custom icons for the score board

hotd0ghotd0g Join Date: 2004-03-19 Member: 27419Members
This was a great plus for NS1 i think. It allowed the player to show the amount of time he has spent on server. For example, u get 2 stars for 50 hours, 3 for 100 hours etc...
Also, donators for the server got custom icons.


  • dethovudethovu Join Date: 2009-06-23 Member: 67906Members
    I'd love to see this return.

    I remember using the custom icon mod when it was first made available to assign an icon to all of my teammates/admins. Just knowing they are around really keeps the peace between players.
  • hotd0ghotd0g Join Date: 2004-03-19 Member: 27419Members
    yup, that and players seem to gain some sort of "identity" by having their custom icons. It's also easier to recognize skilled players from bad players from just having a look at the scoreboard.
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