Random Protips
Sire of Titles Join Date: 2003-03-01 Member: 14175Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">^^</div>Hi
first off, be sure to set your config to read only, that way server admins who have the server set up to run commands on your client can't bork your config file in your steamapps/you/hl/ns folder
before you set your config to read only, you can add this in user config, or be lazy and use the regular config, these cvars come highly recommended
cl_musicenabled 0 <-- turns off the music that is far to loud in terms of leveling that occurs during the start of the round
hud_fastswitch 1 <-- when you press 2 to get to parasite you only have to press it once!
if you haven't already bind your reload key to "+movement" this will allow you to reload as marines, and then (when available) blink, leap, charge, it was added around 3.0 and helps. I remember the old days when you had to hit 3 to leap, switch back to bite, bite hit 3 again and then leap away.
When your in the game, keep in mind that teamwork is a force <i>multiplier</i>. Set ambushes as either side!
<b>tired of getting ruined by fades?</b>
Here is what you do: Set a block, hide around a corner and have some marines down a hallway or whatnot, when the fade rounds the corner and doesn't notice you and goes further down the hallway/room/etc your marines naturally start shooting, one may die, but the fade takes damage. When he turns to flee, plant yourself in the middle of the doorway and then PHYSICALLY block the fade from leaving, all the while unloading (preferably with a shotgun since you are nice and close) I'm a bit rusty but I think a damage zero shotgun does about 170 - 180 per 7 pellet hit (don't trust my numbers they are a rough ballpark. This is crucial in ns_ which is really what you should be playing.
If you let the fades hit and run, they won't die.
block block block block block
other protips are encouraged, be sure to share!
almost forgot, bind something to stopsound hit that bind whenever you want to stop a noise!
first off, be sure to set your config to read only, that way server admins who have the server set up to run commands on your client can't bork your config file in your steamapps/you/hl/ns folder
before you set your config to read only, you can add this in user config, or be lazy and use the regular config, these cvars come highly recommended
cl_musicenabled 0 <-- turns off the music that is far to loud in terms of leveling that occurs during the start of the round
hud_fastswitch 1 <-- when you press 2 to get to parasite you only have to press it once!
if you haven't already bind your reload key to "+movement" this will allow you to reload as marines, and then (when available) blink, leap, charge, it was added around 3.0 and helps. I remember the old days when you had to hit 3 to leap, switch back to bite, bite hit 3 again and then leap away.
When your in the game, keep in mind that teamwork is a force <i>multiplier</i>. Set ambushes as either side!
<b>tired of getting ruined by fades?</b>
Here is what you do: Set a block, hide around a corner and have some marines down a hallway or whatnot, when the fade rounds the corner and doesn't notice you and goes further down the hallway/room/etc your marines naturally start shooting, one may die, but the fade takes damage. When he turns to flee, plant yourself in the middle of the doorway and then PHYSICALLY block the fade from leaving, all the while unloading (preferably with a shotgun since you are nice and close) I'm a bit rusty but I think a damage zero shotgun does about 170 - 180 per 7 pellet hit (don't trust my numbers they are a rough ballpark. This is crucial in ns_ which is really what you should be playing.
If you let the fades hit and run, they won't die.
block block block block block
other protips are encouraged, be sure to share!
almost forgot, bind something to stopsound hit that bind whenever you want to stop a noise!
Bind +showmap to a key (default is M), I use "V" AND one of the thumb buttons on my mouse, because it's that important.
Watch the map, and get used to running around with it in your face. You'll know where hostiles are, and you'll be much more able to respond to situations *before* they happen. If you're a marine, and you see a yellow dot headed generally toward an undefended RT, chances are that dot is going to chew on your RT. Head toward it now, or, tell someone to head toward it.
Pinching onos is much easier when you're a map wh0re as well, if you're watching the map you'll be in the perfect position to see when you have a pinching opportunity.
Seriously. Bind one to your reload key in the config, or bind it to +movement. Guiding leaps as a skulk has never been easier. You can dedicate your left hand to the movement keys and leap like a Skulk Ninja.
3. THINK about what you're doing in-game. One of the big appeals about Natural Selection is that you don't necessarily have to have cyborg reflexes and aim - if you can play the mental game of bait-and-attack with your opponent, you'll have a much better chance of winning.
Sulk A is hiding behind a resource tower and chomping on it while using it as cover, and the marine shooting it is out of grenades (or the commander hasn't researched them yet).
An idiot marine will run balls-first toward the RT and try to shoot the skulk.
A smart marine will whip out his pistol, and try to get a better angle on the skulk while taking pot shots.
A *really* smart marine will take pot shots while flipping their view to behind and the sides, just to make sure they're not getting snuck up on.
A *really really* smart marine will tell his teammate to come up behind the skulk while he distracts it with LMG fire.
