Join Date: 2005-02-25 Member: 42498Members

<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->* Now talking in #NSMapping
* Topic is 'Welcome to #nsmapping! | <a href='http://mapcore.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=44290#44290' target='_blank'>http://mapcore.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=44290#44290</a> <-- keke ****. | <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=92763&st=0' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index....opic=92763&st=0</a> <-- Revelation: Quaunaunt is a ****.'
* Set by ChanServ on Mon May 02 15:13:42
<TTribaLL> omg
<TTribaLL> Zoners tools hates me
<TTribaLL> faces split for no reason
* Minotaur0`TV is now known as Minotaur0
* Decimator007 (~decimator@pell-01-0046.dsl.iowatelecom.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* samejima (~samejima@samejima.user.gamesurge) has joined #NSMapping
* ChanServ sets mode: +v samejima
<ChanServ> [samejima] -Global- we apologise for the net splits we belive we have found the problem with our software and are belive this will not happen again. <-- Chanserv (quit) (*net,*split) | <KungFuDiscoMonkey> !k samejima bad Samah|zzz
* Zazi (~Zazi@zazi.user.gamesurge) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* redhead (apa@81-170-159-184.bahnhofbredband.net) Quit (Quit: Sex is when the guy sticks his location in the girls destination. to increace the population for the next generation. Do you get my explanation or do you need a demonstration?)
* ChanServ sets mode: +l 44
* Zazi (~Zazi@zazi.user.gamesurge) has joined #NSMapping
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Zazi
<ChanServ> [Zazi] (Nz-Nexus) the life is like a tetris (Nz-Nexus) up and down (Brutal_Sponge) what the hell?! (DHP|Zzz) tetris only goes down... (TOmekki-) tetris only goes down xD (DHP|Zzz) but it spawns new stuff to go don || <NzNexus> **** u
<bij> Wow, ****
<bij> Cyndane is annoying
<TTribaLL> so, anything got any info on that face splitting crap?
<TTribaLL> o_O
<Zazi> ...
<TTribaLL> UHH
<TTribaLL> srry, caps
<TTribaLL> WTH was the ... for?
<TTribaLL> answer my question maybe?
<TTribaLL> oh, you joined after I said that...
<Zazi> say what the **** you're talking about, maybe?
<Zazi> christ
<TTribaLL> my bad, faces are splitting when i compile
<Zazi> then use hint brushes
<Zazi> it's not hard
<TTribaLL> o_O
<TTribaLL> I have no idea what a "hint" brush is
<TTribaLL> I've never used that...
<Behrooz> faces split rather regularly.
<Behrooz> unless it's a major problem or you're going pro, you can usually ignore them.
<TTribaLL> well, it messes up my map pretty bad
<TTribaLL> it's not a good thing when you have to see broken faces around every corner
<TTribaLL> everywhere
<TTribaLL> it looks horrible
<TTribaLL> :\
<bij> well, yeah
<bij> Zazi: how many hint brushes do you have running around caged?
<TTribaLL> Zazi = creator of caged? :o
<Zazi> none, actually
<Minotaur0> zazi made ns_iceworld~
<TTribaLL> :\
<TTribaLL> so uh, how would I fix this?
<Zazi> and no, i didn't make caged... i maintain it, though
<TTribaLL> Hint brushes....no slue
<TTribaLL> clue -_-
<TTribaLL> :\
<TTribaLL> Face splits ftl
<TTribaLL> thanks for the help
<TTribaLL> :\
<bij> Here's an idea, yeah, goto valve erc and search for hint brushes
<bij> BAM!
* bij is now known as bij|ideaman
<TTribaLL> so uh, maybe this channel shouldn't be advertised as a Mapping help channel
<bij|ideaman> Is it?
<TTribaLL> yes
* bij|ideaman hides beind Minotaur0
<bij|ideaman> The world is ending
* bij|ideaman is now known as bij|naphat
* stosd is now known as AstroSleep
<Zazi> here's an idea TTribaLL
<Zazi> how about lets not be such a **** about asking questions
<Zazi> maybe, just MAYBE then, someone would help you
<bij|naphat> Okay
<bij|naphat> Now that Zazi has said that
<bij|naphat> TTribaLL: <a href='http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?doc=1043477348-95410300' target='_blank'>http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?...477348-95410300</a>
<Zazi> make use of that link quick, TTribaLL, before i tb you
* Plaguebearer remembers when people actually got HELP when they came here
<TTribaLL> I was a **** how?
<TTribaLL> >_>
<bij|naphat> Hmm, none of the images in that tutorial load for me :o
<TTribaLL> <_<
<bij|naphat> okay, for one thing stop spamming emoticons
<TTribaLL> yeah, none of the images on the verc site load
<TTribaLL> spamming?
<TTribaLL> wow
<TTribaLL> I like how hostile the people in this channel are
<TTribaLL> I come in here with a simple question, then they pretty much tell me to **** off
<Zazi> !k TTribaLL 1w Yep, **** off.
* You were kicked by ChanServ ((Zazi) 1w Yep, **** off.)
Session Close: Thu May 05 21:48:40 2005<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Zazi, you are scum.
* Topic is 'Welcome to #nsmapping! | <a href='http://mapcore.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=44290#44290' target='_blank'>http://mapcore.net/forums/viewtopic.php?p=44290#44290</a> <-- keke ****. | <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=92763&st=0' target='_blank'>http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index....opic=92763&st=0</a> <-- Revelation: Quaunaunt is a ****.'
