Why can't bob climb on clip?

nrbynrby Join Date: 2002-03-05 Member: 270Members
Is there any specific reason for this? Understandably you dont want him walking on sky, but thats autoclipped with ZHLT anyway. Allowing bob to climb on a clipped texture wouldn't break any hulls or cause any problems with visual "reality" as long as its used correctly.

Just curious to know if its a coding restriction or something more specific to the engine limitation.


  • FlayraFlayra Game Director, Unknown Worlds Entertainment San Francisco Join Date: 2002-01-22 Member: 3Super Administrators, NS2 Developer, Subnautica Developer
    I don't think clip textures are included in the predicted tracelines that are used for wallclimbing, simple as that.  I'm not sure how hard it would be to make this work, but I don't think it's trivial.
  • nrbynrby Join Date: 2002-03-05 Member: 270Members
    If its possible to implement that for future build that would help the clipnode limits a lot, especially since you could clip things like pipes etc, small 1-4 unit detail that cant be made to entity
  • Relic25Relic25 Pixel Punk Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 39Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    hmmm..  I'm split on this issue.  I know how much clip brushes can help clipnode usage, but I like that you can make surfaces  or areas unclimbable to the level 1 if needed.  I guess this is pretty rare though.  For instance, I have one that prevents players from climbing/flying into the refiner furnace.  If wallwalkers could climb on clips, it would look funny to see them walking on an invisible vertical barrier.  Ach, that's pretty trivial though in the larger scheme of things.
  • LPCLPC Join Date: 2002-04-07 Member: 384Members, Reinforced - Diamond
    can't you just make it so that the mapper can choose if the clip brush is <s>walkable</s> climbable or not?
  • MerkabaMerkaba Digital Harmony Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 22Members, Retired Developer, NS1 Playtester
    if its imperetive that you need a clip which bob can walk on, you can make an invisible func_wall instead.

    I wouldn't worry too much about clipping off complex shapes for bob to walk on at the moment though, as I think bob movement will be easier in the near future anyhow, and he won't be falling off all the time.
  • nrbynrby Join Date: 2002-03-05 Member: 270Members
    only problem with that is func_walls add to entity limits and are impractical to form large or complex things
  • KungFuSquirrelKungFuSquirrel Basher of Muttons Join Date: 2002-01-26 Member: 103Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    What about adding another clip texture... Perhaps dubbed "bobclip" or something? I'm sure we could get Merl to add support for it in his build of the compile tools... then, theoretically, the bobclip texture could be added to the wallclimbing tracelines (or whatever those are, heh... just quoting Flayra, don't really know exactly what I'm talking about, I'll admit that much)... So then there would be two identically functioning textures, except bob could climb on one and not the other.

    All theoretical, of course, but perhaps worth checking on the feasibility?

    On that note, I'm going to look at n@rby's new avatar, scream, and run away.


    (insert squirrelish footsteps scurrying off)

    <!--EDIT|KungFuSquirrel|April 08 2002,15:53-->
  • YamazakiYamazaki Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 21Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    Merl could easily add in a new texture that acts like CLIP, but because it isn't named CLIP it could still be used for wallclimbing. CSG/BSP obviously do checks for the name 'CLIP' when it checks for culling and clipping, so having it check for another texture name ('NSCLIP'?) would be simple enough to add. It would end up like using a NULL worldbrush, except without the culling of the surfaces hidden by the NULL brush.
  • TzarconTzarcon Join Date: 2002-02-28 Member: 259Members
    I agree, we need some way to allow bob to walk on clipbrushes. Only too many times have I seen/created cielings with some nice detail in them, but then bob comes along and tries crawling on the cieling... impossible
    SO we need some way to flatten it out, idealy with a 'NSCLIP' or something along those lines
  • MerlMerl Join Date: 2002-01-30 Member: 132Members
    KFS Directed my attention toward this thread.

    The trouble with making a custom texture that creates clipnodes and clipnodes only is that it is supposed to be stripped when the compile tools produce the BSP, and hence you dont end up with any CLIP nor BOBCLIP textures when the bsp is handled by Half-Life and the NS code.

    In fact, if I were to implement a NSBOB texture that produces clipnodes and strips itself so that no polygons are left, it would be exactly the same as the clip texture to start with. Hence, I cant see how the engine will recognise a difference.

    Now, unless Flayra or some other NS coder can tell me that they can pick up what texture produced what clipplane in Half-Life, an extra clip texture wont be of much use. I can certainly give it a go if you want, though. When I get a spare moment, ill whip up an nsbob texture and add functionality in, and ill do some testing myself (out of curiosity than anything).
  • Black_WolfBlack_Wolf Join Date: 2002-03-13 Member: 310Members
    hmmm, ive been thinking about this a lot too, considering my clipnodes are climbing fasterthan my planes =/ it would be nice to have a clip brush we could use, but it may not be possible with the half-life engine (and the trace lines that Flayra was talking about).
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