Frontiersmen Tips

JujiJuji Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members
edited November 2002 in Frontiersmen Strategy
<div class="IPBDescription">Be, the best that you can be...</div> I was playing for a bit last night (yay, free time is great), and I noticed a lot of marines making the same mistakes, over and over. Hopefully, this will help some people be more successful when playing as marines.

-<b>Learn the maps</b>- <b>[Added by Protagonsit(GER)]</b> Get yourself one of the overview maps bytor created (see General Discussion - Overview of ns maps) and print them out. Start a LAN game of your own and walk around the maps to familiarize yourself. When you play a map, have the appropriate printout at hand. If the com tells you via voice to get to the hive "Maintenance Access" you can check it out quickly and find your way there. (I know the com should always give the marines a wp. But this is sometimes not possible for a number of reasons.) It is hell for a com when he realises that his troops have no clue what the terrain they are in looks like. <b>[quick addition]</b> Learn the weld points on each map, where they are, and what they cutoff/open up/do. On some maps, there are some very good shortcuts to different hives through weld points. At the same time, there are some good shortbuts through the vents and you might not want to weld those routes off. An example is the vent on bast that exits to the marine base elevator shaft. You can get to engine room hive very easily from here, and the corridors near the hive can make great sieging areas.

-<b>Don’t panic</b>-Despite how atmospheric NS is, those aliens aren’t real. Keep cool, and concentrate on aiming for the body.

-<b>Conserve ammo</b>-Fire in bursts as often as you can. For me, not only does this conserve ammo, but it helps my accuracy as well (maybe that’s just me though).

-<b>Use your advantages</b>-Against skulks, use your range advantage. Keep as much distance between yourself and where the skulks will come from. The farther they have to run in order to reach you, the more likely you are to kill it. Long hallways (like tram on bast) are your friend.

-<b>Travel in groups</b>-Always travel in groups of at least 2 unless you are told otherwise. Buddy up with someone, or ask other people to follow you.

-<b>Protect builders</b>-If you are a part of a group that is setting up turrets or resources nodes, or whatever, have at least 1 person watching out for skulks while the rest build. Don’t leave the builders hanging.

-<b>Follow orders</b>-If comm says walk like a chicken, do it! Well, no, but if he says go to xxx hive, do it.
Time is often of the essence, and your **obscenity** around can mean the difference between securing a hive and not.

-<b>Circle Strafe</b>-Practice circle strafing (i.e. circle around whatever is attacking you (by strafing) while shooting/knifing it). When those skulks and fades decide to get up close and personal, circle strafe around them; it makes you a harder to target.

-<b>Pick up expensive equipment</b>-If the guy next to you dies and drops an expensive gun (HMG, shotgun, GL, welder), pick it up. If you are out of ammo and you see a gun lying there, pick it up.

-<b>Don’t be a pain</b>-Don’t nag your commander for equipment. If your commander is too busy to answer you, that probably means he has more important things to do at the moment. If you don’t get your equipment, don’t wait around at base scratching your **obscenity**. Defend whatever needs defending, and when things calm down I’m sure your comm will suit you up.

-<b>Always give your location</b>-Whenever you make a request for anything, give your location. Unless you know that the commander is watching over you, don’t make requests like ”I NEED HEALTH ASAP!!!!”

-<b>Look at the resource meter</b>-The whole team can see how many resources are available at any given moment. Look at this meter before you ask for anything. Res node costs 22, tf 25 (upgrade 25), turrets 19, sieges 25(now), HA 25, shotgun 20, HMG 25, JP 9, health 2, ammo 2. If you have 2 resources, don’t bug the commander asking where that resource node is.

-<b>Phase gates</b>-Phase gates connect locations together. Step on the phase gate to teleport to another location. If there are multiple locations connected by phase gates, continue to step through the phase gates until you get to that location. If phase gates are set up, <b>always</b> use them unless you are told otherwise. They are there for a reason, to get you to locations that need protection, in the shortest amount of time.

-<b>Don’t sit at spawn</b>-Unless you are told specifically to sit at spawn and wait for orders/equipment, and especially if some location is under attack, don’t sit around at spawn. Get to that location and defend it. Use phase gates if they are up.

