Abandoned Part 6
Gorge MasterAustralia Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10586Members, Reinforced - Shadow

<div class="IPBDescription">6th chapter</div> <b>First chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=93603' target='_blank'>here</a>
<b>Second chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=93794' target='_blank'>here</a>
<b>Third chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=93842' target='_blank'>here</a>
<b>Fourth chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=93911' target='_blank'>here</a>
<b>Fifth chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=94010' target='_blank'>here</a>
Nadair chomped greedily at the hot sausage casserole, sided with mashed potato and peas, even though this was a battleship with military, they sure made the marines ate well. Scanning the plate quickly as he hoovered in more food, picking what to chomp on next before the mouthful he already had travelled down to his bottomless pit for a stomach. Many would wonder how a gorge could feast on such food, or even grab anything with its mouth with the funny looking bit sticking out of its mouth, but it seemed it was more or less the gorges tongue which it could control to change it shape so it could regurgitate res and in Nadairs case, eat food. The gorges tongues purpose was to spit acid and spin webs, the tongue being so tough could handle carrying the acid inside a sack just below the jaw and when needed could be projected out at over 500 meters. But the acid sack would run out after a certain amount of spits, and would have to refill to work again. Many would call these sudden outbursts of aliens attack adrenaline, only being able to attack so much before they had to regenerate the amount of energy need for each attack they did. Nadair slurped up the remaining juices off his plate and looked expectantly up at Mark, hoping he would have food leftover for Nadair to eat.
Mark was toying with the sausages with a fork, twisting them around over each other, in circles. It was obvious he had other things on his mind, most likely the regret of still being alive, to feel the pain of losing so many he felt was his family. Mark had never really had much of a family, he was an orphan, all he knew of his mother was she died when he was born and his dad committed suicide not long after. Things never went right for Mark, but he still fought, a small gargle came from the floor and mark turned to the wide eyed gorge. "yeah.. You want mine now don’t you... I swear you have a black hole for a stomach" he smiles tauntingly and lowered his barely touched plate in front of Nadair, Nadair didn’t even wait for the plate to settle on the ground, he was tucking in as it still fell towards the ground, trying to gargle thankyou as he hoovered in as much food as he could fit into his small mouth. Mark smiled and then went back to thinking about the last moments with his squad.
"comm! Threes a security breach in the science study sector!" a marine called loudly, "shut it off" the comm called as he pinged the area around them. "uhh, I am seeing multiple targets around us comm!" a young marine called "I am sending off a beacon, we will need backup to control this". Mark ran over to grab a gun "no need soldier, they wont get in here" the comm called down at mark "better safe than sorry sir!" Mark called back, picking up a shotgun and loading it up. Just as mark turned around he felt the wind knock out of him and he flew into a wall, winded and in utter shock his eyes wide in surprise. Such a hard force had made him fly to the other side of the room, his eyes darted as he seen a shadow dart around the room, a strange purring sound as it darted about. Every marine fell and died once the shadow stood upon them, towering over them in a dark menacing shadow, Mark tried to call but he could not gather enough air in his lungs, still gasping from the mighty blow he finally felt a sharp unbearable pain in his chest, looking down his eyes grew to horror as he stared at his armour gaping out with an enormous gash across his chest and stomach. It looked like he had been operated on and hadn’t been stitched up, hearing a marine call out in shock he looked up as the marines call was cut short, a bony spear visible was sticking through his throat, attached to the shadowed monster, retrieving its arm it roughly snapped out the bone from the marines throat, watching the dead body fall effortlessly to the floor in an amusing manner. Its eyes glowed as it scanned around the room, in just seconds the whole army inside the room had been destroyed. Mark was still in shock as he stared ahead where the comm stepped out of the comm chair, rushing to the gun rack, the monster was too quick and in a blink of an eye his spear like claws sliced the comm in half, satisfied that all the marines were dead the creature purred as it disappeared swiftly through the glass it had rushed through. So quickly, barely anyone had reacted.
