "ns_altair" "rcon changelevel ns_altair"
"3" "ns_ayumi" "rcon changelevel ns_ayumi"
"4" "ns_bast" "rcon changelevel ns_bast"
"5" "ns_caged" "rcon changelevel ns_caged"
"6" "ns_eclipse" "rcon changelevel ns_eclipse"
"7" "ns_hera" "rcon changelevel ns_hera"
"8" "ns_lost" "rcon changelevel ns_lost"
"2" "Maps ns_ _m=>z_"
"1" "ns_metal" "rcon changelevel ns_metal"
"2" "ns_mineshaft" "rcon changelevel ns_mineshaft"
"3" "ns_nancy" "rcon changelevel ns_nancy"
"4" "ns_nothing" "rcon changelevel ns_nothing"
"5" "ns_origin" "rcon changelevel ns_origin"
"6" "ns_tanith" "rcon changelevel ns_tanith"
"7" "ns_veil" "rcon changelevel ns_veil"
"3" "Maps combat"
"1" "co_angst" "rcon changelevel co_angst"
"2" "co_core" "rcon changelevel co_core"
"3" "co_daimos" "rcon changelevel co_daimos"
"4" "co_faceoff" "rcon changelevel co_faceoff"
"5" "co_kestrel" "rcon changelevel co_kestrel"
"6" "co_pulse" "rcon changelevel co_pulse"
"7" "co_rebirth" "rcon changelevel co_rebirth"
"8" "co_sava" "rcon changelevel co_sava"
"9" "co_ulysses" "rcon changelevel co_ulysses"
MAP ns_altair "4" "ns_altair"
"1" "Hive : Life support" "say_team Hive Life support"
"2" "Hive : Omega site" "say_team Hive Omega site"
"3" "Hive : Consistency monitoring" "say_team Hive Consistency monitoring"
MAP ns_agora "4" "ns_agora"
"1" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive cargo Storage"
"2" "Hive : Tunnel" "say_team Hive Tunnel"
"3" "Hive : Sewers" "say_team Hive Sewers"
MAP ns_ayumi "4" "ns_ayumi"
"1" "Hive : Pressure" "say_team Hive Pressure Control"
"2" "Hive : Hamasaki" "say_team Hive Hamasaki System"
"3" "Hive : AE 35" "say_team Hive AE 35 System Control"
MAP ns_bast "4" "ns_bast"
"1" "Hive : FeedWater" "say_team Hive FeedWater Control"
"2" "Hive : Refinery" "say_team Hive Refinery"
"3" "Hive : Engine" "say_team Hive Engine"
MAP ns_caged "4" "ns_caged"
"1" "Hive : Generator" "say_team Hive Generator"
"2" "Hive : Ventilation" "say_team Hive Ventilation"
"3" "Hive : Sewers" "say_team Hive Sewers"
MAP ns_eclipse "4" "ns_eclipse"
"1" "Hive : Eclipse" "say_team Hive Eclipse Command"
"2" "Hive : Computer Core" "say_team Hive Computer Core"
"3" "Hive : Maintenance" "say_team Hive Maintenance access"
MAP ns_hera "4" "ns_hera"
"1" "Hive : Archiving" "say_team Hive Archiving"
"2" "Hive : Data Core Delta" "say_team Hive Data Core Delta"
"3" "Hive : Ventilation" "say_team Hive Ventilation 3-C"
MAP ns_lost "4" "ns_lost"
"1" "Hive : Equilibrium" "say_team Hive Equilibrium Regulation"
"2" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive Cargo Bay Delta"
"3" "Hive : Alpha" "say_team Hive Alpha Continuum"
MAP ns_metal "4" "ns_metal"
"1" "Hive : Surface" "say_team Hive Surface Access"
"2" "Hive : Smelter" "say_team Hive Smelter"
"3" "Hive : Cooling" "say_team Hive Cooling Processing"
MAP ns_mineshaft "4" "ns_mineshaft"
"1" "Hive : Tram" "say_team Hive Tram tunnel"
"2" "Hive : Drill" "say_team Hive Drill access"
"3" "Hive : Sewer" "say_team Hive Sewer"
MAP ns_nancy "4" "ns_nancy"
"1" "Hive : Subspace" "say_team Hive Subspace Array Interface"
"2" "Hive : Port Engine" "say_team Hive Port Engine Room"
"3" "Hive : Mother" "say_team Hive Mother"
MAP ns_nothing "4" "ns_nothing"
"1" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive Cargo Bay Foyer"
"2" "Hive : Viaduct" "say_team Hive The Great Viaduct"
