Need help, ns crashing
Join Date: 2011-10-13 Member: 127084Members
hi, i don't know what is going on.... mb you could help me...
Date: 10/13/11
Time: 14:30:05
Build 187
Starting Natural Selection 2
Loading a locale twice enUS
RenderDevice: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (
Error: Sound 'materials/door/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_left' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_right' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/common/distress_beacon' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/common/distress_beacon' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/door/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/healing_mound_heal' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/skulk/bite_hit_electronic' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/onos/gore_hit_door' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/onos/gore_hit_electronic' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/upgrade_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/research_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Connecting to server
Loading 'maps/ns2_summit.level'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/shift/shift.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/cocoon/cocoon.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/heavy/heavy.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/jetpack/jetpack.model'
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: tosshiba
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: buy a gl
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: when they will improve performace
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: now I want you to
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: ok
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: look down a hallway stand still
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: and hold your GL fire down
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: not near you
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: aim it down a hallway
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: and keep firing the gl
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: kkk
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: =)
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkk nice
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: lOL damn bug =p
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: wow
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: no one is joining?
Chat All - inv. undefined: kala
Chat All - inv. undefined: come watch this
Chat All - inv. undefined: join marines
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: can't
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: j1.
Chat All - inv. undefined: cheats are on
Chat All - inv. undefined: =/
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: stand still kala
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: lol
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: no damage =p
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkkkkk
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: =(
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: weird
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: you stopped taking explosive
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: yep
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: lol what happend
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: oh
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: fadE? =O
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Chat All - inv. undefined: once we get 8+ i'll take cheats off
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: I would love infinite adrenaline just to see everything that is possible with fade blink
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: I HAVE so low fps that shogun it''s big ###### =x
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: THIS WEDDING IS HORSE######
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: nobody join =/
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: res
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: respaw =/
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: i Have two toshibas on my system
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkk
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkkkk
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: drop heli cc
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: TY
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go zerg
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: 6 playuers more 2
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: upgrate motion
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: i want granades
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: hi
Chat All - dog0: alguem br?
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: aew fdp
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: :D
Chat All - dog0: kra eu tava na duvida hehe
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: te vejo la no readyroom
Chat All - dog0: se era tu ou nao mais e ae
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: add aew tosshiba123
Chat All - dog0: sim sim eu soh fiquei na duvida
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: to jogando esse negocio ake fps miado mas da pra brinca
Server changed cheats to 0
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: +2 and go
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go 3x3
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: =p
Chat All - dog0: eae mano
Chat All - dog0: perae
Chat Team 0 - ToSsHiBa: manda a steam aew
Chat All - dog0: colocar o mic aki
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: add steam pa conversa
Chat Team 2 - dog0: me ouve?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: s
Chat Team 2 - dog0: queria arruma meu mic
Chat Team 2 - dog0: q bosta
Chat Team 2 - dog0: dog0
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja te add
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja deu
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: soh jogo nesse server ake
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: to desde ontem nerdiando
Chat Team 2 - dog0: kra na real eu meio q desanimei
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ngm jogava de br
Chat Team 2 - dog0: hj q te axei q ja eh um sonho kra
Chat All - inv. undefined: ah ######
Chat Team 2 - dog0: avabei de fazer up do game
Chat All - inv. undefined: autobuild is till on
Chat All - inv. undefined: lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: to tentando arruma meu microfone
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: haeuhaeu,,, sim, melhoro 1 pouco a performace mas ta tenso
Chat Team 2 - dog0: alguma ideia de onde devo olhar pra funcionar?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: sim
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: eu to ake treinando ingles.... tento conversa com os cara
Chat Team 2 - dog0: eu tenho uma gtx250
Server changed cheats to 1
Chat Team 2 - dog0: e to no low
Server changed cheats to 0
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: quanto de fps aew de media?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nem sei o comando de fps
Chat Team 2 - dog0: tem?
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_rates
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: sim
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: catei uns comando pra melhora fps tbm
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: HURRAY!
Chat Team 2 - dog0: r_rates 1?
