Extreme Widescreen Support? (AKA Triple Head)
Join Date: 2009-10-21 Member: 69108Members

<div class="IPBDescription">Would it be feasible to allow options and support for triple head ?</div>Greeting, I searched and could not find any previous references to this idea off the bat.
What I'm asking about is referring to the idea of multiple monitors placed together acting as one larger display. This typically is referred to as triple head or "surround gaming", depending on the number of monitors used.
<a href="http://www.kegetys.net/SoftTH/" target="_blank">Visit HERE</a> for examples of what I'm talking about and a software solution that works with most modern games.
Now, it's not possible to my knowledge to have native support for this option, I'm not expecting it. However it would be nice to have support for it in game, command options for setting HUD element offsets and positions, FOV settings, custom resolution setup, etc. I would expect to be able to do a few of these anyway I just would like to make sure they appear.
A few advantages to the triple head experience:
I am currently running the software solution I linked to earlier on. It is quite nice to say the least.
While most of the time this setup only truly shines within simulation games, racing, aircraft, rts even. I believe it would be worthwhile in NS.
It seems to me that in normal FPS games the extreme widescreen typically doesn't help much because of where the player is focused. This is because the players typically use projectile weapons and therefore everything gets "funneled" into the small box of your primary screen. Periphery is not so important, but can still can be helpful.
In NS we have two teams, the aliens with mostly short range attacks must be able to spot a marine from a long distance if they hope to avoid gunfire. While the marines need to be able to spot the aliens in errant corners and locations while in close quarters.
The larger screen format allows a large periphery and helps both sides. Even the commanders are given larger swaths of the map to keep their eyes on.
All players benefit.
*As a side note I have yet to get this working with the original HL/NS. The design seems to have been limited to not include such extreme resolutions such as 3840x1024, or a way to specify them. I'll report back if I can get it to work.
What I'm asking about is referring to the idea of multiple monitors placed together acting as one larger display. This typically is referred to as triple head or "surround gaming", depending on the number of monitors used.
<a href="http://www.kegetys.net/SoftTH/" target="_blank">Visit HERE</a> for examples of what I'm talking about and a software solution that works with most modern games.
Now, it's not possible to my knowledge to have native support for this option, I'm not expecting it. However it would be nice to have support for it in game, command options for setting HUD element offsets and positions, FOV settings, custom resolution setup, etc. I would expect to be able to do a few of these anyway I just would like to make sure they appear.
A few advantages to the triple head experience:
I am currently running the software solution I linked to earlier on. It is quite nice to say the least.
While most of the time this setup only truly shines within simulation games, racing, aircraft, rts even. I believe it would be worthwhile in NS.
It seems to me that in normal FPS games the extreme widescreen typically doesn't help much because of where the player is focused. This is because the players typically use projectile weapons and therefore everything gets "funneled" into the small box of your primary screen. Periphery is not so important, but can still can be helpful.
In NS we have two teams, the aliens with mostly short range attacks must be able to spot a marine from a long distance if they hope to avoid gunfire. While the marines need to be able to spot the aliens in errant corners and locations while in close quarters.
The larger screen format allows a large periphery and helps both sides. Even the commanders are given larger swaths of the map to keep their eyes on.
All players benefit.
*As a side note I have yet to get this working with the original HL/NS. The design seems to have been limited to not include such extreme resolutions such as 3840x1024, or a way to specify them. I'll report back if I can get it to work.
Currently I don't find it a problem to have to look far for my specific information, I don't wind up requiring the mini-map all the time and never need the full map anyway. I also have a "feel" for ammo counts and health. But that is me.
Here is another interesting option of self positioned HUD elements. If your the commander as long as your allowed to you could have one panel with the full map view open at one time while the other screens could be used for the normal elements.
I don't know how much of the client side is customizable in NS2 retail, but I would expect it rather easy in a mod to be able to place things where you like using the LUA scripting.
If it were necessary the consistency check in NS2 will probably include anything to do with the hud. For instance in GMOD people used client side lua scripts that created a radar for players and npcs, locating them at all times. While not a game breaker for Gmod it certainly would be in NS2.
