Gorge heal spray

dudepuppetdudepuppet Join Date: 2007-10-24 Member: 62727Members
<div class="IPBDescription">the organic welder</div>so my idea is to have the Gorge healspray be sort of like a welder.
it can already heal buildings why not be able to weld weldpoints.
so basicaly theres a gorge in a room with say a Weldpoint and it can hear marines coming so it drops OC's for cover and starts to "weld" the weldpoint.
After the gorge has "welded" the weldpoint it will be unuseable untill eather a marine uses a flamethrower or a gl used on the weldpoint.

The Weldpoint has been coverind in DI and is not noticable by marines unless minimap is used to locate the weldpoint or if there is a random patch of DI not close to the Main DI

comments welcome and segestive addons are also welcome

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  • ozbirdboyozbirdboy Join Date: 2007-08-07 Member: 61827Confirm Email
    To be totally honest this sounds crap, the idea of a gorge having the ability to turn it's heal spray into a welder is not right.

    The way i see most weld points at the moment is that they are there to benefit the marines (shut vents, open new paths), why a gorge would want to make things harder for the aliens is beyond me.

    Keep it the way it is.
  • dudepuppetdudepuppet Join Date: 2007-10-24 Member: 62727Members
    no no no the gorge unweldes the weldpoint and puts a DI cover over it to help aliens keep going through welded vents
  • chisschiss Join Date: 2008-06-05 Member: 64395Members, Constellation
    edited May 2009
    He just worded it badly.

    Basically he wants gorges to have an ability to put some layer of goop over weld points.

    As a result, marines would first have to burn off the goop, then weld it. Making it take longer.

    And no, its quite pointless.
  • dudepuppetdudepuppet Join Date: 2007-10-24 Member: 62727Members
    and the ablity to undo already welded weld points thats the key
  • ljcrabsljcrabs Join Date: 2007-11-15 Member: 62924Members
    Maybe not weld points (what does a Gorge know about machinery?), but how about dynamic infestation? Would be great to have something useful to do while killing time waiting for resources to pool up.
  • dudepuppetdudepuppet Join Date: 2007-10-24 Member: 62727Members
    organic machinery lol or incorporate organic "weld poins"
  • AvataAvata Join Date: 2009-05-25 Member: 67477Members
    Maybe the fade and gorge can have an "acid drool" that erodes welded points. Make it take time to erode the grate or whatever and they have to be standing right near it (an anti-welder if you will)

    As for the gorge welding... I think the gorge sticky web is kind of that idea. It sticky webs places it doesn't want humans to go.

    But if a gorge can "encourage" creep... then the creep can be used to hold weld points open.

    What if the gorge's healing spray doubles the creep growth speed... or in areas where there is no creep from the hive... lets you create some from scratch... but at 50% speed. Maybe it can let you pre-infest an unprotected human area and start shutting things down like lifts, lights and resource collectors. Also make it so aliens can eat creep, for 2 reasons.... 1 to regen health, and 2 to enable lifts you want to use as a gorge, onos or fade
  • oscar5oscar5 Join Date: 2009-05-29 Member: 67536Members
    what about scrap metal? Could be a resource that marines could buy for a small price, and weld apon the old spots to reinsforce the door/hatches more.
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