Alien Upgrades

RedRaiderRedRaider Join Date: 2002-11-11 Member: 8182Members
<div class="IPBDescription">The point?</div> Greetings all,

First off I love NS and at the moment it seems very well balanced. This isn't actually a complaint... rather its a question born of curiousity. 1 defence chamber equals level 1 defence upgrades, 2 equals level 2, 3 equals level 3. We all know this. But how often do you actually see aliens running around with level 1 or 2 upgrades? The difference in time between an alien team getting level 1 and level 3 upgrades is almost never more than a few minutes.. normally much less. Aside from carelessness there is pretty much no reason to have less than level 3 upgrades. After all, if the aliens can build 1 defence chamber, what's to stop them building 2 more immediately after (resources permitting, which really isn't an issue given a minute or two).

So, if the aliens in an average game take a few minutes to get from level 1 upgrades (for whichever chamber type) to level 3 is a matter of a few minutes, then given that an average game lasts say 45 minutes or more... doesn't that make having different upgrade levels kind of pointless? When you have level 1 you pretty much have level 3 within moments.

Also, Aliens often target specific Marine structures to temporarily deny access to certain things. Turret Factories, Armouries, Observatories. The destruction of almost every Marine structure has a certain amount of tactical significance, because only the Commander can fix the situation, resources and available/willing Marines permitting. But how often do you see Marines targetting upgrade chambers before offense towers? Often the defense towers -will- be targetted first, purely to stop them healing nearby structures. But destroying upgrade chambers purely to deny access to specific upgrades (or levels of upgrades) is pointless because technically -any- alien player with enough resources can put up another in mere moments.

Just curious... anyway its not a problem, just seems kind of redundant. I love NS anyway. :-)

Kind Regards,



  • AaronAaron vroom vroom der party startah Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7020Members
    Yeah, twex's idea seems good. Except, imagine this:

    1 hive + 3 different chambers == 1st level alien with ALL base level upgrades!

    Sounds like rush-mania to me.
  • Techno-KidTechno-Kid Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7223Members
    given the amount of time it would take to get 3 chambers up, and for every skulk to evolve to each form, the opportunity to catch the marines off-guard would have long passed, aaron.

    i agree that level 3 upgrades are too easily gained and cost too little to implement. making the level of the upgrade based on the number of hives combined with requiring an extra evolution for each level of the upgrade sounds fine to me. 1 RP for a level 1 upgrade, then 2 RP for level 2, then 3 for a level 3. we'd probably see a lot more level 2 versions of upgrades, since using upgrades is more of a conscious act of resource managing than the current format of gaining super enhancing abilities for a dirt cheap investment. the aliens would not always have use of the third hive, as well, which would limit their abilities. this makes for even more motivation in aquiring a third hive, and by no means is a fade with level 2 carapace useless compared to a level 3.

    don't get me wrong, i don't think the aliens are overpowered. i command lots, and i've been under a good commander or two, so i know it's entirely possible to defeat even a very aggressive alien team as long as the marines are skilled fighters and know the game. i simply feel that a system similar to what has been described here would make playing aliens much more strategic than the current system, which is amazingly simplistic compared to the method of the marine tech advances.
  • AaronAaron vroom vroom der party startah Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7020Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Techno-Kid+Nov 15 2002, 02:06 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Techno-Kid @ Nov 15 2002, 02:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->given the amount of time it would take to get 3 chambers up, and for every skulk to evolve to each form, the opportunity to catch the marines off-guard would have long passed, aaron.
    <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    3 players evolve to gorge
    3 gorges all build different chambers
    3 evolutions

    can be done in a few minutes I'd say - definately a HUGE difference as to waiting for a second hive to be built.
  • ManosManos Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 1956Members
    My idea:

    There are 9 upgrades max, for every hive 3 upgrades.
    "Unlimited" sensor ,movement and defense chambers.
    a gorge can Advance any sensor, movement or defense chamber to an "super" defense/movement/sensor chamber.

    the "super" chamber makes 1 upgrade possible. (example: 1 defense chamber has been Advanced to "super", the aliens get level 1 defense upgrade)

    The super Chamber should be
    1| easily visible ( a different look from the normal ones)
    2| Not stronger than normal one.

    Just my idea

  • TyphonTyphon Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 1899Members
    Hmmm. While twex's idea would make the lower levels more used, it would also remove any strategic decision regarding the order to get chambers in. Every alien would have 1 from each category all the time, and i dont think thats the best solution.

