10 Steps To Be A Pro Gorge
Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7175Members

<div class="IPBDescription">another gorge guide...good one, swear!</div> 1. read this guide - <a href='http://nstactics.lanvancouver.com/gorge_tactics.html' target='_blank'>http://nstactics.lanvancouver.com/gorge_tactics.html</a>
It's the ultimate introduction to gorges IMO. Has pictures too help you out too.It was made by a guy who posted here named Nazgul, he gets all the credit for it, it's not me. Good job nazgul!!
2. I cannot stress this enough - the only chamber you should place alone is movement chambers and those should be in your hives or withing guarded places. You should have defense chambers directly in back of offense chambers... Defense chambers heal offense chambers, when It may normally take 60 LMG bullets to kill one offense chamber, with a defense in back it will take 120. they can heal your friends, and all your structures, including your hive, but that is kinda silly.
dont just place one.... 4 offense with 4 defense in back is a great start, but than you need to learn to place chambers on top of others, never place defense chambers where they will block off the offense shooting range.. Sensory chambers can be placed in fron of or above offense to provent damage to the offense chambers and stall the time it takes to destroy the structures.
here's an example
OC - offense chamber
DC - defense chamber
SC - sensory chamber
if all of these have the same chambers above them it will take much longer to destroy and kill faster... so that would be a total of 36!! which takes quiet awhile.. . so maybe just do rows of 2 or 3 and place what you feel is right.. you dont always need 8 sensory chambers. these structures when stacked up are called "walls of lame" , dont be offended.. I dont know the origin, but they're a good thing, at least for kharaa. For marines it's horrible.
If you aren't gonna do this or a smaller version dont go gorge except to build resource towers. There is a limit of chambers that can go within a certain area... it's 8(of each kind) so if you place offense chambers in a hive without any stragey you will just annoy your gorges on the team
3. 1 secure hive is better than 3 nonsecure hives - if you dont protect your hives enemies can easily come ina nd destroy them.. So far every hive I have seen has 2 walk in entrances. Use Offense, defense and sensory chambers for this.
4.remeber that the Chambers are not just to protect your hive's, your allies need them to use upgrades. So as soon as you can try and get sensory and movement.
5.The Gorge is to the Kharaa as the Commander is to the Marines. Both provide new fighting ablities, upgrades (armor, Jet pack, sensory, movment), both heal their team, both are needed to set up structures and you absolutely need a gorge or two to win a long game.. You can't even go fade without a gorg.
6.Listen to your team.. If they need movement chambers tell them you are working on it and WORK ON it ASAP... I always say defense comes before offense.. (defending hives before upgrading aliens) , but it is still important to upgrade.. very important.. and when you are safe to do so you must.
7. Web web, web.. If an unexpecting marine runs into a web right in front of your walls of lame (stacks of many chambers) he will have no where to run and no weapon. That is his death.
8.You're not a fighter.. You can fire babbles towards the end of the game, but they dont do much besides distract, all your weapons or weak.. your only means of fighting is your chambers, which are defense.. IF you hear an enemy and are alone ask for backup from the team or evolve to another form.. you cannot beat a marine with your weapons!
9. when you place thigns press back right after to prevent them from getting you stuck under.
10.If possible defend out further near your hive's, if a few marines come along and they decide to build siege near your hive, you can be sure that hive will die if you don't destroy their siege. DO your team a favor and prevent this before it even happens by protecting near by areas. Most marines will build small bases only around resource towers. remeber that when looking for places to secure, hell it even protects your resources!!
It's the ultimate introduction to gorges IMO. Has pictures too help you out too.It was made by a guy who posted here named Nazgul, he gets all the credit for it, it's not me. Good job nazgul!!
2. I cannot stress this enough - the only chamber you should place alone is movement chambers and those should be in your hives or withing guarded places. You should have defense chambers directly in back of offense chambers... Defense chambers heal offense chambers, when It may normally take 60 LMG bullets to kill one offense chamber, with a defense in back it will take 120. they can heal your friends, and all your structures, including your hive, but that is kinda silly.
dont just place one.... 4 offense with 4 defense in back is a great start, but than you need to learn to place chambers on top of others, never place defense chambers where they will block off the offense shooting range.. Sensory chambers can be placed in fron of or above offense to provent damage to the offense chambers and stall the time it takes to destroy the structures.
here's an example
OC - offense chamber
DC - defense chamber
SC - sensory chamber
if all of these have the same chambers above them it will take much longer to destroy and kill faster... so that would be a total of 36!! which takes quiet awhile.. . so maybe just do rows of 2 or 3 and place what you feel is right.. you dont always need 8 sensory chambers. these structures when stacked up are called "walls of lame" , dont be offended.. I dont know the origin, but they're a good thing, at least for kharaa. For marines it's horrible.