Mark rubbed his hands over his head and ran them through his hair slowly, the only survivor of such an attack. Luck? Fate?, more than anything he wished he had died with the rest, the sickening feeling in his gut from the experience, he knew his dreams would not ease for another few year. A memory which is now a burden he will live through every night in his dreams. The speaker called out " 27th and 36th regiment to report at the training station in 15 minutes" it repeated. Mark stood up "you ready gusto?" he said to Nadair who now looked as pleased as a kid with a brand new toy. Nadair nodded and stood up, his belly heavy with food it should keep him satisfied for a few hours. Mark picked up the plated and walked over to the canteen, placing them on the bench, the whole canteen seemed to shuffle as marines from both regiments made their way to the training room, other marines sat and stayed sipping coffee, reading newspapers, one even reading a book titled 'The Behemoth'. Nadair raced after Mark towards the canteen door, Shoving stiffly mark opened the swinging door, looking up at the holographic sign. All the latest tasks for each regiment or particular person was visible on the screen, scanning it Mark caught the 27th regiment tasks 'Report to training room floor 4 room 13' it had.
Mark looked down the hall and began to walk down it "wrong way soldier, if your 27th you should be heading to the elevator this way" a slim marine called, Mark and Nadair turned and looked at the marine "the names Lee, 27th regiment also, hear your new here and Simmons accepted you in. Your very lucky he did that, he usually doesn’t do things like that, he must've felt sorry for you or something" the marine chattered. Mark grinned politely "thanks, I am Mark, and this feller is Nadair", Lee looked down at Nadair and grinned "ah I hear about him from the other half of the regiment, only a third of the regiment went to planet Nethius" he said grinning, 'a third?' Nadair thought, how big was this regiment?. "better hurry, 6 minutes to get to the training station" Lee said turning.
Mark and Nadair quickly followed behind, "So how’d you manage to get a position on this ship?" mark asked. "A war broke out between earth and planet Cruchiar, Cruchiar wasn’t at all pleased with the trading agreements and all hell broke loose when they heard planet Earth was supplying weapons for planet Tubulicar, apparently Cruchiar and Tubulicar aren’t really allies so Cruchiar attacked earth. At that stage I was in the military, but many military bases on earth were then trained to be marines on many battleships like the Lucas and the Envious, we started with 40 battleships, finished with less than 20. But the amount of lives lost on both sides forced them to consider a neutral status between each other" lee's voice sounded distant as he finished, as if remembering the past like it was yesterday, he shook out of it and opened the elevator doors, "up we go" he said, they all stepped in. "what about you Mark? why planet Nethius?", Mark looked down a bit and thought "had nothing else in life to live for, so I took the risk of settling on planet Nethius to keep the scientific studies under control". There was a small silence as they stood "always dangerous working with scientists" Lee then said, breaking the cold silence, "there’s always risks in working to keep science facilities protected and contained". Mark nodded "I knew the risks, and how many people died at many facilities, but when you feel you got nothing else, you don’t tend to care about the risks" he replied, answering Lees hidden question. Lee nodded in approval, satisfied that Mark could pick up his question without saying it. Nadair yawned and looked carefully at the two marines, he always found long talks boring..
The elevator heaved gently as it slowed and the doors opened, the noises crept through the gap and grew louder as the doors opened wider, allowing them to escape the contained box. Many marines walked back and forth through these halls, Many windows along the walls viewing inside the rooms, Mark Lee and Nadair began to walk up the hall, Nadair looked into the windows curiously, viewing what was in each room. One room had a marine shooting at targets, another was disassembling guns and reassembling. Mark clicked at Nadair to get his attention, quickly Nadair looked over to catch mark at the entrance of a door waiting, wasting no time Nadair ran over to Mark and through the door. The whole room was filled with marines as they talked and laughed, Simmons was talking another lieutenant at the front of the room near a holoboard. Mark could remember when in the army they used to use white boards, but holoboards replaced them quickly being easier and more reliable. both lieutenants stopped talking and called out "GENTLEMEN!" all the marines stopped talking and turned towards the front of the room where the lieutenants stood. The room now dead silent Simmons began to speak.
