O/` Where Have All The Small Nukes Gone? O/`(ect)

FoxFlameFoxFlame Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8898Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Medstations, mini-nukes. Where?</div> Ok, I can't find it now, but I know I saw something about medical stations in one of the files in NS. Was this ever implemented before or does it plan to be implemented in the future? I know on countless occasions I've mentioned I would love to have a medical station so I didn't have to bother the Comm to heal me. I can't see an exploit for it, and it would relieve some pressure off the commander.

What about the ability to have two command chairs with two commanders? Have a Primary and secondary, so one can build and another supply weapons, ammo, and medpacks? The aliens can have their entire team building if they wish, but the marines are at a disadvantage since they can only rely on a single person to manage the entire map.

I've also mentioned that any marines who were this futuristic would have some form of atomic weaponry, to which a marine over the mic responded by telling me that the marines did at one time have nukes, but they were removed due to the admin simply saving up resources and nuking the aliens until they all died. I have to admit, that's pretty lame. The nukes I was referring to would be similar to those used in the movie <i>Starship Troopers</i>, much like a bullet-mortar, fired from a rifle after being attached and exploding on impact. These would obviously be very expensive, and since a marine would carry them, able to be lost without detonating.

I know I for one would enjoy going on a covert mission by myself, sneaking into an alien base, loading the nuke onto the tip of my gun and firing it directly into the hive! It'd be like the xenocide the skulks use, only many times more powerful (as it would be many times more expensive).

My final question is why the marines are able to destroy their own buildings!? If Friendly Fire is off, why is it possible for some loser to log onto marines and blow everything up? Or worse, for an alien to switch to marine, destroy everything, and switch back to alien. It really ruins the game.

Thanks in advance,


  • evoLvingeviLevoLvingeviL Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7802Members
    Your final question is a bug that everyone knows about and should be fixed sometime soon.

    All your other questions belong in the 'Suggestions' forum, silly. Sheesh.
  • FoxFlameFoxFlame Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8898Members
    Well, yeah, the Double Command Chair thing should, but the other two are questions though since I've found some sort of evidence of them in game. There was also something about a nuclear silo, and a chemical factory or something. Since they're somewhere in the scripts I wanted to know about them, rather than suggest them <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

  • evoLvingeviLevoLvingeviL Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7802Members
    Aaahh. Understood.
  • NecroNecro &lt;insert non-birthday-related title here&gt; Join Date: 2002-08-09 Member: 1118Members
    there are no nukes or med stations in ns, i bet they tried them in the tests but they took it out.
  • coilcoil Amateur pirate. Professional monkey. All pance. Join Date: 2002-04-12 Member: 424Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    As a playtester:

    1) Nukes were removed, as you said, because of the nuke-spam "tactic." It was impossible to stop, and VERY dull for both teams. They may come back in if Flayra can find a way to make Nukes an interactive and interesting hive-assault tactic. I like the idea of a SST-style rocket... I don't think any of us had thought of that. Maybe a GL as primary, and "nuke" as secondary... the nuke carrier would be a sitting duck by himself, requiring a team effort to get in position to use one.

    2) I, personally, am against "medstations" of any sort, and the fact that someone has already altered the armory to dispense health on some servers makes me sad. Medkits are part of the strategy of NS, and also part of marine cohesiveness. I don't know how many times I've given marines a "trail of breadcrumbs" by making a path of ammo and health to where I wanted them to go.

    If you put in a med station, marines will cease to rely on the commander for health. Imagine you're heading for Archiving on Hera, and as you open the blast door in reception your 4-man team runs into a Fade. He gets a few shots off, but is no match for your well-equipped team. Suddenly, 3 of your marines turn around and start running back to base!! Why? Because they took 15 damage and want to heal up. Your attack is broken because of a practically obsessive-compulsive behavior that I've seen (and participated in) in many games.

    3) Two command chairs would be hellish. You would have two people building/upgrading, two people trying to give orders, etc. If used incorrectly, it would be maddening for marines, wasteful of resources, and probably result in a marine loss. If used *correctly*... it'd make the marines TWICE as effective, getting information, ammo, and health twice as fast or fully supported on the front lines while the other commander built the infrastructure back at base. Result? Aliens get own3d, and not in a good way.

    4) FF to buildings is a bug, and will be fixed soon.
  • Paranoia2MBParanoia2MB Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7832Members
    Marines need to be more Effictive.

    I played about 8-9 games this week so far. Here is the tallyboard:

    Aliens: 8
    Marines: 1

    ..plz dont give me "it's the commanders fault" **obscenity**..
    We had a hive secure...and guarded by HA-HMGers

    2 fades take out the whole entire thing...

