A Dissertation On Teamwork. Caution!

KotauKotau Join Date: 2002-11-04 Member: 6903Members
<div class="IPBDescription">May take intelligence to understand.</div> Everyone's talking about doing something to encourage teamwork, as well as how uneven the teams are, and how mysteriously, the outnumbered team somehow wins.

In my opinion, it's not something that you can put into binary and execute!

They attempeted to do it in FLF, another HL mod.
In frontline force, where depending on the closeness of your teammates, you got better accuracy, among other things...

I dunno, I'm just throwing it out, cause I think what you're talking about is coded teamwork.

It would encourage the marines to stay in groups... (its safer for you that way)

Anyways, to say what has been said many many times before....

I've seen aliens win when outnumbered,
I've seen marines win when outnumbered
I've seen both sides win when there are even teams.

You guys are looking for a numerical reason for why either team wins...

It's not something that you can code, or otherwise measure.
It's about working with people. Basically, here's a little insight that maybe someone would appreciate.

Does it make sense that it's more of a bonding experience when you are a part of a small group of people, fighting against a massive hill of opposition? When you're put into a situation like that, its only natural for them to act more as team players, and take risks for their teammates, regardless of the fact that they have only met 20 minutes ago when they both joined the server.

Following up on that, isnt it natural to feel like just a worthless cog in the machine when part of a large team that severly outnumbers its opposition? Being on a large team like that would encourage the players to try to make themselves stand out, AKA do something stupid out on their own.

Its *simple* sociology!
Like the Vietnam war!
And who won? The underdogs, the outnumbered, the below tech guerilla fighters. They successfully DROVE OFF the US Army, Marines, and Air Force.


  • AcheronAcheron Join Date: 2002-11-13 Member: 8489Members
    Yes. That and when one team starts to get a clear advantage, the other team often <b>leaves</b>, and of course the ones left behind cry "Imbalance! We're outnumbered!" etc. etc.
  • Jerry_111_ElendJerry_111_Elend Join Date: 2002-10-02 Member: 1407Members
    I like the idea of a thing that is not CODED teamwork, but a little tinkering where it leads to the LOGIC of the teamwork, and I think that's what we have right now.
  • Paranoia2MBParanoia2MB Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7832Members
    A reason why we left the Vietnam because it was proving to be worthless and getting no where, we took enough of the fobs* down with us. I think we just got bored lol

    I think people focus too much on their ego. We all do it here and there, but I'd rather be with at least a friend or 2. It's just hard to stay together when you are at point A, but then point C is under attack and you "NEED!" C because B wont just cut it. So teams always end up breaking up because people take different routes to find something. Getting a team or two together can be a bit hard. Unless if you have a clan. Teams count on the respect for other players and the maturity of the players.

    For a clan I was in for FA. We had a setup where if you aren't 18+, then you aren't allowed in. Then we changed it to 20/21+. It worked GREATLY! I'm 18, but I joined in before the age requirements and I was already mature.

    Woo, okay...I don't think what I said made much sense because I am tired. Anyways..peace hehe

    *Fobs. Okay about this. I have absolutely NOTHING against asians. I just use the term fobs to show like a **obscenity** person who is an embarrasment to their race.
    Like whitetrash is used for a causcasian who is an embarassment to their race.
    or Nigga, Beaner, or even CANADIAN!!! (jk to u canadians if any are on here)
  • KyuneKyune Join Date: 2002-11-16 Member: 8952Members
    I think one of the biggest problems I've noticed in NS is indeed ego--if you're playing only for yourself, then you don't really have any business being out there in the first place. I mean, in an RTS every marine, grunt, peon, mutalisk...everything you summon, they're not even given a choice. Furthermore, every troop performs consistently well with its other bretheren. You can count on a zealot to rip apart a marine everytime, you can count on siege cannons to hit their target(s), and so forth. This is why RTS games eventually get monotonous. What makes NS so cool is that everyone is basically a troop, but with a real mind guiding it and not just some AI script. You don't need to differentiate between ranks and skills, because the player makes the unit, and not the other way around.

    A while back, a friend and I had a conversation over AIM about creating a game like this--not just a mod, but a full individual game. He and I are both CS majors....I'm a little jealous that NS came about before I got around to realizing that, but I'm glad that it's here because now I know for certain what I had only guessed at--NS easily has the potential to become as popular if not more so than Counter-Strike.

    Regardless of who you are, you'll have a lot more fun if you work with your teammates to get things done, and get into the spirit of the game. Most of all, don't be afraid to die. You're going to respawn eventually, so live on the edge <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • ekentekent Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7801Members
    Yeah I have MUCH more fun playing when I buddy up with someone, and my scores seem to go up as well.
  • InflatablewomanInflatablewoman Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7346Members
    Improving the Human AI is the only solution.
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