Any NS oldtimers coming back to play NS2?
NS Oldtimer Join Date: 2002-05-24 Member: 664Members

I just wanted to stop by and see if any of the guys I used to play with are keeping their eye on NS2 like I am. I don't visit these forums as regularly as I used to way back in the day but I have fond memories of playing with EGC and EC back in the day as well as playing the rest of the old time community members.
Small intro is in order I guess, in case people don't remember me:
Used to be egc:. Rico, followed NS since before it was released and playing it non-stop since release day. I quit shortly before 2.0 came out due to getting busier with life, then came back to try 2.0 and 2.1 and did not like the fact that Combat was "the" game mode to play. I missed the tactical play of NS 1.04 so after giving NS 2.0 a chance I lost interest and went back to doing my own thing.
Since then I've played thousands of other games, and created a few mods and TCs for others. Biggest mention is one called Hall of Mirrors for Max Payne 2. ( you can find it at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or just search hall of mirrors in MODDB) which is a total conversion based on the movie Equilibrium.
Anyways I just wanted to drop some of you guys a line to see if any of the old timers around here wanted to get together sometime and play some games like we used to. NS2 is an obvious choice, but I'm always open to playing any other games until our hopefully soon-to-return obsession is released.
Last time I checked in there were a few people left like JediYoshi and DuffMan. I think I saw DrunkenBozo somewhere, and Us3r apparently hung out with Teppla later on. Comprox is still a moderator, I think? Oh and of course Thansal. Not sure if he's around still but we had some good times.
Small intro is in order I guess, in case people don't remember me:
Used to be egc:. Rico, followed NS since before it was released and playing it non-stop since release day. I quit shortly before 2.0 came out due to getting busier with life, then came back to try 2.0 and 2.1 and did not like the fact that Combat was "the" game mode to play. I missed the tactical play of NS 1.04 so after giving NS 2.0 a chance I lost interest and went back to doing my own thing.
Since then I've played thousands of other games, and created a few mods and TCs for others. Biggest mention is one called Hall of Mirrors for Max Payne 2. ( you can find it at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or just search hall of mirrors in MODDB) which is a total conversion based on the movie Equilibrium.
Anyways I just wanted to drop some of you guys a line to see if any of the old timers around here wanted to get together sometime and play some games like we used to. NS2 is an obvious choice, but I'm always open to playing any other games until our hopefully soon-to-return obsession is released.
Last time I checked in there were a few people left like JediYoshi and DuffMan. I think I saw DrunkenBozo somewhere, and Us3r apparently hung out with Teppla later on. Comprox is still a moderator, I think? Oh and of course Thansal. Not sure if he's around still but we had some good times.
For me was a surprise that playing NS help me to play better other games.
And of course, I ended doing the spanish translation of the wiki and some images for it. Having a lot of fun doing it.
Looking forward to playing with you guys sometime. I'll stick around the forums again, I think :-)
Edit: Hah, just found out my old login works. Figured with the big forum makeover I needed to reregister.
Hiya Insane!
User is still around but not on these forums. He along with a few other ex-EGC / teppla / myself and some others were banned from the forums before they went offline for however long. I'm sure he could get unbanned, like I did, but I doubt he cares enough. I started to pick up interest in NS2 a few months ago but sadly the more I learn about NS2 the more convinced I am that it won't carry over NS1's gameplay fundamentals. Time will tell, I guess.
Think my tag was [TNR]Ghost. They were the days.
I've recently rediscovered NS2 and everything I hear and see about it looks pretty good.
I'm missing the days of rampage as a marine on public servers versus a ton of skulks or some nice clanwars against Division Viking (pretty uber swedish clan back in the days when I played).
All the best to the devs, I've huge expectations.
eRa` is waiting!
Im a fan of the way it puts strategic thinking, map navigation, foresight and good old aim skillz in the same package, so that the player needs to think on so many more levels than in regular team based FPS or top-down RTS.
I bet the gameplay and design of NS2 will kick ass at least as much as its predecessor, and i hope the new engine will be safe and reliable.
I expect to play NS2 heavily in the alpha/beta/release and if it as good as the original or better I will likely play it regularly for several years.
We sure hope you are sir.
Hey Monsieur! It's good to see you again!
Hope to catch you on release!
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Edit: Hell, i didn't even notice you, Insane.
Reunion, anyone? This time with less MonsE whining about how compiling the installer on the recent patch is being retarded and everyone blaming him for delaying sweet sweet satisfaction. :D