"alright soldiers, we’ve had a meeting with the commander and a talk with the highers on planet earth and vespus, it seems they want to keep planet Nethius and want us to eradicate the whole kharaa species. Men we got a war on our hands once more, and we want no funny business. We gotta try make this fast and clean, We will be heading to planet Nethius at 0800 tomorrow, see you lot in the docking bay. that’s all" with that Simmons and the other lieutenant left the room, the marines chattered more calmly this time. Mark cringed at returning back, but he knew the he was under Simmons command, no escape from your duty.
A loud buzzing ringed in Nadairs ears and he howled in detest, unwillingly opening his eyes to look at the source of the buzzing creature. The lines glowed red as Mark slammed his hand over the alarm clock, lazily searching for the off switch while mumbling some curses. Nadair grumbled and shook his body, he never had to wake up this early, why should he now. Mark sat up and rubbed his head, instantly setting his feet to the floor and heading to the shower, "sorry Nadair we got a job to do, so we gotta go do it" he replied to the grumbling gorge. Nadair snorted in response and went to head for the small kitchen o find the box of cereal mark had placed in there the night before. Nadair sighed half heartedly as he reviewed the dream he had, the same dream, he had never had a recurring dream but now he had the burden of one. The same dream of seeing his master being crushed under falling pipes before him, then the deep eyes and the taunting over and over. Did he really deserve to remember such pain and fear? if only things could have been different. Nadair grumbled again, cursing over his horrible luck and the burden he now carried in his dreams, a burden which was a memory. finally finding where Mark hid the box he gave a happy grunt and ripped open the box, although he had small teeth, they were ideal for ripping things, quickly he tucked into the honey cornflakes.
Mark opened the bathroom door to catch Nadair digging into what was supposed to be a shared breakfast "HEY!" Mark yelled running at Nadair, jumping on top of the startled gorge making it squeal and grunt in surprise, "it was supposed to be for both of us you sneaky runt" Mark grumbled at Nadair, obviously still grumpy from an early wake, bad time for Nadair to be misbehaving. Mark pushed Nadair off and grumbled under his breath about cooking Nadair up for breakfast, rubbing his head he stood up, "fine the canteen for me, don’t expect to get anything your not coming" Nadair whined in protest as mark put on his armour and walked out the door, pushing Nadair in so he couldn’t squash through. "ill be back to collect you before 7:30" he called through the door, Nadair watched Marks shadow drift across the bottom of the door and disappear.
It felt like hours until Mark finally came back and opened the door, Nadair rose his head like a bullet and ran to the door, "hurry up Nadair, time to go to the dock" Mark said as he waited for Nadair to pass through the door, after closing it he grinned down at Nadair "I had sausages and toast with baked beans, allot better than crummy honey cornflakes" he taunted. Nadair growled and barked curses at Mark, but Mark only laughed knowing it had ticked Nadair off that he got a more delicious meal. It seemed to take allot longer to get to the Docking bay than to the cafeteria or briefing rooms, but finally the door before then opened in a slow groan, revealing the familiar ships from the night before. The reinforcement ship had now moved to sit in line with four others neatly. A larger ship was moving in position, it looked like it could carry at least 5000 men at once with its size. The docking room was definitely a gigantic place to hold such enormous ships. Nadair quickened his pace as Mark marched towards where Simmons and the 26th regiment. Lee waved to Mark as they approached, "just in time Mark, get yer gear at the weapons cache over there and we'll be heading off in 15"he ordered firmly. Nadair looked up at Simmons and swore he had just seen Simmons wink in respect to him.
note: sorry it took so long to release, i lost the other copy and had to redo. at that time I have been busy at work etc. I apologise if the next chapters take alot longer to release instead of weekly like it started.
