Suggestion: Tower Defence

PricePrice Join Date: 2003-09-27 Member: 21247Members
edited July 2010 in Ideas and Suggestions
<div class="IPBDescription">Will pay?</div>Hey, i love the tower defence game called "Xeno Tactic".
I hope its allowed to link to it:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Its just great and i would love creating some simulair for NS2 for Marines.
Sure for coop it must have a lot of changes, any ideas?
its just an suggestion.
There are 7 turrets/buildings
- wall
- Vulcan turret
- plasma turret
- sam turret
- freeze turret
- sonic turret

<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Turret upgrades:

Wall: $2 block enemys, but must leave a way for waves.

Vulcan Turret: $5, 60 Range, 10 Damage
Vulcan Turret 2: $15, 60 Range, 20 Damage
Vulcan Turret 3: $10, 60 Range, 40 Damage
Vulcan Turret 4: $20, 60 Range, 80 Damage
Vulcan Turret 5: $50, 60 Range, 160 Damage
Vulcan Tower: $100, 180 Range, 400 Damage
(Total cost to fully upgrade: $200)

Plasma Turret: $25, 70 Range, 5 Damage
Plasma Turret 2: $10, 70 Range, 10 Damage
Plasma Turret 3: $20, 70 Range, 18 Damage
Plasma Turret 4: $35, 70 Range, 34 Damage
Plasma Turret 5: $70, 70 Range, 65 Damage
BFG Tower: $290, 90 Range, 320 Damage
(Total cost to fully upgrade: $450)

Missile Turret: $20, 90 Range, 8 Damage
Missile Turret 2: $15, 100 Range, 16 Damage
Missile Turret 3: $35, 110 Range, 32 Damage
Missile Turret 4: $60, 120 Range, 64 Damage
Missile Turret 5: $110, 130 Range, 128 Damage
Missile Tower: $160, 140 Range, 256 Damage
(Total cost to fully upgrade: $400)

DCA: $50, 60 Range, 20 Damage
DCA 2: $30, 60 Range, 40 Damage
DCA 3: $50, 65 Range, 80 Damage
DCA 4: $75, 65 Range, 160 Damage
DCA 5: $125, 70 Range, 320 Damage
THW Tower: $310, 75 Range, 480 Damage
(Total cost to fully upgrade: $640)

Freeze Turret: $50, 50 Range, 10 Damage
Freeze Turret 2: $25, 50 Range, 15 Damage
Freeze Turret 3: $25, 50 Range, 20 Damage
Freeze Turret 4: $25, 50 Range, 25 Damage
Freeze Turret 5: $25, 50 Range, 30 Damage
Zero Tower: $50, 75 Range, 40 Damage
(Total cost to fully upgrade: $200)

Sonic Turret: $30, 40 Range, 10 Damage, ?% chance to paralyze
Sonic Turret 2: $25, 40 Range, 20 Damage, 6% chance to paralyze
Sonic Turret 3: $50, 40 Range, 40 Damage, 10% chance to paralyze
Sonic Turret 4: $100, 40 Range, 80 Damage, 13% chance to paralyze
Sonic Turret 5: $185, 40 Range, 160 Damage, 15% chance to paralyze
Hypersonic Tower: $355, 40 Range, 320 Damage, 20% chance to paralyze
(Total cost to fully upgrade: $745)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

p.s. i can pay you for work if you can do this, but im not rich


  • MuzzzyMuzzzy Join Date: 2005-07-20 Member: 56360Members
    We have already been discussing this in the NS2 modding forums, it seems like a large challenge for someone to step-up to. Try brainstorming some ideas in that thread.
  • PricePrice Join Date: 2003-09-27 Member: 21247Members
    edited July 2010
    Can you link to it?
    I love xeno tactic and play it every 2 month, because its that fun and maybe a "unlimited" version of it, can be very chalange in mp.

    - wall
    - Vulcan turret [like a sentry, shoot bullets]
    - plasma turret [shoot plasma]
    - sam turret [shoot rockets with splash damage]
    - DCA [shoot flying enemys only]
    - freeze turret [slow down enemys]
    - sonic turret [attack enemys arround the turret]

    How realize it?

    Create a typical Tower Defence map, at the end are 4 Command stations (yes only 4 player coop because more would be to much), every player can go in, then alien npcs (changed MACbot a.i.?) and if they reach the Command stations you get killed and without a spawn you are dead or something.
  • spellman23spellman23 NS1 Theorycraft Expert Join Date: 2007-05-17 Member: 60920Members
    Sounds like it could be extra epic.
  • schkorpioschkorpio I can mspaint Join Date: 2003-05-23 Member: 16635Members
    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

    welcome to the mod forum :P
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