Natural Selection Heroes
Lork on the Clorf Join Date: 2003-12-15 Member: 24396Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">build your own</div> If i remember the staring sequence of Star Wars Episode 3 right...wasnt there something like "...there are heroes at both sides"? Well...this made me think.
There have to be heroes in Natural Selection too...right?
The T.S.A. has a lot of Frontiersmen and i am pretty sure some of them fought a lot of battles and gained veteran skills. So they have their own stories and skills, customized weapons and a lot more.
Meanwhile the Khaara Forces have heroes too...even though they do not occur as such. Meaning that some aliens survived even massive bombardements, evolved new mutations or gained an advanced Hivemind.
The Idea is: Create your own Natural Selection Hero.
- Either Khaara or Frontiersman
- Just one Hero for each person (for the start)
- Has to have 4 Skills as alien (1 hive=1,2; 2 hives=3; 3 hives=4)
- Frontiersmen Equipment list
- Background
- dont overpower aka "omgz he shoots laserz with teh eyez and kills all aliens".
- it has to fit NS
- no **** posts please...i know its hard but...plz try not to!
- optional: Picture/Model/Story/FanFiction Scene
So...decide well which hero you want to create and take your time to do so.
I ll start working on mine too
There have to be heroes in Natural Selection too...right?
The T.S.A. has a lot of Frontiersmen and i am pretty sure some of them fought a lot of battles and gained veteran skills. So they have their own stories and skills, customized weapons and a lot more.
Meanwhile the Khaara Forces have heroes too...even though they do not occur as such. Meaning that some aliens survived even massive bombardements, evolved new mutations or gained an advanced Hivemind.
The Idea is: Create your own Natural Selection Hero.
- Either Khaara or Frontiersman
- Just one Hero for each person (for the start)
- Has to have 4 Skills as alien (1 hive=1,2; 2 hives=3; 3 hives=4)
- Frontiersmen Equipment list
- Background
- dont overpower aka "omgz he shoots laserz with teh eyez and kills all aliens".
- it has to fit NS
- no **** posts please...i know its hard but...plz try not to!
- optional: Picture/Model/Story/FanFiction Scene
So...decide well which hero you want to create and take your time to do so.
I ll start working on mine too
My "Hero":
Gontor-Means "Ambusher" in local languages of Ux 4.
Ambushes marine groups. Has Innate cloaking, and has extremely strong Scent glands, which gives him SoF. His cloaking is always active, even when he is attacking, and his SoF can detect marines from up to 50 miles away, even in the most confusing surroundings.
When looking at Gontor, if you could, you would see a montrously hideous beast a bit like a skulk. There is a small gland on his back, that when active, gives him complete cloaking and mild Silence. However, if this gland is pierced by a single bullet, it will cease working. However, it is only a small lump, and thus, around the size of, oh, a shotgun. Gontor has a row of teeth that are even more sinister than those of a skulk. They are tombstone pieces of bone, not enamel, that can crush, but not dismember. Its bite attack causes even more pain, and many broken bones. Its feet are not spikes, like the Skulk's, but rather small legs, made for walking. There are small claws that Gontor can use to stick on to walls with almost's a Skulk's dexterity. They cannot run very fast, but Gontor does not need to. The rest of the body, however, is a yellowish mixture of Bacterium, and a pitch blackness of the mutation that made Gontor a sinister beast.
No Hive- Chomp- A terribly powerful attack, sustained by Gontor at even the lowest levels of power.
95 Damage
Hive 1-Primal Fury- Becoming Stronger with the First Hive, Gontor lets out a montrous scream, decloaks, and chomps an enemy in half. Heavy Armor is not affected.
Instant Kill.
Hive 2-Scream- Gontor lets out a loud and piercing scream at the top threshold of human hearing. Causes permanent hearing loss if next to a human, and serious ear damage if within 24 feet.
No damage, piercing sound, ringing even after it goes off.
Hive 3-Xenocide- An inherited ability from the skulk. Gontor starts a metabolic reaction inside his cloaking gland, allowing his deadly stomach acids to mix with the cloaking fluid inside his gland. Decloaks as soon as this reaction happens. Lets out a low level tremble just before violently exploding. Within a few seconds, Gontor is ressurected at the nearest hive in a low level state. It takes a few seconds for him to recover his abilities.
Does Blast Damage, 320 when Gontor is very close, becoming less powerful the further away a human is.
Suceptible Cloaking Gland, Renderend Defenseless without it
Takes a lot of energy on Gontor's part to walk faster than a human. Walks a little faster than a marine in a combat suit, loaded up. Can outrun Heavy Armor.