<b>Second chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=93794' target='_blank'>here</a>
<b>Third chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=93842' target='_blank'>here</a>
<b>Fourth chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=93911' target='_blank'>here</a>
<b>Fifth chapter</b> - <a href='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=94010' target='_blank'>here</a>
Nadair chomped greedily at the hot sausage casserole, sided with mashed potato and peas, even though this was a battleship with military, they sure made the marines ate well. Scanning the plate quickly as he hoovered in more food, picking what to chomp on next before the mouthful he already had travelled down to his bottomless pit for a stomach. Many would wonder how a gorge could feast on such food, or even grab anything with its mouth with the funny looking bit sticking out of its mouth, but it seemed it was more or less the gorges tongue which it could control to change it shape so it could regurgitate res and in Nadairs case, eat food. The gorges tongues purpose was to spit acid and spin webs, the tongue being so tough could handle carrying the acid inside a sack just below the jaw and when needed could be projected out at over 500 meters. But the acid sack would run out after a certain amount of spits, and would have to refill to work again. Many would call these sudden outbursts of aliens attack adrenaline, only being able to attack so much before they had to regenerate the amount of energy need for each attack they did. Nadair slurped up the remaining juices off his plate and looked expectantly up at Mark, hoping he would have food leftover for Nadair to eat.
Mark was toying with the sausages with a fork, twisting them around over each other, in circles. It was obvious he had other things on his mind, most likely the regret of still being alive, to feel the pain of losing so many he felt was his family. Mark had never really had much of a family, he was an orphan, all he knew of his mother was she died when he was born and his dad committed suicide not long after. Things never went right for Mark, but he still fought, a small gargle came from the floor and mark turned to the wide eyed gorge. "yeah.. You want mine now don’t you... I swear you have a black hole for a stomach" he smiles tauntingly and lowered his barely touched plate in front of Nadair, Nadair didn’t even wait for the plate to settle on the ground, he was tucking in as it still fell towards the ground, trying to gargle thankyou as he hoovered in as much food as he could fit into his small mouth. Mark smiled and then went back to thinking about the last moments with his squad.
"comm! Threes a security breach in the science study sector!" a marine called loudly, "shut it off" the comm called as he pinged the area around them. "uhh, I am seeing multiple targets around us comm!" a young marine called "I am sending off a beacon, we will need backup to control this". Mark ran over to grab a gun "no need soldier, they wont get in here" the comm called down at mark "better safe than sorry sir!" Mark called back, picking up a shotgun and loading it up. Just as mark turned around he felt the wind knock out of him and he flew into a wall, winded and in utter shock his eyes wide in surprise. Such a hard force had made him fly to the other side of the room, his eyes darted as he seen a shadow dart around the room, a strange purring sound as it darted about. Every marine fell and died once the shadow stood upon them, towering over them in a dark menacing shadow, Mark tried to call but he could not gather enough air in his lungs, still gasping from the mighty blow he finally felt a sharp unbearable pain in his chest, looking down his eyes grew to horror as he stared at his armour gaping out with an enormous gash across his chest and stomach. It looked like he had been operated on and hadn’t been stitched up, hearing a marine call out in shock he looked up as the marines call was cut short, a bony spear visible was sticking through his throat, attached to the shadowed monster, retrieving its arm it roughly snapped out the bone from the marines throat, watching the dead body fall effortlessly to the floor in an amusing manner. Its eyes glowed as it scanned around the room, in just seconds the whole army inside the room had been destroyed. Mark was still in shock as he stared ahead where the comm stepped out of the comm chair, rushing to the gun rack, the monster was too quick and in a blink of an eye his spear like claws sliced the comm in half, satisfied that all the marines were dead the creature purred as it disappeared swiftly through the glass it had rushed through. So quickly, barely anyone had reacted.
Mark rubbed his hands over his head and ran them through his hair slowly, the only survivor of such an attack. Luck? Fate?, more than anything he wished he had died with the rest, the sickening feeling in his gut from the experience, he knew his dreams would not ease for another few year. A memory which is now a burden he will live through every night in his dreams. The speaker called out " 27th and 36th regiment to report at the training station in 15 minutes" it repeated. Mark stood up "you ready gusto?" he said to Nadair who now looked as pleased as a kid with a brand new toy. Nadair nodded and stood up, his belly heavy with food it should keep him satisfied for a few hours. Mark picked up the plated and walked over to the canteen, placing them on the bench, the whole canteen seemed to shuffle as marines from both regiments made their way to the training room, other marines sat and stayed sipping coffee, reading newspapers, one even reading a book titled 'The Behemoth'. Nadair raced after Mark towards the canteen door, Shoving stiffly mark opened the swinging door, looking up at the holographic sign. All the latest tasks for each regiment or particular person was visible on the screen, scanning it Mark caught the 27th regiment tasks 'Report to training room floor 4 room 13' it had.
