Use Steam Nick as Ingame Nick
[HBZ] Member Join Date: 2005-02-22 Member: 42087Members, Reinforced - Shadow

The last weeks I saw alot of ppl doing ###### with nicks of other players. Some of my friends even got trolled this way. The problem is there are around 50 players that are well known, if I see Swalk I know how he plays, same for Wilson and I can even see the differences between Walters rages and a fake nick users rages (with walters nick). That's because I play with them now for over 1 year on PUBs and sometimes on Scrims.
So it makes me sad and angry at the same time that good playersnicks are used from a unmature male/female.
And in NS2 it is almost impossible to identificate a player without OM.
If you can't proove he wasn't it, some ppl will think it really was him and sometimes it results in a Ban, if the real nickuser joins the server and an admin is on to use om_ban.
So it makes me sad and angry at the same time that good playersnicks are used from a unmature male/female.
And in NS2 it is almost impossible to identificate a player without OM.
If you can't proove he wasn't it, some ppl will think it really was him and sometimes it results in a Ban, if the real nickuser joins the server and an admin is on to use om_ban.
It's impossible to track them down because their name is always the same as someone currently playing on that server. Plus you see the name change update in the chat menu.
And your right flood, I got banned from a TF2 server cause somebody was using my nick and hacking. Well the admin picked the wrong one and banned me from their server. Not cool.
and who knows, after 5-10 tries, he might acctualy considder not cheating....
It's impossible to track them down because their name is always the same as someone currently playing on that server. Plus you see the name change update in the chat menu.
And your right flood, I got banned from a TF2 server cause somebody was using my nick and hacking. Well the admin picked the wrong one and banned me from their server. Not cool.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
In TF2 the nick is tied to the steam nick, and as far I know that script is some sort of hack. However, in TF2 it's not a problem with decent admins, looking at the status output you'll be able to tell who is who. In addition, there is also a sourcemod plugin that autobans those namechangers.
The solution would be to provide easier identification, for example, this is how you can easily identify the players in CS:S:
Userid: Unique id since the server start
SteamID: well, steamid obviously.
With a custom plugin, you can also see the following (in css:)
Entity index: Position of the player in the player array
IP: ip address of the player
With that capability, admins should be easily be able to idenftiy the players. If they still do not that and ban people without verifying they are the real person first, it's more of a problem with a bad (or inexperienced) admin.
Ya I've been impersonated a few times, but that is a possibility in all aspects of life not just games. There are negative attributes that come with being able to lock down a name, for instance not being able to use the one you want. Who cares if somebody else has it?! My name in real life is Michael for crying out loud, I've met dozens of other Michaels.
You know how many "Flayra" I've played with in NS1? It was actually never really a problem, because the guy impersonating knew if he sucked we would not believe it was Flayra, so he tried hard. But looking back, no real scars from how the system worked. Overall I remember the fun times created by the open name system.
Ya I've been impersonated a few times, but that is a possibility in all aspects of life not just games. There are negative attributes that come with being able to lock down a name, for instance not being able to use the one you want. Who cares if somebody else has it?! My name in real life is Michael for crying out loud, I've met dozens of other Michaels.
You know how many "Flayra" I've played with in NS1? It was actually never really a problem, because the guy impersonating knew if he sucked we would not believe it was Flayra, so he tried hard. But looking back, no real scars from how the system worked. Overall I remember the fun times created by the open name system.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
But there are also PPL like me that have the same nick for years. I never changed my nick since 13 years and every Floodinator you will see it's me. I don't wan't others use my nick, thats why my nick is regged on Punkbuster.
Your name in RL is something different than online. It wasn't you that choosed the name, it was your parents ( My first name is Gaëtan I've only met 2 others with that name but 100s of Michel [my 2. name]).
Online nicks are often names that are as special that it is unique and also has something to do with your personality.
Ns2 isn't source where I can type status in the console the get the players ID. I would love to see a system to bind your nick to your Guid so that only you can use this specific nick.