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Subject: <u> Gontor </u>
I'm sure you're wondering how this lifeform this article is named after came about. Well, it was a catastrophe. We had found interesting bacterium growths in small doses around our Reasearch Facility. Our lab technicians took samples of it and placed it into the biodome, and took a little to the research complex placed near it. Within weeks, the subjects in the Biodome had just grown out of control. The walls were covered in a sticky yellow surface, and a hard carapace formed around it the week after. What we saw in the Biodome around a month later was a huge ball hanging from the ceiling, with a small chute at the bottom. We named these Hives, and they had happened exactly how we had predicted. How could we have been so foolish? We just didn't stop. Before long, unknown security errors were popping up in terminals near the Biodome. They were quickly destroyed. When we checked the terminals that had let off the warnings, they all had around 20 marks on them, which looked to be from groups of teeth. And then, one day, a new lifeform arose. One like no other. We had seen it for a splitsecond from the Biodome security cameras, then as quickly as it appeared out of a large egg, it dissappeared, into thin air. Our scientists determined, from the lab samples that this was an extremely rare mutation in the normal Bacteria growth cycle. Its skin was dyed murky black from a natural flaw in the Gestation fluids.
We tried to capture the lifeform. But it wasn't there. We really tried. Radar showed nothing, as did Motion Tracking. However, around 12 scientists had been lifted into the air, being tethered by an unknown source!. And then, a sickening crunch, and the top half of the scientist was gone. We have named this new beast Gontor, after the Ux 4's naming system. It means "Ambusher." I send this message to the Trans-System Authority, hoping that one day someone will find out where we went wrong. I hear a terrible noise, I will send this message and go find out what it is. I'm kind of hungry, too.
Sending Message...........................complete.
///comp term .5 offline....comp term .5 err///
Kharaa -
Name - *I'll come back to you on this*
Race - Gorge
Skills - A highly skilled field medic, able to get in the thick of the action and heal the other aliens and their structures. This gorge is much bigger and fatter than the others, and basically commands other gorges, telling them where to go and what to build (in an alien language kind of thing of course). It also has some new weapons mutated on. This gorge has more health and armour than the average gorge, and also always has regeneration and redemption. Can build structures as normal.
Appearance - As I said earlier, this gorge is pretty big and fat, not much smaller than the onos (about halfway between the onos and gorge in size). It has what almost looks like a cannon on its back, which allows it to fire bile bombs much further than normal. The difference about these bombs is that they are much stronger than an average gorge's, and actually hurt marines. Instead of spitting like the average gorge, it can spurt out this slippery substance that covers the floor, slowing marines down as they try and keep upright.
Hive 0 - Healspray - Being a highly skilled field medic, brilliant at keeping other aliens alive while keeping out of trouble itself, the gorge gets this slightly stronger healspray at all times. Does 20 damage to marines, and does 8% health to aliens and alien structures.
Hive 1 - Bile Cannon - Fires a similar substance to the bile bomb, but this one also hurts marines for 20 damage per shot. Can fire much further than normal bile bomb as well.
Hive 2 - Slime - Fires a strange slippery substance that covers the floor and causes any marines walking on it to slip and fall, slowing their movement. Lasts for 1 minute when placed, and there is a limit to each area (like webs). Causes marines to move at 50% normal speed.
Hive 3 - Devour - Sounds like it is copied from the Onos, but this has many disadvantages compared to the Onoses. Firstly, the marine to be devoured can only be devoured if it is at 75% health or less (puts up a fight otherwise). Secondly, the health is stolen much slower, and therefore the marine takes longer to devour (the gorges stomach acids aren't as strong). This is designed to take out a marine who is annoying a gorge, rather than doing hit and runs.
I chose not to have web, as slime partly helps make up for it, but also I never use it in games anyway <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Weaknesses - Marines basically. It is very weak, and if attacked will try and get away as soon as possible. The odd marine attacking it will have problems, but a group would easily take it down. Very weak against jetpacks however, as the "Slime" ability is useless, and "Bile Cannon" isn't very easy to hit with.
Story - *Coming soon...maybe*
Name: Patch Orta
Rank: Lieutenant
Equipment: 1x Mk7 Multiple Munitions Launcher "Hydra", loaded with Fragmentation, Bactericidal, and Phosphor Incendiary grenade types.
2x .45 Sidearm pistols, "Aeris", and "Nurgle". "Aeris" loaded with .45 explosive tipped rounds, "Nurgle" loaded with .45 Bactericidal rounds.
1x Combat Knife, Tri-dimantian edged, unbreakable knife, cutting properties similar to low-grade lasers.
Modified Personal Combat Armour. Modified to include rebreather, Flame-Retardant coating, smart-linked sights, used for both Hydra, and Nurgle.