Mark looked down the hall and began to walk down it "wrong way soldier, if your 27th you should be heading to the elevator this way" a slim marine called, Mark and Nadair turned and looked at the marine "the names Lee, 27th regiment also, hear your new here and Simmons accepted you in. Your very lucky he did that, he usually doesn’t do things like that, he must've felt sorry for you or something" the marine chattered. Mark grinned politely "thanks, I am Mark, and this feller is Nadair", Lee looked down at Nadair and grinned "ah I hear about him from the other half of the regiment, only a third of the regiment went to planet Nethius" he said grinning, 'a third?' Nadair thought, how big was this regiment?. "better hurry, 6 minutes to get to the training station" Lee said turning.
Mark and Nadair quickly followed behind, "So how’d you manage to get a position on this ship?" mark asked. "A war broke out between earth and planet Cruchiar, Cruchiar wasn’t at all pleased with the trading agreements and all hell broke loose when they heard planet Earth was supplying weapons for planet Tubulicar, apparently Cruchiar and Tubulicar aren’t really allies so Cruchiar attacked earth. At that stage I was in the military, but many military bases on earth were then trained to be marines on many battleships like the Lucas and the Envious, we started with 40 battleships, finished with less than 20. But the amount of lives lost on both sides forced them to consider a neutral status between each other" lee's voice sounded distant as he finished, as if remembering the past like it was yesterday, he shook out of it and opened the elevator doors, "up we go" he said, they all stepped in. "what about you Mark? why planet Nethius?", Mark looked down a bit and thought "had nothing else in life to live for, so I took the risk of settling on planet Nethius to keep the scientific studies under control". There was a small silence as they stood "always dangerous working with scientists" Lee then said, breaking the cold silence, "there’s always risks in working to keep science facilities protected and contained". Mark nodded "I knew the risks, and how many people died at many facilities, but when you feel you got nothing else, you don’t tend to care about the risks" he replied, answering Lees hidden question. Lee nodded in approval, satisfied that Mark could pick up his question without saying it. Nadair yawned and looked carefully at the two marines, he always found long talks boring..
The elevator heaved gently as it slowed and the doors opened, the noises crept through the gap and grew louder as the doors opened wider, allowing them to escape the contained box. Many marines walked back and forth through these halls, Many windows along the walls viewing inside the rooms, Mark Lee and Nadair began to walk up the hall, Nadair looked into the windows curiously, viewing what was in each room. One room had a marine shooting at targets, another was disassembling guns and reassembling. Mark clicked at Nadair to get his attention, quickly Nadair looked over to catch mark at the entrance of a door waiting, wasting no time Nadair ran over to Mark and through the door. The whole room was filled with marines as they talked and laughed, Simmons was talking another lieutenant at the front of the room near a holoboard. Mark could remember when in the army they used to use white boards, but holoboards replaced them quickly being easier and more reliable. both lieutenants stopped talking and called out "GENTLEMEN!" all the marines stopped talking and turned towards the front of the room where the lieutenants stood. The room now dead silent Simmons began to speak.
"alright soldiers, we’ve had a meeting with the commander and a talk with the highers on planet earth and vespus, it seems they want to keep planet Nethius and want us to eradicate the whole kharaa species. Men we got a war on our hands once more, and we want no funny business. We gotta try make this fast and clean, We will be heading to planet Nethius at 0800 tomorrow, see you lot in the docking bay. that’s all" with that Simmons and the other lieutenant left the room, the marines chattered more calmly this time. Mark cringed at returning back, but he knew the he was under Simmons command, no escape from your duty.