-<b>Don’t waste the teams resources</b>-If you die repeatedly, don’t ask for equipment, you are wasting the teams resources. Play without those fancy gadgets until you can kill skulks without them.

-<b>Avoid turrets unless otherwise told</b>-If you see a crapload of turrets, and you’re trying to get to someplace beyond them, don’t be a bonehead and try to take them out. This wastes time and energy. Run past them and continue on to wherever you are going. <b>[Added by Protagonist (GER)]</b> If you know an alternate route to the location, see if that way is clear (especially if it looks like you might not survive running past it). If you are ordered to take out alien structures, don't walk in front of them, they will hit you there sooner or later. Use a corner and crouch out just far enough to see a glimpse of them. Albeit you are able to hit them, the off chambers mostly are not. Adjust your position until they are unable to hit you.

-<b>Don’t rush turrets</b>-If you see 10+ turrets all bunched up, don’t rush it. Run past it or wait for sieges to take them out.

-<b>Help the comm out</b>-If you know the map and other people don’t, help the comm out by directing people that don’t know where to go. <b>[Added by Texas Ranger]</b> Also, your commander isn't always right, sometimes they don't notice something you do or they are too new to know how to build structures properly etc. It is the smallest of details that can break your team in two. So do not hesitate to make suggestions (i.e. if you notice that a tf isn't completely covered on all sides etc.), especially if the commander seems a little "green". Just don't pester them to death for stupid stuff or demand certain things to be a certain way.

-<b>He’s the comm, not you</b>-Don’t ask for turrets or phase gates at any other location other than hives (or locations near hives where you are setting up). If your comm wants to leave a node turret free, that’s his decision, don’t waste time by questioning it.

-<b>Defenders wanted</b>-Once you get 1 or 2 hives secure, and the comm asks for defenders, volunteer. Without people defending outposts, they <b>will</b> fall. If you are defending and are under heavy attack, let the comm know. If you are defending, make sure all the turrets, tf, phase gate etc. are at full health. Without defenders at hives and main, you will lose to any decent alien team. If you are defending, do just that. <b>Defend</b>, do not run after aliens half way across the map. Stay near the turrets, and keep everything welded. If they are building O and D chambers outside, let the comm know that you need siege turrets.

-<b>Welders</b>-If you have a welder (which you should always have if you have HA), weld your teammates if you think they are damaged. If you are damaged, ask for welding. If no one has a welder and you do, give the other player the welder (drop it) and have them weld you.

-<b>Siege Turrets</b>-In order to build siege turrets, the tf needs to be upgraded (25 rp+time+25 rp/siege). Keep this in mind when you request siege turrets. <b>[Added by Discobird]</b> Sometimes, after a turret factory (tf) has been upgraded, you will need to rebuild it in order to place sieges. Keep this in mind, and if your comm says he can't place sieges, try rebuilding it (even if it looks like it doesn't need rebuilding).

-<b>Pistol fades first</b>-You can unload a pistol clip a lot faster than an lmg clip. Against fades, where you will most likely die quickly, you want to do as much damage in as little time as possible. Hopefully if you have a few marines, this will be enough to kill it before it kills you.

-<b>Be quiet</b>- <b>[Added by Protagonist(GER)]</b> When moving around and especially when guarding an area do not make unnecessary noises. Marines are capable of absolutely silent movement right from the start. Use that advantage. When going somewhere, walk a few meters and listen. Especially when reaching your final location, walk the last few meters. You might be able to hear that skulk running the corridor around the corner. As the players controlling skulks are often totally busy controlling these ultra fast doggies, they will be quite surprised to see a marine appearing out of nowhere. And a surprised skulk is a dead skulk.

When you are ordered to guard an area or structure it is especially useful to be quiet. Do not hop around, blinking your flashlight and use the oh so cool radio taunts. The aliens will hear you, know you are there and thus kill you quite fast. Bad for the location you are guarding. Better sneak in a corner, get lots of free space in front of you and wait for those buggers to come. Do not stand next to the structures you are guarding. Have an eye on them, but from a distance. A skulk seeing the RT and no marine around will start chewing it. These guys are as easy targets as a marine building the structure is for them.