Appearance, Taken from TSA records:
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 110kgs
Hair: White
Eyes: Original, Brown. Modified with light-definition ocular implants
History: Sole survivor of team designated "The Wrecking Ball", which were almost wiped out in an assault on Planet 16-TD-2 "Outer Dome". Having secured a command area within 2 miles of the major hive on the planet, Lt. Patch and the rest of the team set out to destroy the hive, once and for all. Having gotten near enough to launch a volley of fire into the hive, one of the team was attacked by an invisible creature. Deciding to fire into the hive, the Wrecking Balls obliterated the hive, and its surrounding bacterium in a shower of Incendiary grenades, mixed in with bactericial grenades. By which time, the creature had managed to kill most of the team. Patch, the only member to see the creature, dropped his grenade laucher, and reached for his pistol. 8 shots rang out, and a horde of the alien lifeforms appeared around him, and the team. Most of them were killed in the first few seconds. When the rest of the team were dead, most of the creatures turned on Patch. With no ammuntion ready in his pistol, he turned to a desperate action, detonating a bactericidal grenade at his feet. The force of the canister breaking, and the all-encumbering gas knocked Patch out cleanly, at least his death would be calmful, not like his comrades. When he finally came round, there was little left of the attacking Kharra, but a pile or two of decompsing bacterium. Stood above him was a figure, holding a flamethrower. "Thanks for the help getting here, Sir. We couldn't have torched this place with that hive still up."... Due to love of the grenade laucher, he has developed a new munitions delivery system, call the Hyrda, capable of holding multiple types of ammo, or holding many of the same type. Also, due to the lack of ready ammo in his pistol, he now carries two around, loaded with his favourite types of ammo, explosive, and the life-saving Bactericidal rounds, without which, he would not be alive today. His combat knife is heavily modified, with an unbreakable blade, capable of slicing the arm clean off of an attacking Fade. Armour modification include a rebreather, to prevent the nausious fumes of the BC grenade overcoming him again, and a Phosphor-Flame retarder, just in case a PI grenade goes off too close. Also has had Ocular Implant sensitive to light distortion, allowing him to better see "cloaked" Khaara units. Smart-link scope on helmet HUD, to allow for pin-point grenade assaults, and precise aiming with "Nurgle" pistol.
Military Honours:
Progressed from Demolitions Academy with maximum marks, showed great respect, and aptitude for explosive materials, instantly accepted for "The Wrecking Balls".
Achieved 2nd Private rank, after co-ordinating a demolitions attack, which obliterated a Khaara Hive Mind.
Achieved Lieutenant rank, after Outer Dome attack led the way for a TSA clean-sweep of Planet 16-TD-2.
Awarded Demolitions Pin, after ceremony to honour those fallen in the 16-TD-2 raid.
Now you see where my forum name comes from <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
This kind of stuff is the reason I got an A+ on my Original Fiction writing in college, I do one of these for every main character!
says the teeth are made out of aluminum oxide or some-
thing, that is already pretty good...
So how exactly did Gontor come about? Did the hivemind
favor his abilities and give him more access to resources?
says the teeth are made out of aluminum oxide or some-
thing, that is already pretty good...
So how exactly did Gontor come about? Did the hivemind
favor his abilities and give him more access to resources? <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Hm... I will edit my post to say the reason why Gontor has come about.
He is WELL good.
He is WELL good. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
And Fatal error, your character's story rocks.
He is WELL good. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
And Fatal error, your character's story rocks. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Thank you.
<_< I guess that's what a year of TSRPing will net you, huh?
Still working at mine atm...
At leats i can tell the following now:
Her name is Eve and she is a failed experiment of the TSA Scientists.
oh...and no this isnt going to be a roleplay thread. Just a thread for the heroes of NS <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Name - Darxio
Rank - Experimental Prototech Psy-Armor Subject #001.
Equipment -
Slot 1: Psy-Armor Gloves: Alpha Mode(Long and mid ranged).
Slot 2: Pistol, same as normal marines.
Slot 3: Psy-Armor Gloves: Beta Mode(Melee).
Slot 4: None (Filled with Welder, Grenade, Mines dropped by comm).
Height - 5'11"
Weight - 290 w/ armor, no log of weight taken without armor existing.
Appearence in a nutshell - Take a normal TSA marine. Make his upper-half have silver body armor attached to him, arms and hands as well. Blades protrude from his elbows but are never used. His head is a silver helmet with two red goggle eyes, and a ghostly white face with a blank expression behind it. When gloves channel energy, they glow from a faint blue to a very bright blue when fully charged.
Psy-Armor description - A prototype armor that boosts armor to 125 at level 0 armor, 150 at level 1, 175 at level 2, 200 at level 3. Weapon upgrades only effect the pistol and mines. Agility is not hindered, and the Psy-Armor allows a jump up to 2.5 the normal jump height depending on how long the jump key is held.