"3" "Hive : Power Silo" "say_team Hive Power Silo"
MAP ns_origin "4" "ns_origin"
"1" "Hive : Biodome" "say_team Hive Biodome"
"2" "Hive : Ventilation" "say_team Hive Ventilation"
"3" "Hive : Furnace" "say_team Hive Furnace"
MAP ns_tanith "4" "ns_tanith"
"1" "Hive : Waste" "say_team Hive Waste Handling"
"2" "Hive : Fusion" "say_team Hive Fusion Reactor"
"3" "Hive : Satelite" "say_team Hive Satelite Communications"
MAP ns_veil "4" "ns_veil"
"1" "Hive : Sub-Sector" "say_team Hive Sub-Sector 5B Access"
"2" "Hive : Cargo" "say_team Hive Cargo Transfer South (milieu)"
"3" "Hive : Pipeline" "say_team Hive Pipeline"
"5" "Options"
"1" "Player"
"1" "Going in ready-room" "readyroom"
"2" "Join marines" "jointeamone"
"3" "Join aliens" "jointeamtwo"
"4" "Spectate" "spectate"
"5" "Suicide" "kill"
"2" "net_graph & cl_showfps"
"1" "net_graph 1" "net_graph 1"
"2" "net_graph 2" "net_graph 2"
"3" "net_graph 3" "net_graph 3"
"4" "net_graph 0" "net_graph 0"
"5" "cl_showfps 1" "cl_showfps 1"
"6" "cl_showfps 0" "cl_showfps 0"
"3" "Display changes"
"1" "Brightness"
"1" "0.5" "Brightness 0.5"
"2" "1" "Brightness 1"
"3" "1.5" "Brightness 1.5"
"4" "2" "Brightness 2"
"5" "2.5" "Brightness 2.5"
"6" "3" "Brightness 3"
"7" "3.5" "Brightness 3.5"
"8" "4" "Brightness 4"
"9" "5" "Brightness 5"
"2" "Gamma"
"1" "0.5" "Gamma 0.5"
"2" "1" "Gamma 1"
"3" "1.5" "Gamma 1.5"
"4" "2" "Gamma 2"
"5" "2.5" "Gamma 2.5"
"6" "3" "Gamma 3"
"7" "3.5" "Gamma 3.5"
"8" "4" "Gamma 4"
"9" "5" "Gamma 5"
TOGGLE "3" "cl_dynamiclights" "cl_dynamiclights"
TOGGLE "4" "cl_forcedefaultfov" "cl_forcedefaultfov"
TOGGLE "5" "cl_highdetail" "cl_highdetail"
TOGGLE "6" "Textures détaillées" "r_detailtextures"
"4" "Sound changes"
"1" "Volume"
"1" "volume 0" "volume 0"
"2" "volume 0.2" "volume 0.2"
"3" "volume 0.4" "volume 0.4"
"4" "volume 0.6" "volume 0.6"
"3" "volume 0.8" "volume 0.8"
"3" "volume 1" "volume 1"
TOGGLE "2" "Music" "cl_musicenabled"
"3" "Music level"
"1" "10" "cl_musicvolume 10.000000"
"2" "20" "cl_musicvolume 20.000000"
"3" "30" "cl_musicvolume 30.000000"
"4" "50" "cl_musicvolume 50.000000"
"5" "70" "cl_musicvolume 70.000000"
"6" "100" "cl_musicvolume 90.000000"
"7" "130" "cl_musicvolume 130.000000"
"8" "150" "cl_musicvolume 150.000000"
"4" "MP3Volume"
"1" "0.00" "MP3Volume 0.000000"
"2" "0.08" "MP3Volume 0.080000"
"3" "0.13" "MP3Volume 0.130000"
"4" "0.20" "MP3Volume 0.200000"
"5" "0.30" "MP3Volume 0.300000"
"6" "0.45" "MP3Volume 0.450000"
"7" "0.60" "MP3Volume 0.600000"
"8" "0.80" "MP3Volume 0.800000"
"9" "1.00" "MP3Volume 1.000000"
TOGGLE "5" "Hisound" "hisound"
TOGGLE "6" "Sound on/off" "nosound"
TOGGLE "7" "HLVOICE" "voice_enable"
TOGGLE "5" "Fastswitch" "hud_fastswitch"
TOGGLE "6" "Autohelp" "cl_autohelp"
"6" "Pause ON/OFF"
"1" "Pausable 1" "rcon pausable 1"
"2" "Pauser/depauser" "pause"
"3" "Pausable 0" "rcon pausable 0"
"4" "Local host"
"1" "pausable 0" "pausable 0"
"2" "pausable 1" "pausable 1"
"7" "Stratégys"
"1" "DC 1 (classic)" "say_team DC1 - Gorge () rt/lerk () dc () hive () fades (:)"
"2" "DC 2 (3 fades)" "say_team DC2 - Gorges () hive () fade (::)"
"3" "DC 3 (no hive)" "say_team DC3 - rt/lerk () rt/hive () Gorges (:) fades (:)"
"4" "MC 1 (classic)" "say_team MC1 - Gorge () rt/??? (::) mcs () hive ()"
"5" "MC 2 (Silence)" "say_team MC2 - Gorge () mc/silent_skulk (:) mc/rt () hive () fade ()"
