The Welder



  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    Yup, GREAT for anti-web. Also, easily Your Best Friend against a Skulk. Crouched and holding down fire, so long as you keep the welder between you and them they cannot kill you. Parasite the living crud outta you (and kill you with Parasite, stupid as it sounds.. I've seen a Parasite kill) but not kill you up-close. Learned this the hard way trying to take out a Marine welding a vent shut from inside. *splatch*

    And to weld stuff shut, aim at the 'weld' icon and hold down fire. The pillar (I can't remember on what map) shuts a vent just below where you're standing, that lets out into the pool of water. As I recall, it's in an area called Reactor Room. It's my own SOP when not commanding to get a welder and weld EVERYTHING shut that I can. Cut down on the Xeno mobility, means you have to worry less and less about the little buggers dropping out of airways and crawling up to bite your leg off from under the walkway you're standing on. Welding things /open/ is another matter... that I reserve for one specific resource point that the Xenos seem to be unable to get into regardless of if the grating is up or down. Alternately, if we have enough of an offensive force I'll open a grating up... the down side being, Xenos can hide on the other side of a weld-point and suffer no damage from GL rounds, HMG fire, or any of the rest. Which makes taking out a massive offense/defense node on the other side of it... problematic. Crawl under, you die before you can let off a shot. They crawl under, they get healed FAST, and have perfect cover.. can watch you come up to being face-to-face, firing off your whole supply of ammo, chuckle, and then crawl under to rip you apart.
  • ZarbuckZarbuck Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2248Members
    Realy aliens can get in that room were the humans have to weld there way in. Walk around the back looking at the floor the hole time. You will come to a vent cover now look up there is a vent on the roof that will let aliens in to that room and the humans can do nothing about it unless thay have every one fav... the welder.
  • TerrTerr Arthritic Skulk Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7486Members
    Funny... I must need to reinstall NS. For some reason the weld HUD indicators stopped appearing. Anywhere.
  • ZarbuckZarbuck Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2248Members
    I think that you have to have show hints on to see the welder icons... ? You might try... just any thing to save you from reinstalling.
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