If you aren't gonna do this or a smaller version dont go gorge except to build resource towers. There is a limit of chambers that can go within a certain area... it's 8(of each kind) so if you place offense chambers in a hive without any stragey you will just annoy your gorges on the team
3. 1 secure hive is better than 3 nonsecure hives - if you dont protect your hives enemies can easily come ina nd destroy them.. So far every hive I have seen has 2 walk in entrances. Use Offense, defense and sensory chambers for this.
4.remeber that the Chambers are not just to protect your hive's, your allies need them to use upgrades. So as soon as you can try and get sensory and movement.
5.The Gorge is to the Kharaa as the Commander is to the Marines. Both provide new fighting ablities, upgrades (armor, Jet pack, sensory, movment), both heal their team, both are needed to set up structures and you absolutely need a gorge or two to win a long game.. You can't even go fade without a gorg.
6.Listen to your team.. If they need movement chambers tell them you are working on it and WORK ON it ASAP... I always say defense comes before offense.. (defending hives before upgrading aliens) , but it is still important to upgrade.. very important.. and when you are safe to do so you must.
7. Web web, web.. If an unexpecting marine runs into a web right in front of your walls of lame (stacks of many chambers) he will have no where to run and no weapon. That is his death.
8.You're not a fighter.. You can fire babbles towards the end of the game, but they dont do much besides distract, all your weapons or weak.. your only means of fighting is your chambers, which are defense.. IF you hear an enemy and are alone ask for backup from the team or evolve to another form.. you cannot beat a marine with your weapons!
9. when you place thigns press back right after to prevent them from getting you stuck under.
10.If possible defend out further near your hive's, if a few marines come along and they decide to build siege near your hive, you can be sure that hive will die if you don't destroy their siege. DO your team a favor and prevent this before it even happens by protecting near by areas. Most marines will build small bases only around resource towers. remeber that when looking for places to secure, hell it even protects your resources!!
It can be used to teleport to a hive to defend it if need be, to heal yourself, or just to get closer to another part of the map for whatever tactical reason (eg out-flank).
One chamber placed in the open inside each hive allows easy and quick transport from one hive to the next - when it's hidden your fellow aliens likely do not know it's there and thus won't use it.
With movement chambers in each hive a single Gorge can keep a check on all hives w/o having to traverse the map. (this can be very usefull later in the start-game/early midgame, and may be reason to have movement as first upgrade, not defense).
Some chambers (of every type) hidden away are good just to secure the upgrade levels, they may be hidden anywhere, eg inside vents (where there's room).
And any guide that tells you that a gorge can't kill a marine...
quote 'you cannot beat a marine with your weapons!' end quote
Its tough to solo a marine, without web, child's play with it. Hell, you can solo a HA HMG marine with web.
Just don't try taking on two of them. And, if you have web, and they have HA, go help the fades and skulks. Web the marines and watch your team EAT them. Burp.
And check your numbers. 60 LMG rounds = 600 damage. Offense Chambers have a wee bit more than 600 health.
Oh, and I wish gorge guides would emphasis DON'T BLOCK THE FRICKEN PASSAGEWAY!!!
Really, think about it, the marines aren't going to run through the wall of chambers, so who are you blocking, slowing down, harrasing, making the game difficult for? Not the marines.
Let me try add here:
Movement cchambers should only be placed in secure areas, placing them near OC/DC?SC will only take away from the defense chambers and block firing.
Gorge's are not fighting machines - It is possible to kill someone as a gorge, but you shouldn't be trying to kill them with your weapons, unless you are alone and getting attacked. A gorge is extremely weak and is a builder, if you want to fight, don't be a gorge! it takes away resources for the team and is not a strong fighter. It i spossible to kill, but it's not easy and you shouldnt play rambo! the glock in counter-strike is very weak and any player of equal skill to you can most likely take you out with say a USP or deagle, but it can still get kills, just not the best choice.
I find it most usefull to leave one passage way in a hive with enough room for Onos' to get by...Remeber though the marines can use jet packs and fly past your chambers.
As gfor how much damage thing's do: I really don't know that or care... It was just an example, I didn't say that is what it really does.
Offensive Chambers have 1200 health.
A point that most gorges don't seem to get, is ***If the marines want in, they will get in!***
Siege cannons, grenade launchers, you can't build an unkillable wall of lame without spending over 150 resources, and even then, they aren't truely unkillable.
Hives first, Defences second, Skulks are there for a reason.
The third hive is easier simply because in a well played marine game you should build the 3rd hive right after taking the location from them.