Psy-Armor Gloves: Alpha Mode description - In Alpha Mode, the gloves channel energy to do amazing things that seem like psychic powers. An empty bar is portrayed where the JP bar would be, and the longer the primary fire is held, the more charged it becomes until released, resulting in different attacks.
Attack 1(No charge or under 33%) - A small psychic shock is sent out that does 15 damage all the time. However, the more charged it is under 33%, the more damage can be filled into the tiny blast. It's 15 damage when clicked rapidly uncharged at a rate of fire similar to the knife, and when at 33%(the max), it does 45 damage. It can charge up to 33% in 1 second. These shocks will stop any alien health regeneration from innate regen and the regen upgrade, but not DCs or Hives, for 10 seconds. Note: This is NOT hitscan. This flies at the speed of an OC.
Attack 2(34% to 67%) - This sends a small wave forward, affecting all aliens in front of the blast, instead of a bullet sized shock. This attack does 50 damage at 34%, and scales up to 85 damage at 67%. A small knockback is included in this wave, about twice as strong as a skulk bite knockback, and does not scale up. When hit, alien movement slows down to half for 2 seconds, and adrenaline is drained, from 25% at 34% charged, up to 75% adren drained at 67% charged. It takes 2 seconds to charge up to 67%. The wave is not hitscan, and travels at the speed of spit.
Attack 3(68% - 99%) - This attack is 90 damage at 68%, up to 125 damage at 99%. It is a circular blast all around the psy-armor user, with range similar to about 3/4ths stomp. This attack knocks back aliens a tremendous amount similar to xenocide's knockback. 99% takes 3 seconds to charge up to. This is hitscan. If you're in the area, but not behind a wall, you're hit with it. However, behind a wall you'll still get knockback.
Attack 4(100%) - This is only when the attack charge is 100%. The charge can't be held more than 1 second fully charged, and takes 3.1 seconds to charge to, so the most you can hold it for is 1.1 seconds when charged to aim. This is a hitscan single point attack, and deals 130 damage with extreme knockback to Fades and Onos. To Lerks, it freezes it in midflight, wraps it in a blue light, and crashes it into the ground for 130 damage. To Gorges and Skulks, it grabs them, wraps them in a blue light, flings them up in the air, then crashing to earth for 130 damage. Looks awesome.
Psy-armor gloves: Beta Mode - Basically similar to a knife. The marine swipes at an object with his hands, and if he contacts, 30 damage is done. The rate of fire is similar to the knife as well. Only difference is that it ignores armor absorption on alien lifeforms, so 1 point of armor is always 1 health to the gloves in beta mode.
History - coming soon (Can't finish now).
Species: Kharaa, Lerk lifeform type
Description: Smaller in stature than most lerks, Wraith is a cobbled-together lifeform with pieces of other known aliens as well as previously-unseen mutations. In addition to the regular lerk wings, an additional pair of bony, razor sharp claws grow from Wraith's back, while bulbous growths on it's wings resemble the fade's acid rocket launcher. While smaller than most lerks, Wraith is an extremely fast, almost unstoppable death machine, capable of shredding most marine fireteams to shreds by itself. So far, only video and audio signals from marine outposts attempting to clear Hera Station have shown Wraith at all: no one has survived to tell the story of their encounter thus far. All that is found by scouting parties is death and destruction. Often marines are found outside on the landing pad in pieces, while some are seen splattered on the rocks below. Attempts to trap Wraith using regular anti-lerk tactics have failed, often resulting in the dissapearance of the fireteam attempting to bait the wily lerk.
Known Abilities:
Wraith seems to have uncanny vision, hearing, and speed, as it eludes most traps without the marines noticing at all. Often marines hiding around corners are simply eviscirated before they even notice, as Wraith shreds them from above.
The basic lerk "bite" ability is available, as well as a previous attack since left off the lerk's evolutionary chain as of late. "Spike" also appears to be a basic ability Wraith has at any given time, often being used from long range before a diving attack to bite. While the previous generation of lerks that used spike only used it to soften marines up from range, Wraith's version of spike seems to almost impale marines, stapling them against the ground or the wall due to the strength and size of the projectile.
The "spore" attack is standard compared to other lerks. It's a caustic substance that eats armor and marine skin equally. Prolonged exposure will result in marine death.
The "umbra" ability seems extremely strong compared to standard lerk umbra, blocking not only bullets from hitting inside the cloud, but blocking bullets that pass through as well. Video coverage suggests that almost no bullets hit targets, as several marines have been seen in umbra clouds, especially in the processing and holo room areas. Of the coverage available, none show rounds hitting targets in the cloud or behind it.
