Lork on the Clorf Join Date: 2003-12-15 Member: 24396Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">with just 2-4 players</div> Ok heres something that rested in our Clan Forum for a long time. Now i would like to share it with other people. Perhaps this will be common sense for some of you. but i guess there are a lot of people who could use this.
To train you need the following things:
- 2-4 People of your Clan or 2-4 friends
- a Server
We start with the following:
<b>1.</b> load a map you want to train ns_ (not co_)
<b>2.</b> get people into the following teams:
1 Marine VS 1 Skulk
1 Marine VS 2 Skulks
2 Marines VS 2 Skulks
depending on how many players you have online
<b>3.</b> The Serveradmin enables Cheats with the following command in the console"rcon sv_cheats 1"
<b>4. </b> Marine(s) start building: IP, Armory, ArmsLab. No Upgrades yet
<b>5.</b> Either the Alien(s) tell the Marine(s) the location of their main Hive or the Marines() try to find it out through listening/dropping an ammopack/medpack.
<b>6.</b> Alien player(s) check the map (default C) and search for good positions to ambush. The Marine(s) try to move into the Hive location directly (shortest way). if they manage to shoot the Hive the have suceeded. if the Skulks manage to kill them before they reach the Hive the Alien(s) succeed. Afterwards the next wave starts.
<b>7.</b> teamplay is very important here! First thing is that some of you will find Ambush locations you didnt know before (believe me i found plenty i didnt know). Second Thing is that your Teamwork will improve. A lot. Since you cant simply charge against an average Marine because he will shoot both of you down. So you have to play the "bait thing" with him. one is the Bait and makes noices/parasites while the other one trys to ambush. This way your timing/timed attacks will get much better.
<b>8.</b> If the marine player(s) feel underpowered the Alien(s) should alow them/him to choose one upgrade (most of the time it ll be Armor1...but perhaps your Comm usually chooses another upgrade...then you should research this one!)
<b>9.</b> If you feel trained enough it is possible to: switch Teams, Shuffle the players or to train the path to a different hive.
2 Different Ts2 Channels improve the Training but usually we (my clanmates and me) used one channel because a Trainign should be fun too!
Important is to tell your mates about the newly found Ambushspots after the Training so they will be able to use them in the next wars/pcws/trains/publics
Well generally thats it. You will find out many Spots and how to counter them. And after a while Marines should be able to pwn everything at this path. If that happens you either switch Teams or train another path.
some last notes:
- Dont rambo if you have a teammate. If he dies and you manage to kill the enemy get back to the base/hive and wait for him. Ramboing isnt what you should train with this method
- dont do Lame things like onosing/SCs/WOLS(/Medspamming) without talking to the other Team. This is a training. if you want to train with MT or with SCs, etc both Teams should know about it!
- This training helped me and my clanmates a lot because its possible to do it without 6+ players. Most of the time we had 3 players on our Server training this paths. Afterwards we wrote our experiences down in our Clanforum. So other Players did profit too.
Ok...i hope this is useful for some of you.
<b>edit:</b> spelling
To train you need the following things:
- 2-4 People of your Clan or 2-4 friends
- a Server
We start with the following:
<b>1.</b> load a map you want to train ns_ (not co_)
<b>2.</b> get people into the following teams:
1 Marine VS 1 Skulk
1 Marine VS 2 Skulks
2 Marines VS 2 Skulks
depending on how many players you have online
<b>3.</b> The Serveradmin enables Cheats with the following command in the console"rcon sv_cheats 1"
<b>4. </b> Marine(s) start building: IP, Armory, ArmsLab. No Upgrades yet
<b>5.</b> Either the Alien(s) tell the Marine(s) the location of their main Hive or the Marines() try to find it out through listening/dropping an ammopack/medpack.
<b>6.</b> Alien player(s) check the map (default C) and search for good positions to ambush. The Marine(s) try to move into the Hive location directly (shortest way). if they manage to shoot the Hive the have suceeded. if the Skulks manage to kill them before they reach the Hive the Alien(s) succeed. Afterwards the next wave starts.
<b>7.</b> teamplay is very important here! First thing is that some of you will find Ambush locations you didnt know before (believe me i found plenty i didnt know). Second Thing is that your Teamwork will improve. A lot. Since you cant simply charge against an average Marine because he will shoot both of you down. So you have to play the "bait thing" with him. one is the Bait and makes noices/parasites while the other one trys to ambush. This way your timing/timed attacks will get much better.
<b>8.</b> If the marine player(s) feel underpowered the Alien(s) should alow them/him to choose one upgrade (most of the time it ll be Armor1...but perhaps your Comm usually chooses another upgrade...then you should research this one!)
<b>9.</b> If you feel trained enough it is possible to: switch Teams, Shuffle the players or to train the path to a different hive.
2 Different Ts2 Channels improve the Training but usually we (my clanmates and me) used one channel because a Trainign should be fun too!
