Gameplay Videos

StephanBothaStephanBotha Join Date: 2009-06-02 Member: 67637Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Are there any?</div>So, I've been lurking around here for a while, even though I registered a while ago. I mostly only reply to topics that REALLY interest me or if I have something witty to say.

How about some proper gameplay videos fellas? Nothing edited, just raw MP footage of the devs and beta testers bringing out the big guns?

Also, while I'm here, can you comfirm or deny that you have sold over 10k copies via pre-order? The reason I'm asking is I'd like to start a site about NS2 ( but this costs a lot of money and I can only do this if I know that there's a reasonable amount of people who already have interest in this game.

If a dev or mod can send me a PM about it, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I also run which has the largest collection of custom content for Left 4 Dead and also the largest L4D community if that helps at all


  • Kouji_SanKouji_San Sr. Hινε Uρкεερεг - EUPT Deputy The Netherlands Join Date: 2003-05-13 Member: 16271Members, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue
    No gameplay videos exist yet, the closest to see what the engine can do in realtime is this videocast:

    <center><object width="450" height="356"><param name="movie" value=""></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="356"></embed></object></center>
    <div align='center'><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div>

    To get a hold of the devteam, ya might want to PM one of these guys on locallyunscene's about page:

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  • StephanBothaStephanBotha Join Date: 2009-06-02 Member: 67637Members
    Thanks for that video.

    The lighting looks even better than Left 4 Dead's lighting. Way to go guys. It really looks spectacular!

    Thanks for the link, I'll send them a PM and see if we can get a proper modding scene started for NS2
  • Draco_2kDraco_2k Evil Genius Join Date: 2009-12-09 Member: 69546Members
    It's a bit too early in development to release any gameplay footage: chances are, it won't represent the final product at all. Think first L4D videos versus the final product, but more drastic.

    BUT we should have a playable Alpha in the near future - which still won't represent the game, but at least we should see what Kouji kindly posted - how near exactly is unknown though.
  • Chris0132Chris0132 Join Date: 2009-07-25 Member: 68262Members
    Oftentimes when they show a tech demo at a show, it's not because the game is actually like that, it's because they spent a week making the tech demo playable and then have to take it to bits again (or just ignore that branch of the program) while the actual development version is still unplayable.

    In short, if you don't mind UWE spending weeks making a playable version just to show it off and then never use it again, you can have gameplay, otherwise you probably can't.
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