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: soh por r_rates
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nada
Chat Team 2 - dog0: q lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nada mesmo
Chat Team 2 - dog0: hah
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: HAEUhaeuea drogas =p
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: mal
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_stats
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: nem sei pq falei rates =p
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_stats
Chat Team 2 - dog0: 50
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: buck hit?
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: o meu fps vai de 20 a 45
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: hr pega 10
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: oscila pa caraio....
Chat Team 2 - dog0: teu microfone ta funcionando kra
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vc pode falar comigo pelo mic
Chat Team 2 - dog0: lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: aki nao sai
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - dog0: eu me ouco mais vc nao
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vo tentar arruma
Chat All - Regul: ? lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vo tenta mais uma coisa
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: mora 1 and new game =)
Chat All - vids: k
Chat Team 2 - dog0: mano q raiva haha
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: damn... more 1 =/
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/research_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja volto
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go newgame
Chat All - Hai Hai: ?
Chat All - dog0: ae arrumei o microfone
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: sry my sound is a little messed
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: boa
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: im gonna sneak in their main
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: or die trying
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: quero coma outra
Chat All - dog0: soh to no time errado agora porra
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: dog
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: da Rj no server pra diminui seu ping
Chat All - China: there was no reason to give up guys :/
Chat All - dog0: restart
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: dont ###### when I suck
Chat Team 1 - TaNNanT: what language is that
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: need people to vent
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: flight needs help
IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture(256, 256, 0, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8) failed (Out of video memory)
Direct3DDevice::Texture initialize failed- X8R8G8B8, xSize=256, ySize=256)
IDirect3DDevice9::CreateDepthStencilSurface(256, 256, D3DFMT_D24S8) failed (Out of video memory)
Direct3DDevice::Texture initialize failed- D24S8, xSize=256, ySize=256)
Error: (FlashTexture) unable to create render texture for lua/GUIPistolDisplay.lua
Error: (Material) failed to initialize lua/GUIPistolDisplay.lua
Date: 10/13/11
Time: 14:30:05
Build 187
Starting Natural Selection 2
Loading a locale twice enUS
RenderDevice: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (
Error: Sound 'materials/door/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_left' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_right' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/common/distress_beacon' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/common/distress_beacon' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/door/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/healing_mound_heal' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/skulk/bite_hit_electronic' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/onos/gore_hit_door' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/onos/gore_hit_electronic' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/upgrade_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/research_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Connecting to server
Loading 'maps/ns2_summit.level'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/shift/shift.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/cocoon/cocoon.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/heavy/heavy.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/jetpack/jetpack.model'
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: tosshiba
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: buy a gl
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: when they will improve performace
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: now I want you to
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: ok
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: look down a hallway stand still
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: and hold your GL fire down
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: not near you
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: aim it down a hallway
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: and keep firing the gl
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: kkk
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: =)
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkk nice
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: lOL damn bug =p
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: wow
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: no one is joining?
Chat All - inv. undefined: kala
Chat All - inv. undefined: come watch this
Chat All - inv. undefined: join marines
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: can't
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: j1.
Chat All - inv. undefined: cheats are on
Chat All - inv. undefined: =/
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: stand still kala
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: lol
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: no damage =p
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkkkkk
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: =(
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: weird
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: you stopped taking explosive
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: yep
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: lol what happend
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: oh
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: fadE? =O
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Chat All - inv. undefined: once we get 8+ i'll take cheats off
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: I would love infinite adrenaline just to see everything that is possible with fade blink
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: I HAVE so low fps that shogun it''s big ###### =x
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: THIS WEDDING IS HORSE######
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: nobody join =/
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: res
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: respaw =/
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: i Have two toshibas on my system
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkk
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkkkk
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: drop heli cc
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: TY
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go zerg
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: 6 playuers more 2
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: upgrate motion
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: i want granades
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: hi
Chat All - dog0: alguem br?