Video coverage also shows what seems to be an attack similar to the fade's "acid rocket" attack, except it comes from a pair of pods on the super-lerk's wings. This attack is also more potent than the normal acid rocket, as it burns holes through the walls it hits, and does similar damage to marines with horrendous results. This attack is often combined with spores and is devastating. Thankfully it is only seen when the hivemind is at it's most powerful, which is rare.
An additional attack never seen before has been nicknamed "Death From Above" by TSA scientists and veteran marines working on deciphering the mystery going on at Hera Station. The video captured from the ventilation and docking areas shows several marines being snatched from the ground by the claws on Wraith's back, being hoisted high into the air, and then being dropped. A few horrifying videos also show marines being torn apart by talons in midair as well. Wraith has shown a propensity to be extremely cruel, likely due to it's higher than average independence, intelligence, and due to extended exposure to marine contact. The most terrifying thing about this monster isn't it's abilities or weapons, it's the fact that it <i>knows</i> we're scared of it.
Powers: .... <guess>
because we all know we want to build our own herpes.
....Scanning Data-Block 7A, 68Z, 96G, 118L...
...Found 3 Reports...
- Dr. Kyon #10967A4
- Dr. Kyon #11045S1
- Cap. Fernandez #16974F9
...loading #10967A4
< Report >
< Dr. Kyon <b>#10967A4</b> >
< Eve>
< "I am very proud to announce that we finally managed to create the first prototype of Eve. After several setbacks ,she is ready. As you will see in my memos she is the result of an unique symbiosis between the Kharaa's hive and our newest bio/android technology.
Fact: Eve is able to control Kharaa lifeforms and they see her as one of their own. Even more...If they are near her they act as if she would be one of their hives. Protecting her at any costs, even if it takes their lives. More on that in my memos and after we made further tests.
Basically Eve looks like a human female.
Dark hair, 1.86 meters and very thin (62 kg)
Dark skin and green eyes.
We equipped her with the good stuff... formed her hands into claws, changed her chords so she is able to do huge leaps now, simliar to the skulks second hive attack.
Her mainprocessor is linked to the nearest Comm chair so she is able to execute commands herself without beeing inside. Of course these are limitated since our technology isnt far enough at the moment to provide her with better remotes.
I am very glad we finally made this happen and i will provide you with informations and results as soon as i am back from Aeda75.
With this new weapon we will be able to finally stop the Kharaa threat.
Thats all for the moment. Please check the memos fur further details>
< Report >
< Dr. Kyon <b>#11045S1</b> >
< Eve>
< "I will get straight to the facts:
Something terrible happened. Things were going on pretty well. Eve was everything we were searching for...but unfortunately she was even more.
We didnt create a weapon...we created a new lifeform...
Even though i havent been at the Taurus Research Station when it happened, I will take the full responsibility for the accident.
What happened is the following: While i was at Syrus, Eve managed to hack into the central terminal of our security station. We had no idea, she is able to do such things since we didnt program her that way. But it seems that she found a way to create new connections herself.
What followed was that she opened all the cages at sector 3 and 4, releasing
- 14 Skulks
- 3 Lerks
- 1 Fade
And of course she opened her own cage too. This happened exactly at the time our marine teams changed shifts. Somehow she knew exactly when to shut down the security locks to gain the best results.
The marines fought brave but they didnt stand a chance. We managed to take down about 5 or 6 skulks and fortunately the fade trapped himself inside of our contermination chamber giving us the chance to quickly take him down.
The rest of the Kharaa forces made it through the ventilation systems to Cargo Station.
There, Eve killed the crew and launched one of our cargo-shuttles leaving with the testobects.
That is not the worst thing though. While we were fighting against the kharaa she destroyed the main datastorage. Eve knew that we would have been able to create more of her race with the informations we gained from her.
But with this action she set us back to...nearly zero.
Fortunately i saved parts of the main data, but still it will take months or even years till we achive the level of informations we had.
But there is still hope. We managed to track down her ship which landed at LK-414. If you would recapture her for us we could deactivate the main processor. The data saved inside this main processor would make it possible for us to gain nearly 100% of the informations we allready had, even though at the cost of her life...>
Eve is pretty fast compared to humans. She moves with about the speed of a celerity skulk.
Hp: ~250
Eve has no armor rating since she doesnt wear one. Still her skin-material is very tough so it takes a lot of bullets to stop her. We didnt test her in combat yet so we dont know exactly how much damage her skin is able to absorb.
Attack 1: "Claws" 85 Damage. Similar to the Fades primary attack
Attack 2: "Leap" no Damage. Simliar to the Skulks leap, Eve is able to do long jumps to reach certain places or to shorten the distance to her enemies.
Attack 3: "Scream" Eves, screams have had a very interesting effect on kharaa lifeforms. They immediataly tried to move to her and followed her everywhere she went till we locked them into different cages again.
Attack 4: "Command Chair Hack" Eve hacks into the command chair for a short period of time and is able to execute Medpack/Ammo drops and scans.
