[NS:S Sugg.] New Game Mode - Corruption
Join Date: 2003-01-04 Member: 11779Members, Reinforced - Shadow

Okay, basically the optimal length is ~30 mins.
<b><u>Main Idea</u></b>
The basic idea of Corruption mode is for the Kharaa to mount a strong offensive against a secure Marine stronghold by capitalizing on a vulnerable area, and securing the Marine station with their new Corruption Chambers. The Marines need to respond to this menace by halting the Kharaa advance with their superior technology, and attempt to purify their stations.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hive5.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::hive::" border="0" alt="hive5.gif" /> This mode is focused on the Kharaa offensive.
O Spawn at lowest tech level in a room full of resource nodes.
O The objective at the beginning is to claim, and acquire as many resources as possible.
O The main objective after amassing resources is to build a Corrupter Chamber in specific locations across the map.
O A typical map would require about 8-11 Corrupter Chambers.
O For the Kharaa to win, each location that requires a Corrupter would have to be 100% Corrupted so they may have access to the Marine base in order to wipe them out.
O Spawn at a slightly advanced tech level, with only a few resource nodes nearby.
O The main objective would be to of course - cleanse the area of the Kharaa, except with the added task of making sure they do not Corrupt the entire map.
<b><u>Building/Item/Weapon Additions</u></b>
O There will be a new building type - the Corrupter Chamber - specific to this game type.
+ 3500 HP (Debatable, and would need balancing) Slight attack - Automatically cloaked to 90%.
+ Each Corrupter would cost 100 resources.
+ A Corruption Chamber can only be built on a neutral zone
+ These Chambers are placed and built like any other Gorge building.
+ The Chambers would "build" like a hive, but instead it would "Corrupt" the area, enveloping it in the green slime of the Kharaa until it is fully Corrupted.
+ A Corruption Chamber infects the area at a slow rate, taking about 2-3 minutes for 100% corruption. (would need testing and tweaking)
O There will be a new building for Marines - the Nanite Flooder.
+ The Flooder is a very fragile building with only 500 HP
+ The Flooder can only be built in Corruptible areas, that are neutral (Corruption = 0%)
+ When the flooder is finished being built, it sends a flood of Nanites out, locking the area down from infection for a set time limit. (~2 minutes; would need testing/tweaking)
+ After the flooding process is complete, the building would destroy itself.
+ The flooder would work similarly to the Corruption Chamber, except very quickly flooding the area with Nanites, and locking an area to -100% Corruption.
+ The anti-Corruption properties of the Nanites would tick down - slowly going back to 0% Corrupt.
+ This building would cost very high (~80 resources) and would serve as a tool to keep the Kharaa advance in check - not to consistently lock out areas.
<b><u>Gameplay Changes</u></b>
O The Kharaa will not be able to enter the Marine stronghold unless they have achieved 100% Corruption.
O This mechanic works both ways because Marines cannot enter the Kharaa insertion point without destroying all Corruption Chambers first.
O A fully matured Corruption Chamber would completely negate any Nano-tech in the area - preventing buildings and equipment drops until the area is freed of its taint.
O Each Corruption Chamber increases the amount of defence chambers and offence chambers able to be build in the area. (This could be a little dicey - would need testing)
O When an area is Corrupted, Kharaa units inside the corrupted area would receive a slight movement, damage, and attack speed increase.
+ This stat bonus increases as an area is Corrupted, maybe maxing out at an additional 15% output in all categories. (Obviously needs testing/tweaking)
So, if you need any simplifying, just post and say what you need, or gimme some feedback. I'm also sending a copy of this suggestion to Flay - just to make sure he reads this.
Also, as an afterthought, maybe this whole mode could be reversed for Marines, and have them as the assaulters instead of reppellers.
<b><u>Main Idea</u></b>
The basic idea of Corruption mode is for the Kharaa to mount a strong offensive against a secure Marine stronghold by capitalizing on a vulnerable area, and securing the Marine station with their new Corruption Chambers. The Marines need to respond to this menace by halting the Kharaa advance with their superior technology, and attempt to purify their stations.
<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/hive5.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::hive::" border="0" alt="hive5.gif" /> This mode is focused on the Kharaa offensive.
O Spawn at lowest tech level in a room full of resource nodes.
O The objective at the beginning is to claim, and acquire as many resources as possible.
O The main objective after amassing resources is to build a Corrupter Chamber in specific locations across the map.
O A typical map would require about 8-11 Corrupter Chambers.
O For the Kharaa to win, each location that requires a Corrupter would have to be 100% Corrupted so they may have access to the Marine base in order to wipe them out.
O Spawn at a slightly advanced tech level, with only a few resource nodes nearby.
O The main objective would be to of course - cleanse the area of the Kharaa, except with the added task of making sure they do not Corrupt the entire map.
<b><u>Building/Item/Weapon Additions</u></b>
O There will be a new building type - the Corrupter Chamber - specific to this game type.
+ 3500 HP (Debatable, and would need balancing) Slight attack - Automatically cloaked to 90%.
+ Each Corrupter would cost 100 resources.
+ A Corruption Chamber can only be built on a neutral zone
+ These Chambers are placed and built like any other Gorge building.
+ The Chambers would "build" like a hive, but instead it would "Corrupt" the area, enveloping it in the green slime of the Kharaa until it is fully Corrupted.