The best solution would be for a mod to be created that keeps track of names associated with a steamID to allow admins an easier time to figure out who is who. However, due to the way the server currently logs players info this is pretty much impossible to do via the log files so it would have to be an active mod that keeps track of each connection attempt and names. Maybe this could be added as a feature of overmind eventually since it is geared for admins and server owners.
However, I don't think we have to go that drastic yet as the community is still very small and I would hope that people would not risk their ability to play the game by being banned from some servers due to their childish actions but as the community grows this is going to occur more frequently.
The simplest thing to do at the current time is to notify server admins for the servers that you frequent when this happens. This in itself should be enough to deal with most cases until a better solution can be implemented.
Doesn't Flayra suck at the game though? So in order to be believable you have to be a real baddy, heh.
Anyway, the om_players-command (which is GameOvermind's equivalent of "status") can be used by random plebs if the server-operator so desires. I just set it to inaccessible by default because I still consider Steam-Ids as bits of private-information, but I guess others may think differently, so it's up to anyone to change the guest-priviliges.
For fake-nickers there exists no definitive solution. There are multiple ways to go about it, one would be for the server to set a client's nick to that what he has most used, which will keep out all but the most determined fakers. Another thing you can consider is a community-database of sorts, which all servers will query upon a client's connection to set their nicks to a predesignated value, but that feels a bit too big-brother for my taste.
Anyway, the om_players-command (which is GameOvermind's equivalent of "status") can be used by random plebs if the server-operator so desires. I just set it to inaccessible by default because I still consider Steam-Ids as bits of private-information, but I guess others may think differently, so it's up to anyone to change the guest-priviliges.
For fake-nickers there exists no definitive solution. There are multiple ways to go about it, one would be for the server to set a client's nick to that what he has most used, which will keep out all but the most determined fakers. Another thing you can consider is a community-database of sorts, which all servers will query upon a client's connection to set their nicks to a predesignated value, but that feels a bit too big-brother for my taste.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Steam ID isn't really privat. I can look with who I played the last games via steam and voila I have his profile and steam id.
Your first Idea sounds interesting. Couldn't be alot of things done via steamworks? I am sure it also collects infos about nicks, ips, ID and others. I am not sure hiw many infos UWE has about a client.
I got same issue with other player, stop arguing.
I been using Azona as my game name sins 1994, I got steam accound Azona ect ect. yet we get 1 2 and 3 behind 1 of 2 of us all the time even though his name is different in caipital letters.
Idea is nice, but problem lies with steam in this case, Steam allowes more people have same steam nick name.
if you ask me, it should be removed :) then I could be once more 1 and only Azona but I wont see it happend.
If someone like that however break the rules and I have to ban them, it is not really that hard to pick them out, i just type status a few times, check what steam id changed their name, and ban that guy (provided I know its he who broke the rules). I always know who it was though, as I had several clientside scripts so I could keep a constant check on any player I wanted, and could see what stuff belonged to whom.
So a simple solution would just be to add a status command and a slider to the ns2 console, and make some mods that either log who does certain tasks (recycle last ip, or whatever the server owner might deem banable), or clientside notification mods admins could use.
It might also help if you could sort the scoreboard by playerid (usually the order they joined srv in), as then when you see a name change, you know who the namechanger is.
The solution is not locking nicks however, for reasons ppl already pointed out.
Type this into the console:
<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->name Yourname<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
This is a good point. There should be a separate field in the options menu for clan tags. This would make it possible to clean up the scoreboard and probably make it easier for Dghelneshi and other modders (and eventually UWE) to implement neat team labels in "competitive" mode.
Just bad that some freinds are marked offline sometimes (me included) to play without getting chats all the time.
Agiels idea sounds good. It would be a similar system like in CoD and AA.
you can just modify you clantag but not the name.
Besides that, handling the name on a per-game basis is the superior way (and this is what NS2 does atm).
Some people use completely different names for different games. Some wear a clan tag in game A, but not in game B. Some don't want in-game nick and Steam friends name to be the same. In all these cases using the Steam name is an annoyance.