Slow "viking" Hack And Your Config
Join Date: 2004-01-05 Member: 25074Members, Constellation

I think it was last week I was playing on a server TeamPlay and I was accused of cheating and whatever the story turned out to be, and after a map change they exec’d this thing called “viking” or something like that which totally renders your config useless, you have to edit it manually just to get rid of it…The reason I bring this up is the fact that it took my a half hour to get my config reset and all that fun stuff.
I recommend everyone put their configs on read only as some server admins can be careless and do this for a laugh, by setting it to read only it can only be changed by going in their and unchecking Read Only when you right click and properties. Thought I’d save everyone some time if this ever happens to them.
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I recommend everyone put their configs on read only as some server admins can be careless and do this for a laugh, by setting it to read only it can only be changed by going in their and unchecking Read Only when you right click and properties. Thought I’d save everyone some time if this ever happens to them.
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Guess Mr.Chez needs to stop owning servers who think if your good you hack o.O
Even if your config is set to read-only, HL will overwrite it if you have "developer 1". So if you have dev 1 on, and your config set to read-only, your config can still be edited.
no, that's exactly the thing NOT to do.
and its only used if we are 100% your a cheater. If you were in the server while i was there, then i definetly would have had a say in it. i can spot a hacker. its not hard. i know the diff between BS and hacks. I hack CS have hacked ns a few times. But i find cs the best. I play with a lot of hacking clans, on hacking servers. I have contributed to the making of hacks. I know how to spot an aimbot miles away. i know what to look for, and i know how to see it.
I dont just call out BS when i get killed, When i play i bs a lot of people. its just part of the game.
So please Chez tell me your Steam id and let me look up what names you used on our server. Then if there is a demo avail we will send it your, and others way.
im still trying to get ahold of chez on aim so i can ask him his steam id
im still trying to get ahold of chez on aim so i can ask him his steam id <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
look it up on the cal page
About 50% are people abusing friendly fire
Having friendly fire on an NS server makes for a unique experience, and generally means we need an admin presence, which we do. It's unimaginable how many people notice how friendly fire is on and say "hey, I know. I'll ignore server rules and shoot people because it's fun!" then get banned.
Another 25% are people exibiting asshattery
Mostly people who either act like asshats to other community members, or think the rules don't apply to them. A large number of clanners make up this fraction, oddly enough.
About 20% are breaking other rules.
See number 2, except they consistantly break every other rule except "don't be an asshat" and "Don't abuse friendly fire".
And the remaining 5% are cheaters.
I, during my year or so admining, have personally booked a grand total of TWO people who were cheating. Only one of those was a person blatantly using a hack clearly enough so I could take a demo and say "Hey, this person is cheating!"
So if you have 65mb worth of demos with cheaters, either you need a new hobby, or you need to learn how to tell the diffrence between "he cheats" and "he is skilled".
That said, I have gone flying way off topic, and to answer the inital query, yes, all your configs should allways be read-only unless you have a good reason not to. Like you are editing them.
They change your config, no problem. "exec backup.cfg" and you're set. Counting you still have a console key of course <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
As stated in the motd, hacks are not allowed and "this server is set to allow an admin to run commands on your client." Connecting to server is priviledge not a right, if your caught using hacks you get owned.
I'm banned from your server for 'hacking'.
and its only used if we are 100% your a cheater. If you were in the server while i was there, then i definetly would have had a say in it. i can spot a hacker. its not hard. i know the diff between BS and hacks. I hack CS have hacked ns a few times. But i find cs the best. I play with a lot of hacking clans, on hacking servers. I have contributed to the making of hacks. I know how to spot an aimbot miles away. i know what to look for, and i know how to see it.
I dont just call out BS when i get killed, When i play i bs a lot of people. its just part of the game.
So please Chez tell me your Steam id and let me look up what names you used on our server. Then if there is a demo avail we will send it your, and others way.
-NeonKnight <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
And I'm happy I'm banned from your server too for 'hacking'... Cause now knowing you're a hacker... I would refuse to play there either way.
And I want you to post Chez's demos here, so we can all mock you for being a retarded admin.
We have here, gentlemen, not only someone that is:
a) a scion of the special ed community
b) someone who thinks it's totally ok for him to screw a person over with configs if they're too trusting and leave their configs without a read-only tag,
c) one of the many people that bans non-hackers for hacking,
but finally:
d) <b>he's proud of it!</b>
Brilliant. Give tom an award.
p.s.: "I have taken demos of people I think are hacking" just means you have demos of people you think are hacking. And I bet, since you didn't answer the question, that you did <i>not</i>, in fact, spectate Chez before going on your little I WANT FRENCH FRIES!!! FRENCCCHHH FRIESSSS!!! rampage, so even if you <i>could</i> spot a bot from spectating (which I doubt), it wouldn't matter.
Chez obviously hacks, I mean, Chez is like a French person saying "cheats" so he has no skill, because his name sounds French and his name is Cheats. Cheater. <!--emo&::nerdy::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='nerd-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Stop whining and calling the server **** just cause you're too cheap to admit you're to blame here.
And if you're whining about the changed CFG, i suggest you start reading stuff. You gonna go and sue some milk company just cause you didn't read the expiration date? NO! So why do you whine about stuff you have been warned for beforehand? Next to that nobody ever gets banned/changed in there unless multiple admins agree on the matter. Most that have more than just one year of experience...
oh... and<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> could not be found. Please check the name and try again.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
And yes, that is a terrible analogy. It'd be more like the milk company going "HURR I DUN LIKE U DRINK POISON DIEIEIEIDIE HURR"
But all important milk comparisons aside, if you think he's hacking you know NOTHING about the subject. Shut up if all you can say is "I PLAID WIT DA H4X TOO 1NCE ADN WAZ ALMOST GUD LIEK HIM!!!!" Because it's seriously screaming, "I Don't know what I'm talking about."
Goodness gracious.
The bigger reason of general NS skill decline is people like tom. Lets ban players who have any resemblance of skill, because face it, anyone who owns him hacks. Kill 2 or more skulks with 1 lmg clip? H4x. Pistol down a fade trying to blink away after taking a few shotgun blasts? H4x. Score with a 2:1 ratio or higher? h4x.
tom, I suggest you listen to Redford, since on the server he admins on, they don't ban for hacks as often because in reality, most hackers are really easy to spot, whereas skilled players are just that, skilled. Though I am banned from LM for (what I think) a stupid reason, but we won't go into that since it's off topic. Your 99999 gigs of hackers demo galore won't show that you are a good admin, your demos could outsize your pr0n size and it still won't matter.
Edit Add-on: And to edit a player's config in the middle of a game, that's just a terrible showing of abuse. Shows that you are a terrible admin, and if the server allows such actions from their admins, it's a terrible server. Stuff like this makes NS looks like crap, we don't need any severe abuse like this in the NS community.
Everyone uses cal as an excuse. If he wasn't using hacks before then good, however he was using hacks on the teamplay server.