Important is to tell your mates about the newly found Ambushspots after the Training so they will be able to use them in the next wars/pcws/trains/publics
Well generally thats it. You will find out many Spots and how to counter them. And after a while Marines should be able to pwn everything at this path. If that happens you either switch Teams or train another path.
some last notes:
- Dont rambo if you have a teammate. If he dies and you manage to kill the enemy get back to the base/hive and wait for him. Ramboing isnt what you should train with this method
- dont do Lame things like onosing/SCs/WOLS(/Medspamming) without talking to the other Team. This is a training. if you want to train with MT or with SCs, etc both Teams should know about it!
- This training helped me and my clanmates a lot because its possible to do it without 6+ players. Most of the time we had 3 players on our Server training this paths. Afterwards we wrote our experiences down in our Clanforum. So other Players did profit too.
Ok...i hope this is useful for some of you.
<b>edit:</b> spelling
It is very useful cause of finding good places to hide and attack ....
Let's do it <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> K I've allready done because me and Cheese often do this with other Clanmates <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
The environment is artificial, but that doesn't mean it's worthless.
sv_cheats 1 has one single use in this Trainingmode:
to help Marines building their base faster and if they need an upgrade they can get it within 2 seconds.
There is nothing else Cheats are doing in this trainingmode. And since the Marines will have to ask the Aliens before they take any upgrades it really doenst matter. You train with Au0 Wu0 till you feel you should train with Au1 now. You ask the Aline players if it is ok to use Au1. They agree(dissagree) and you research it. Good thing about cheats enabled. If you want to train with the Au1 NOW you have it NOW and dont have to wait for it. Thats the only use of sv_cheats here!
Its not to make building WOLs/TF Farms/Onos/HA faster. becuase you wont use these anyways in this Trainingmode. Its just to skip the buildingtime and to make you go faster to the Action/Training
i hope that made it clear
Except that the whole point of this thread is that there are only 4 people available, and you want to do something useful with your time.
Scrims are better for practice, but even then, if you suck so much that you can be royally trashed by anyone, then you need to develop the basics first. Scrimming doesn't do much for the basics, since you're usually too busy to think about what you're doing and how to get better at it.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Scrimming doesn't do much for the basics, since you're usually too busy to think about what you're doing and how to get better at it.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yes! starting Clans should use this additive to their practice clan wars. In practice clanwars there is no time to learn the map, the ambusspots and the teamcoordination. Its too fast.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Scrims are better for practice, but even then, if you suck so much that you can be royally trashed by anyone, then you need to develop the basics first.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well it wasnt that we sucked so much. Our individual skill wasnt that bad. But we lacked on teamwork. So this really helped a lot.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Except that the whole point of this thread is that there are only 4 people available, and you want to do something useful with your time.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
thx. You got the point...well some people just dont like reading
Well i'm still going to stand by my original opinion...
The description of the team setup isn't realistic enough because, as a rine, you know you're going to get ambushed from some direction, and, as an alien, you know you the rine(s) is going to come to a specific hive. In real clan matches, there could be a whole range of possibilities (ie ninja rines setting up phases or a whole group of 3+ rines coming to a hive you may/may not know is going to be in danger). Also, you're not constantly getting/assaulting res nodes from either team, which is a critical part of clanning that requires heavy teamwork (believe it or many clans are aware of this but fail to do it. They basically hand the win over to the opposing team) .
One of the best ways to become better is to watch clan matches and replays of good clanners to learn all the sweet spots/strats that they employ on each map. Go to a PUB and emulate what they do to get the basics down. Once you and your mates become good enough, start scrimming or better yet, goto #nspug and pug with good players. You'll learn A LOT MORE than creating a server and enabling cheats etc, etc..
you are right. But:
if i play with the good clanners at mixed teams/pick-up-games i ll become better. But the teamwork and the timing of my teammates and myself wont really improve trhough that.
Another thing is that PUGs arent avaiable all of the time.
Perhaps you missunderstand me and think that i use this trainingmode "only". I dont! I use it additive (is that the right word?). SO i do play PUGs. And i do play PCWs. And i do play MIXED games. But i also use this trainingmode sometimes to train paths that i use in a map most of the time.
For example ns_veil (we trained it a lot). Marine Start to Sub Sector. Many Marines usually go: Marine Start-->West Skylights-->Overlook-->Sub Sector Hive.
or the could go Marine start-->Topo-->c12
or they could go Marine Start-->Topo-->Dres
No matter what they are going to do there. Building a PG/TF/RT/etc. Its just training to get to this point alive. And to know all the Spots where ALiens "could"(!) attack you. Its a simple training of "learning by punishment". If you dont check that corner a skulk thats waits there will chomp you. So you will check this corner next time you respawn. And you will also check it the next time you play a PUG/Mixed game/PCW/Clanwar.
so i hope to made another thing clear <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> I dont use this trainingmode only! Its just something i do from time to time. Why? well look above <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
When you play against people that are better than you, you get beaten and learn from your mistakes; you try to see what you did wrong and what they did to win. Then you try to improve and implement some of the strats that the other clan did. You're private server idea is not bad at all. How ever, everyone is roughly the same skill level so i don't think you guys will improve that much.
well i guess so..but you can only practice and become good, to a limit, in private servers whereas in pugs & scrims you can learn a ton more.