-<b>Scout out locations</b>-If you know the map, ask the comm if he wants you to scout out any locations. You might just get lucky and catch the aliens with their pants down.

-<b>Solo missions</b>-If you successfully make it to a hive that has minimal defenses, build a phase gate to that hive first, send some people through the phase gate and have them hold the area until you can set up turrets.

-<b>Sneak attacks</b>-In cases like the one mentioned above, launching a sneak attack is your best bet. Do not attack <b>anything</b>, unless you are told to. Attacking structures and <b>especially</b> hives is a sure way to muck things up (when you attack structures, all the aliens are notified by the hive mind and they can see exactly where those structures are. If you attack a hive, there's an added nasty voice + big red flashing icons). Once turrets are being built, don’t build them to completion. Leave them as close to built as you can (at full green circle with yellow border). Once you have all of the turrets that you need, finish off building them all at the same time. Also, when moving, crouch when you can to minimize the amount of noise that you make. Successful sneak attacks can mean the difference between winning and losing, since hives that were once defenseless will quickly become fortresses of solitude once you’ve tried to take it.

As always, feel free to add, suggest, comment or debate.

Happy Thanksgiving! Stay safe, eat lots of turkey, get drowsy, and be merry.


  • Mr_BeanMr_Bean Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7943Members
    Minor Corrections
    Seige 15
    HA 25
    HMG 25
    Res Node 25

    If only they listened instead of

    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='pudgy.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • REPTILEREPTILE Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9642Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Siege Turrets-In order to build siege turrets, the tf needs to be upgraded (25 rp+time+15 rp/siege). Keep this in mind when you request siege turrets.
    <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    i m not sure but i think that in 1.03 siege costs 25
  • JujiJuji Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members
    edited November 2002
    Really? res node is 25? I could have sworn that it was 22 in 1.02. Oh well, maybe I was imagining things.

    Siege is 25 in new patch, just read that. Forgot to change it in that parenthesis. I'll fix that, thanks.
  • JujiJuji Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members
    I just checked the res node cost. I'm seeing 22. The other corrections were right though, thanks.
  • DiscobirdDiscobird Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7489Members
    I thought HMGs cost 27...

    Anyway, good post. The part about defenders is especially true.

    I would add that, once upgraded, advanced turret factories need to be rebuilt with the Use key before the commander can place sieges. It's often hard to convince marines of the need to do this again.
  • CoolHungDaddyCoolHungDaddy Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10148Members
    edited November 2002
    Nice post juji.

    When I play (either marine or com) I often go nuts about the STUPIDITY of marine players. They should use some more common sense in their actions. Here are some more advices, of what you should not do as a marine (but what is constantly being done anyway):

    Don’t attack unless told to

    Your commander sometimes doesn't know where the aliens have their defences or res towers. So you might run into a wall of off and def chambers on your way to a certain waypoint. Most marines immediately start firing, getting hit in the process, alerting the aliens etc. pp. Bad idea. THINK FIRST. Is there another way to my destination? Ask the com: do you want me to take out the structures?
    If you are ordered to take out alien structures, don't walk in front of them, they will hit you there sooner or later. Use a corner and crouch out just far enough to see a glimpse of them. Albeit you are able to hit them, the off chambers mostly are not. Adjust your position until they are unable to hit you.

    Be quiet

    When moving around and especially when guarding an area do not make unnecessary noises. Marines are capable of absolutely silent movement right from the start. Use that advantage. When going somewhere, walk a few meters and listen. Especially when reaching your final location, walk the last few meters. You might be able to hear that skulk running the corridor around the corner. As the players controlling skulks are often totally busy controlling these ultra fast doggies, they will be quite surprised to see a marine appearing out of nowhere. And a surprised skulk is a dead skulk.

    When you are ordered to guard an area or structure it is especially useful to be quiet. Do not hop around, blinking your flashlight and use the oh so cool radio taunts. The aliens will hear you, know you are there and thus kill you quite fast. Bad for the location you are guarding. Better sneak in a corner, get lots of free space in front of you and wait for those buggers to come. Do not stand next to the structures you are guarding. Have an eye on them, but from a distance. A skulk seeing the RT and no marine around will start chewing it. These guys are as easy targets as a marine building the structure is for them.