    1) **obscenity** fades (lol)
    2) Cursed Def chambers
  • FoxFlameFoxFlame Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8898Members
    I moved this topic to the Suggestion Forum: <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=11523' target='_blank'>Here</a>.
    Please do not continue to post here as it is not in the correct forum, or post at your own discretion.

    Thank you,
  • ctxctx Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4592Members
    In public servers, the majority of wins are Aliens. The Marines on public servers are usually a mess. Although, even when they have a great commander and have the upper hand, they will sometimes lose anyways!

    It's really all about the hives. The struggle for technology. If marines can get HA and HMG/GL and secure 1 or more hive spots or secure them <b>before</b> (the best) than the marines should win.
  • HojoHojo Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2558Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--ctx+Nov 16 2002, 02:27 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (ctx @ Nov 16 2002, 02:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->In public servers, the majority of wins are Aliens. The Marines on public servers are usually a mess. Although, even when they have a great commander and have the upper hand, they will sometimes lose anyways!

    It's really all about the hives. The struggle for technology. If marines can get HA and HMG/GL and secure 1 or more hive spots or secure them <b>before</b> (the best) than the marines should win.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    But shouldn't the number of wins be about even? The majority of NS games are public games, not private clan matches. Why not balance the game for public matches?
  • Annihilator-X17Annihilator-X17 Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5664Members
    Because most public matches, 1 team is disorganized, and not playing well. Usually its the marines, mostly because I haven't seen a solid strategy that wins games for them consistently. In private games, with roughly equal teams, I've seen marines who played well, followed orders, and above all ATTACKED the aliens, win. Most marine teams are far too passive.
  • ShadowicsShadowics Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7652Members
    edited November 2002
    <!--QuoteBegin--Hojo+Nov 16 2002, 11:28 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Hojo @ Nov 16 2002, 11:28 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->But shouldn't the number of wins be about even? The majority of NS games are public games, not private clan matches. Why not balance the game for public matches?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Because the game is only unbalanced in this regard because of inexperience. Any team that has a bunch of new players isn't going to do as good as a team that doesn't. And on a public server were both teams have 4-5 new players this gets annoying fast. The problem with aliens winning more is that they require less teamwork to play effectively than marines. While both sides need teamwork to play well the aliens can get away with less. If the marines don't know what they are doing and/or don't follow the Comm's orders they will lose.

    *edit* Darn, X-17 beat me to it. I forgot about that also - Alot of marines are way to afraid to die, always wanting full health/ammo and yelling for weapons/armor while hiding in turret farms.
  • BinaryninjaBinaryninja Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5043Members
    At first, it was the marines that dominated everything and now the sides have swapped. I think that people are starting to understand how to play that aliens like aliens, and not charging head first into a group of marines spraying lead in every direction. After another week or so, I predict that the marines will adapt to the aliens new play-style more, and the win ratio should even out a little.
  • TzarconTzarcon Join Date: 2002-02-28 Member: 259Members
    IFB and EC played a clan match just yesterday, when we were marines, they kicked our **obscenity** (but only after a few good battles for resources). When we were aliens, they kicked our **obscenity** even faster. If the people playing are good, its perfectly balanced
  • HojoHojo Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2558Members
    edited November 2002
    I'm not sure if I can agree. I've played with some excellent commanders and some excellent marines, but still lost. Shouldn't excellent(by excellent, I mean some of the best teamwork I've ever had in a video game) teamwork on the marines' part equal a win?

    *EDIT* I think most people are used to the marine's playstyle. After all, most people have migrated from games such as DoD and CS. The playstyle isn't exactly the same, but it's similar enough for most people to know what they're doing.
  • DarkWulfDarkWulf Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4662Members
    to be honest, i have seen roughly equal wins as marines as aliens.

    the times we lose it is because the commander is conservative. not so much because the aliens are inherently better, but because the marines need to make a resource grab QUICKLY, or else they are in trouble. the way the game is, high level aliens or marines are fairly difficult to take down, so the goal is to get them whilst keeping the enemy from doing so.
  • TempestTempest Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8083Members
    I have noticed marines already started to win a little more (not, only a little so far). Marines need a good comm, but also good teamwork. As alien if you're all spread over the map and something is under attack, you will all see it and often easily be able to reach it (vents, ect). As marine, however, the comm has to give you orders and a waypoint to defend. I think that's part of the reason why aliens take out bases solo easier (other reasons would be no ammo problem for alien and marine structures need manual repairing).

