NS 3.2.0: Strange feelings
Mayonnaise land Join Date: 2005-02-16 Member: 41365Members, Reinforced - Onos

<div class="IPBDescription">is it logical ?</div>L'o
Playing the game from 1.04 i ve seen a lot of changes. But this time it's special.
It feels like a 1.04 (marins have the upper hand) but: I feel i die really fast; even when i ambush succesfully a Marins (it means he doesn't see me until the first bite). I feel slow. Even when bunny hopping to the max speed. It takes 4 bites to kill one at the begining of the game.
On the other side: I feel Aliens should f*$ùing register better. Unbeliveable! I'm usually not on the bottom of the score board. But "this", i never seen. Especially when i use the little visor that i waited for so long... The tiny '4pixels' one. I aim better, more blood on the walls and i kill less... WTH !!!
The fade movement is not fluid when blinking. I mean the screen is shaking but not like strafing (left right). It's like forward - backward. It makes me sick... i wanna throw up... same for u?
I discover the focus fade of the 3.2.0.
Why do you need 3 hits to kill a single marins? Usally i was somehow satified with 2 hits on a upgraded marins. Now 3 Hits (with bloodshed animation like i scored) and the "lvl 1 armor Marins" can escape. Unbelievable!!!
And why some do it in one hit ? Like 100% sure shot no matter how a marins can jump and move.
Why do the marins runs faster than me if i don't use celerity ? The fade is supposed to have bigger legs...
Good connexion. Server pings ok (<30ms) . Different update rates tested.
Tried on several servers => the same
Is it me or is there something strange ?
Playing the game from 1.04 i ve seen a lot of changes. But this time it's special.
It feels like a 1.04 (marins have the upper hand) but: I feel i die really fast; even when i ambush succesfully a Marins (it means he doesn't see me until the first bite). I feel slow. Even when bunny hopping to the max speed. It takes 4 bites to kill one at the begining of the game.
On the other side: I feel Aliens should f*$ùing register better. Unbeliveable! I'm usually not on the bottom of the score board. But "this", i never seen. Especially when i use the little visor that i waited for so long... The tiny '4pixels' one. I aim better, more blood on the walls and i kill less... WTH !!!
The fade movement is not fluid when blinking. I mean the screen is shaking but not like strafing (left right). It's like forward - backward. It makes me sick... i wanna throw up... same for u?
I discover the focus fade of the 3.2.0.
Why do you need 3 hits to kill a single marins? Usally i was somehow satified with 2 hits on a upgraded marins. Now 3 Hits (with bloodshed animation like i scored) and the "lvl 1 armor Marins" can escape. Unbelievable!!!
And why some do it in one hit ? Like 100% sure shot no matter how a marins can jump and move.
Why do the marins runs faster than me if i don't use celerity ? The fade is supposed to have bigger legs...
Good connexion. Server pings ok (<30ms) . Different update rates tested.
Tried on several servers => the same
Is it me or is there something strange ?
Also, almost all your complaints are associated with skill. As for the blinking complaint... I've never experienced that problem. Also, the rine can run faster than you because you're not blinking. A fade that isn't blinking is basically a lerk that isn't flying, but bigger.
Generally: rate 20000, cl_updaterate 80, cl_cmdrate 80, fps_max 100 (will need extra work here if you have winxp) - these settings should do you some justice for reg. If you did test these settings, then possibly you're playing on craptastic servers (yes, there are quite a few of them out there now).
As for other observations, basically in 1.04 the hitboxes were really crap. If you didn't know where you were aiming (the majority of players did not), then even if you shot at the models you would not hit them. Now we're at 3.2. Not only can you hit what you shoot (assuming you are aiming), but more often than not you can also hit what you don't shoot. Hence the observation that you are dying faster.
As for the 3 bites thing, marines only got a 5 armor bonus. That means that if you parasite them once, they'll die in 2 bites again.
you are trying to make aliens use teamwork? ok? under what cost? you cripple fade, lerk and gorgs bile bomb even....and finally second hive importance, (armour boost). but you reward marines with less rt health but reduced jp costs? I've been playing since beta1-2 and now it went final...I been reading the forums and nothing good been said about this.....hold your breath marine-lovers. Aliens are slow-er now and without any armour, while marine walk all over lerks and fades now like they are skulks.
seriously, stop making this game for 6v6 players! look at the server list, all servers are above 18+ players. You want nubs to use your damn +movement, why you making it so they going to hate aliens? everybody now going marines, even nubs who can't play aliens because of crap like this. you cripple aliens through speed, armour and alien classes...sit back and say well its balanced for 6v6! wow talk about thinking about the community. I know i'm not the only one saying this, so much for user feedback, nothing gets done. when beta game public, people played and started to comment, what was changed?<img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/confused-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="???" border="0" alt="confused-fix.gif" /><img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/confused-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="???" border="0" alt="confused-fix.gif" /> i hate reading posts that say 3.2 is balanced, what server you people play at? 6v6?? and do you always go marines??? bah, this crap goes ignored..can't wait for 3.3.
i think the main problem is that while the developers did their best to try and balance the game, they've effectively turned the 3rd hive into the 2nd hive. Like the race to get the 3rd hive is what the race to get a 2nd hive up was in 3.1. I hope they fix some of this in 3.2.3 to make it easier for aliens, cause right now i'm hearing people say they might quit the game.
the following would probably resolve problems with the aliens being killed so easily
-return alien armor to hive 3 armor
-fix lerk pancaking
-increase fade acceleration for blink
On the contrary, the next logical step is to remove the effects of the second hive all together. Instead, aliens should now have both hive 1 and hive 2 abilities right from the beginning of the game, with the second hive being a useless intermediate on the way to hive 3 armor.