    Requiring a seperate evolve for each level of an upgrade will likely NEVER be implemented as it would just take WAY too long to get back into fighting condition after dying. Hell, it already takes almost a minute to get a fully tricked out fade back from the dead.
  • GibbyGibby Join Date: 2002-04-26 Member: 518Members
    My idea is make a single upgrade chamber cause a level three upgrade. Make the chambers cost a tad bit more, and make upgrading the alien cost 4 instead of 2 rps.

    Aliens who aren't builders usually have a huge surplus of Rps as it is. Of course multiple upgrade chambers would still be built to ensure the aliens keep their powers.
  • CloseyClosey Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7286Members, Constellation
    Well.. if you're on the loosing side, or at least is overpowered at the moment and the marine's are destroying your chambers you might go down to one or two upgrades.
  • OzobOzob Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4802Members
    Well every game I am an alien in. I make sure that each hive has 3 of each tower type. This way, even if you are down to one hive, you still have the level 3 upgrades.
  • TyphonTyphon Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 1899Members
    Red, you read my mind. I was gonna post this same thing later tonight.

    Anyway, yeah. The only time i havent had L3 upgrades was when i was playing with very noob gorges, or we were already destined to lose the game, and it didn't really matter what level i had. I wonder if that 'feature' should just be removed and some other nifty thing added. The alien upgrade system does need to be reworked IMO.
  • Limited80Limited80 Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2046Members
    having only one do a full upgrade and their RPs being raised just doesn't work.
    Simply because the chambers have other effects like healing, teleporting, and marine sesing.
  • TwexTwex Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4999Members
    good point

    although sensory and movement are seldom built, they are so cheap that rebuilding is never a problem. upgrade levels 1 or 2 never occur in a normal game (which is especially sad for cloaking, the transparent effect is well implemented, and realizing that that shadow on the wall is actually an alien makes for very tense situations)

    i would prefer this system:
    1) no restrictions on types of chambers, all types can be built right from the start
    2) the level of the upgrade depends on the number of HIVES, not of chambers
  • JA1numJA1num Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7261Members
    nah,if u want 3 movement upgrades,get 3 movement chambers rite? that's just perfect, 1 movement chamber every hive so if it's under attack u can teleport there instantly and *chomp chomp* *chuckles* , understand? same as defence tower,assist the offence chambers etc...
  • IceWolveIceWolve Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7887Members
    How bout this. movement and sensory chambers on do that but not upgrade stuff. when you build your first defene tower it must be at your hive location area, And it is a larger version of it. you go to it and use it to upgrade to lvl 2 and 3 of defense and it takes more resources each time like the marines. and it doesnt upgrade just like that but over time.. again just like the marines and the same for the movment and sensory chambers. One larger version at a hive i.e. one large upgradign def at first hive move at second and sensory at 3rd. this way the marins might actaully target the upgrades and temperary weaken them or at least get rid of a new ability. Where as the def mov sens chamerbs that are the reg size do just what they normaly do besides upgrade like def jsut heals mov just teleports and sensory just acts as a sonsor and not do any upgrade. I think this would be very good.
  • PulsePulse To create, to create and escape. Join Date: 2002-08-29 Member: 1248Members, Constellation
    perhaps upgrades that have to be evolved manually, so you need 3 chambers AND you need to evolve 3 times, with rising cost and gestating time, the upgrades would make more of a difference to compensate for this (ie. lvl 2 carapace gives you 20% more armour now, but with this implimented it would give you 30%) I dont know, I kinda like twex's idea though.
  • ekentekent Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7801Members
    I don't think that the current system is broken. The thing that should be fixed is the resource cost of either getting the upgrade or building the chamber. Every resource counts.

    <b><i>Every resource counts</i></b>
  • ianskiianski Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7707Members
    I'd have to agree here, one upgrade type per hive.. more expensive upgrades per alien.
    As for the building 3 buildings bit.. it costs you 30rp to get lvl3 sensory. 42rp to get lvl3 def. i think 42rp for lvl3 movement. they're still kinda expensive
  • ianskiianski Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7707Members
    edited November 2002
    I'd have to agree here, one upgrade type per hive.. more expensive upgrades per alien.
    As for the building 3 buildings bit.. it costs you 30rp to get lvl3 sensory. 42rp to get lvl3 def. i think 42rp for lvl3 movement. they're still kinda expensive

    Edit: sorry for the repeat, the webserver is getting "too busy" errors so i resubmitted
  • JA1numJA1num Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7261Members
    nah it sounds absolutely fine to me ,aliens still pwns,not a problem there with the RPs
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