Order To Build Towers



  • Ensign_DeadmeatEnsign_Deadmeat Join Date: 2002-11-22 Member: 9590Members
    There's alot of good arguments for both points of view. I don't think D/M/S is the ONLY way to go, but in most situations, it's the BEST way to go.

    Sure, I can come up with situations where other orders can be effective, but considering that most of the time, I'm on a team with maybe a max of 3 other aliens that I've had alot of experience being teammates with, it's asking for alot to expect a bunch of pubs to work together well enough to pull off the tactics needed to make the other combinations work. So switching the order around to benefit your particular prefered method of attack is unfair to your team goes against the idea of team work.

    Defense towers make a good 1st tower because besides the choice of traits it gives you, it also allows you to heal while the Gorge(s) are out capping resource holes or working on getting that 2nd hive. Also offense chambers are mostly useless past the first few minutes of the game without Defense chambers to support them. And we all know that even though it's extremely important to have skulks defending the hive, you always get the ones who gotta be either attacking or dying at all times, even if it means abandoning their defense positions, so having offense towers ends up being a must do unless your team is with it. BTW, I'm using the plural "you" meaning everyone who plays, not the L337 kick butt player(s) that are reading this right now. ;^)

    Movement towers really benefit Fades the most because the adren really makes the fades lava attack more useful, and you don't get fades on the 1st hive. Same for umbra. The attacks and defenses that benefit most from adren aren't available with one hive.

    Cloaking early in the game can be fun, no question about that, but too many players don't know how to use cloaking properly and the other sensory traits aren't that important early in the game. I see too many people who give away their positions, then try to cloak and wonder why they die anyway. I think it's too difficult for an average player to truly benefit his team with sensory traits early in the game, where as carspace is pretty idiot proof.

    There are loads of different playing styles, and that's what makes this mod fun. But from the team work aspect of it, you have to do what benefits the most players most of the time.

    Remember, there's no "I" in team, and no "I" in any of the alien names. Coincidence? Well.......yeah! It probably is coincidence, but it's 3:40am and I'm pretty tired! <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->
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