+ A Corruption Chamber infects the area at a slow rate, taking about 2-3 minutes for 100% corruption. (would need testing and tweaking)
O There will be a new building for Marines - the Nanite Flooder.
+ The Flooder is a very fragile building with only 500 HP
+ The Flooder can only be built in Corruptible areas, that are neutral (Corruption = 0%)
+ When the flooder is finished being built, it sends a flood of Nanites out, locking the area down from infection for a set time limit. (~2 minutes; would need testing/tweaking)
+ After the flooding process is complete, the building would destroy itself.
+ The flooder would work similarly to the Corruption Chamber, except very quickly flooding the area with Nanites, and locking an area to -100% Corruption.
+ The anti-Corruption properties of the Nanites would tick down - slowly going back to 0% Corrupt.
+ This building would cost very high (~80 resources) and would serve as a tool to keep the Kharaa advance in check - not to consistently lock out areas.
<b><u>Gameplay Changes</u></b>
O The Kharaa will not be able to enter the Marine stronghold unless they have achieved 100% Corruption.
O This mechanic works both ways because Marines cannot enter the Kharaa insertion point without destroying all Corruption Chambers first.
O A fully matured Corruption Chamber would completely negate any Nano-tech in the area - preventing buildings and equipment drops until the area is freed of its taint.
O Each Corruption Chamber increases the amount of defence chambers and offence chambers able to be build in the area. (This could be a little dicey - would need testing)
O When an area is Corrupted, Kharaa units inside the corrupted area would receive a slight movement, damage, and attack speed increase.
+ This stat bonus increases as an area is Corrupted, maybe maxing out at an additional 15% output in all categories. (Obviously needs testing/tweaking)
So, if you need any simplifying, just post and say what you need, or gimme some feedback. I'm also sending a copy of this suggestion to Flay - just to make sure he reads this.
Also, as an afterthought, maybe this whole mode could be reversed for Marines, and have them as the assaulters instead of reppellers.
C'mon..I'd like some feedback.
Marine: "Hey look a corruption chamber"
Corruption chamber: "Look into my eyes...you WANT to eject the comm"
Marine: "hmmmm...?"
*Commander has been ejected"
It should be more like "infection chamber" for "Infection" game type or IF
The alien Infection chamber would create create alien goo and whatever, like hive rooms look ann infected now, the alien bacterium would spread from the infection chambers. Marines in heavily infected areas will be hurt like in lerk gas unless they have a HA on or some type of mask. If the map is infected to a certain percentage, aliens become invincible or something and just maul all the marines until none survive...so its not just like marines are still alive and all of the sudden its like "ALIENS WIN"
Coding wouldn't be too hectic, since the devs could just modify the code for the hives, rather than writing a whole new section.
And I only thought of the word "Corruption" because from the Marine point of view, the Kharaa are corrupting their installations.
More feedback wanted plz! (Yes, from you too devs, even if it is to shoot my idea down.)
(sorry to bump the topic...but the little feedback i am getting sounds good)
For veterans (most of the NS Forums these days) I'd like to see it although under a prettier name <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink-fix.gif" />
its assult it always has been, ausslt captures the likeness of point control the map switches back and fourth locking down with each new spawn point depending on which team gains ground
to make it simpler,
H1--H2--H3---center of map---CC3--CC2--CC1
both teams start at 1 they rush to scenter of map at center of map are bascily 4 lcoatiosn they musst turn to there color for said time apong doing so said team gains the ability to respawn at cetner of map instead of there 3rd location the enamy now respawns at 2 intead of 3 and 3 becomes the new battle ground, yes there is a chance you can sneak around and take a further back point but all further back points are uslay heavely guarded by ni impenatrable defences
the other variation with active assult is timed assult
aliens spawn at h1 rines spawn at cc1, rines have to stop aliens from geting in cc1 2 3 and dogin what ever for at least 30 minutes
if aliens get in with in ten minutes, bactirum consumes the map so rapidly cc1 becomes new hive no acesss any where near h1, and cc 2 becomes the new spawn point from the word go aliens cant get to then next poitn unless they take the first and once they do they cant get back to the last point there no need to any way
assult is very easy to incorpate in ether form
in assult both teams have a chance in timed assult teams are locked in and cycle
now the bacterium, and nannites, this now can be effectively done by changeing lighting in said area's, but in NS 2 yes we all want versatile creep a active alien goo, muck that consumes every thing in its path it it waits around to be eaten
i really wanna see out side kharaa home worlds, planets both side barely step foot on, just give me it all ill take it, it will blow my mind but ill take it
I've add the idea of a Survival map, Kharaa beast against humand defensive, but this could actually be it. Looks more mission like, then fraggin like, which imo is a lot better.
The only drawback i see is in the alien resources, 100 for at least one player, is quite hard to obtain, but fact remains so are hives.
So instead of Hives, Corruption chambers is it? Or no hives/corruption needed at all for spawn?
I vote for mission like types, for NS2, they got to be worth every hour of them. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
Sounds like a very good variation of Onslaught/Assault/Ahari Basin type of mode.
Great idea for NS2.
I think the devs could pull this off...though it would need a whack of testing and a new name <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/asrifle.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="::asrifle::" border="0" alt="asrifle.gif" />