[Update coming soon]
<img src='' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
<a href='' target='_blank'>larger picture</a>
Name: Tongere
Species: Kharaa, Fade-type lifeform
Bio: Derived from the Fade-genus of the Kharaa species, the alien code-named Tongere is an unsettling and dangerous foe on the battlefield. Slightly taller and thinner than the Fade, the Tongere looks harmless on its own, until it decides to use the TSA's own firepower against them. After the Kharaa watched its own kin and the TSA fight, it began to wonder, what if it can use the TSA technology for its own use? After watching several more fights, the Tongere was born. Having opposible thumbs and the knowledge from previous fights to utilize the TSA weaponry, once it gets its grimy hands around a gun, many a TSA fear the roar of the guns as buddies and comrades fall bullet-ridden to the ground.
Unfortunately, after several 'prototypes' of the species, it decided that the Tongere must be, improved. Genetically enhancing the ocular organs of the Tongere, the new and improved Tongere have gained a form of heat-vision which could detect any opposing Marines even through walls. Only intense cold or a way to block bodily heat signatures could prevent fellow marines from being spotted by the Tongere. As well, improving the muscles in its ligaments allow it increased speed (1.5x that of a normal Marine, unhindered,) as well as strength to hold the larger guns ie the Heavy Machine Gun. Also, upon noticing that the FF system that the TSA has created to prevent accidents, the Kharaa decided to create a small opening in the palm of the Tongere's hand that eats into the metal of the gun and spread a mild infection into the bullets, causing them to be ignored by the FF system when fired for maximum effectiveness. A side-effect of the infection is that the bullets deal less damage than usual, the reasoning behind this is currently unknown. (All guns fired deal 80% damage) Also, it can wrap its hands around dropped supplies and, using the same acid that infects the gun, over-ride the FoF (Friend or Foe) system, thus allowing the Tongere to heal itself, acquire more ammunition for its 'tools', and even dramatically increase its performance upon using the catalyst pack.
0 Hive: Since there are no hives in order for the Tongere to obtain knowledge from, it must only rely on a simple claw strike. Although weak, it is still a dangerous idea to go toe to toe with it. (50 damage per strike)
1 Hive: A fresh new hive, only observing the TSA for a few minutes, has only the knowledge of the Light Machine Gun and the standard issue Pistol to give to the Tongere. (Allows the use of the Light Machine Gun and the Pistol)
2 Hives: Having grown to an adolescent state, the Hive has observed the TSA use more advanced tech with each growing minute and has thus adapted the Tongere to utilize these items for the good of the Kharaa. (Allows the use of the Shotgun, Medpack 'note, it only heals the equivalent of 50 HP, does not affect armor', and Ammopack)
3 Hives: Having a wide array of knowledge, the Hive has now uncovered the knowledge to use the Marines most advanced equipment against them, thus bestowing it to the Tongere, so that all may fall in its wake. (Allows the use of the Heavy Machine Gun, Grenade Launcher, and the Catpack)
Innate Ability: Infrared vision, Celerity
HP/Armor: 200/100
First Encounter:
<i>Aboard the vessel Utarian, a search crew sent to investigate the disappearance of three TSA teams stumble upon a blood stained log.</i>
Captains Log:
I thought I've seen it all, but today pretty much made my day. After recieving a distress signal from the Utarian, we were sent in to investigate the possibility of another Kharaa infestation. Oh, who am I kidding, of COURSE its the Kharaa. Seems to be the only thing on everyone's minds now adays, Kharaa Kharaa Kharaa.
We first sent in Alpha Team, consisting of Pfc. (Private First Class) Burker Handerson, Pfc. Markis Orville, and Maj. Orwin Burkov. Next came Bravo Team, who was sent in to secure an area fit for us to deploy a Commander Chair. Oh, almost forgot, we had Pfc. James Hendrik, Maj. Paul Sumners and Col. (Colonel) John Admont. Then there was just me, Comm. Karl Surchik.
Everything started as normal, Bravo Team had the Comm. Chair down inside the Observation Deck while Alpha Team went searching around somewhere in the Aft Deck of the ship. I soon uplinked into the Chair and several minutes later, recieved a call from Alpha Team, it was Maj. Burkov. He said that there were no signs of the Kharaa and requesting permission to come back to base. I should of told them right then and there that it was ok, but I was too god-dammed stubborn to go away empty handed and told them to keep searching. A few minutes later Burkov came back on, saying that they heard a strange sound and went to investigate it. Apparently they stumbled onto what would be the Devil in Kharaa shape. They of course open-fired and injured the son of a b**** a bit and it ran off. Dang Handerson had to be a hero and go after it, even after direct orders from Burkov not to go there.
