[Project] NS2 in France

[HEI] Spade[HEI] Spade Join Date: 2012-04-28 Member: 151223Members, Squad Five Blue
edited April 2012 in Squad Five
<div class="IPBDescription">France Advertising + Tournament</div>My project is to make french users know more about NS2. I will do that through forums in well known websites, a tournament in my college next autumn and more if you need!! It's a kind of promotion with what i can. Maybe with time as Hugh did, I will do more important thing as events in stores but for now i'll keep working on the buzz in forums and websites.

If you ask so, i would probably touch some forums in the english speakers countries ;) Or get some european events (very lately and with some help)!

Looking forward of working on this for you and for the awesome game you made!

I already got in touch with Hugh for a some things we could make to make french men (and women) discover the game and love it.

As my old nickname was Spyke, SpikeHunter, Spyke90, my new one is [HEI] Spade and i will stick to it right now and in every forum i will post.


  • [HEI] Spade[HEI] Spade Join Date: 2012-04-28 Member: 151223Members, Squad Five Blue
    Actually i already made a sort of presentation of the Kharaa with Heller on the MMGN website and i describded as much as possible the game to clarify the gameplay to the potentials gamers :P

    link of the article:
    <a href="http://pc.mmgn.com/Articles/Natural-Selection-2-Kharaa-Guide-Alien-T" target="_blank">http://pc.mmgn.com/Articles/Natural-Select...a-Guide-Alien-T</a>
  • [HEI] Spade[HEI] Spade Join Date: 2012-04-28 Member: 151223Members, Squad Five Blue
    If anybody want to join my project (European preferred ;)) , send me a PM and i'll invite you in my basecamp!!
  • vlncvlnc Join Date: 2010-09-07 Member: 73921Members, Squad Five Blue
    edited May 2012

    I just created an account on gameblog and will start to post some stuff on there PC forum about NS2.

    Just remembered, i wrote this article about NS2 on playitlive : <a href="http://www.playitlive.fr/blog/2011/11/natural-selection-2-decouverte-dun-fpsrts-aux-dents-longues/" target="_blank">http://www.playitlive.fr/blog/2011/11/natu...-dents-longues/</a>

    I think we should define a template of a single post for NS2 presentation you know, like we could post on most FR website we found, we can start with a google doc if you want.

    Can you send me your gmail ? I will add to this doc as soon as possible

    log :

    - few docs to basecamp
    - link of french online Mag
    - some todo lists ...
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