    Marines need to learn patience and teamwork. The other day I was playing on ns_nancy and I got all my marines to work together pretty good. A few built while the others cover, and they all moved to the mess hall together when ordered to set up a base there. I ran low on resources in mess hall and wanted 2 more turrets there to cover the tfac and resource tower better. And guess what? While waiting for those resources half my team runs off to do their own thing. A little later I hear things like NEED HEALTH!! As they die and start bitching in say (not even teamsay) that the comm sucks and wont heal, even tho they expected me to heal them from a skulk biting them (And any comm knows it's very hard to keep a marine being attacked by a skulk allive, unless you were over him when he got attacked).
    Or then you get those requests like comm I'm at a resource node... (ok thats fine by me, but if they're alone at the other side of the map it's not the best place). And when I say that node isnt a safe place or that he should have backup to build it up he starts to **obscenity** that I suck for not claiming resources..... And guess what, when you place the tower one skulk comes by, kills him and the tower, 22 resources wasted.
    Or then you need your marines to move on or defend, and they're off and you cant do anything... If you spawn and you dont know what to do, ASK the comm for a waypoint (tho you should know where you were last time if you were following orders, and if you just joined the game ask the comm), but dont run off deathmatching and then later **obscenity** you didnt know where to go.... It's virtually impossible for a commander to manage all those deathmatchers, and when I'm commander, I'd much rather keep a team of newbies allive then 2 deathmatching pro's.

    I also rarely see commanders use enough siege. <!--emo&???--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/confused.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='confused.gif'><!--endemo--> Marines complain about that fade who runs away every time he's low on health and heals up in seconds only to come back and fight again, so tell your comm to put up some siege, and those fades will most likely be turned into goo the next time they run back to heal. Yesterday we BEGGED the commander to build siege, but he just wouldnt listen (another thing, if you're comm, listen to players, dont think you're the know-it-all coz you're comm). We lost our secured hive because our comm didnt build siege.... They towered us in, and then a few fades come in and are being healed while attacking us..... Defense chambers are an awsome advantage aliens have, but siege can almost completely remove that advantage for aliens when they are attacking you. And if they have to run too far to heal, they will either not be able to deal much damage, or die before they reach d chambers.

    Same story when attacking aliens.... Dont send your marines in on a suicide mission on a hive full of o/d chambers with lerks using umbra on towers and fades kicking your **obscenity** (I admit you'll rarely see this but a good alien team will, I've seen 2 fades and 1 lerk hold off 6 HA/HMG marines just with umbra, fades and d chambers). Instead set up a base outside theirs. Tell your marines not to push forward, just hold ground, and set up siege. Preferably set up more then 1 siege cannon. Now those fades cant even come close to the chambers or they die. In that case you force them to either hide back in the base and be unable to deal any damage (since chambers are at the entrance of hives 99% of the time they gotta hang back more), or they have to stand far in front of them, and thats where your forward base should be.... One of 2 things can happen in this case. The siege works and the aliens lose a hive, or the aliens fight back and manage to take out the forward base... Either way you are putting pressure on them.

    Personally I take nodes on the map rather slowly, but I make sure I set up good defense at every node (Rather slowly doesnt mean 1 node per hour heh, it just means I wont build 5 nodes undefended only to be destroyed by 1 skulk). And at every node I try to set up siege (unless it's pointless coz nothing is nearby, or because other siege already has it covered). If half the map is sieged, they cant build on half the map, and would have to attack your bases to take it out.

    Anyway I made this post too long already. =p
  • InsanityInsanity Join Date: 2002-11-15 Member: 8660Members
    A skilled marine team is going to be as good as a skilled alien team, but an average marine team will get whooped by an average alien team. On public servers, this is generally the case.
  • FoxFlameFoxFlame Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8898Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Insanity+Nov 16 2002, 01:08 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Insanity @ Nov 16 2002, 01:08 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->A skilled marine team is going to be as good as a skilled alien team, but an average marine team will get whooped by an average alien team.   On public servers, this is generally the case.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    That's the idea. It's what makes NS so unique. It combines RTS players, FPS players, FPS-Team players all into one game, and each has their own little niche in the game. I'm currently recruiting for a "squad" (as I hate the word "Clan") of marines. I've already got my "super-uber-ultra-l33t" Starcraft veteran for our Comm (He's one of those guys who could play 1 vs 5 and win in that game. I don't understand how he does it). I'm one of the many who can work well as a squad leader in conjunction with the Comm. I bark out orders as he builds structures, upgrades and supplies. A team of marines who works well together will absolutely crush as aliens, since it's geared to be less teamwork with them. The way I see it, the only thing that is ever unbalanced in NS is the teamwork required on each team.

    Even then, n00bs who work well without a squad can still play the game as an alien and do fairly well as they don't really need much more than resources to attack.

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