Well, needless to say that no sooner had Handerson turned the corner to follow it, a few skulks plopped down from the ceiling and decided to have some lean cuisine ala Handerson. I began to order Alpha Team to regroup when I noticed on a security camera overlooking Handerson's fallen body that ol' tall, dark and ugly walk over to his body. At first I thought that it was just wanting scraps that the Skulks left over, but instead it reached over for his Light Machine Gun. I was about to laugh because it was obviously too stupid to use such advanced technology, but my rising laughter was swiftly cut off when I saw it wrap its cold, slimy appendages around the handle and what appeared to be a potential finger on the trigger. Bangbangbangbangbang, five shots and that was all. I got a third call from Burkov, his voice having a tone that gave away a man about to break-down. He was asking me where those gun-shots came from and I told him that whatever Handerson was chasing, just decided to pick up and shoot off a few rounds from his gun. Burkov just said the standard OMG and I gave him immediate permission to return to base. But before they started to race back to base, IT came around the corner and set the gun's sights on Orville. While backing away, I watched as Orville turned around and started firing off his own LMG at the thing, small dark spatters appeared over its torso from where the gunshots hit.
Suddenly, it just....sped up, it began to move alot faster than was expected and decided to give Orville a taste of his own medicine. It raised the LMG up and open-fired on Orville, who fell down amidst the spray of bullets lookin like swiss cheese. It looked up and began to look around in an almost orderly pattern. Upon closer inspection, I noticed its head movement was the same as where Burkov was running. The darn thing can see Burkov straight through all that solid steel! I yelled at Burkov to move it but too late, the alien ran around the corner and spotted Burkov, and before Burkov could turn around and fire, he succumbed to the same fate as Orville. I didn't know how it happened that day, but all I know is that if we don't think of something soon, we're just gonna be more food for the Kharaa. And god forbid that that thing gets its hands on a Shotgun, HMG, or even a freaking Grenade Launcher! As well, I've decided to name it Tongere, somethin my old Latin teacher said that means 'to know', and if'n you want it in plain ol' English, I'll just call it the Thinker. Because only something that can think and also know what to do can do what it just did.
(This critter is based off of the alien in the PC game Enemy Infestation. Yes, this thing could pick up any weapon on the ground and use it against you. *shudders whenever it got a rocket launcher with a full clip*)
Edit: Made one small but very important anatomical change. Apparently, I forgot that it is indeed the pointer finger, not the thumb that is used to pull the trigger. Please pity this poor anatomically inaccurate person)
Species: Hive-type Kharaa
On a small world circled by a small science vessel, the Kharaa are seen sustaining a Hive with enormous amounts of resources previously unobtainable on something as small as a dinky merchant vessel. The Hive has become a gigantic storehouse of useful information due to exposure to completely new environments, flora, and fauna. Normally, the Hive would've regressed back to a small colony of Bacterium, but because of the generally hostile environment, the Hive is in full force and attempting to dominate it's surrounding territory. For now, the Hive is trapped on the world. If it is to send its information beyond this world, a new and dangerous breed of Kharaa will be born.
The old Hive was exposed to many of the indigenous wildlife there. Because the world was similar to a primitive Earth, the local "Mother Nature" was still experimenting with many fantastic variations of life forms from hulking animals trying to move their impossible bodies, to some very strange multi-tasking arthropods. As for intelligent creatures, the only thing in store was a funny looking reptile-bug about as smart as the now extinct "deers" on old Earth.
Many improvements were added to the genetic library from the new material encountered on this world. Some species were rendered obsolete, and replaced with new ones such as scorpions that hover without flapping and improved fades that more resembled four armed humans than anything else. The fade's acid rocket symbiote was rendered obsolete with the new version sporting fashionable opposable thumbs and fully articulated fingers. The fades also were granted higher conscience, they won't object to using the enemies own weapon's against them.
The encounter with bug-like analogues introduced an entirely new library of genetic code with abilities such as exoskeletons and enhanced survivability. The main Kharaa battle forms disturbingly resemble old Earth’s mammals; consquently, the Kharaa are very limited in adaptation. Since Earth’s arthropods are commonly seen existing beyond the comfortable environmental ranges on Earth, this also holds true for the old Hive. The Kharaa are becoming hardier and adopting the arthropod’s survival habits.
Thankfully, they are only trapped on the planet and do not know how to operate the merchant vessel that has stranded them there. It will be a long while until either the Kharaa figure out how to leave with the new information, or the Bacterium feel they aren't threatened anymore and regress back to a passive state.
NOTE: The Fade's acid rocket is actually not part of him, if you look really closely at a Fade, the acid rocket is really just a strange looking worm thing perched on the Fade's back.
