Weapons of Mass Destruction (Server Softcrash)

MaximumSquidMaximumSquid Join Date: 2010-07-20 Member: 72593Members
edited April 2012 in NS2 General Discussion
Oh wow. . . I'm still trying to take in the horrors of the last game I was in

Both teams had awesome comms, but the players were completely disorganized and it was a large game

We were taking lots of nodes, but also losing them almost as fast
Our Comm would be constantly shouting orders over the mic, but we just couldn't get to places fast enough

The game only saw phase gates and fades near the end and it was about an hour long game
<i>(Honestly a refreshing twist on how the game flowed)</i>

Huge ARC pushes were being sent in regularly to clear out one hive, but was never enough to finish off the last one
Onos would kick us out back to our side of the map and we'd have to start over

Finally in late game we got jet packs and I'm full on resources so I figure I'll go for the Rambo on the far hive

I fail 3 or 4 times, but then while the team is fighting on 3 fronts I manage to slip through

The hive is completely full of stuff and my FPS drops to a slideshow rate of about 7
A skulks spawns and being unable to really control myself I figure I'm toast the second my fuel runs out

I decide to try get on top of the hive with what little I got left when my FPS drops even lower

Next thing I know I clip the hive and the screen freezes. . .


30 seconds go by as I alt tab back into the game after seeing that it hasn't crashed
Gameplay resumes and of course I'm dead, but I notice something else

Half the players on the server have 999 ping and are about to time out

Our comm seizes the opportunity and sends 7 ARCs to the near hive and 11 to the other

With less than half of the Alien Force remaining victory is assured and the game ends with our Comm laughing hysterically over the mic after winning what was probably the most painful game he had ever seen through to the end


So I guess the moral of the story is that if the game is going long and you want to risk it all just use the jetpack bug to clip threw a hive

<i>Results may vary</i>



  • IronsoulIronsoul Join Date: 2011-03-12 Member: 86048Members
    or if you are on summity, just go into that vent as a marine and fall through! hehe.
  • ellnicellnic Join Date: 2010-07-19 Member: 72559Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    In a way I have experienced the samething. Not in the way you have descriped but after a long game, maybe 45 mins into it people start timing out (some times me), or I get horrible lag all of asudden (along with other people getting High Ping's). If it isn't the clients timeing out the server crashes instead. But this has been increantly rare with more builds being relaesed but it has happend twice to me on build 203. But I am not sue weather this is a problem for the game or just the servers.
  • GsemiaGsemia Join Date: 2011-01-28 Member: 79297Members
    Yesterday we had a very similar game. The Server we were playing on is hosted at my home. I was not dropped from the Server, but most of the other players were. Even my brother got dropped.

    I could not see anything special on the Server side. I had the console open the whole time. No special Peak of Network Traffic, No Memory Peak, no CPU Peak.. Ok.. well.. cpu is on 100% the whole time anyway :)

    Is it possible to set a higher log level? Something like Verbose with a timestamp? Perhaps this would show what is happening.

    <!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->`Client disconnected (x.x.127.100) Timeout
    Client disconnected (x.x.214.74) Timeout
    Client disconnected (x.x.141.221) Timeout
    Client disconnected (x.x.125.110) Timeout
    Client disconnected (x.x.134.138) Timeout
    Client disconnected (x.x.169.146) Timeout
    [some time went by]
    Client connecting (x.x.127.100)
    [some time went by]
    Client connecting (x.x.214.74)
    [some time went by]
    Client connected (x.x.127.100)
    [some time went by]
    Client connected (x.x.214.74)
    [some time went by]
    xxx connected.
    [some time went by]
    Client connecting (x.x.166.167)
    [some time went by]
    Client disconnected (x.x.186.84) Timeout
    [some time went by]
    Client disconnected (x.x.198.101) Timeout
    [some time went by]
    Client connected (x.x.166.167)
    [some time went by]
    Client disconnected (x.x.214.74) Quit
    Client disconnected (x.x.221.33) Quit
    [some time went by]
    Client disconnected (x.x.166.167) Timeout<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
  • peregrinusperegrinus Join Date: 2010-07-16 Member: 72445Members
    Had the same thing a few times. Horrible lag, 999 pings, people disconnected etc
  • profjekyllprofjekyll Join Date: 2012-04-07 Member: 150070Members
    edited April 2012
    Isn't this likely to be because of the increase in structures and stuff for the server to calculate?
  • elpollo12elpollo12 Join Date: 2011-07-12 Member: 109909Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    I saw this happening 3 times now, but only to the alien team
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