<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Many gorges try and block off hallways and such right at the start, instead of gettin the hives, which the attackers need. When you spend over 100 resouces on blocking off a hallway, you're hurting your team more than you're opponents. Remeber that those are still team resources, so use them wisely.
A point that most gorges don't seem to get, is ***If the marines want in, they will get in!***
Siege cannons, grenade launchers, you can't build an unkillable wall of lame without spending over 150 resources, and even then, they aren't truely unkillable.
Hives first, Defences second, Skulks are there for a reason. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
All true, except I don't agree with saying that hives should be first., If you have 3 hives and fail to put any defense there what so ever the hives will easily go down and you will have wasted many 80 resources. Siege can be prevented by defending near by resource towers.
let me make a few more rules:
11. Be quick: get resources, build hives and protect them...an unprotected hive is like going Ono's and typing kill in console.
12.Build hives quicck, but also keep them safe, build up dfenses quick and ask your a teamate or two to watch the hive.
13. how upgrade chambers work:
you should build defense first because it prevents all your structures from dying quickly and allows you to safely move out of a hive and go build another hive fast, but if you really must rush and win early game movement could be better, but dont be suprised if you lose that way.
each hive gives you acess to a new upgrade chamebr... the three choices are movement,defense,and sensory
If you build defense with your first hive, you can't get sensory or movement untill you get a second hive, and you cant get a third one till you get a third hive.. It doesnt matter which order, but defense chambers are generally very important to defend hives and structures and most people say they should go first..
you need 3 of th eupgrade chamebrs built in order to be able to right click and use the upgrades for stuy like cloak,silense, adrenaline, regeeration, or redemption (not all of them)
each time you spawn you have a free slate and you can upgrade, but beware if you upgrade to regeneration and then change forms you are stuck with it, evolving does not give you a free slate, you get what yopu already did.
each chamber has 3(thats are magic number) choices of upgrades, you may select one upgrade from each chamber, as long as you have three of those structures up(defense, sensory, movement)
get it?
edit:I should really follow all these rule's, I too seem to take awhile to get hive's and often stack towers in ways that some aliens cannot get past. I am no gorge god, I am still learning myself. Thanks for the critiscism
Especially when I'm trying to kill a fade.
Die, gorges. I take immense pleasure popping your tubby butts with my pistol. Rawr!
Lesson to be learned, if you want to be a really nasty annoying gorge, use web.
Ok, so given that webbing only works between two different surfaces and if one is a marine, that marine is instantly stuck, what happens if you shoot two different marines with webbing, anchoring each end of a marine? Would both marines become trapped or what? hrm....
One of the biggest advantages to the Kahraa team is their mobility, for marines to be effective they have to group together and can't cover that much ground; you need to take advantage of this. At the begining of the game while you're a Skulk you can easily scout out what the marines strategy is. While the rest of your team is charging the marines and giving them a hard time, you can usualy figure out which direction the marines are expanding to. So after you morph into a gorge, you'll know which resource nodes to cap that are furthest from the marines direction of advancement.(Note: If you don't know the level off by heart then you'll have a tough time) If a few marines stray off and start attacking one of your resource towers, it's time to start yelling at your team to defend it, it's not like it's hard for them to find it'll be a big red blob on their HUD.
The Marines will generally try to take one of your empty hives locations, the best thing to do is ignore it for now, and build a hive at the other location. They'll be concentrating too much on securing that empty hive that you'll be able to get the second hive up without too much trouble. Once you have the second hive, Fades and Lerk's Umbra will be able to help you take that last hive location easily.
So remember to try to avoid the marines, most of the maps are pretty large and you can build a lot of undefended structures where they aren't focusing.
This techinique relies on a average team of Skulks able to keep those roaming small marine bands at bay. You'll have to build more defenses if you're playing on a small map like Eclipse though.
Just don't forget to come back and wall up your original hive. <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> A great time to do this is when the fighters are trying to secure your final hive location. Also- if you have to choose which hive to protect, pay attention to which one is giving you defense upgrades, usually where you started the game. If you lose that hive, you lose the ability to do defense upgrades AND you'll no longer be able to build defense chambers.
So, ya, losing that first hive means you can't build any more of the chamber that hive gave you, but as long as there are chambers of that type _somewhere on the map, you can still do that upgrade.
As far as the web, I fire at the marine, it works for me. *shrug*
Really, think about it, the marines aren't going to run through the wall of chambers, so who are you blocking, slowing down, harrasing, making the game difficult for? Not the marines.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I do not see any valid reason why a WoL* in a rear area shouldnt block the entire pathway. Anybody that changes to a Onos in the spawn area deserves to get stuck! Travel to where ever it is you are going as a Skulk, find a safe and secure place, then change into Onos or whatever. That is something that bothers me to no end when I play as Gorge. Seeing someone evolve to Onos in spawn then they run all the way back to the fighting getting stuck on WoL along the way and then blaming me for getting their dum fat azz stuck!