Name: The Thing
On the outscopes of the the universe. On a planet called Earth lies a base on the polar ice caps. Ayumi was the term referred to this dark and dank play. It was a punishment for our blatand disreguard for TSA rules and regulations. Quite stupid really, we were punished for sacraficing 5 marines to kill an onos. Our commander-in-chief should of been given a medal. Those things.... are so hard to kill. As we got off our heighliner (transport) i felt the cold wind cut right through my armour. I thought these things were build for warmth, cause they certainly do jack **** against a little skulk. Commander Rogerson yells for us to get inside. Apparently he's heard of this place telling us to be very weary. THe last 5 teams sent here were never seen again. Picking up my standard lmg, i helped Peterson carry in the armoury. Jeez a lew i thought, coudn't they have made this bloody thing lighter. DAVIES, PETERSON !! yelled rogerson. Go scout, i want a full exploration of this place before i load into the comm link.
Come Petey, lets go have some fun. The others can set up this ****. We're too good for this remedial standard marine ****. After having trunched through the watery area of what our scanners showed used to be a hive i noticed a unusual amount of bacteria. As i looked to the right i swear i saw a shadow on the wall. Just then something that looked similar to a skulk dropped from the roof. It looked as though it was morphing as it moved. It engulfed Petey and i ran the **** outa there. Looking back i saw the shadow chasing me across the wall. I ran to a door it was locked. I blasted it open with my grenade and jumped through.
As i ran back to base i told Rogerson... SOMETHING GOT PETERSON. Well what got him he replied coldly. I don't know i replied, it was constantly morphing. Just then some weirdly moving marines approached us in the foyer. Sargeant Bob... is that you asked Rogerson. I thought u died here 5 years ago. Suddenly Peterson started walking beside him followed by 15 others. As they charged i swear they were morphing as they moved. The last thing i saw was that blastard shadow running parrallel to those ghosts......
Ability: Ability to morph into anything it touches. Controlled by a shadow hive which has he ability to move.
Can't stand extreme heat eg. Fire
I got this from the movie "The Thing". Loved that movie.
(got a picture of Eve up...its from an Aliens VS Predator Comic)
He is WELL good. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
very well good
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->- no **** posts please...i know its hard but...plz try not to!<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Well...either he just ignores my request or he really didnt read it.
Name- Daniel "broken jaw" Jones
Race- White
Appearance- The bottom half of his jaw is missing and replaced by a mechanical version. His jaw is surgically grafted onto his jaw but must be removed after every battle due to bactirium corrosion. He uses a razor cutter (more on that later) to remove it in the field. He has been through 14 campaigns and thus has the scars to show for it.
Skills- Being a vetran of 14 campaigns he has superior leadership and training. He also hand trains his own men and so his squads are also superior. Many of his squad are vetrans of many campaigns as he is.
Slot 1 LMG- A regular lmg but due to his vetran status he can aim with superior skill and henceforth can aim for weak spots and does 2x dmg than the weapon would. His lmg also has an extended clip. (IE 20 dmg with 100 ammo)
Slot 2 Pistol- His pistol is just like a regular pistol with an extended clip of 30 bullets. (40 dmg 30 ammo)
Slot 3 Razor Cutter- This is a laser sharpened power driving surgical knife. If things get really grim he will fight with it. The knife is strong enough to remove metal from his jaw. (50 dmg per swipe)
Slot 4 Self Distress Beacon- You dont server 14 battle campaigns without learning a few tricks. (Just like a regular beacon but with a 4 second charge up. Can still move while charging)
Special abilities- Anyone near him gains a +10% dmg increase to weapon due to superior training and leadership. (It is assumed anymarine near him has been trained by him). Cloak detection increased. Running and reload speed increased by 15%.
Species- Kharra
Genus- Unknown
Name- Unknown
Appearance- Imagine a puddle of water. Then imagine it form into a solid. Then imagine that solid being as black as night. Finally imagine the solid having teeth sharp enough to rend metal and a really short temper. Looks roughly like a skulk in solid form only pitch black.
Skills- Is able to turn to liquid form and move upon walls like water. Can reshape whenever it wants. Takes 1/3rd dmg and moves at 2x speed in this form. Also a transdimensional creature.
Hive 0: It chomps at the same speed as lerk for 70 dmg.
Hive 1: "Puddle form" Changes into its puddle form. Can climb walls in this form as well.
Hive 2: Dimensional warp Changes dimensions and becomes totally un damageable. Can still see marines due to an advanced form of SoF but is unable to attack. Drains energy relative to time spent in dimension. Innate rgene at 3x speed in this dimension. (1 energy per 2 seconds)
Hive 3: Dimensional attack Uses warp energy to literally rip open time and shove a marine in. Much like digestion but half the bar. Cannot use hive 2 or 3 attacks while marine is stuck in dimension. Aiming is used like skulk parasite.