This will surely balance everything once and for all.
aliens are fine. Skulks initially are meant to feel a bit like little b*****s. Which is why you need upgrades, as soon as possible. Being celerity, silence, scent, cloak, cara, regen... whatever. Whatever your choice, your kill tactics change, and for the better, even though they become more specific. Thats a beautiful part of ns, but also the strength of the aliens.
And yeah, i only noticed it after you mentioned it... the new blink, you dont strafe in air nearly as much. You cant, you're holding down blink that much longer.
+movement is for nubs??? What the hell?!
The only thing I'm missing a bit is the 3.1 killer tempo with cele lerks, fades and skulks.
This is the only thing that bothers me is the marine trickjump
Clorf = cliff outside hera!
A marine sometimes seems faster when jumping/grinding/skipping in slopes, than what i am while non upgraded skulk.
a walking vanilla skulk is slightly faster than a glide jumping marine, but slower than a marine bhopping up a ramp
<img src="http://faust.club.fr/post_forums/ns/not_that_bad.jpg" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />
And i know that on server i use to log in; there are some 'fakes nicks'...
Reinstalling from scratch reseted the rates to bad values. So i reconfigured.
-From 6vs6 to more... Same results. Marins win without effort. Even with teamplay alien can't keep up the pace.
-I see more quiters. vrs3.1 quiters was to end it when there was no hope. Here in 3.2 even before that; it's mass quiting. 3 Fades sometimes is not enough for a loosy PG in VEIL/double guarded by only 2 marins(with SG) and a pack of mines.
-I ve seen a game where marins had no RT alive for more than 1 minute. We had a christmas HAs rush. No doubt on the issue.
-I commanded in a game with only 3 marins listening and obeying orders (FFA). I had to siege (no more than 2 sieges) and put TF for locking hives. Alien where ~10 players. 3 vs 10 makes the game.
-I made some bloodshed on some NS games before as marins. 3 skulks in a raw, things like that. Like the slot14 invincible bug. The good part is each bullet seems to hit when you aim correctly. But the bad is that no skulk can get close to you unlesss you put yourself in a ambush. But gess what! Hide skulky hide! as long as you don't mess with my RT.
My thougts about that :
Hives are still too open.
-It looks like this : "mr bug-killer enters the hive! OMG! we're doomed". The problem is, that's true.
-MC chamber suffer from the "too easy for marins syndrome". Hide chambers in vents make aliens loose time, each time a hive is in need.
-DC no need to argue...
-SC too static for the pace of marins upgrades. People mostly don't like it. If played well in clan they can achieve a 2nd hive. But "turtle startegy marins" will come.
-As they know they gonna die some prefer OC spam the map. Not really convincing as a strategy but it seems; it's the only thing that slowed us last time. I see OC walls <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
Marins start still to closed:
-Turtle island strategy still work fine.
I agree that fade should not play the critical role alone in NS 3.1. But that's a little bit too nerfed i think. Maybee changing spore by umbra at first hive would have nerfed a little the early lerk and helped the fade not get "flashed" (and BTW useless) in this version.
Aliens seems to be "the loosey specie" nowdays...
The number of players on the server is not the problem. Balance can be achieved dynamicly. For example:
-Hive can get extra life depending on player number. RT too. 10 marins in a hive is fatal. The problem is. 3 marins in this new 3.2.0 version is fatal too.
-Slower or make it a faster upgrade time or hive gestation time depending on player number.
-Amount of life for a fade/lerk and at the same time make spore less effective.
-Res tick.
That's not so hard. You just have to avoid dividing by zero players...
I'm starting to think that : in combat ; those who kills marins too easely at start have some tricks or third party programs.
I have still have question ? What was the testing protocol ? did they tested all possibilities ? I'm really wondering.
I have still have question ? What was the testing protocol ? did they tested all possibilities ? I'm really wondering.
A public beta. It looked (and I still think it is) very balanced.
Just now... when 3.2 goes final, people start to complain. I wouldn't be surprised if the people who complain are also those who didn't play the 3.2 beta
didn't aliens have hive armor in the beta? also was the beta played exclusively by constellation/compet players or by noobs? did the people playing the beta play on servers with above 20 people?
They had hive armor, but only at 3 hives.
The beta was played by players of all skill levels. And yes, there were enough servers with more then 20 slots that had people playing.
A public beta. It looked (and I still think it is) very balanced.
Just now... when 3.2 goes final, people start to complain. I wouldn't be surprised if the people who complain are also those who didn't play the 3.2 beta
Totally agree.
It isn't balanced at all. 3.1 was balanced.
This is a joke.
No, those pro fades in 3.1 with a K:D of 100:1, <b>allways</b> making the difference between a win or a loss, were a joke.
People need to adapt, as they can't blindly charge into a squad of equipped marines anymore as fade and they don't like that.
And please, don't tell me that it's a lie, as I've allready seen it happen so many times since the release date of 3.2 final. They get killed, say something like "WTH?" and then they quit. Then their next step is opening up the web brower and posting a rant here.
On a side note, I'm very interested in hearing what maps you play and what lifeforms you prefer.
No, those pro fades in 3.1 with a K:D of 100:1, <b>allways</b> making the difference between a win or a loss, were a joke.
People need to adapt, as they can't blindly charge into a squad of equipped marines anymore as fade and they don't like that.
And please, don't tell me that it's a lie, as I've allready seen it happen so many times since the release date of 3.2 final. They get killed, say something like "WTH?" and then they quit. Then their next step is opening up the web brower and posting a rant here.
On a side note, I'm very interested in hearing what maps you play and what lifeforms you prefer. <!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
The joke he meant was his own reply.
EDIT: After seeing other replies from the guy, it's not. Lol
There has been in depth discussion on each aspect of the beta in the constie forums, don't think things haven't been discussed...