Need help, ns crashing

ToSsHiBaToSsHiBa Join Date: 2011-10-13 Member: 127084Members
hi, i don't know what is going on.... mb you could help me...

Date: 10/13/11
Time: 14:30:05
Build 187
Starting Natural Selection 2
Loading a locale twice enUS
RenderDevice: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (
Error: Sound 'materials/door/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/onos_step' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_left' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/footstep_right' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/common/distress_beacon' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'marine/common/distress_beacon' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/door/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'materials/electronic/bash' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/healing_mound_heal' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/skulk/bite_hit_electronic' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/onos/gore_hit_door' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/onos/gore_hit_electronic' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/upgrade_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/research_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Connecting to server
Loading 'maps/ns2_summit.level'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/shift/shift.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/cocoon/cocoon.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/heavy/heavy.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/alien/onos/onos_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/minigun/minigun_view.model'
Couldn't open file 'models/marine/jetpack/jetpack.model'
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: tosshiba
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: buy a gl
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: when they will improve performace
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: now I want you to
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: ok
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: look down a hallway stand still
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: and hold your GL fire down
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: not near you
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: aim it down a hallway
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: and keep firing the gl
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: kkk
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: =)
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkk nice
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: lOL damn bug =p
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: wow
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: no one is joining?
Chat All - inv. undefined: kala
Chat All - inv. undefined: come watch this
Chat All - inv. undefined: join marines
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: can't
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: j1.
Chat All - inv. undefined: cheats are on
Chat All - inv. undefined: =/
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: stand still kala
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: lol
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: no damage =p
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkkkkk
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: =(
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: weird
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: you stopped taking explosive
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: yep
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: lol what happend
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: oh
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: fadE? =O
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Error: Sound 'alien/fade/land' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Chat All - inv. undefined: once we get 8+ i'll take cheats off
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: I would love infinite adrenaline just to see everything that is possible with fade blink
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: I HAVE so low fps that shogun it''s big ###### =x
Chat All - <Therapists>Zodd: THIS WEDDING IS HORSE######
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: nobody join =/
Chat Team 1 - ToSsHiBa: res
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: respaw =/
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: i Have two toshibas on my system
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkk
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: kkkkk
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: drop heli cc
Chat Team 1 - inv. undefined: TY
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go zerg
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: 6 playuers more 2
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: upgrate motion
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: i want granades
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: hi
Chat All - dog0: alguem br?
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: aew fdp
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: :D
Chat All - dog0: kra eu tava na duvida hehe
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: te vejo la no readyroom
Chat All - dog0: se era tu ou nao mais e ae
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: add aew tosshiba123
Chat All - dog0: sim sim eu soh fiquei na duvida
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: to jogando esse negocio ake fps miado mas da pra brinca
Server changed cheats to 0
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: +2 and go
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go 3x3
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: =p
Chat All - dog0: eae mano
Chat All - dog0: perae
Chat Team 0 - ToSsHiBa: manda a steam aew
Chat All - dog0: colocar o mic aki
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: add steam pa conversa
Chat Team 2 - dog0: me ouve?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: s
Chat Team 2 - dog0: queria arruma meu mic
Chat Team 2 - dog0: q bosta
Chat Team 2 - dog0: dog0
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja te add
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja deu
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: soh jogo nesse server ake
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: to desde ontem nerdiando
Chat Team 2 - dog0: kra na real eu meio q desanimei
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ngm jogava de br
Chat Team 2 - dog0: hj q te axei q ja eh um sonho kra
Chat All - inv. undefined: ah ######
Chat Team 2 - dog0: avabei de fazer up do game
Chat All - inv. undefined: autobuild is till on
Chat All - inv. undefined: lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: to tentando arruma meu microfone
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: haeuhaeu,,, sim, melhoro 1 pouco a performace mas ta tenso
Chat Team 2 - dog0: alguma ideia de onde devo olhar pra funcionar?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: sim
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: eu to ake treinando ingles.... tento conversa com os cara
Chat Team 2 - dog0: eu tenho uma gtx250
Server changed cheats to 1
Chat Team 2 - dog0: e to no low
Server changed cheats to 0
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: quanto de fps aew de media?
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nem sei o comando de fps
Chat Team 2 - dog0: tem?
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_rates
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: sim
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: catei uns comando pra melhora fps tbm
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: HURRAY!
Chat Team 2 - dog0: r_rates 1?
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: soh por r_rates
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nada
Chat Team 2 - dog0: q lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: nada mesmo
Chat Team 2 - dog0: hah
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: HAEUhaeuea drogas =p
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: mal
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_stats
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: nem sei pq falei rates =p
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: r_stats
Chat Team 2 - dog0: 50
Chat All - D|S Kalabalana: buck hit?
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: o meu fps vai de 20 a 45
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: hr pega 10
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - ToSsHiBa: oscila pa caraio....
Chat Team 2 - dog0: teu microfone ta funcionando kra
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vc pode falar comigo pelo mic
Chat Team 2 - dog0: lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: aki nao sai
Chat Team 2 - dog0: foda
Chat Team 2 - dog0: eu me ouco mais vc nao
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vo tentar arruma
Chat All - Regul: ? lol
Chat Team 2 - dog0: vo tenta mais uma coisa
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: mora 1 and new game =)
Chat All - vids: k
Chat Team 2 - dog0: mano q raiva haha
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Player:SetViewAnimation(attack_out) - couldn't find view model - Client
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: damn... more 1 =/
Error: Sound 'alien/voiceovers/research_complete' couldn't be loaded (Event not found)
Chat Team 2 - dog0: ja volto
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: go newgame
Chat All - Hai Hai: ?
Chat All - dog0: ae arrumei o microfone
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: sry my sound is a little messed
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: boa
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: im gonna sneak in their main
Chat Team 2 - Hai Hai: or die trying
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: quero coma outra
Chat All - dog0: soh to no time errado agora porra
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: dog
Chat All - ToSsHiBa: da Rj no server pra diminui seu ping
Chat All - China: there was no reason to give up guys :/
Chat All - dog0: restart
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: dont ###### when I suck
Chat Team 1 - TaNNanT: what language is that
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: need people to vent
Chat Team 1 - Achosi: flight needs help
IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture(256, 256, 0, D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8) failed (Out of video memory)
Direct3DDevice::Texture initialize failed- X8R8G8B8, xSize=256, ySize=256)
IDirect3DDevice9::CreateDepthStencilSurface(256, 256, D3DFMT_D24S8) failed (Out of video memory)
Direct3DDevice::Texture initialize failed- D24S8, xSize=256, ySize=256)
Error: (FlashTexture) unable to create render texture for lua/GUIPistolDisplay.lua
Error: (Material) failed to initialize lua/GUIPistolDisplay.lua