*WoL = Walls of Lame
Well of course you should try to evolve outside the hive, because they can be hard to get threw, but what I mean is if you totally block it then say Onos cant get threw after he returns from the hive using redemption... you do know how redemption works, right? once you reach a certain health the game sends you back to one of your hives to stay aliv eand regain health... Very effective, but not if youcant get out of the hive
Well of course you should try to evolve outside the hive, because they can be hard to get threw, but what I mean is if you totally block it then say Onos cant get threw after he returns from the hive using redemption... you do know how redemption works, right? once you reach a certain health the game sends you back to one of your hives to stay aliv eand regain health... Very effective, but not if youcant get out of the hive<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This is how it generally works in my games:
Closest hive to Marine spawn - fully blocked off. Nothing bigger than a Skulk getting through without some serious trouble.
Farthest hive from spawn - lightly defended, not walled up.
Middle hive, the one you always seem to end up at when taking movement chambers - Big enough hole for <b>one</b> Onos at a time to squeeze in / out while jump-crouching. That's it.
Get redeemed, come back to a hive. Use Movement until you get to middle hive, then Charge across the map.
But what are you doing with Redemption anyhow ... I never use it unless it's extenuating circumstances (I've just become Onos and we're about to lose our 3rd hive) ... Carapace gets the job done fair better if there's a smart Gorge around, and Regeneration is excellent if the base isn't turret-farmed to all hell.
So Gorges - make sure there's at least <b>one</b> path from Point A to Marine base.
And stack those chambers high and wide. <!--emo&:D--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
- M4H
To keep marines from running through? Ever seen a marine try that? They get fried by the off chambers.
To heal? You don't want the healing chambers up by the off chambers. It means they ALL get hurt by the siege turret. Set them BEHIND the off chambers, in healing range (which is a larger radius than most people think) where they can heal and not be in the blast hitting the off chambers. This also allows the aliens to safely use the def chambers, rather than getting killed by the siege blasts.
You don't need a wall. Stack the off chambers so they all fire on the marine when he strafes out to shoot them Spreading them across the passageway is giving that L/HMG marine a free lunch, he can strafe out just enough to exchange fire with one chamber at a time.
And its really bloody annoying, using a movement chamber to get to a hive under siege, only to find the only bloody exit is blocked by a wall being hit by siege. You die trying to jump/jump/jump past the wall, when the siege blast goes off.
And I shouldn't have to explain redemption and why its a GOOD thing for the hive. Small map, an onos can be back attacking after healing in less time than it takes to die, spawn, evolve 4 times.
In short, a WALL does little to protect the hive, does nothing to hinder a marine (except the lamers using the spectator bug) and hinders the movement of your own team - in some case causing the alien to be STUCK. A bit of lag, a low ceiling, and my FADE can get stuck on a chamber, with my head and shoulders sticking up through the ceiling.
Leave a damn path, it doesn't have to be wide, just a thin unblocked route is all that is needed. I've given up playing onos, because of idiots and their walls blocking the passageway.
An increasingly common tactic is to send a jetpacking marine over defenses, on top of a hive, and have him weld the hive for 20 or so seconds. That's a damn quick way for a single marine to take down a hive. Completely blocked hallways is a defense against it.
# - Wall
O - Offense Chamber
D - Defense Chamber
. - Clear Area
As you can see the arrangement allows movement past the chambers, yet is fully defended and offended. The chambers can also be stacked, and any marine will think twice about going through it.
What are yo doing NOT using redemption? It can triple you life spawn easily and give you team more resources. it doesnt work well with anyone, but opnos and sometimes fade, but It's deffinitially the best defense upgrade for the Onos.
If you arent gonna use Onos too attack a lot ot even more destroy structures dont use him.
<!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> this is what I do too. Many people don't know that healing spray can go through walls and stuff. The only problem with it though, is its horrible range.
I also use this same tatic in taking out a marine RT while I'm a skulk and being shot at by one marine. Too bad marines can't hurt their own buildings anymore. <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
That was the funniest thing, to see marines be the own demise of their expansion, its a shame they took it out.
If I wanted to offer two keys to success:
*Never have more than two gorges. On small servers only one gorge.
*Build self-sufficient "walls" at choke points. As you roam across the map, look for places to build a nice 4 Offensive, 2-3 Defensive chamber wall. These things can be crucial, especially as second and third tier defenses in case the marines break through the first layer. The goal is to slow their advance and regain the initiative.