Phenom II performance thread.

Mag1cWalkerMag1cWalker Join Date: 2012-03-15 Member: 148818Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Phenom II users come here!</div>hello

I wonder how good (or bad) other users with Phenom II run NS2...

I know that main FPS problem is server tickrate. im just curious :)

Please list your Phenom II PC specs and aprox FPS in early/mid/late game

i start :)

Phenom II X4 965 (3.4 Ghz)
8gb ram
6870 1gb ddr

early game: 80 walking around, 60 in combat
mid: 50 walking, 40 combat
late: 35 walking, 20-25 combat

sorry for my english


  • Mag1cWalkerMag1cWalker Join Date: 2012-03-15 Member: 148818Members
    No Phenom users want to share experience? Mag1c are sad, mag1c want to kill things , mag1c go kill skulks now!
  • DarkOmenDarkOmen Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7148Members
    I want to give you a proper response to this, but I'm not at home right now. Will edit later.
  • ZeotronicZeotronic Join Date: 2011-05-22 Member: 100059Members
    Phenom II X6 1055 Turbo (3,3Ghz)
    8Gb DDR3 (1,3Ghz)
    Radeon HD 6870 1Gb GDDR5
    Windows 7 64-bit

    Early game: 40-50 fps
    Mid game: 25-35 fps
    Late game: 10-20 fps
  • Mag1cWalkerMag1cWalker Join Date: 2012-03-15 Member: 148818Members
    nice, i just played 18 player game and in late game i have 15 - 20 fps...
  • George JetsonGeorge Jetson Join Date: 2012-04-29 Member: 151276Members
    Phenom II x4 965 black edition
    3.4ghz overclocked to 3.9ghz (specifically for NS2!)
    8gb DDR3
    Radeon 6670

    Readyroom 45-65fps
    No fighting 45-55fps
    Fighting or Lots of Structures 15-35fps

    I found that overclocking got me a huge FPS increase, though I only recommend it if you know what you're doing and have proper cooling.

    When I run the profiler, I see hiccups pertaining to the "Engine" aspect. It will jump from 2ms to 60+ms, though I'm not entirely sure if that isn't normal.

    I really want to be able to start streaming and record some hype videos but the game is just barely playable after overclocking. I overclocked the video card too, but I didn't get nearly the performance increase I did from the CPU. I'm sure you've looked around and have seen everyone talking about how CPU intensive it is on one core so that makes sense.

    I should also note that I am running the menumod and the lua autoexec scripts from the performance issues thread. I have it on max GFX settings, with the stuff like AA/bloom/etc turned off.
  • Me9aMe9a Join Date: 2008-03-27 Member: 63981Members
    having the same

    Phenom II X4 965 (3.4 Ghz)
    8gb ram
    gtx 460 1gb ddr

    running the game on 19" tft with 1280x1024 on medium settings.
    and often with the menumod to turn bloom aa ect off.

    its like:
    early game 80 - 60 too
    midgame 50 - 40
    and late 15 - 35

    and depending a lot on strucutres on the map and on playernumbers when you play with 4 players for example you have more FPS then on 7vs7.
  • HackepeterHackepeter Join Date: 2003-06-08 Member: 17107Members, Constellation
    Okay my turn:

    Phenom II X4 965 BE @ 4Ghz
    FSB @ 236 Mhz x 17 multi = 4,012 Mhz

    Rest of the system:

    16gig RAM OC over FSB @ 1.4V
    Radeon HD 5850
    Intel SSD 510 for OS and NS2 (fast loading!)

    The configuration is absolutely stable, I run different stress tests like Prime95, IntelBurnTest and different Benchmarks for hours without a single crashes. Also no crashes for months with all other kind of tasks like running multiple virtual machines, video rendering, compiling code, etc.

    NS2 runs about min=30, avg=50, max=80. I'm satisfied and can't complain about the engine performance in general. I just wish it would bit a faster and with vsync to get rid of the tearing.
  • TrCTrC Join Date: 2008-11-30 Member: 65612Members
    4G Ram 1600
    GTX 460 1G
    Phenox II 1055t @ 4ghz

    55ish non-combat

    25-40 combat drops as the game goes on.
  • RicazRicaz Join Date: 2007-03-25 Member: 60487Members
    Phenom II x6 1050t @ 2.8 GHz
    8GB DDR3 RAM @ 1333 MHz
    GeForce GTX 570

    Running at 40-60 FPS in readyroom
    Early game about 30-40 FPS
    Mid-late <30 FPS

    I'm definitely not satisfied with this, and I hope this is something you can fix.
    I expect running at min. 60 FPS at all times.
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