about hud_fastswitch

kiddokiddo Join Date: 2007-01-07 Member: 59503Members
This is marked as a bug number 138, in the bug list. I was wondering if anything is being done for future releases to correct it? What its currently doing only is for fastswitch to work, I have to push 1, 2, 3...ect for the weapon to switch, but if I try to scroll it simply doesn't work. hud_fastswitch 1 works best on DoD for me when I simply scroll through my weapons without the need to push any numbers. Well, I figure I ask is there some development being done for this? future releases? maybe 3.2 release? is it fixable?


  • illhillh Join Date: 2004-08-31 Member: 31104Members
    Well it sounds like an engine problem, possibly linked with HL1, so I doubt the NS devs could "fix" it.
  • haymohaymo Join Date: 2005-01-09 Member: 34040Members, NS1 Playtester
    Use this script I made and it works like scrolling with hud_fastswitch 1 on in DoD.

    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->alias w5 "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait"

    alias s1 "slot1;bind mouse2 s2;bind mouse5 s3prev"
    alias s2 "slot2;bind mouse2 s3;bind mouse5 s1prev"
    alias s3 "slot3;bind mouse2 s1;bind mouse5 s2prev"

    alias s1prev "slot1;bind mouse5 s3prev;bind mouse2 s2"
    alias s2prev "slot2;bind mouse5 s1prev;bind mouse2 s3"
    alias s3prev "slot3;bind mouse5 s2prev;bind mouse2 s1"

    bind mouse2 s1
    bind mouse5 s1prev

    hud_fastswitch 1

    // mouse2 next
    // mouse5 prev<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
  • kiddokiddo Join Date: 2007-01-07 Member: 59503Members
    hmm i tried your script, but it seems it work just not by scrolling through them as I imagained it should work, I've replaced my older script with yours, heh.

    illh @

    isn't DoD ran by HL1 engine? (i know source is by hl2 though) I really do wonder if this is fixable? if they devs cant fix it, is their a way to patch it certain way that it will switch? will they have to write plugin sort of for it?
  • illhillh Join Date: 2004-08-31 Member: 31104Members
    My bad, I misunderstood your question. If DoD has hud_fastswitch in that manner then NS could have it as well because they both run under the same engine.
  • hybridxhybridx Join Date: 2007-02-16 Member: 59988Members
    hud_fastswitch was implemented engine side not mod-side.
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