old school RTS build form the ground up animations
Join Date: 2005-03-08 Member: 44299Members

<div class="IPBDescription">spawn a floor plan as it builds it grow to become complete</div>well i as a onos as much as i love being blocekd by full errrected non functioning CC's and other large cumber some marine structures
it would be nice to get back to some old school roots think back to ya RTS games where when you build a structure the floor plan the parts get layed out then ya little peon or builders build the foundations the stucture the roofing the entirity of it all before it compelted each buildign had about 5 stages of construction a pyshical look to determin how far it was build nearly purely a astecic change but not entirly
new hive goes up it retians its ghost size but you can see the tiny snaimated seed begin to spawn and grow huge tenticals lash out hit the roof and walls creep begins to spiral up then stems, the hive brooding bubblaing liek spliting cells infestation globs falling off it to the ground and spreading the whoel area beign consumed over, till hte final hive is completed all aniamted all different stagges as it builds
samw with chambers, even sentenary guns
its just a pack of steel structures equipent pack on the ground rine pens its locks it into this osalating harness skrews on the rotating barrles stands up un folds hte tripod ataches the clip the bullets and begisn a test cycle o nthe sentry gun compelted
new CC fun at half built it should stil lbe a mess of frame work exsposed wires and cruicut boards LCd hanging out and so on
two build animations in NS2 will not be enough to quell the masses there need for a fantasic looking game with at the cost of only a few additional changes : )
i am sure it wouldnt be to hard, warcraft humans Vs orcs had like 4 build stages for each building type
it would be nice to get back to some old school roots think back to ya RTS games where when you build a structure the floor plan the parts get layed out then ya little peon or builders build the foundations the stucture the roofing the entirity of it all before it compelted each buildign had about 5 stages of construction a pyshical look to determin how far it was build nearly purely a astecic change but not entirly
new hive goes up it retians its ghost size but you can see the tiny snaimated seed begin to spawn and grow huge tenticals lash out hit the roof and walls creep begins to spiral up then stems, the hive brooding bubblaing liek spliting cells infestation globs falling off it to the ground and spreading the whoel area beign consumed over, till hte final hive is completed all aniamted all different stagges as it builds
samw with chambers, even sentenary guns
its just a pack of steel structures equipent pack on the ground rine pens its locks it into this osalating harness skrews on the rotating barrles stands up un folds hte tripod ataches the clip the bullets and begisn a test cycle o nthe sentry gun compelted
new CC fun at half built it should stil lbe a mess of frame work exsposed wires and cruicut boards LCd hanging out and so on
two build animations in NS2 will not be enough to quell the masses there need for a fantasic looking game with at the cost of only a few additional changes : )
i am sure it wouldnt be to hard, warcraft humans Vs orcs had like 4 build stages for each building type
I Second this motion !
Build animations could definately use some work, but I think gameplay-wise the new 'ghosted structure' dealie is an adequate build system. (If a comm slaps a CC in front of the onos, the onos only touches the CC and it vanishes)
It would be interesting to see how a marine builds a phase gate from a stack of lumber on the floor.
This is NS where all the marine materials are metals/alloys so there isn't going to be lumber but in fact metal struts and other various things. Use your head!
I like the ghost structure idea, it would prevent CC laming, but even these 'ghost' structures would have some structural value since they are essentialy blue prints for the nanites to adhere to, not much mind you but a some.
In that game, the actual building was done on a menu off to the side, then after it was completely ready, you dropped it into the map. Then the structure sort of pulled itself out of the ground with a brief, not too complicated animation that looked really cool. It only took about 1 second total, since the real build time came somewhere else.
Could we do something like that? Something not unlike the current "deploy" animations that play when you finish building something (watch the Obs for a perfect example), but with another stage in the animation bringing it from a 2-D blueprint on the ground up to the "ready" stage so marines can start building it.
I do agree that it would be damn cool to see this hive organically growing , flicking tendrils up to the roof and hauling itself up into the air, dripping with ooze. I think the marine deploy animations are fine as-is. Have you ever looked at an obs deploying?
I agree, the deploy animation is very nice. The comm dropping things though could do with a bit more animation as it poofs into existance (instead of a bright light, having the structure's ghost appear from the bottom up over a period of one second, gameplay elements unchanged of course)
IE, the phasegate can start expanding outwards and lights should start flickering and activating on it, the armory should start standing up with its arms slowly reaching out etc.
<b>Example 1:</b>
Ghost structure extrudes out of ground. Maybe some sort of 3D blue transparent grid that would flash up mid way that would pulsate with color. Sections of the building would randomly flash into reality. The grid would disappear after completion.
<b>Example 2:</b>
A ghost structure, except as you build it, you can see Nanites building it level by level. You would see the structure becoming whole from the bottom up, as if the Nanites are building a tower. Throw in a blue light where they are building for special effects.
if any of you managed to catch the movie special agent cody banks
similar to this
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RoX_AfH8EU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RoX_AfH8EU</a>
cheack the stair decay and the door decay
these are ment to be nanites that are programged to consume things not construct tho
ether that with a final deploy animation
i would still like to see a little more raw partsbeing constructed by the nanites and then the peice being put togther by rines in old fasshioned rts but nanites buidling with cool glow effect swoud also be enough to showa visual reprisentatin of how far along it is, it woudl be equal to and prary to kharaa chambers gastating in, which might i add i PRAY blends in so well with creep you have to look and maybe test shot to see
I agree, the deploy animation is very nice. The comm dropping things though could do with a bit more animation as it poofs into existance (instead of a bright light, having the structure's ghost appear from the bottom up over a period of one second, gameplay elements unchanged of course) <!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Concidering Nanites, and ghost / animated (bit by bit) building of TSA "equiptment" Aliens biteing an unfinished building, removeing allready build "compoments" or buildings "fadeing away" the more damage it takes. Removeing the welder all to getter, by prolonging the buildtime by eating the compoments, so they must be rebuild.
Two options.
<b>1. Ghostbuildings:</b> becomeing more and more visible when build. But if damaged, fadeing away to nothingness.
<b>2. "bit ny bit" asemply:</b> Rines putting the diferent parts together from a blueprint placed by the commander. But when damaged, the parts would fall apart or get eaten depending the attack type, and therfore the rines would need to rebuild that part again.
Im sure the first option would be the easyest to make, but the secund one have a realy great potencial to look awsom.
<i><b>And now to something compleatly different...</b></i>
Kharaa Eggs, semi tranparent, so you could see the kharaa actual evolving inside the egg... (useing the same tecnologi as michael Jackson did in his and i quote; "im black im white" music video)
<b>And finaly a Question.</b>
Sensory chambers / infestation.
whit a sensory chamber at a "infested area" will it be visible or not? - if would realy nerf the posibility whit hives beeing build, if it is infesting the surroundings, whit a SC neerby not covering it probaly...
they are hella picky around here trust me