    Learn the maps

    Get yourself one of the overview maps bytor created (see General Discussion - Overview of ns maps) and print them out. Start a LAN game of your own and walk around the maps to familiarize yourself. When you play a map, have the appropriate printout at hand. If the com tells you via voice to get to the hive "Maintenance Access" you can check it out quickly and find your way there. (I know the com should always give the marines a wp. But this is sometimes not possible for a number of reasons.) It is hell for a com when he realises that his troops have no clue what the terrain they are in looks like.

    I hope I haven't said too many redundant things in here or repeated much of what was already said.


    PS: pls excuse my mediocre language, English is not my mother tongue...
  • JujiJuji Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members
    Hey Discobird, how often does that happen and when? Does the tf look like it needs to be rebuilt (ie yellow border and no green circle)? I don't think I've ever had that happen to me, but I've read about it on these forums.

    Great additions protagonist, I'll add them to the original post. Your english is great, btw <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • Texas_RangerTexas_Ranger Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9755Members
    Some excellent points,

    I would like to point out that sometimes attacking a structure and then running away is beneficial... This is one of those have to think for yourself, fast on your feet situations. If I am all alone at a Hive that has been built and the rest of my team is attacking the other hive, and having a difficult time at it, shooting a few clips into the hive can be very beneficial. As it will litterally split the aliens in two parts defense for each hive. For the most part you can always ask your comm if you are unsure since he can see the big picture.

    Another thing is suggestions for your commander. As a commander its not always easy to see the small details and I really like it when people suggest something to me, I either say hey thats a good idea, or no I am doing that for a reason etc. The best has to be pointing out weak spots. The best example of this is when you are standing next to a Turret Factory and notice that one side is completely undefended, maybe the commander forgot, or maybe that turret was destroyed. Whatever the case the best way is to spray a logo where you think the turret would best be maximized at and tell the commander you need a turret at your location in XxXx on the 8-ball (logo) to cover the blind side of the Turret factory. That one call can sometimes make or break that area for defense. Using your logo spray works good from a commanders pov to point out areas, certain things, etc.

    Also your commander isn't always right, sometimes they don't notice something you do or they are too new to know how to build structures properly etc,. It is the smallest of details that can break your team in two. So do not hesitate to make suggestions, especially if the commander seems a little "green". Just don't pester them to death for stupid stuff or demand certain things to be a certain way.

    Texas Ranger
  • DiscobirdDiscobird Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7489Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Juji+Nov 29 2002, 01:14 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Juji @ Nov 29 2002, 01:14 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hey Discobird, how often does that happen and when?  Does the tf look like it needs to be rebuilt (ie yellow border and no green circle)?  I don't think I've ever had that happen to me, but I've read about it on these forums.
    <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    I've only commanded about three or four games on 1.03 servers, all on ns_caged, and this happened in one of them. From my point of view the turret factory appeared normal- full green health circle- and when the marines started rebuilding it, the display didn't change. When they finished (it seemed to take as long as it would to build a whole new factory), there was an audible WHOOSH sound and the factory went through an animation. I don't know how it looked from the marine's perspective.
  • BastardBastard Join Date: 2002-11-14 Member: 8561Members
    Every time I ask for something from the commander (either by typing or voice-comm) I usually send a "request orders" to go with it, so that the commander can just jump to my location. I'm not sure how helpful that is, but I figure I'm cutting down a little wasted time.

    What do y'all think?
  • DiscobirdDiscobird Join Date: 2002-11-07 Member: 7489Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Bastard+Nov 29 2002, 01:51 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Bastard @ Nov 29 2002, 01:51 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Every time I ask for something from the commander (either by typing or voice-comm) I usually send a "request orders" to go with it, so that the commander can just jump to my location. I'm not sure how helpful that is, but I figure I'm cutting down a little wasted time.