  • FloodinatorFloodinator [HBZ] Member Join Date: 2005-02-22 Member: 42087Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited October 2011
    Try to veryfy the gamecache on steam. Seems some files may be missing or ar corrupted.

    But it looks like you ran out of memory. They are working on it. Try to lower you graphics to medium or low.
  • ToSsHiBaToSsHiBa Join Date: 2011-10-13 Member: 127084Members
    ok. i already did gamecache and said it was ok.... and i got ati 5770 1gb and my game already working on low.

    i tried to use -heapsize 2900000 i have 4gb ram.

    i'll unistal the game and dl again =((
  • elodeaelodea Editlodea Join Date: 2009-06-20 Member: 67877Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    This happens to me too on an ATI card. total memory being used as shown in r_stats is like half what the gpu should be able to handle. I think UWE are aware of this problem though.
  • ToSsHiBaToSsHiBa Join Date: 2011-10-13 Member: 127084Members
    So i can't do anything and i just have to w8 for next patch? =x
    well. i'm downloading ns1 ;p
  • elodeaelodea Editlodea Join Date: 2009-06-20 Member: 67877Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Well i've found a good way to minimize it happening is to not comm at all (Generally crashes very quickly due to constantly selecting and viewing the guihealth circles on marines thingo) or switch weapons needlessly (Loads ammo counter flash texture thingo). But yea its annoying and hope next patch fixes it somewhat too.
  • ToSsHiBaToSsHiBa Join Date: 2011-10-13 Member: 127084Members
    thx so much ;D i'll do that
  • CygoneCygone Join Date: 2011-05-29 Member: 101528Members
    Is it only crashing since B186 and B187?
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