Natural Selection 2 News Update - NS2 Build 157 released
Game Director, Unknown Worlds EntertainmentSan Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer

PD : is ns2hd part of the staff? i mean you can use him to make the official gameplay videos he has experience
Spot on! Something this RTSFPS mix really needs and will be a lot better for the game. Looking forward to playing this new release, and the next!
You guys are doing a great job.
The MAC role isn't completely gone, it should still be required to place the building therefore the marines must still protect it. Lets see it in game after many iterations, just like everything else.
Thank you, this will make a giant difference. As for the GL since it has different ammo types, could one of those options be explosive rounds that blow up on contact like it was before this patch?
so whine back, it works ;) the devs don't know that people have an opinion unless they voice it.
This ensures that the building gets built EVENTUALLY, but marines have incentive to build, in order to get it done quicker. MACS would just have to build at a creeping pace.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
###### called it.. sort of.
Go here, build this - win game.
Bringing it back in, rather the complicating this in another way is probably a better option.
If that is the reason for re-introduction I approve - also it was quite fun, and you had to have someone defend you whilst you build. Team work.
As good as those old feelings are, that isn't really the point though, this is a better game play decision regardless. Even if NS1 didn't have marines building, this is the better option period. As stated before it brings more communication and team work which is the main focal point of the marines, if something diverts from that focal point then it really doesn't belong on the marine side.
Still wondering what ARC stands for...
This change wasn't motived by outside feedback, it was based on our own experience playtesting. We felt that without the marines building, there was a disconnect between the game the marines on the ground were playing and the game the commander was playing. It just didn't "feel" like NS.
You couldn't have said it any better, I absolutely agree with you.
Which is why they probably appreciate threads such as the:
Name 3. Positive points / 3. Negative points post.
Short concise and to the point.
great job guys, can't wait to test - damn Valve/Steam time!
I heartily approve any return of com-rage to the gameplay.
I definitely agree to there being a disconnect, and of course you guys wouldn't want to kill off the work you did on pathfinding for MACs as well as that added gameplay bonus a MAC can give if players refuse to build, so having both build is the logical step.
"It just didn't 'feel' like NS."
Totally agree with that. There's still room for lots of tweaking till it gets just right, so I'm a fan of bringing back building.
I'm interested to see how the balance changes with this patch. Cheers, guys.
I was hoping to see "Ridiculously absurd performance increase for Hydras and Sentries in the server code", but oh well. It will happen eventually.
As always, 10,000 thanks UWE. Keep it coming! ;)
I completely agree with making the marines the main builders rather than macs. This will stop marines from going rambo and just running around the map instead of working as a team.
Now we just need the gorge to play a more important role. Hydra's are important for long range defense and making pushes whether people think they are very important or not. But having a little more function would be nice :)