"6" "SC 1 (classic)" "say_team SC1 - Gorge () rt (::) SC () hive ()"
"7" "SC 2 (Separées)" "say_team SC2 - rt/skulk (:) SC/rt (:) SC/skulk () hive ()"
"8" "SC 3 (+ fade)" "say_team SC3 - rt/skulk (:) SC/rt (:) 2SC () fade () hive ()"
"8" "Help to beginners"
"1" "Basics (marines)"
"1" "Goal marine" "say_team the goal in marine-team is to kill the hive(s)"
"2" "In details..." "say_team For this, you have to goign tactily, you have to make
ress-nodes and attack with your team"
"3" "The commander" "say_team The commander has an RTS view. His role it to place
building and guide marines"
"4" "Build" "say_team To build the buildings is of primary importance, for it, place in
front of it, and press ''use''"
"5" "Les armes" "say_team Weapons are given by the commander, they cost A LOT, so don't
ask him some only for pleasure..."
"6" "Stratégys..." "say_team Phase-gates are very pratictal. You have to place them in
important places and protect them"
"7" "Surprise PG" "say_team One of the most efficient technique is to make a light-attack
by dropping a surprise Phase-gate"
"8" "Siege" "say_team To get down a hive, it is possible to attack it with sieges
"2" "Buildings (marines)"
"1" "Infantry portal" "say_team infantry portal (IP) make marine spawn"
"2" "Armory" "say_team Armory give you ammo (press ''use'' forward it). It also permiss
the commander to drop weapons in his area"
"3" "Arms Lab" "say_team armslab permiss commander to make upgrade, so marine will be
more powerfull"
"4" "radar" "say_team Radar is multifunction. Allow allows amongst other things to drop
"5" "phase-gate" "say_team The phase-gate (PG) is a teleportor. Cover them !!"
"6" "Prototype lab" "say_team The prototype lab (proto) allows evolution of ''Jet-pack''
and ''High-armor'' modules"
"7" "turret factory" "say_team The turret-Factory (TF) allow to trop turrets. He allows
also electrification"
"8" "turrets" "say_team Turrets are ideal to defend bases, but can win without them"
"3" "Equipements (marines)"
"1" "Mines" "say_team Mines are very well. Place it near important buildings like
Phase-gate or armory"
"2" "Shootgun" "say_team The shootgun (SG) is very offensive versus enemis and alien
buildings. Cost : 10"
"3" "HMG" "say_team The Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) is very offensice versus the enemis, but
not very much versus alien buildings. Cost : 15"
"4" "Grenade launcher" "say_team The Grenade launcher (GL) is quite effective versus
alien building spam. Cost : 15"
"5" "Grenades" "say_team Grenades aren't very effective. Use it when you got a skulk
behind a ress-node"
"6" "Welder" "say_team The Welder allows to repear building/armor and to weld the yellow
"7" "Jet-pack" "say_team The Jet-pack (JP) allow you to fly. Learn how to use it
"8" "High-armor" "say_team The High-Armor (HA) give you 200 armor, but it slows you a
"4" "Basics (aliens)"
"1" "Goal alien" "say_team The goal in alien is to destroy the marine base"
"2" "In details" "say_team Ownig ress-nodes is essential, but using them well too"
"3" "The hive" "say_team The hive is the most important alien building. More hive you
get, more powerfull you are"
"4" "Evolutions" "say_team skulk can gestate into new life-form. The gorge is the
"5" "but..." "say_team Other life-form are unity attack, but you don't have to use them
in some cases."