A loud buzzing ringed in Nadairs ears and he howled in detest, unwillingly opening his eyes to look at the source of the buzzing creature. The lines glowed red as Mark slammed his hand over the alarm clock, lazily searching for the off switch while mumbling some curses. Nadair grumbled and shook his body, he never had to wake up this early, why should he now. Mark sat up and rubbed his head, instantly setting his feet to the floor and heading to the shower, "sorry Nadair we got a job to do, so we gotta go do it" he replied to the grumbling gorge. Nadair snorted in response and went to head for the small kitchen o find the box of cereal mark had placed in there the night before. Nadair sighed half heartedly as he reviewed the dream he had, the same dream, he had never had a recurring dream but now he had the burden of one. The same dream of seeing his master being crushed under falling pipes before him, then the deep eyes and the taunting over and over. Did he really deserve to remember such pain and fear? if only things could have been different. Nadair grumbled again, cursing over his horrible luck and the burden he now carried in his dreams, a burden which was a memory. finally finding where Mark hid the box he gave a happy grunt and ripped open the box, although he had small teeth, they were ideal for ripping things, quickly he tucked into the honey cornflakes.
Mark opened the bathroom door to catch Nadair digging into what was supposed to be a shared breakfast "HEY!" Mark yelled running at Nadair, jumping on top of the startled gorge making it squeal and grunt in surprise, "it was supposed to be for both of us you sneaky runt" Mark grumbled at Nadair, obviously still grumpy from an early wake, bad time for Nadair to be misbehaving. Mark pushed Nadair off and grumbled under his breath about cooking Nadair up for breakfast, rubbing his head he stood up, "fine the canteen for me, don’t expect to get anything your not coming" Nadair whined in protest as mark put on his armour and walked out the door, pushing Nadair in so he couldn’t squash through. "ill be back to collect you before 7:30" he called through the door, Nadair watched Marks shadow drift across the bottom of the door and disappear.
It felt like hours until Mark finally came back and opened the door, Nadair rose his head like a bullet and ran to the door, "hurry up Nadair, time to go to the dock" Mark said as he waited for Nadair to pass through the door, after closing it he grinned down at Nadair "I had sausages and toast with baked beans, allot better than crummy honey cornflakes" he taunted. Nadair growled and barked curses at Mark, but Mark only laughed knowing it had ticked Nadair off that he got a more delicious meal. It seemed to take allot longer to get to the Docking bay than to the cafeteria or briefing rooms, but finally the door before then opened in a slow groan, revealing the familiar ships from the night before. The reinforcement ship had now moved to sit in line with four others neatly. A larger ship was moving in position, it looked like it could carry at least 5000 men at once with its size. The docking room was definitely a gigantic place to hold such enormous ships. Nadair quickened his pace as Mark marched towards where Simmons and the 26th regiment. Lee waved to Mark as they approached, "just in time Mark, get yer gear at the weapons cache over there and we'll be heading off in 15"he ordered firmly. Nadair looked up at Simmons and swore he had just seen Simmons wink in respect to him.
note: sorry it took so long to release, i lost the other copy and had to redo. at that time I have been busy at work etc. I apologise if the next chapters take alot longer to release instead of weekly like it started.
I love this sentence the most <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Anyway, it is alright even if you take a long time to post a new chapter. I understand, whenever I lose a chapter, I often lack the mood to rewrite it again cause it just seems so troublesome.
Just continue to deliver work of such quality, and I will be contented.
One thing though, I notice that you squeeze your character's speech into a single paragraph. It could seem rather confusing this way, why not divide speech sentences into different lines? It could turn out neater that way.
Lastly, rock on with your story!
P.S : I wonder what it's like to jump on a gorge and make it squeal <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
My fav
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->It felt like hours until Mark finally came back and opened the door, Nadair rose his head like a bullet and ran to the door, "hurry up Nadair, time to go to the dock" Mark said as he waited for Nadair to pass through the door, after closing it he grinned down at Nadair "I had sausages and toast with baked beans, allot better than crummy honey cornflakes" he taunted. Nadair growled and barked curses at Mark, but Mark only laughed knowing it had ticked Nadair off that he got a more delicious meal.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
haha, bad gorgey!! no Sausages for you!!! <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/pudgy.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Keep it up kyliegirl!!