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: aew fdp
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: :D
Chat All - dog0: kra eu tava na duvida hehe
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: te vejo la no readyroom
Chat All - dog0: se era tu ou nao mais e ae
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: add aew tosshiba123
Chat All - dog0: sim sim eu soh fiquei na duvida
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: to jogando esse negocio ake fps miado mas da pra brinca
Server changed cheats to 0
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: +2 and go
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go 3x3
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: =p
Chat All - dog0: eae mano
Chat All - dog0: perae
Chat Team 0 - ToSsHiBa: manda a steam aew
Chat All - dog0: colocar o mic aki
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: add steam pa conversa
Chat Team 2 - dog0: me ouve?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: s
Chat Team 2 - dog0: queria arruma meu mic
Chat Team 2 - dog0: q bosta
Chat Team 2 - dog0: dog0
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja te add
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja deu
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: soh jogo nesse server ake
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: to desde ontem nerdiando
Chat Team 2 - dog0: kra na real eu meio q desanimei
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ngm jogava de br
Chat Team 2 - dog0: hj q te axei q ja eh um sonho kra
Chat All - inv. undefined: ah ######
Chat Team 2 - dog0: avabei de fazer up do game
Chat All - inv. undefined: autobuild is till on
Chat All - inv. undefined: lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: to tentando arruma meu microfone
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: haeuhaeu,,, sim, melhoro 1 pouco a performace mas ta tenso
Chat Team 2 - dog0: alguma ideia de onde devo olhar pra funcionar?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: sim
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: eu to ake treinando ingles.... tento conversa com os cara
Chat Team 2 - dog0: eu tenho uma gtx250
Server changed cheats to 1
Chat Team 2 - dog0: e to no low
Server changed cheats to 0
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: quanto de fps aew de media?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nem sei o comando de fps
Chat Team 2 - dog0: tem?
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_rates
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: sim
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: catei uns comando pra melhora fps tbm
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: HURRAY!
Chat Team 2 - dog0: r_rates 1?
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: soh por r_rates
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nada
Chat Team 2 - dog0: q lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nada mesmo
Chat Team 2 - dog0: hah
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: HAEUhaeuea drogas =p
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: mal
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_stats
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: nem sei pq falei rates =p
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_stats
Chat Team 2 - dog0: 50
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: buck hit?
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: o meu fps vai de 20 a 45
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: hr pega 10
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: oscila pa caraio....
Chat Team 2 - dog0: teu microfone ta funcionando kra
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vc pode falar comigo pelo mic
Chat Team 2 - dog0: lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: aki nao sai
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - dog0: eu me ouco mais vc nao
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vo tentar arruma
Chat All - Regul: ? lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vo tenta mais uma coisa
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: mora 1 and new game =)
Chat All - vids: k
Chat Team 2 - dog0: mano q raiva haha
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: damn... more 1 =/
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/research_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja volto
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go newgame
Chat All - Hai Hai: ?
Chat All - dog0: ae arrumei o microfone
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: sry my sound is a little messed
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: boa
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: im gonna sneak in their main
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: or die trying
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: quero coma outra
Chat All - dog0: soh to no time errado agora porra
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: dog
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: da Rj no server pra diminui seu ping
Chat All - China: there was no reason to give up guys :/
Chat All - dog0: restart
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: dont ###### when I suck
Chat Team 1 - TaNNanT: what language is that
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: need people to vent
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: flight needs help
IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture(256, 256, 0, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8) failed (Out of video memory)
Direct3DDevice::Texture initialize failed- X8R8G8B8, xSize=256, ySize=256)
IDirect3DDevice9::CreateDepthStencilSurface(256, 256, D3DFMT_D24S8) failed (Out of video memory)
Direct3DDevice::Texture initialize failed- D24S8, xSize=256, ySize=256)
Error: (FlashTexture) unable to create render texture for lua/GUIPistolDisplay.lua
Error: (Material) failed to initialize lua/GUIPistolDisplay.lua
But it looks like you ran out of memory. They are working on it. Try to lower you graphics to medium or low.
i tried to use -heapsize 2900000 i have 4gb ram.
i'll unistal the game and dl again =((
well. i'm downloading ns1 ;p