Remember: As a marine, you lose when you get close to an alien. As an alien, you lose when you die before getting close to the marine.
I totally agree with Locane's comment about map whoring. The majority of the time if I'm not in battle I'm looking at the overall map. Even in combat I glance at the minimap/radar to see if there's something coming from another direction or a target I've missed.
My new tip is coordinate with your team. While this may seem obvious, it's surprising how few people do it. I once was the comm and we were holding most of a map. Then, one of my friends finally organized the Aliens to hit two major locations one right after the other. The first gets hit hard so Marines phase in. They kill the Aliens, but not before the other location's PG goes down. Oops. Time for a nice long walk, with a few ambushes along the way. Needless to say, we lost that round.
Another one is a quick feature most people don't seem to know. If you click on a siege cannon, the range of the cannon is revealed by a green circle, similar to the region around a CC where you can drop IPs. So, if you want to find where the optimal siege points on a map are, make your own server, turn on cheats, and start experimenting where you can drop siege and their range.
I love how all the jaded "veterans" choose to not contribute but are all about making snide remarks
A PROTIP is a tip intended to convert you from a novice to an expert in one easy step.
new, or relatively new folks don't know these things. Granted it seems obvious to someone who has been playing since the Halloween, folks don't do basic things like communicate, or block fades! Even the pro players don't work together to block fades when they HAVE the theory and some practice...
I could have had a veteran icon, how much more pro do you need to be?
Please ignore my poor attempts at trolling, and contribute some random protips
bind mwheelup +jump
Don't walker skulk sideways at marines.
<!--sizeo:2--><span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Don't walker skulk on the walls at marines.<!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
<!--sizeo:3--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Don't walker skulk around a corner at marines. <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
<!--sizeo:4--><span style="font-size:14pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Don't walker skulk down long hallways at marines. <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
<!--sizeo:5--><span style="font-size:18pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->Don't walker skulk <!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro-->.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--> <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->
That's it.
Oh. Don't bunnyhop either in these scenarios except if you can do it consistently on the walls or if the marines are RIGHT around the corner (within one bhop) and in this case you have to bounce off the walls or somehow land above them rather than right at their feet.
Skulks cannot be played by chumps.
You cannot be pro unless you have the following settings (or variations, but NOT the defaults); I'm not going to explain why - look for the countless guides that exist on NSDojo or NSLearn
cl_cmdrate 80
cl_updaterate 80
rate 20000
gl_texturemode gl_nearest
(This makes your game look bad, but enables even the baddest video cards to render NS decently in terms of frame rate.)
fps_max 166
(I will not tell you why this number is important - figure it out.)
developer 1
(You have to put this one in your userconfig.cfg in order for the previous command to work.)
-noforcemaccel in launch parameters for half-life and NS
(I will not tell you why this number is important - figure it out.)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I know it's one of the troughs on the FPS vs Time Multiplier graph, but I don't see the reason to use that over 111.
I had a veteran icon too, and so did an absolute f***load of random teams who were never any good at the game, and never turned up to games to actually progress the programme. Vet icon means nothing.
A fade that doesn't swipe much is still a big scare and meat shield. A dead fade isn't.
A dead lerk can't spore.
Unless you're about to lose a hive or critical map area, don't even consider going kamikaze as a fade. Take your time to figure out how many heavily armed marines there are. Ask skulks to parasite the marines. When you feel comfortable going in, take two swipes at the nearest marine and blink back to the exit you came from.
You will have to keep scrolling detective. It is most important for playing as a marine in tight situations.
Next protip for marines:
If you are any good at shooting, you should always be baiting your team-mates and covering wherever cannon fodder is not looking. Baiting, in its many forms, means letting cannon fodder move through high-risk areas before you so that it is attacked first. Then you can shoot off the aliens from safety.
Your team has a better chance of winning with you alive rather than cannon fodder that is with you, BUT you will go even further if you keep your cannon fodder alive.
I don't know why/how/anything about this...
Though it is not much... This has saved my booty over 100s of times (Sometimes multiple times from the same fade). This is how I LMG solo fades... Anyone else want to support this thread and admit some things?
I can't claim that this is a good/bad strategy... Just try it and see...
Is that the frequency, where people cry ZOMG REG, RATES!! ?
you'd be surprised <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tounge.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":p" border="0" alt="tounge.gif" />
I don't know why/how/anything about this...
Though it is not much... This has saved my booty over 100s of times (Sometimes multiple times from the same fade). This is how I LMG solo fades... Anyone else want to support this thread and admit some things?
I can't claim that this is a good/bad strategy... Just try it and see...<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I approve. Fade since they need to blink away tend to aim around eye level. So, quick crouch strafing will cause them to miss. Even better, if they are slow and take too long to look down to swipe you, they often aren't blinking so your teammates will kill them.
I've actually soloed Fades using this method with a LMG. Even dodged enough to reload the gun.
that is all.