One reason I push so much for at least a little leeway toward the screen support is because of the game DeadSpace. I didn't find the regular game to be very immersive or anything. I found out why when I used the triple head software on it. On normal monitors, and widescreens, when you have a weapon out and ready to fire you are looking in such a small space. With so much screen real-estate you still can see most of the area while focused. It makes you feel much more alone and vulnerable realizing that even when ready there is all this space for potential threats. Mind you I've played through and beat the game before so I even remembered where they would show. Again I have to state, these are my experiences, I guess not everyone would be able to use so much screen.
One more thing to consider, while not much, is that with the addition of the <a href="http://www.anandtech.com/video/showdoc.aspx?i=3643&p=9" target="_blank">ATi 5870</a> video card it has 3d hardware support for 3 monitors at once. It's assuredly not the main reason anyone is buying these cards though.
It is actually VERY immersive when used for an FPS, as those two side monitors are mostly used with your peripheral vision, which can be a life-saver in a FPS. And if the ability to have a Centered HUD or positionable HUD were implemented, that'd be a great bonus.
Of course I know that triple monitor users are probably still the minority, but some games have surprised me with their perfect or near perfect support for us. HAWX and Burnout: Paradise being the most standout for perfect resolution support out of the box, a centered HUD on the center monitor, and no stretching of any elements. (FMVs are rendered only on the center and not stretched across all three, or cutscenes render correctly across all three with proper horizontal + aspects)
Just hoping considering that NS2 is being built from the ground up that if we toss our support for triple monitors in here early enough in the development process that the Dev Team can sprinkle it in there...
^ ^ ^
In an ideal situation, all hardware profiles should confer the same gameplay experience in terms of advantages and disadvantages. If the balance were to be tilted, I'm all for people with better hardware having an advantage over those with lesser (as that's ridiculous - punishing people for playing with all options on is stupid). Since ideal balance is impossible, there's a line. Surround sound is on one side of that line, and TH2G is on the other. I don't know where the line is, but ridiculous hardware-based FOV advantage for TH2G is on the wrong side of it.
What's more, I have an easier time seeing surround sound and such on the list of 'required hardware' but simply advanced, whereas TH2G is more of a gimmicky add-on. Next thing you know we'll be putting in TrackIR and ###### too. Just not needed.
Even with a single screen there are advantages for the people with significant $$ advantage:
Higher framerates
Higher quality settings
Larger screens
Faster processing to allow 3rd party apps like recording for playback used to see what you did wrong
Allowing multiple moniters will affect a very few people, and if competitions wanted to be hardcore they would make sure to have settings control to require a single monitor. For public play does it really matter?
... because you say so?
Because it provides the most flexibility to the game. There is nothing technically difficult with allowing a wide field of view. Consequently, the ONLY reason to disallow it is because it MAY affect gameplay balancing. The same is true for resolution, aliasing, and refresh rate. The game COULD force them all to be the same for all players, but it doesn't make sense because different people have different configurations.
So, give the choice to the server and let them restrict it (or not). Players can then decide if they want a server with forced FOV or not.
A reason for them to not bother wasting time implementing it.
I have a dual screen setup... (for when im working)
So dont say I am bias.
Excuse me while I laugh my way out of this thread.
And IMO doubling or tripling your peripheral vision (<u>especially</u> for this type of marine/alien gameplay) is definitely over that line.
Yes, it's true, it's largely an arbitrary decision. And guess what? Nobody really likes the fact that it's not 100% scientifically determine-able.
<b>But it has to be made</b>, and I believe a lot of people would agree that the type of bonus you get is too much for this type of game. If this were a game of online chess, it wouldn't matter. But it isn't.
Maybe when three-screen displays become as common as surround sound we could look into it, but right now it's just a niche advantage and frankly a COLOSSAL waste of time and resources.
Maybe when three-screen displays become as common as surround sound we could look into it, but right now it's just a niche advantage and frankly a COLOSSAL waste of time and resources.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's true that three screens is pretty rare for someone to have, however it's not so rare for people to have dual monitors. All the graphic cards out on the market these days can hook up two monitors and monitors are getting pretty cheap.
Although three screens would be a waste of time to implant, I don't think two-screen would be.
The whole point of 3 screens for would be immersion - the two side monitors are really just for atmosphere/peripheral vision
well you no longer need a matrox device for surround gaming - just a 2 gfx cards :)
i'd say multi monitor gaming is going to take off soon