20,000 For A Flame Thrower

EPcreepEPcreep Join Date: 2004-04-28 Member: 28289Members, Constellation
First i am just trying to see if this would be possible i know most flame thrower threads were not long lived. Basicly COULD we have a flamethrower implemented in a upcomming version if $20,000 was raised. If everyon were to donate 1 dollar cept for flayra and nem ect we would have said amount.

So would this be enough for the ft?
and would u members donate 1 dollar for it?


  • KeyserKeyser Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13591Members
  • ToothyToothy ir-regard-less Join Date: 2003-02-12 Member: 13447Members, Constellation
    The engine can't handle a decent flamethrower.

    Look at TFC.
  • Renegade.Renegade. Join Date: 2003-01-15 Member: 12313Members, Constellation
    of course it can, look at BrainBread.
  • DragonMechDragonMech Join Date: 2003-09-19 Member: 21023Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited March 2005
    <!--QuoteBegin-R e n e g a d e+Mar 28 2005, 04:38 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (R e n e g a d e @ Mar 28 2005, 04:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->of course it can, look at BrainBread.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    No offense intended, but the flame effect in BB is terrible - it's a bunch of red/yellow circles expanding out from the gun. I also doubt it's volumetric. (unless they've changed it recently.)
  • KungFuDiscoMonkeyKungFuDiscoMonkey Creator of ns_altair 日本福岡県 Join Date: 2003-03-15 Member: 14555Members, NS1 Playtester, Reinforced - Onos
    Send me $20k and I'll start on the flamethrower right now.
  • ASTROMANASTROMAN Join Date: 2005-03-16 Member: 45506Members
    I'm Astroman, pleased to meet you
  • EPcreepEPcreep Join Date: 2004-04-28 Member: 28289Members, Constellation
    would u pay 1 dollar for a ft thou?
  • NolSinklerNolSinkler On the Clorf Join Date: 2004-02-15 Member: 26560Members, Constellation
    I'd donate.

    But in truth, only probably 2,000 of those members are active on the community.

    So get everyone to donate $10, instead.
  • freebirdpatfreebirdpat Join Date: 2004-04-10 Member: 27826Members, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    only if it was really good, not just sprites and volumetric
  • DY357LXDY357LX Playing since day 1. Still can&#39;t Comm. England Join Date: 2002-10-27 Member: 1651Members, Constellation
    What about those players who don't want to see a flame-thrower
    in Natural-Selection? It's been talked about alot and it hasn't gotten
    in. Now i've never bothered to ask the Dev Team why that is.

    Perhaps someone can shed some light on that here, although, I
    already have a decent idea why.
  • EPcreepEPcreep Join Date: 2004-04-28 Member: 28289Members, Constellation
    i guess they could donate money aginst the ft and whoever has the most would get the prize so either way no more ramen for flayra
  • AlienCowAlienCow Join Date: 2003-09-20 Member: 21040Members
    I say you raise the $20,000 anyway and donate it for The Cause.

    Flamethrower or no flamethrower.
  • daidalosdaidalos Join Date: 2004-05-23 Member: 28854Members, Constellation
    I don´t get the sense of that thread? I can hardly imagine, that this will happen :/
    I wouldn´t donate, because I don´t know why they should include that? Why unbalance a "balanced" game, when you worked so hard on it? :/
    Bye bye thread
  • ScrapScrap Join Date: 2005-01-06 Member: 32953Members
    flamethrower lamethrower....it would be to easy to kill aliens then.wouldnt donate because i got myself to feed and i do need food.
  • DrummerDrummer Join Date: 2004-02-18 Member: 26654Members
    i think flayra himself has mentioned that he wants a flamethrower in NS. he was waiting for source so he could do it
  • EPcreepEPcreep Join Date: 2004-04-28 Member: 28289Members, Constellation
    edited March 2005
    because balance = not fun if there was a counter for everything aliens and rines would just tech up then have 1 of each counter and stalemate. And the point was to see if 20,000 was enough and if said members would contribute.
  • MirageWolfMirageWolf Join Date: 2005-03-28 Member: 46767Members
    I've got an idea!!!! WE should have a tournament for flamethrower on a server!!

    <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/asrifle.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='asrifle.gif' /><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    Btw, I would donate if i saw i model of the flamethrower
  • monopolowamonopolowa Join Date: 2004-05-23 Member: 28839Members
    problem's with engine constraints - they couldnt make a good looking, good fps, volumetric flamm trougher with the engine. Throwing more money at the devs probably won't be able to fix that...just wait for ns:source
  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    edited March 2005
    The flamethrower is not in for one simple reason:

    It can't be done right.

    Flayra has stated many times that he will ONLY implement it if he can get it to look good, be volumetric, and not kill servers.

    Although I am tempted to start a thread in OT of "Donate $1 to Flayra" and see howmany people do....
  • IBTIBT Join Date: 2003-10-22 Member: 21879Members
    i would donate, but gusse why i'm not a constie.
  • SwiftspearSwiftspear Custim tital Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22097Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-EPcreep+Mar 28 2005, 05:43 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (EPcreep @ Mar 28 2005, 05:43 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> would u pay 1 dollar for a ft thou? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    No... But if I can ever get the money to do so I will pay 20$ for a consti icon...

    Anyways, I would rather the NS team put in a quality flamethrower because they want it in the game then just settle for a crappy one because they were bribed to do so.
  • coriscoris Join Date: 2003-07-08 Member: 18034Members, Constellation
    I actually wouldn't want a flamethrower in NS. But maybe that's just me.
  • XenoXeno Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2343Members
    this threads a joke right? the poster wasn't serious, was he?

    you would honestly raise 20k just to get a flamethrower in the game...............wow.
  • Cj_the_DjCj_the_Dj Join Date: 2004-03-18 Member: 27398Members
    i would not like a flamethrower in NS. HL1 flamer = teh sucks.

    your idea was ok though:

    donating level (notice that this is a very dumb name O_o):

    $1000 - new feature
    $3000 - new feature
    $5000- new feature
    $10,000- new feature

    or something similar. however, i doubt there will be any features to add in the beginning...i mean, everything is taken.

    who cares, this is just an idea.
  • TalesinTalesin Our own little well of hate Join Date: 2002-11-08 Member: 7710NS1 Playtester, Forum Moderators
    Short version is, the pseudocode for a volumetric flamethrower has been offered up. It would take up as much network traffic as a single shotgunner firing nonstop. AKA, not much. Transferring the pseudocode into actual code has already been started by community members (mathematical formulae). So the underlying structure for the FT is there.

    The problem is, flames on HL1 look like utter crap. And if a FT goes in, Flayra wants it to be mmmmmbeautiful. So once a method for doing proper flame effects has been implemented as well (that won't kill a GF2), a flamethrower would become a real possibility.

    Until that point... ain't gonna happen.

    PLEASE use the Search function before starting a 'new' topic. I've explained this many, many, many times in previous flamethrower threads.

    <span style='color:red'>*LOCKED.*</span>
This discussion has been closed.