* Set by ChanServ on Mon May 02 15:13:42
<TTribaLL> omg
<TTribaLL> Zoners tools hates me
<TTribaLL> faces split for no reason
* Minotaur0`TV is now known as Minotaur0
* Decimator007 (~decimator@pell-01-0046.dsl.iowatelecom.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* samejima (~samejima@samejima.user.gamesurge) has joined #NSMapping
* ChanServ sets mode: +v samejima
<ChanServ> [samejima] -Global- we apologise for the net splits we belive we have found the problem with our software and are belive this will not happen again. <-- Chanserv (quit) (*net,*split) | <KungFuDiscoMonkey> !k samejima bad Samah|zzz
* Zazi (~Zazi@zazi.user.gamesurge) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
* redhead (apa@81-170-159-184.bahnhofbredband.net) Quit (Quit: Sex is when the guy sticks his location in the girls destination. to increace the population for the next generation. Do you get my explanation or do you need a demonstration?)
* ChanServ sets mode: +l 44
* Zazi (~Zazi@zazi.user.gamesurge) has joined #NSMapping
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Zazi
<ChanServ> [Zazi] (Nz-Nexus) the life is like a tetris (Nz-Nexus) up and down (Brutal_Sponge) what the hell?! (DHP|Zzz) tetris only goes down... (TOmekki-) tetris only goes down xD (DHP|Zzz) but it spawns new stuff to go don || <NzNexus> **** u
<bij> Wow, ****
<bij> Cyndane is annoying
<TTribaLL> so, anything got any info on that face splitting crap?
<TTribaLL> o_O
<Zazi> ...
<TTribaLL> UHH
<TTribaLL> srry, caps
<TTribaLL> WTH was the ... for?
<TTribaLL> answer my question maybe?
<TTribaLL> oh, you joined after I said that...
<Zazi> say what the **** you're talking about, maybe?
<Zazi> christ
<TTribaLL> my bad, faces are splitting when i compile
<Zazi> then use hint brushes
<Zazi> it's not hard
<TTribaLL> o_O
<TTribaLL> I have no idea what a "hint" brush is
<TTribaLL> I've never used that...
<Behrooz> faces split rather regularly.
<Behrooz> unless it's a major problem or you're going pro, you can usually ignore them.
<TTribaLL> well, it messes up my map pretty bad
<TTribaLL> it's not a good thing when you have to see broken faces around every corner
<TTribaLL> everywhere
<TTribaLL> it looks horrible
<TTribaLL> :\
<bij> well, yeah
<bij> Zazi: how many hint brushes do you have running around caged?
<TTribaLL> Zazi = creator of caged? :o
<Zazi> none, actually
<Minotaur0> zazi made ns_iceworld~
<TTribaLL> :\
<TTribaLL> so uh, how would I fix this?
<Zazi> and no, i didn't make caged... i maintain it, though
<TTribaLL> Hint brushes....no slue
<TTribaLL> clue -_-
<TTribaLL> :\
<TTribaLL> Face splits ftl
<TTribaLL> thanks for the help
<TTribaLL> :\
<bij> Here's an idea, yeah, goto valve erc and search for hint brushes
<bij> BAM!
* bij is now known as bij|ideaman
<TTribaLL> so uh, maybe this channel shouldn't be advertised as a Mapping help channel
<bij|ideaman> Is it?
<TTribaLL> yes
* bij|ideaman hides beind Minotaur0
<bij|ideaman> The world is ending
* bij|ideaman is now known as bij|naphat
* stosd is now known as AstroSleep
<Zazi> here's an idea TTribaLL
<Zazi> how about lets not be such a **** about asking questions
<Zazi> maybe, just MAYBE then, someone would help you
<bij|naphat> Okay
<bij|naphat> Now that Zazi has said that
<bij|naphat> TTribaLL: <a href='http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?doc=1043477348-95410300' target='_blank'>http://collective.valve-erc.com/index.php?...477348-95410300</a>
<Zazi> make use of that link quick, TTribaLL, before i tb you
* Plaguebearer remembers when people actually got HELP when they came here
<TTribaLL> I was a **** how?
<TTribaLL> >_>
<bij|naphat> Hmm, none of the images in that tutorial load for me :o
<TTribaLL> <_<
<bij|naphat> okay, for one thing stop spamming emoticons
<TTribaLL> yeah, none of the images on the verc site load
<TTribaLL> spamming?
<TTribaLL> wow
<TTribaLL> I like how hostile the people in this channel are
<TTribaLL> I come in here with a simple question, then they pretty much tell me to **** off
<Zazi> !k TTribaLL 1w Yep, **** off.
* You were kicked by ChanServ ((Zazi) 1w Yep, **** off.)
Session Close: Thu May 05 21:48:40 2005<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Zazi, you are scum.
This discussion has been closed.
Y'know... I'm changing that ban to a permaban now. G'day.
Y'know... I'm changing that ban to a permaban now. G'day. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Funny how you think I was the one being a jerk.
If it has nothing to do with the dev team, then it shouldn't be in the mapping FAQ.
If they don't want me posting about how dissrespectful the people on that channel are, then they shouldn't be advertising that channel on their forums.
So uh, you can't help someone with their questions? Ok then, I would be a great idea if that channel was never mentioned in this forum.
Stop being so hostile and learn some respect. If your little channel has nothing to do with NS...then don't flipping advertise it as so.
Anyways, I already had that link, I wanted a simple answer. since you **** didn't give it becuase you were too busy being asshats, I went and found it myself. It would have took you a few seconds to tell me what a flipping Hint brush was, instead of typing smack.
I guess your balls enlarge when you talk on IRC.
<span style='color:red'>**Locked**</span>