"6" "Saving for..." "say_team Saving for ress to spend them after is important"
"7" "But..." "say_team but hasardous evolution and thinking you will all destroy is
useless (example : onos with 1 hive)"
"5" "aliens evolution"
"1" "Skulk (1)" "say_team The skulk is the basic unity, he's fast and weak"
"2" "skulk (2)" "say_team SKULK (1) Bite, (2) Parasite = tracking, (3) leap (4) Xenocide
= kamikaze"
"3" "Gorge (1)" "say_team The gorge is the builder, his rôle is essential. He must not
"4" "Gorge (2)" "say_team GORGE (1) Spit, (2) heal = heal friends/buildings, (3)
billbombe = attack buildings only, (4) web"
"5" "lerk (1)" "say_team The lerk is the flying unity. He must preferably remain has
"6" "lerk (2)" "say_team LERK (1) Bite, (2) Spore = gaz, (3) Umbra = proctection, (4)
Primal-scream = boost"
"7" "Fade (1)" "say_team The fade is a powerfull warior. Its principal occupation:
buttocks of the marines !"
"8" "Fade (2)" "say_team FADE (1) Swipe, (2) blink = displacement, (3) Metabolize =
regeneration, (4) Acid rocket = bawl"
"9" "Onos (1)" "say_team A war machine, but very weak in fact :["
"10" "Onos (2)" "say_team ONOS (1) Gore, (2) devour, (3) Stomp = immobilised, (4) Charge
"6" "Buildings (aliens)"
"1" "Hive" "say_team Hive allows you to spawn. He his necessary to build some chambers
and dislock some attacks"
"2" "Ressource tower" "say_team Ressource Tower (RT) is essential. Cost : 15"
"3" "Offence chamber" "say_team Offence Chamber (OC) is like a turret. Its not very
"4" "Defence chamber" "say_team Defence-Chambers (DCs) are well-used. Droping 3 og them
is necessary."
"5" "Evolutions DCs" "say_team DCs -regeneration- -redemption = teleportation when low
hp- -carapace = more armor-"
"6" "Mouvements chamber" "say_team les Mouvement-chambers (MCs) allow teleportation
between hives."
"7" "Evolutions MCs" "say_team MCs -celerity = speed- -adrenaline = Yellow barre boost-
"8" "Sensorys" "say_team The sensorys-chambers (SC) cloak all things around"
"9" "Evolutions SCs" "say_team SCs -Cloaking = invisibility- -Sent of fear = Tracking-
-Focus = Attack 1 more powerfull-"
"9" "Credits" "say ''commandmenu'' by Xale. More infos @ #naturalselection @ Quakenet"
<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
If you have any critics on it, on the translation or other, please write it here, and I will edit the message :).
Good script though
Good script though <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
He's FRENCH. We speak french in France, not English. It might not be perfectly clear but at least it's moderately understandable and I guess helpful.
As for the script, hopefully, you will add specific strategies to each map such as "go to [location]" "secure [location]" etc.
However, I doubt the use of this. More and more people have voicecomm, and settings are usually set once and for all.
I love the help though, but it has to be much more precise and clear and be specific about more things. I suppose a say_team version is to help new players, but maybe an echo version would be a nice reminder for the player himself?
Good script though <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Have you ever taken any proper French Lessons ??
You can use them <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Heh i got News for you.
There is a big World out there with many different Languages not only one.
And this Forum is not only for the Americans/English People it is for all of us.
Perhaps he should try it, though. It may result in less-stupid things being said. =P
Unfortunately, I got bad english skill, so, be nice to me <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Do any of you read? Stop bashing the writing before you get the thread locked.
Perhaps he should try it, though. It may result in less-stupid things being said. =P <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well I'm not English.. or American, or from any English-speaking country, so I'd say my English is good for someone not growing up speaking it. And as for not everyone learning English.. they should, my little brother (12) can speak better than that.
Et mon francais.. je parle un peu.. mais c'est tres difficile.
On Topic:
Like I said before.. good script, if you get the English right (plenty of people who can help you there I think.. ).
Keep up the good work! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I didn't mean to bash him, I just mean to point out that anyone playing online games SHOULD have a better basis in English than that.. sorry if it offends you but I'm just stating what I believe.
Lets stay on topic kthnx?
you're one ignorant statement after another, aren't you?
sorry to burst your bubble, but they play online games in other countries -- a lot of them. please think before speaking/writing. =P
Yes, back in 1.04 I got sworn at in Russian (at least, I think they were swearing)
The command menu look pretty friggin sweet!