    What do y'all think?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Yes, that is definitely helpful, as long as everyone else on the team isn't doing it at the same time. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • JujiJuji Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members
    edited November 2002
    That's a crazy bug, you should post it on the bug forum. The only bug I've encountered with tfs is not being able to upgrade at all. It was on eclipse, right outside of computer core. I wanted to siege their hive but I couldn't upgrade; Mucked the whole game up!

    *Was drinking too much, edited out the crazy talk.*
  • JujiJuji Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members
    That's not a bad idea **obscenity**, but yea, if everyone was doing it, it could get ugly. Also, it might give your position away, or the comm might not notice it. I'd say unless the comm asks for it, don't do it. Best bet is to include your location in the request.
  • NeverNever Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4555Members
    an important little note on attacking anything that is/belongs to the aliens (and im not sure but i dont think this has been mentioned yet):

    if you do anything to harm any of them or any of their stuff, they will ALL know. they have that Hive Sight and they are not afraid to use it. so, make sure that once you make the move to attack, commit to it. little potshots here and there will only alert them of your presence.

    also, fear the parasite. if youve got one, then they are watching you. sure, some of them may ignore it, but basically, all the skulks are now fixated on you. they will bring you down, sooner or later. if you dont have any extra equipment and things seem pretty slow and only if youre expendable, you might wanna consider killing your self. (this is really only viable if nothing is happening and none of the other marines are DEAD/REIN). i donno. most people are reluctant to kill themselves, but those parasites just may be your undoing.

    either way, excelent tips <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • JujiJuji Join Date: 2002-11-18 Member: 9153Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->an important little note on attacking anything that is/belongs to the aliens (and im not sure but i dont think this has been mentioned yet):

    if you do anything to harm any of them or any of their stuff, they will ALL know. they have that Hive Sight and they are not afraid to use it. so, make sure that once you make the move to attack, commit to it. little potshots here and there will only alert them of your presence.
    <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I mentioned not attacking structures unless you are told to, but I should probably explain the reason why. Just added the explaination.

    Also, Texas Ranger, I must have had a bit too much to drink before reading your post <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo--> (for some reason I thought you were saying something else). Yes, those small details can make all the difference (i.e. if a tf isn't covered on all sides or if you notice something that the aliens are trying to do etc.). I'll add right now.
  • playermanplayerman Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7854Members
    Don't kick your commander unless you are prepared to do better yourself. If you think you can give every marine every weapon, res tower and health pack he asks for, be my guest.

    The only way for a wannabe marine to be a good marine is to understand what it's like to be commander, the only way to understand what it's like to be a commander is for every marine to at least have tried and be a commander a few times. Not to become a good commander, just to become a good grunt. This is absolutely essential for the marine team.

    This is besides the fact that playing all sides and all roles will help you be better at whatever team and role you personally prefer to play:
    A good comm has experience as a marine and as alien.
    A good marine knows the aliens strengths and weaknesses from personal experience as an alien.
    and vice versa for aliens.
  • HardstaticHardstatic Join Date: 2002-12-02 Member: 10357Members
    I find on public servers, mobility is key to a marine victory and that means phase gates. You need an observatory right off the bat so you can achieve this. Generally at least half of your marine team doesn't know the map very well... or well enough to get to locations without waypoints. You need those phase gates as a sort of "dummy-proof" way to get people where you need them withough seeing a dozen single green dots wandering all over the map... and slowly blinking out because they got skulked alone. You can't be like, "Get to subspace ASAP people!" and expect everyone to make it via a straight line. "Get in the mother **obscenity** phase gate you guys or we're **obscenity**!" seems to work better for me <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Early phase gates and motion tracking win games for marines on public servers. The observatory is indispensible.
  • CoolHungDaddyCoolHungDaddy Join Date: 2002-11-28 Member: 10148Members
    I wanna play on a server with good players....why are there so few in Europe??? Since a report about NS in a major German PC Gaming magazine its a noob rush. I don't know how many times I have expalined how to get ammo, where the big guns come from and what this irritating blue circle in the distance means...

    To all new players: PLEASE read the manual, then play some, then get here and read these posts. And forget how 1337 you were at CS. PLEASE. You do a lot good to the health of your commander (and the rest of your squad).

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